public TransactionRegistrationResponse SendTransaction(IShoppingBasket storeBasket, RequestContext context, User user) { // Construct a SagePay basket from our Store basket. // We don't use the SagePay basket directly from the application as it only requires a subset of the information var basket = new ShoppingBasket("Shopping Basket for " + user.Name); //Fill the basket. The VAT multiplier is not specified here as it is taken from the web.config foreach (var item in storeBasket.GetItemsInBasket()) { basket.Add(new BasketItem(item.Quantity, item.Product.Name, item.Product.Price)); } // Using the same address for billing and shipping. // In reality, you would allow the option of specifying either. var sagePayAddress = new Address() { Address1 = user.Address1, Address2 = user.Address2, Surname = user.Surname, Firstnames = user.Forename, City = user.Town, Country = "GB", Phone = user.Telephone, PostCode = user.Postcode }; var orderId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var response = _transactionRegistrar.Send(context, orderId, basket, sagePayAddress, sagePayAddress, null); if (response.Status != ResponseType.Ok) { string error = "Transaction {0} did not register successfully. Status returned was {1} ({2})"; error = string.Format(error, orderId, response.Status, response.StatusDetail); throw new Exception(error); } var order = new Order { VendorTxCode = orderId, VpsTxId = response.VPSTxId, SecurityKey = response.SecurityKey, RedirectUrl = response.NextURL, DateInitialised = DateTime.Now }; // In reality you would store more information about the order... // the user who made the order and each of the products in the order. _orderRepository.StoreOrder(order); return response; }
public void StoreOrder(Order order) { _orders.Add(order); }