public void OnWantServerList(Packets.Client.WantServerList p) { if (this.state == SESSION_STATE.NOT_LOGGED_IN) { return; } Packets.Server.SendServerList sendPacket = new Packets.Server.SendServerList(); foreach (CharServer cInfo in LoginServer.charServerList.Values) { short charCount = 0; try { charCount = (short)LoginServer.charServerList[cInfo.worldID].charDB.GetCharIDs(this.User.AccountID).Length; } catch (Exception) { charCount = (short)this.User.chars.Count; } if (cInfo.mapServers.Count == 0) { = CharServer.Status.MAINTENANCE; } else { MapServer server = cInfo.mapServers[0]; if (server.lastPong < server.lastPing) { = CharServer.Status.MAINTENANCE; } else { TimeSpan span = server.lastPong - server.lastPing; if (span.TotalMilliseconds < 50) { = CharServer.Status.OK; } else if (span.TotalMilliseconds < 300) { = CharServer.Status.CROWDED; } else if (span.TotalMilliseconds >= 300) { = CharServer.Status.OVERLOADED; } #if Preview_Version if (LoginClientManager.Instance.clients.Count > 15) { = CharServer.Status.OVERLOADED; } #endif } } sendPacket.AddServer(cInfo.worldID, cInfo.worldname, charCount,; } this.netIO.SendPacket(sendPacket, this.SessionID); }
public void OnMapIdentify(Packets.Map.Get.Identify p) { if (this.state != SESSION_STATE.NOT_LOGGED_IN) { return; } string serverPass = p.GetPass(); string serverName = p.GetWorldName(); Logger.ShowInfo("new map server connected, worldname: " + serverName, null); Packets.Map.Send.LoginAnswer sendPacket = new Packets.Map.Send.LoginAnswer(); bool validServer = false; bool aMapIsAlreadyHosted = false; if (serverPass == LoginServer.lcfg.MapServerPass) { foreach (CharServer cServer in LoginServer.charServerList.Values) { if (cServer.worldname == serverName) { if (cServer.MapsAreNotHostedYet(p.GetHostedMaps())) { validServer = true; MapServer newServer = new MapServer(cServer.worldID, p.GetIP(), p.GetPort(), this, p.GetHostedMaps(), 0, 0); cServer.AddMapServer(newServer); this.mapServer = newServer; this.MapWorldIndex = cServer.worldID; this.isMapServer = true; this.heartbeatService = new MapHeartbeat(this); this.heartbeatService.Activate(); } else { aMapIsAlreadyHosted = true; } } } } if (validServer) { sendPacket.SetError(Packets.Map.Send.IdentError.NO_ERROR); Console.WriteLine("map-server " + serverName + " : [LOGIN_OK]"); } else if (aMapIsAlreadyHosted) { sendPacket.SetError(Packets.Map.Send.IdentError.MAP_ALREADY_HOSTED); Console.WriteLine("map-server " + serverName + " : [LOGIN_FAILED] map-server tried to host a map which is already hosted by another map-server"); } else { sendPacket.SetError(Packets.Map.Send.IdentError.ERROR); Console.WriteLine("map-server " + serverName + " : [LOGIN_FAILED]"); } this.netIO.SendPacket(sendPacket, this.SessionID); }
public void OnSelectChar(SagaLogin.Packets.Client.SelectChar p) { if (this.state != SESSION_STATE.CSERVER_SELECTED) { return; } int selChar = p.GetSelChar(); bool error = true; if (this.Chars[selChar] != null) { Logger.ShowInfo("Getting select char: " + p.GetSelChar() + " char id: " + this.Chars[selChar].charID, null); Packets.Server.SendToMapServer sendPacket = new Packets.Server.SendToMapServer(); if (LoginServer.charServerList.ContainsKey((int)this.Chars[selChar].worldID)) { MapServer mServer = ((CharServer)(LoginServer.charServerList[(int)this.Chars[selChar].worldID])).GetMapServer(this.Chars[selChar].mapID); if (mServer != null) { sendPacket.SetServer(mServer.IP, (ushort)mServer.port); uint val1 = this.Chars[selChar].charID; uint val2 = (uint)Global.Random.Next(); this.Chars[selChar].validationKey = val2; try { LoginServer.charServerList[this.activeWorldID].charDB.SaveChar(this.Chars[selChar]); } catch (Exception) { this.Disconnect(); return; } sendPacket.SetValidation(val1, val2); this.netIO.SendPacket(sendPacket, this.SessionID); Logger.ShowInfo("Sending client " + this.User.Name + " to map server " + mServer.IP + " , port " + mServer.port, null); this.state = SESSION_STATE.SENT_TO_MAP; error = false; } } if (error) { Logger.ShowError("Cannot find map server for selected char: " + p.GetSelChar(), null); this.Disconnect(); return; } } else { Console.WriteLine("Invalid char index: " + p.GetSelChar()); this.Disconnect(); return; } }
public void DeleteMapServer(MapServer delServer) { this.mapServers.Remove(delServer); }
public void AddMapServer(MapServer newServer) { this.mapServers.Add(newServer); }