        /// <summary>
        /// Split brush polygons by a supplied plane, outputing the polygons on either side and capping the two halves on the plane
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns><c>true</c>, if splitting actually took place, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
        /// <param name="polygons">Source polygons.</param>
        /// <param name="splitPlane">Split plane.</param>
        /// <param name="excludeNewPolygons">If set to <c>true</c> the cap polygons will be marked as excludeFromBuild.</param>
        /// <param name="polygonsFront">Generated polygons in front of the plane.</param>
        /// <param name="polygonsBack">Generated polygons behind the plane.</param>
        public static bool SplitPolygonsByPlane(List <Polygon> polygons,        // Source polygons that will be split
                                                Plane splitPlane,
                                                bool excludeNewPolygons,        // Whether new polygons should be marked as excludeFromBuild
                                                out List <Polygon> polygonsFront,
                                                out List <Polygon> polygonsBack)
            polygonsFront = new List <Polygon>();
            polygonsBack  = new List <Polygon>();

            // First of all make sure splitting actually needs to occur (we'll get bad issues if
            // we try splitting geometry when we don't need to)
            if (!GeometryHelper.PolygonsIntersectPlane(polygons, splitPlane))

            // For copying the material and color from the nearest polygons to the clipping to the generated polygons
            Material newMaterial = polygons[0].Material;
            Color    newColor    = polygons[0].Vertices[0].Color;

            // These are the vertices that will be used in the new caps
            List <Vertex> newVertices = new List <Vertex>();

            for (int polygonIndex = 0; polygonIndex < polygons.Count; polygonIndex++)
                Polygon.PolygonPlaneRelation planeRelation = Polygon.TestPolygonAgainstPlane(polygons[polygonIndex], splitPlane);

                // Polygon has been found to span both sides of the plane, attempt to split into two pieces
                if (planeRelation == Polygon.PolygonPlaneRelation.Spanning)
                    Polygon frontPolygon;
                    Polygon backPolygon;
                    Vertex  newVertex1;
                    Vertex  newVertex2;

                    // Attempt to split the polygon
                    if (Polygon.SplitPolygon(polygons[polygonIndex], out frontPolygon, out backPolygon, out newVertex1, out newVertex2, splitPlane))
                        // If the split algorithm was successful (produced two valid polygons) then add each polygon to
                        // their respective points and track the intersection points


                        newMaterial = polygons[polygonIndex].Material;
                        newColor    = polygons[0].Vertices[0].Color;
                        // Two valid polygons weren't generated, so use the valid one
                        if (frontPolygon != null)
                            planeRelation = Polygon.PolygonPlaneRelation.InFront;
                        else if (backPolygon != null)
                            planeRelation = Polygon.PolygonPlaneRelation.Behind;
                            Debug.LogError("Polygon splitting has resulted in two zero area polygons. This is unhandled.");
                            //							Polygon.PolygonPlaneRelation secondplaneRelation = Polygon.TestPolygonAgainstPlane(polygons[polygonIndex], splitPlane);

                // If the polygon is on one side of the plane or the other
                if (planeRelation != Polygon.PolygonPlaneRelation.Spanning)
                    // Make sure any points that are coplanar on non-straddling polygons are still used in polygon
                    // construction
                    for (int vertexIndex = 0; vertexIndex < polygons[polygonIndex].Vertices.Length; vertexIndex++)
                        if (Polygon.ComparePointToPlane(polygons[polygonIndex].Vertices[vertexIndex].Position, splitPlane) == Polygon.PointPlaneRelation.On)

                    if (planeRelation == Polygon.PolygonPlaneRelation.Behind)

            // If any splits occured or coplanar vertices are found. (For example if you're splitting a sphere at the
            // equator then no polygons will be split but there will be a bunch of coplanar vertices!)
            if (newVertices.Count > 0)
                // HACK: This code is awful, because we end up with lots of duplicate vertices
                List <Vector3> positions = newVertices.Select(item => item.Position).ToList();

                Polygon newPolygon = PolygonFactory.ConstructPolygon(positions, true);

                // Assuming it was possible to create a polygon
                if (newPolygon != null)
                    if (!MathHelper.PlaneEqualsLooser(newPolygon.Plane, splitPlane))
                        // Polygons are sometimes constructed facing the wrong way, possibly due to a winding order
                        // mismatch. If the two normals are opposite, flip the new polygon
                        if (Vector3.Dot(newPolygon.Plane.normal, splitPlane.normal) < -0.9f)

                    newPolygon.ExcludeFromFinal = excludeNewPolygons;
                    // Copy the material and color from the nearest polygons to the new polygon
                    newPolygon.Material = newMaterial;


                    newPolygon = newPolygon.DeepCopy();

                    newPolygon.ExcludeFromFinal = excludeNewPolygons;
                    // Copy the material and color from the nearest polygons to the new polygon
                    newPolygon.Material = newMaterial;

                    if (newPolygon.Plane.normal == Vector3.zero)
                        Debug.LogError("Invalid Normal! Shouldn't be zero. This is unexpected since extraneous positions should have been removed!");
                        //						Polygon fooNewPolygon = PolygonFactory.ConstructPolygon(positions, true);

                // It wasn't possible to create the polygon, for example the constructed polygon was too small
                // This could happen if you attempt to clip the tip off a long but thin brush, the plane-polyhedron test
                // would say they intersect but in reality the resulting polygon would be near zero area