// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
        // Send company a notification that another company has bid on their quote request

        public void NotifyCompanyOfNewBidOnQuoteRequestItem(int bidId)
            BidDomain bid = _BidService.BidGetById(bidId);

            CompanyDomain company   = _CompanyService.GetByIdCompany(bid.ReceivingCompanyId);
            CompanyDomain company2  = _CompanyService.GetByIdCompany(bid.SubmittingCompanyId);
            string        BidAmount = String.Format("{0:0.00}", bid.Amount);

            if (company != null)
                    EmailRequest notification = new EmailRequest();

                    notification.UserEmail = company.Email;
                    notification.Subject   = "New Bid On Your Quote Request";
                    notification.Content   = "There was a new bid on your quote request: " + bid.QrName + ". " + company2.Name + " submitted a bid of $" + BidAmount + " on the quote request item " + bid.QriName +
                                             ". The provided shipping address was " + bid.Address1 + ", " + bid.City + ", " + bid.State + " " + bid.ZipCode + ". Log into your QuoteMule account(http://quotemule.dev/) to view and take action.";


                    NotificationInsertRequest notificationModel = new NotificationInsertRequest();

                    notificationModel.UserId   = company.OwnerId;
                    notificationModel.Category = "New Bid On Your Quote Request";
                    notificationModel.Message1 = company2.Name + " submitted a bid on your quote request: " + bid.QrName + ". Click ";
                    notificationModel.Link     = "/quoterequest/manage/" + bid.QuoteRequestId;
                    notificationModel.Message2 = "here";
                    notificationModel.Message3 = " to view it.";
                    notificationModel.Is_Read  = false;


                    NotificationInsertRequest toastrModel = new NotificationInsertRequest();

                    toastrModel.UserId   = company.OwnerId;
                    toastrModel.Category = "New Bid On Your Quote Request";
                    toastrModel.Message1 = "<a href='/quoterequest/manage/" + bid.QuoteRequestId + "#/active'>" + company2.Name + " submitted a bid on your quote request: " + bid.QrName + ".</a>";
                    toastrModel.Is_Read  = false;

                    UserProfileService UserProfile = new UserProfileService();

                    List <CompanyEmployeeDomain> notificationList = UserProfile.GetAllEmployees(bid.ReceivingCompanyId);

                    NotifyAllCompanyUsers(toastrModel, notificationList);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw ex;
        public bool NotifySellerCompanyOfAcceptedBid(int bidId)
            bool Success = false;

            BidDomain bid            = _BidService.BidGetById(bidId);
            int       QuoteRequestId = bid.QuoteRequestId;

            CompanyDomain buyerCompany    = _CompanyService.GetByIdCompany(bid.ReceivingCompanyId);
            CompanyDomain supplierCompany = _CompanyService.GetByIdCompany(bid.SubmittingCompanyId);
            string        link            = "/quoterequest/manage/" + QuoteRequestId;

                NotificationInsertRequest model = new NotificationInsertRequest();

                model.UserId   = supplierCompany.OwnerId;
                model.Category = "Bid Accepted";
                model.Message1 = buyerCompany.Name + " has accepted your bid! ";
                model.Link     = link;
                model.Message2 = "here";
                model.Message3 = " to convert to quote.";
                model.Is_Read  = false;


                NotificationInsertRequest toastrModel = new NotificationInsertRequest();

                toastrModel.UserId   = supplierCompany.OwnerId;
                toastrModel.Category = "Bid Accepted";
                toastrModel.Message1 = "<a href='/quoterequest/manage/" + bid.QuoteRequestId + "#/pending'><div>" + buyerCompany.Name + " has accepted your bid! Click here!</div></a>";

                UserProfileService UserProfile = new UserProfileService();

                List <CompanyEmployeeDomain> notificationList = UserProfile.GetAllEmployees(bid.SubmittingCompanyId);

                NotifyAllCompanyUsers(toastrModel, notificationList);

                Success = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;

        public bool NotifyBuyerCompanyOfSubmittedQuote(int quoteId)
            bool Success = false;

            QuoteDomain   quote         = _QuoteService.QuoteGetByQuoteId(quoteId);
            CompanyDomain buyerCompany  = _CompanyService.GetByIdCompany(quote.BuyerCompanyId);
            CompanyDomain sellerCompany = _CompanyService.GetByIdCompany(quote.SellerCompanyId);
            string        link          = "/quote/manage/" + quote.QuoteId;

                NotificationInsertRequest model = new NotificationInsertRequest();

                model.UserId   = buyerCompany.OwnerId;
                model.Category = "Quote Submitted";
                model.Message1 = sellerCompany.Name + " submitted a quote. Click ";
                model.Link     = link;
                model.Message2 = "here";
                model.Message3 = " to review.";
                model.Is_Read  = false;


                NotificationInsertRequest toastrModel = new NotificationInsertRequest();

                toastrModel.UserId   = buyerCompany.OwnerId;
                toastrModel.Category = "Quote Submitted";
                toastrModel.Message1 = "<a href='/quote/manage/" + quote.QuoteId + "'><div>" + sellerCompany.Name + " has submitted a quote! Click here!</div></a>";

                UserProfileService UserProfile = new UserProfileService();

                List <CompanyEmployeeDomain> notificationList = UserProfile.GetAllEmployees(quote.BuyerCompanyId);

                NotifyAllCompanyUsers(toastrModel, notificationList);

                Success = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;

        public bool NotifyBuyerCompanyOfApprovedContract(int quoteId)
            bool Success = false;

            QuoteDomain   quote         = _QuoteService.QuoteGetByQuoteId(quoteId);
            CompanyDomain buyerCompany  = _CompanyService.GetByIdCompany(quote.BuyerCompanyId);
            CompanyDomain sellerCompany = _CompanyService.GetByIdCompany(quote.SellerCompanyId);

                NotificationInsertRequest model = new NotificationInsertRequest();

                model.UserId   = buyerCompany.OwnerId;
                model.Category = "Quote Completed";
                model.Message1 = sellerCompany.Name + " accepted the contract. Quote is completed!";
                model.Is_Read  = false;


                NotificationInsertRequest toastrModel = new NotificationInsertRequest();

                toastrModel.UserId   = buyerCompany.OwnerId;
                toastrModel.Category = "Contract Approved";
                toastrModel.Message1 = sellerCompany.Name + " has accepted the contract. Quote is completed!</div></a>";

                UserProfileService UserProfile = new UserProfileService();

                List <CompanyEmployeeDomain> notificationList = UserProfile.GetAllEmployees(quote.BuyerCompanyId);

                NotifyAllCompanyUsers(toastrModel, notificationList);

                Success = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
