private void GetPrimarySupplierContact() { var contact = new Contact() { GivenName = "Peter", FamilyName = "Baker", EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**", HomePhone = "0252113414" }; var proxy = new ContactProxy(); var response = proxy.InsertContact(contact); _primarySupplierId = response.DataObject.InsertedContactId; }
public void InsertContactWithoutAddressDoesNotFail() { var contact = new Contact() { GivenName = "John", FamilyName = "Cook", EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**", HomePhone = "0211114444" }; var proxy = new ContactProxy(); var response = proxy.InsertContact(contact); Assert.IsTrue(response.IsSuccessfull); Assert.IsTrue(response.DataObject.InsertedContactId > 0); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); // Tags are saved through messagequeue, give time to be processed var insertedContact = proxy.GetContact(response.DataObject.InsertedContactId); Assert.IsNotNull(insertedContact.DataObject); Assert.AreEqual(contact.EmailAddress, insertedContact.DataObject.EmailAddress); }
public ProxyResponse<UpdateContactResult> UpdateContact(Contact contact, int contactId) { OperationMethod = HttpMethod.Put; var uri = base.GetRequestUri(contactId.ToString()); return base.GetResponse<Contact, UpdateContactResult>(uri, contact); }
public ProxyResponse<InsertContactResult> InsertContact(Contact contact) { OperationMethod = HttpMethod.Post; var uri = base.GetRequestUri(null); return base.GetResponse<Contact, InsertContactResult>(uri, contact); }
private Contact GetContact() { var contact = new Contact() { FamilyName = "Stewart".MakeUnique(), IsActive = true, GivenName = "Jill".MakeUnique(), EmailAddress = "me@test".MakeUnique() + ".com", ContactId = "3333", Fax = "0211112222", IsContractor = false, IsCustomer = false, IsPartner = false, MiddleInitials = "MM", IsSupplier = false, MobilePhone = "0411112222", PositionTitle = "Manager", PrimaryPhone = "0222223333", HomePhone = "0245674567", Salutation = "Mrs." }; return contact; }
private Contact GetCompleteContact() { var contact = new Contact() { FamilyName = "Stewart".MakeUnique(), IsActive = true, GivenName = "Jill".MakeUnique(), EmailAddress = "me@test".MakeUnique() + ".com", ContactId = "3333", Fax = "0211112222", IsContractor = false, IsCustomer = false, IsPartner = false, MiddleInitials = "MM", IsSupplier = false, MobilePhone = "0411112222", PositionTitle = "Manager", PrimaryPhone = "0222223333", Salutation = "Mrs.", AutoSendStatement = true, BpayDetails = new BpayDetails { BillerCode = "wer", CRN = "crn1" }, ChequeDetails = new ChequeDetails { AcceptCheque = true, ChequePayableTo = "someone" }, CustomField1 = "Custom1", CustomField2 = "Custom2", DefaultPurchaseDiscount = 10, DefaultSaleDiscount = 12, DirectDepositDetails = new DirectDepositDetails { AcceptDirectDeposit = true, AccountBSB = "012210", AccountName = "Account name", AccountNumber = "123345" }, HomePhone = "0245674567", OtherAddress = new Address { State = "NSW", Street = "Second street", Postcode = "2100", Country = "Australia", City = "Sydney" }, PostalAddress = new Address { State = "NSW", Street = "First street", City = "Sydney", Postcode = "2000", Country = "Australia" }, OtherPhone = "0221212121", PurchaseTradingTerms = new TradingTerms { TradingTermsInterval = 1, TradingTermsIntervalType = 2, TradingTermsType = 1 }, SaleTradingTerms = new TradingTerms { TradingTermsInterval = 2, TradingTermsIntervalType = 2, TradingTermsType = 1 }, WebsiteUrl = "", LinkedInProfile = "linked", SkypeId = "skype", TwitterId = "@twit" }; return contact; }
private static void AssertContactManager(ContactManager expectedContactManager, Contact actualContact) { Assert.AreEqual(expectedContactManager.FamilyName, actualContact.FamilyName, "FamilyName not updated for contact manager"); Assert.AreEqual(expectedContactManager.GivenName, actualContact.GivenName, "GivenName not updated for contact manager"); Assert.AreEqual(expectedContactManager.MiddleInitials, actualContact.MiddleInitials, "MiddleInitials not updated for contact manager"); Assert.AreEqual(expectedContactManager.PositionTitle, actualContact.PositionTitle, "PositionTitle not updated for contact manager"); Assert.AreEqual(expectedContactManager.Salutation, actualContact.Salutation, "Salutation not updated for contact manager"); }