public S_SnapToObject() { if (m_prefabs != null && m_prefabs.Length == 1) { m_prefabs[0] = new S_SnapToObjectPrefab(); } }
private void CreatePrefabPreview(S_SnapToObjectPrefab p_prefab) { if (p_prefab.m_currentInstance != null) { Debug.LogWarning("S_SnapToObject: CreatePrefabPreview: there was already an instance of this prefab '" + + "'! Old instance will be destroyed..."); Destroy(p_prefab.m_currentInstance); } if (p_prefab.PrefabResourcePath != null) { Object resource = Resources.Load(p_prefab.PrefabResourcePath); if (resource != null) { p_prefab.m_currentInstance = (GameObject)Instantiate(resource); p_prefab.m_currentInstance.transform.parent = PreviewRoot; p_prefab.m_currentInstance.transform.localPosition =; p_prefab.m_currentInstance.transform.localScale =; // disable colliders if allowed, they could block mouse events otherwise if (p_prefab.IsCollidersDisabledInPreview) { Collider[] colliders = p_prefab.m_currentInstance.GetComponentsInChildren <Collider>(); for (int i = 0; i < colliders.Length; i++) { colliders[i].enabled = false; } } // scale down prefab for zoom out animation p_prefab.m_currentInstance.transform.localScale = MIN_SCALE; // add preview handling script p_prefab.m_currentInstancePreviewScript = p_prefab.m_currentInstance.AddComponent <S_SnapToObjectPreview>(); p_prefab.m_currentInstancePreviewScript.Init(m_isDrawUI, PREVIEW_RELATIVE_SCREEN_CLICK_AREA, () => { PlacePrefabInternal(p_prefab); }, m_uiMaterialLine, m_uiMaterialFill); // notify listeners if (OnGlobalPreviewObjectInstantiated != null) { OnGlobalPreviewObjectInstantiated(this, new S_SnapToObjectEventArgs(this, p_prefab.m_currentInstance)); } if (OnPreviewObjectInstantiated != null) { OnPreviewObjectInstantiated(this, new S_SnapToObjectEventArgs(this, p_prefab.m_currentInstance)); } } else { Debug.LogError("S_SnapToObject: CreatePrefabPreview: could not find prefab in resources at '" + p_prefab.PrefabResourcePath + "'!"); } } else { Debug.LogError("S_SnapToObject: CreatePrefabPreview: no prefab assigned!"); } }
public void PlacePrefab(S_SnapToObjectPrefab p_prefab) { // instantly close selection if (m_isSelectionOpen) { DestroyAllPreviews(); if (s_openSelection == this) { s_openSelection = null; } m_isSelectionOpen = false; m_animState = EAnimationState.IDLE; m_zoomAnimationTime = -1f; } // create game object Object resource = Resources.Load(p_prefab.PrefabResourcePath); if (resource != null) { GameObject go = (GameObject)Instantiate(resource); if (m_isSetNameToResourcePath) { = p_prefab.PrefabResourcePath; } go.transform.localRotation = transform.rotation; go.transform.Rotate(p_prefab.LocalEulerRotation); go.transform.localScale = Vector3.Scale(p_prefab.LocalScale, transform.lossyScale); go.transform.position = transform.position + go.transform.TransformPoint(p_prefab.LocalPosition); IncSnapCounter(); // notify event listeners if (OnGlobalAfterObjectSnapped != null) { OnGlobalAfterObjectSnapped(this, new S_SnapToObjectEventArgs(this, go)); } if (OnAfterObjectSnapped != null) { OnAfterObjectSnapped(this, new S_SnapToObjectEventArgs(this, go)); } } else { Debug.LogError("S_SnapToObject: PlacePrefabInternal: could not find prefab in resources at '" + p_prefab.PrefabResourcePath + "'!"); } }
private void PlacePrefabInternal(S_SnapToObjectPrefab p_prefab) { S_SnapToObjectBeforePlacementEventArgs beforePlacementArgs = new S_SnapToObjectBeforePlacementEventArgs(this, p_prefab); if (OnGlobalBeforeObjectSnapped != null) { OnGlobalBeforeObjectSnapped(this, beforePlacementArgs); } if (OnBeforeObjectSnapped != null) { OnBeforeObjectSnapped(this, beforePlacementArgs); } // if prefab placement is delayed, then the entity, which has changed beforePlacementArgs.IsDelayedPlacePrefab to true // is responsible for calling PlacePrefab later. This might be needed if further popups or UI is shown before placement. if (!beforePlacementArgs.IsDelayedPlacePrefab) { PlacePrefab(p_prefab); } }
public S_SnapToObjectBeforePlacementEventArgs(S_SnapToObject p_source, S_SnapToObjectPrefab p_snapPrefab) { m_source = p_source; m_snapPrefab = p_snapPrefab; }