文件: Flow.cs 项目: hol353/ApsimX
        /// <summary>
        /// Solves the equation of continuity from time ts to tfin.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sol">solute properties.</param>
        /// <param name="sdata">soil data.</param>
        /// <param name="ts">start time (h).</param>
        /// <param name="tfin">finish time.</param>
        /// <param name="qprec">precipitation (or water input) rate (fluxes are in cm/h).</param>
        /// <param name="qevap">potl evaporation rate from soil surface.</param>
        /// <param name="nsol">no. of solutes.</param>
        /// <param name="nex">no. of water extraction streams.</param>
        /// <param name="h0">surface head, equal to depth of surface pond.</param>
        /// <param name="S">degree of saturation ("effective satn") of layers.</param>
        /// <param name="evap">cumulative evaporation from soil surface (cm, not initialised).</param>
        /// <param name="runoff">cumulative runoff.</param>
        /// <param name="infil">cumulative net infiltration (time integral of flux across surface).</param>
        /// <param name="drn">cumulative net drainage (time integral of flux across bottom).</param>
        /// <param name="nsteps">cumulative no. of time steps for RE soln.</param>
        /// <param name="jt">layer soil type numbers for solute.</param>
        /// <param name="cin">solute concns in water input (user's units/cc).</param>
        /// <param name="c0">solute concns in surface pond.</param>
        /// <param name="sm">solute (mass) concns in layers.</param>
        /// <param name="soff">cumulative solute runoff (user's units).</param>
        /// <param name="sinfil">cumulative solute infiltration.</param>
        /// <param name="sdrn">cumulative solute drainage.</param>
        /// <param name="nssteps">cumulative no. of time steps for ADE soln.</param>
        /// <param name="wex">cumulative water extractions from layers.</param>
        /// <param name="sex">cumulative solute extractions from layers.</param>
        public static void Solve(SolProps sol, SoilData sdata, double ts, double tfin, double qprec, double qevap, int nsol, int nex,
                          ref double h0, ref double[] S, ref double evap, ref double runoff, ref double infil, ref double drn, ref int nsteps, int[] jt, double[] cin,
                          ref double[] c0, ref double[,] sm, ref double[] soff, ref double[] sinfil, ref double[] sdrn, ref int[] nssteps, ref double[,] wex, ref double[,,] sex)
            // Since S.Length is one greater in Fortran to account for the 0 based index, this line is included
            // so that the +1 nomenclature can be kept below to avoid (further) confusion.
            int sLength = S.Length - 1;

            bool again, extraction, initpond, maxpond;
            int i, iflux, ih0, iok, isatbot, itmp, ns, nsat, nsatlast, nsteps0;
            int[] isat = new int[sLength + 1];
            double accel, dmax, dt, dwinfil, dwoff, fac, infili, qpme, qprec1, rsig, rsigdt, sig, t, ti, win, xtblbot;
            double[] dSdt = new double[sLength + 1];
            double[] h = new double[sLength + 1];
            double[] xtbl = new double[sLength + 1];
            double[] thi = new double[sLength + 1];
            double[] thf = new double[sLength + 1];
            double[] qwex = new double[sLength + 1];
            double[] qwexd = new double[sLength + 1];
            double[,] dwexs = new double[sLength + 1, nex + 1];
            double[,] qwexs = new double[sLength + 1, nex + 1];
            double[,] qwexsd = new double[sLength + 1, nex + 1];
            double[] aa = new double[sLength+1]; // these are 0 based
            double[] bb = new double[sLength+1];
            double[] cc = new double[sLength + 1];
            double[] dd = new double[sLength + 1];
            double[] dy = new double[sLength + 1];
            double[] ee = new double[sLength + 1];
            double[] q = new double[sLength + 1];
            double[] qya = new double[sLength + 1];
            double[] qyb = new double[sLength + 1];
            double[] cav = new double[nsol + 1];
            double[] sinfili = new double[nsol + 1];
            double[,] c;
            sd = sdata;
            c = new double[nsol + 1, sd.n + 1];
            ISink sink = new SinkDripperDrain(); // Sink type can be changed here.
             ! The saturation status of a layer is stored as 0 or 1 in isat since S may be
             ! >1 (because of previous overshoot) when a layer desaturates. Fluxes at the
             ! beginning of a time step and their partial derivs wrt S or h of upper and
             ! lower layers or boundaries are stored in q, qya and qyb.
            isatbot = 0;
            xtblbot = 0;
            dt = 0.0;
            fac = 0.0;
            initpond = false;
            extraction = false;
            dwoff = 0.0;
            ti = 0.0;
            infili = 0.0;

            if (nex > 0)
                extraction = true;

            if (sLength != sd.n)
                Console.WriteLine("solve: Size of S differs from table data.");

            //-----set up for boundary conditions
            if (botbc == "constant head") // !h at bottom bdry specified
                if (hbot < sd.he[sd.n])
                    isatbot = 0;
                    xtblbot = Sbot;
                    isatbot = 1;
                    xtblbot = hbot - sd.he[sd.n];
            //-----end set up for boundary conditions
            t = ts;
            nsteps0 = nsteps;
            nsat = 0;
            //initialise saturated regions
            for (int x = 1; x < sLength; x++)
                if (S[x] >= 1.0)
                    isat[x] = 1;
                    h[x] = sd.he[x];
                    isat[x] = 0;
                    h[x] = sd.he[x] - 1.0;

            if (nsol > 0)
                //set solute info
                thi = MathUtilities.Multiply(sd.ths, S); //initial th
                dwexs.Populate2D(0); //initial water extracted from layers

                ti = t;
                infili = infil;
                sinfili = sinfil;
                double c0Temp = c0[1];
                if (h0 > 0 && cin.Any(x => x != c0Temp)) // count(c0 /= cin) > 0)
                    initpond = true; //initial pond with different solute concn
                    initpond = false;
                c.Populate2D(0); //temp storage for soln concns
            //-----end initialise
            //-----solve until tfin

            while (t < tfin)
                //-----take next time step
                for (iflux = 1; iflux <= 2; iflux++) //sometimes need twice to adjust h at satn
                    nsatlast = nsat; // for detecting onset of profile saturation
                    nsat = isat.Sum();
                    sig = 0.5;
                    if (nsat != 0)
                        sig = 1.0; //time weighting sigma
                    rsig = 1.0 / sig;
                    //-----get fluxes and derivs
                    //     get table entries
                    for (int x = 1; x < isat.Length; x++)
                        if (isat[x] == 0)
                            xtbl[x] = S[x];
                            xtbl[x] = h[x] - sd.he[x];

                    //get surface flux
                    qpme = qprec - qevap; //input rate at saturation
                    qprec1 = qprec; //may change qprec1 to maintain pond if required
                    if (h[1] <= 0 && h0 <= 0 && nsat < sd.n) //no ponding
                        ns = 1; //start index for eqns
                        sd.GetQ(0, new [] {0, 0, isat[1] }, new [] {0, 0, xtbl[1] }, out q[0], out qya[0], out qyb[0]);
                        if (q[0] < qpme)
                            q[0] = qpme;
                            qyb[0] = 0;
                        maxpond = false;
                    else //ponding
                        ns = 0;
                        sd.GetQ(0, new [] {0, 1, isat[1] }, new [] {0, h0 - sd.he[1], xtbl[1] }, out q[0], out qya[0], out qyb[0]);
                        if (h0 >= h0max && qpme > q[0])
                            maxpond = true;
                            ns = 1;
                            maxpond = false;

                    //get profile fluxes
                    for (i = 1; i <= sd.n - 1; i++)
                        sd.GetQ(i, new [] {0, isat[i], isat[i + 1] }, new [] {0, xtbl[i], xtbl[i + 1] }, out q[i], out qya[i], out qyb[i]);

                    //get bottom flux
                    switch (botbc)
                        case "constant head":
                            sd.GetQ(sd.n, new [] {0, isat[sd.n], isatbot }, new [] {0, xtbl[sd.n], xtblbot }, out q[sd.n], out qya[sd.n], out qyb[sd.n]);
                        case "0.0 flux":
                            q[sd.n] = 0;
                            qya[sd.n] = 0;
                        case "free drainage":
                            sd.GetK(sd.n, isat[sd.n], xtbl[sd.n], out q[sd.n], out qya[sd.n]);
                        case "seepage":
                            if (h[sd.n] <= -0.5 * sd.dx[sd.n])
                                q[sd.n] = 0;
                                qya[sd.n] = 0;
                                sd.GetQ(sd.n, new int[] {0, isat[sd.n], 1 }, new double[] {0, xtbl[sd.n], -sd.he[sd.n] }, out q[sd.n], out qya[sd.n], out qyb[sd.n]);
                            Console.Out.WriteLine("solve: illegal bottom boundary condn");

                    if (extraction) //get rate of extraction
                        sink.Wsinks(t, isat, xtbl, sd.he, ref qwexs, ref qwexsd);

                        for (int x = 1; x < qwexs.GetLength(1); x++)
                            qwex[x] = Matrix<double>.Build.DenseOfArray(qwexs).Column(x).Sum();
                            qwexd[x] = Matrix<double>.Build.DenseOfArray(qwexsd).Column(x).Sum();
                    again = false; //flag for recalcn of fluxes
                //-----end get fluxes and derivs
                //----estimate time step dt
                    dmax = 0;
                    dSdt = MathUtilities.CreateArrayOfValues(0, dSdt.Length);
                    for (int x = 1; x <= sd.n; x++)
                        if (isat[x] == 0)
                            dSdt[x] = Math.Abs(q[x] - q[x - 1] + (extraction ? qwex[x] : 0)) / (sd.ths[x] * sd.dx[x]);

                    dmax = MathUtilities.Max(dSdt); //Max derivative | dS / dt |
                    if (dmax > 0)
                        dt = dSmax / dmax;
                        // if pond going adjust dt
                        if (h0 > 0 && (q[0] - qpme) * dt > h0)
                            dt = (h0 - 0.5 * h0min) / (q[0] - qpme);
                    else //steady state flow
                        if (qpme >= q[sd.n]) //step to finish -but what if extraction varies with time ???
                            dt = tfin - t;
                            dt = -(h0 - 0.5 * h0min) / (qpme - q[sd.n]); //pond going so adjust dt

                    if (dt > dtmax)
                        dt = dtmax; //user's limit
               // if initial step, improve h where S>= 1
               if (nsteps == nsteps0 && nsat > 0 && iflux == 1)
                        again = true;
                        dt = 1.0e-20 * (tfin - ts);
                    if (nsat == sd.n && nsatlast < sd.n && iflux == 1)
                        //profile has just become saturated so adjust h values
                        again = true;
                        dt = 1.0e-20 * (tfin - ts);
                    if (t + 1.1 * dt > tfin) //step to finish
                        dt = tfin - t;
                        t = tfin;
                        t = t + dt; //tentative update
                    //-----end estimate time step dt
                    //-----get and solve eqns
                    rsigdt = 1.0 / (sig * dt);
                    //aa, bb, cc and dd hold coeffs and rhs of tridiag eqn set
                    for (int x = ns; x <= sd.n - 1; x++)
                        aa[x + 1] = qya[x];
                        cc[x] = -qyb[x];
                    if (extraction)
                        for (int x = 1; x <= sd.n; x++)
                            dd[x] = -(q[x - 1] - q[x] - qwex[x]) * rsig;
                        for (int x = 1; x <= sd.n; x++)
                            dd[x] = -(q[x - 1] - q[x]) * rsig;

                    iok = 0; //flag for time step test
                    itmp = 0; //counter to abort if not getting solution
                    while (iok == 0) //keep reducing time step until all ok
                        itmp = itmp + 1;
                        accel = 1.0 - 0.05 * Math.Min(10, Math.Max(0, itmp - 4)); //acceleration
                        if (itmp > 20)
                            Console.Out.WriteLine("solve: too many iterations of equation solution");
                        if (ns < 1)
                            bb[0] = -qya[0] - rsigdt;
                            dd[0] = -(qpme - q[0]) * rsig;

                        for (int x = 1; x <= sd.n; x++)
                            bb[x] = qyb[x - 1] - qya[x];
                            if (isat[x]==0)
                                bb[x] -= sd.ths[x] * sd.dx[x] * rsigdt;

                            if (extraction)
                                bb[x] -= qwexd[x];

                        Tri(ns, sd.n, aa, ref bb, cc, dd, ref ee, ref dy);
                        //dy contains dS or, for sat layers, h values
                        iok = 1;
                        if (!again)
                            //check if time step ok, if not then set fac to make it less
                            iok = 1;
                            for (i = 1; i <= sd.n; i++)
                                if (isat[i] == 0) //check change in S
                                    if (Math.Abs(dy[i]) > dSfac * dSmax)
                                        fac = Math.Max(0.5, accel * Math.Abs(dSmax / dy[i]));
                                        iok = 0;
                                    if (-dy[i] > dSmaxr * S[i])
                                        fac = Math.Max(0.5, accel * dSmaxr * S[i] / (-dSfac * dy[i]));
                                        iok = 0;
                                    if (S[i] < 1.0 && S[i] + dy[i] > Smax)
                                        fac = accel * (0.5 * (1.0 + Smax) - S[i]) / dy[i];
                                        iok = 0;
                                    if (S[i] >= 1.0 && dy[i] > 0.5 * (Smax - 1.0))
                                        fac = 0.25 * (Smax - 1.0) / dy[i]; iok = 0;
                            if (iok == 1 && ns < 1 && h0 < h0max && h0 + dy[0] > h0max + dh0max)
                                //start of runoff
                                fac = (h0max + 0.5 * dh0max - h0) / dy[0];
                                iok = 0;
                            if (iok == 1 && ns < 1 && h0 > 0.0 && h0 + dy[0] < h0min)
                                //pond going
                                fac = -(h0 - 0.5 * h0min) / dy[0];
                                iok = 0;
                            if (iok == 0) //reduce time step
                                t = t - dt;
                                dt = fac * dt;
                                t = t + dt;
                                rsigdt = 1.0 / (sig * dt);
                                nless = nless + 1; //count step size reductions
                            if (isat[1] != 0 && iflux == 1 && h[1] < 0.0 && h[1] + dy[1] > 0.0)
                                //incipient ponding - adjust state of saturated regions
                                t = t - dt;
                                dt = 1.0e-20 * (tfin - ts);
                                rsigdt = 1.0 / (sig * dt);
                                again = true;
                                iok = 0;
                    } //end while

                    //-----end get and solve eqns
                    //-----update unknowns
                    ih0 = 0;
                    if (!again)
                        dwoff = 0.0;
                        if (ns < 1)
                            h0 = h0 + dy[0];
                            if (h0 < 0.0 && dy[0] < 0.0)
                                ih0 = 1; //pond g1.0

                            evap = evap + qevap * dt;
                            //note that fluxes required are q at sigma of time step
                            dwinfil = (q[0] + sig * (qya[0] * dy[0] + qyb[0] * dy[1])) * dt;
                            dwinfil = (q[0] + sig * qyb[0] * dy[1]) * dt;
                            if (maxpond)
                                evap = evap + qevap * dt;
                                if (qprec > qprecmax) // set input to maintain pond
                                    qpme = q[0] + sig * qyb[0] * dy[1];
                                    qprec1 = qpme + qevap;
                                    dwoff = 0.0;
                                    dwoff = qpme * dt - dwinfil;
                                runoff = runoff + dwoff;
                                evap = evap + qprec1 * dt - dwinfil;
                        infil = infil + dwinfil;
                        if (nsol > 0) //get surface solute balance
                            if (initpond) //pond concn != cin
                                if (h0 > 0.0)
                                    if (ns == 1) // if max pond depth
                                        dy[0] = 0.0;
                                    for (int x = 1; x < cav.Length; x++)
                                        cav[x] = ((2.0 * h0 - dy[0]) * c0[x] + qprec1 * dt * cin[x]) / (2.0 * h0 + dwoff + dwinfil);
                                    for (int x = 1; x < c0.Length; x++)
                                        c0[x] = 2.0 * cav[x] - c0[x]; //This needs to be tested from FORTRAN; no example in original code.
                                    for (int x = 1; x < cav.Length; x++)
                                        cav[x] = ((h0 - dy[0]) * c0[x] + qprec1 * dt * cin[x]) / (dwoff + dwinfil);
                                    initpond = false; //pond gone
                                    c0 = cin; // for output if any pond at end
                                soff = MathUtilities.Add(soff, MathUtilities.Multiply_Value(cav, dwoff));
                                sinfil = MathUtilities.Add(sinfil, MathUtilities.Multiply_Value(cav, dwinfil));
                                soff = MathUtilities.Add(soff, MathUtilities.Multiply_Value(cav, dwoff));
                                sinfil = MathUtilities.Add(sinfil, MathUtilities.Multiply_Value(cin, qprec1 * dt - dwoff));

                        // There's a condition based on botbc in the FORTRAN here, but both paths
                        // resolve to the same equation.
                        drn = drn + (q[sd.n] + sig * qya[sd.n] * dy[sd.n]) * dt;

                        if (extraction)
                            Matrix<double> dwexsM = Matrix<double>.Build.DenseOfArray(dwexs);
                            Matrix<double> qwexsM = Matrix<double>.Build.DenseOfArray(qwexs);
                            Matrix<double> qwexsdM = Matrix<double>.Build.DenseOfArray(qwexsd);
                            Matrix<double> wexM = Matrix<double>.Build.DenseOfArray(wex);
                            Vector<double> wexV;
                            Vector<double> dwexsV;
                            Vector<double> qwexsV;
                            Vector<double> qwexsdV;
                            if (nsol > 0)
                                //dwexs = dwexs + (qwexs + sig * qwexsd * spread(dy(1:n), 2, nex)) * dt
                                for (i = 1; i <= nex; i++)
                                    dwexsV = dwexsM.Column(i);
                                    qwexsV = qwexsM.Column(i);
                                    qwexsdV = qwexsdM.Column(i);
                                    dwexsV = dwexsV + (qwexsV + sig * qwexsdV * Vector<double>.Build.DenseOfArray(dy.Slice(1, sd.n))) * dt;
                                    dwexsM.Column(i, dwexsV);
                                dwexs = dwexsM.ToArray();

                            //wex = wex + (qwexs + sig * qwexsd * spread(dy(1:n), 2, nex)) * dt
                            if (wex.GetLength(0) > 1) // analog for if (present(wex))
                                for (i = 1; i <= nex; i++)
                                    qwexsV = qwexsM.Column(i);
                                    qwexsdV = qwexsdM.Column(i);
                                    wexV = wexM.Column(i);
                                    wexV = wexV + (qwexsV + sig * qwexsdV * Vector<double>.Build.DenseOfArray(dy.Slice(1, sd.n))) * dt;
                                    wexM.Column(i, wexV);
                                wex = wexM.ToArray();

                    for (i = 1; i <= sd.n; i++)
                        if (isat[i] == 0)
                            if (!again)
                                S[i] = S[i] + dy[i];
                                if (S[i] > 1.0 && dy[i] > 0.0) //saturation of layer
                                    isat[i] = 1;
                                    h[i] = sd.he[i];
                            h[i] = h[i] + dy[i];
                            if (i == 1 && ih0 != 0 && h[i] >= sd.he[i]) h[i] = sd.he[i] - 1.0; //pond gone
                            if (h[i] < sd.he[i])  //desaturation of layer
                                isat[i] = 0;
                                h[i] = sd.he[i];
                    //-----end update unknowns
                    if (!again)

                if (dt <= dtmin)
                    Console.WriteLine("solve: time step = " + dt);
                //-----end take next time step
                //remove negative h0 (optional)
                if (h0 < 0.0 && isat[1] == 0)
                    infil = infil + h0;
                    S[1] = S[1] + h0 / (sd.ths[1] * sd.dx[1]);
                    h0 = 0.0;
                nsteps = nsteps + 1;
                //solve for solute transport if required
                if (nwsteps * (nsteps / nwsteps) == nsteps)
                    // This is function getsolute() in FORTRAN. Inline here as it uses a huge number of vars and is only used once.
                    if (nsol > 0 && t > ti)
                        thf = MathUtilities.Multiply(sd.ths, S); //final th before call
                        win = infil - infili; //water in at top over time interval
                        cav = MathUtilities.Divide_Value(MathUtilities.Subtract(sinfil, sinfili), win); //average concn in win
                        Solute(ti, t, thi, thf, dwexs, win, cav, sd.n, nsol, nex, sd.dx, jt, dsmmax, ref sm, ref sdrn, ref nssteps, ref c, ref sex, extraction, sol);
                        ti = t;
                        thi = thf;
                        infili = infil;
                        sinfili = sinfil; // for next interval
            //-----end solve until tfin
            //finalise solute transport if required
文件: Flow.cs 项目: oseledets/ApsimX
        /// <summary>
        /// Solves the equation of continuity from time ts to tfin.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sol">solute properties.</param>
        /// <param name="sdata">soil data.</param>
        /// <param name="ts">start time (h).</param>
        /// <param name="tfin">finish time.</param>
        /// <param name="qprec">precipitation (or water input) rate (fluxes are in cm/h).</param>
        /// <param name="qevap">potl evaporation rate from soil surface.</param>
        /// <param name="nsol">no. of solutes.</param>
        /// <param name="nex">no. of water extraction streams.</param>
        /// <param name="h0">surface head, equal to depth of surface pond.</param>
        /// <param name="S">degree of saturation ("effective satn") of layers.</param>
        /// <param name="evap">cumulative evaporation from soil surface (cm, not initialised).</param>
        /// <param name="runoff">cumulative runoff.</param>
        /// <param name="infil">cumulative net infiltration (time integral of flux across surface).</param>
        /// <param name="drn">cumulative net drainage (time integral of flux across bottom).</param>
        /// <param name="nsteps">cumulative no. of time steps for RE soln.</param>
        /// <param name="jt">layer soil type numbers for solute.</param>
        /// <param name="cin">solute concns in water input (user's units/cc).</param>
        /// <param name="c0">solute concns in surface pond.</param>
        /// <param name="sm">solute (mass) concns in layers.</param>
        /// <param name="soff">cumulative solute runoff (user's units).</param>
        /// <param name="sinfil">cumulative solute infiltration.</param>
        /// <param name="sdrn">cumulative solute drainage.</param>
        /// <param name="nssteps">cumulative no. of time steps for ADE soln.</param>
        /// <param name="wex">cumulative water extractions from layers.</param>
        /// <param name="sex">cumulative solute extractions from layers.</param>
        public static void Solve(SolProps sol, SoilData sdata, double ts, double tfin, double qprec, double qevap, int nsol, int nex,
                                 ref double h0, ref double[] S, ref double evap, ref double runoff, ref double infil, ref double drn, ref int nsteps, int[] jt, double[] cin,
                                 ref double[] c0, ref double[,] sm, ref double[] soff, ref double[] sinfil, ref double[] sdrn, ref int[] nssteps, ref double[,] wex, ref double[,,] sex)
            // Since S.Length is one greater in Fortran to account for the 0 based index, this line is included
            // so that the +1 nomenclature can be kept below to avoid (further) confusion.
            int sLength = S.Length - 1;

            bool again, extraction, initpond, maxpond;
            int  i, iflux, ih0, iok, isatbot, itmp, ns, nsat, nsatlast, nsteps0;

            int[]  isat = new int[sLength + 1];
            double accel, dmax, dt, dwinfil, dwoff, fac, infili, qpme, qprec1, rsig, rsigdt, sig, t, ti, win, xtblbot;

            double[] dSdt  = new double[sLength + 1];
            double[] h     = new double[sLength + 1];
            double[] xtbl  = new double[sLength + 1];
            double[] thi   = new double[sLength + 1];
            double[] thf   = new double[sLength + 1];
            double[] qwex  = new double[sLength + 1];
            double[] qwexd = new double[sLength + 1];
            double[,] dwexs  = new double[sLength + 1, nex + 1];
            double[,] qwexs  = new double[sLength + 1, nex + 1];
            double[,] qwexsd = new double[sLength + 1, nex + 1];
            double[] aa      = new double[sLength + 1]; // these are 0 based
            double[] bb      = new double[sLength + 1];
            double[] cc      = new double[sLength + 1];
            double[] dd      = new double[sLength + 1];
            double[] dy      = new double[sLength + 1];
            double[] ee      = new double[sLength + 1];
            double[] q       = new double[sLength + 1];
            double[] qya     = new double[sLength + 1];
            double[] qyb     = new double[sLength + 1];
            double[] cav     = new double[nsol + 1];
            double[] sinfili = new double[nsol + 1];
            double[,] c;
            sd = sdata;
            c  = new double[nsol + 1, sd.n + 1];
            ISink sink = new SinkDripperDrain(); // Sink type can be changed here.

             * ! The saturation status of a layer is stored as 0 or 1 in isat since S may be
             * ! >1 (because of previous overshoot) when a layer desaturates. Fluxes at the
             * ! beginning of a time step and their partial derivs wrt S or h of upper and
             * ! lower layers or boundaries are stored in q, qya and qyb.
            isatbot    = 0;
            xtblbot    = 0;
            dt         = 0.0;
            fac        = 0.0;
            initpond   = false;
            extraction = false;
            dwoff      = 0.0;
            ti         = 0.0;
            infili     = 0.0;

            if (nex > 0)
                extraction = true;

            if (sLength != sd.n)
                Console.WriteLine("solve: Size of S differs from table data.");

            //-----set up for boundary conditions
            if (botbc == "constant head") // !h at bottom bdry specified
                if (hbot < sd.he[sd.n])
                    isatbot = 0;
                    xtblbot = Sbot;
                    isatbot = 1;
                    xtblbot = hbot - sd.he[sd.n];
            //-----end set up for boundary conditions
            t       = ts;
            nsteps0 = nsteps;
            nsat    = 0;
            //initialise saturated regions
            for (int x = 1; x < sLength; x++)
                if (S[x] >= 1.0)
                    isat[x] = 1;
                    h[x]    = sd.he[x];
                    isat[x] = 0;
                    h[x]    = sd.he[x] - 1.0;

            if (nsol > 0)
                //set solute info
                thi = MathUtilities.Multiply(sd.ths, S); //initial th
                dwexs.Populate2D(0);                     //initial water extracted from layers

                ti      = t;
                infili  = infil;
                sinfili = sinfil;
                double c0Temp = c0[1];
                if (h0 > 0 && cin.Any(x => x != c0Temp)) // count(c0 /= cin) > 0)
                    initpond = true;                     //initial pond with different solute concn
                    initpond = false;
                c.Populate2D(0); //temp storage for soln concns
            //-----end initialise
            //-----solve until tfin

            while (t < tfin)
                //-----take next time step
                for (iflux = 1; iflux <= 2; iflux++) //sometimes need twice to adjust h at satn
                    nsatlast = nsat;                 // for detecting onset of profile saturation
                    nsat     = isat.Sum();
                    sig      = 0.5;
                    if (nsat != 0)
                        sig = 1.0; //time weighting sigma
                    rsig = 1.0 / sig;
                    //-----get fluxes and derivs
                    //     get table entries
                    for (int x = 1; x < isat.Length; x++)
                        if (isat[x] == 0)
                            xtbl[x] = S[x];
                            xtbl[x] = h[x] - sd.he[x];

                    //get surface flux
                    qpme   = qprec - qevap;                  //input rate at saturation
                    qprec1 = qprec;                          //may change qprec1 to maintain pond if required
                    if (h[1] <= 0 && h0 <= 0 && nsat < sd.n) //no ponding
                        ns = 1;                              //start index for eqns
                        sd.GetQ(0, new [] { 0, 0, isat[1] }, new [] { 0, 0, xtbl[1] }, out q[0], out qya[0], out qyb[0]);
                        if (q[0] < qpme)
                            q[0]   = qpme;
                            qyb[0] = 0;
                        maxpond = false;
                    else //ponding
                        ns = 0;
                        sd.GetQ(0, new [] { 0, 1, isat[1] }, new [] { 0, h0 - sd.he[1], xtbl[1] }, out q[0], out qya[0], out qyb[0]);
                        if (h0 >= h0max && qpme > q[0])
                            maxpond = true;
                            ns      = 1;
                            maxpond = false;

                    //get profile fluxes
                    for (i = 1; i <= sd.n - 1; i++)
                        sd.GetQ(i, new [] { 0, isat[i], isat[i + 1] }, new [] { 0, xtbl[i], xtbl[i + 1] }, out q[i], out qya[i], out qyb[i]);

                    //get bottom flux
                    switch (botbc)
                    case "constant head":
                        sd.GetQ(sd.n, new [] { 0, isat[sd.n], isatbot }, new [] { 0, xtbl[sd.n], xtblbot }, out q[sd.n], out qya[sd.n], out qyb[sd.n]);

                    case "0.0 flux":
                        q[sd.n]   = 0;
                        qya[sd.n] = 0;

                    case "free drainage":
                        sd.GetK(sd.n, isat[sd.n], xtbl[sd.n], out q[sd.n], out qya[sd.n]);

                    case "seepage":
                        if (h[sd.n] <= -0.5 * sd.dx[sd.n])
                            q[sd.n]   = 0;
                            qya[sd.n] = 0;
                            sd.GetQ(sd.n, new int[] { 0, isat[sd.n], 1 }, new double[] { 0, xtbl[sd.n], -sd.he[sd.n] }, out q[sd.n], out qya[sd.n], out qyb[sd.n]);

                        Console.Out.WriteLine("solve: illegal bottom boundary condn");

                    if (extraction) //get rate of extraction
                        sink.Wsinks(t, isat, xtbl, sd.he, ref qwexs, ref qwexsd);

                        for (int x = 1; x < qwexs.GetLength(1); x++)
                            qwex[x] = Matrix <double> .Build.DenseOfArray(qwexs).Column(x).Sum();

                            qwexd[x] = Matrix <double> .Build.DenseOfArray(qwexsd).Column(x).Sum();
                    again = false; //flag for recalcn of fluxes
                    //-----end get fluxes and derivs
                    //----estimate time step dt
                    dmax = 0;
                    dSdt = MathUtilities.CreateArrayOfValues(0, dSdt.Length);
                    for (int x = 1; x <= sd.n; x++)
                        if (isat[x] == 0)
                            dSdt[x] = Math.Abs(q[x] - q[x - 1] + (extraction ? qwex[x] : 0)) / (sd.ths[x] * sd.dx[x]);

                    dmax = MathUtilities.Max(dSdt); //Max derivative | dS / dt |
                    if (dmax > 0)
                        dt = dSmax / dmax;
                        // if pond going adjust dt
                        if (h0 > 0 && (q[0] - qpme) * dt > h0)
                            dt = (h0 - 0.5 * h0min) / (q[0] - qpme);
                    else //steady state flow
                        if (qpme >= q[sd.n]) //step to finish -but what if extraction varies with time ???
                            dt = tfin - t;
                            dt = -(h0 - 0.5 * h0min) / (qpme - q[sd.n]); //pond going so adjust dt

                    if (dt > dtmax)
                        dt = dtmax; //user's limit
                    // if initial step, improve h where S>= 1
                    if (nsteps == nsteps0 && nsat > 0 && iflux == 1)
                        again = true;
                        dt    = 1.0e-20 * (tfin - ts);
                    if (nsat == sd.n && nsatlast < sd.n && iflux == 1)
                        //profile has just become saturated so adjust h values
                        again = true;
                        dt    = 1.0e-20 * (tfin - ts);
                    if (t + 1.1 * dt > tfin) //step to finish
                        dt = tfin - t;
                        t  = tfin;
                        t = t + dt; //tentative update
                    //-----end estimate time step dt
                    //-----get and solve eqns
                    rsigdt = 1.0 / (sig * dt);
                    //aa, bb, cc and dd hold coeffs and rhs of tridiag eqn set
                    for (int x = ns; x <= sd.n - 1; x++)
                        aa[x + 1] = qya[x];
                        cc[x]     = -qyb[x];
                    if (extraction)
                        for (int x = 1; x <= sd.n; x++)
                            dd[x] = -(q[x - 1] - q[x] - qwex[x]) * rsig;
                        for (int x = 1; x <= sd.n; x++)
                            dd[x] = -(q[x - 1] - q[x]) * rsig;

                    iok  = 0;        //flag for time step test
                    itmp = 0;        //counter to abort if not getting solution
                    while (iok == 0) //keep reducing time step until all ok
                        itmp  = itmp + 1;
                        accel = 1.0 - 0.05 * Math.Min(10, Math.Max(0, itmp - 4)); //acceleration
                        if (itmp > 20)
                            Console.Out.WriteLine("solve: too many iterations of equation solution");
                        if (ns < 1)
                            bb[0] = -qya[0] - rsigdt;
                            dd[0] = -(qpme - q[0]) * rsig;

                        for (int x = 1; x <= sd.n; x++)
                            bb[x] = qyb[x - 1] - qya[x];
                            if (isat[x] == 0)
                                bb[x] -= sd.ths[x] * sd.dx[x] * rsigdt;

                            if (extraction)
                                bb[x] -= qwexd[x];

                        Tri(ns, sd.n, aa, ref bb, cc, dd, ref ee, ref dy);
                        //dy contains dS or, for sat layers, h values
                        iok = 1;
                        if (!again)
                            //check if time step ok, if not then set fac to make it less
                            iok = 1;
                            for (i = 1; i <= sd.n; i++)
                                if (isat[i] == 0) //check change in S
                                    if (Math.Abs(dy[i]) > dSfac * dSmax)
                                        fac = Math.Max(0.5, accel * Math.Abs(dSmax / dy[i]));
                                        iok = 0;
                                    if (-dy[i] > dSmaxr * S[i])
                                        fac = Math.Max(0.5, accel * dSmaxr * S[i] / (-dSfac * dy[i]));
                                        iok = 0;
                                    if (S[i] < 1.0 && S[i] + dy[i] > Smax)
                                        fac = accel * (0.5 * (1.0 + Smax) - S[i]) / dy[i];
                                        iok = 0;
                                    if (S[i] >= 1.0 && dy[i] > 0.5 * (Smax - 1.0))
                                        fac = 0.25 * (Smax - 1.0) / dy[i]; iok = 0;
                            if (iok == 1 && ns < 1 && h0 < h0max && h0 + dy[0] > h0max + dh0max)
                                //start of runoff
                                fac = (h0max + 0.5 * dh0max - h0) / dy[0];
                                iok = 0;
                            if (iok == 1 && ns < 1 && h0 > 0.0 && h0 + dy[0] < h0min)
                                //pond going
                                fac = -(h0 - 0.5 * h0min) / dy[0];
                                iok = 0;
                            if (iok == 0) //reduce time step
                                t      = t - dt;
                                dt     = fac * dt;
                                t      = t + dt;
                                rsigdt = 1.0 / (sig * dt);
                                nless  = nless + 1; //count step size reductions
                            if (isat[1] != 0 && iflux == 1 && h[1] < 0.0 && h[1] + dy[1] > 0.0)
                                //incipient ponding - adjust state of saturated regions
                                t      = t - dt;
                                dt     = 1.0e-20 * (tfin - ts);
                                rsigdt = 1.0 / (sig * dt);
                                again  = true;
                                iok    = 0;
                    } //end while

                    //-----end get and solve eqns
                    //-----update unknowns
                    ih0 = 0;
                    if (!again)
                        dwoff = 0.0;
                        if (ns < 1)
                            h0 = h0 + dy[0];
                            if (h0 < 0.0 && dy[0] < 0.0)
                                ih0 = 1; //pond g1.0
                            evap = evap + qevap * dt;
                            //note that fluxes required are q at sigma of time step
                            dwinfil = (q[0] + sig * (qya[0] * dy[0] + qyb[0] * dy[1])) * dt;
                            dwinfil = (q[0] + sig * qyb[0] * dy[1]) * dt;
                            if (maxpond)
                                evap = evap + qevap * dt;
                                if (qprec > qprecmax) // set input to maintain pond
                                    qpme   = q[0] + sig * qyb[0] * dy[1];
                                    qprec1 = qpme + qevap;
                                    dwoff  = 0.0;
                                    dwoff = qpme * dt - dwinfil;
                                runoff = runoff + dwoff;
                                evap = evap + qprec1 * dt - dwinfil;
                        infil = infil + dwinfil;
                        if (nsol > 0)     //get surface solute balance
                            if (initpond) //pond concn != cin
                                if (h0 > 0.0)
                                    if (ns == 1) // if max pond depth
                                        dy[0] = 0.0;
                                    for (int x = 1; x < cav.Length; x++)
                                        cav[x] = ((2.0 * h0 - dy[0]) * c0[x] + qprec1 * dt * cin[x]) / (2.0 * h0 + dwoff + dwinfil);
                                    for (int x = 1; x < c0.Length; x++)
                                        c0[x] = 2.0 * cav[x] - c0[x]; //This needs to be tested from FORTRAN; no example in original code.
                                    for (int x = 1; x < cav.Length; x++)
                                        cav[x] = ((h0 - dy[0]) * c0[x] + qprec1 * dt * cin[x]) / (dwoff + dwinfil);
                                    initpond = false; //pond gone
                                    c0       = cin;   // for output if any pond at end
                                soff   = MathUtilities.Add(soff, MathUtilities.Multiply_Value(cav, dwoff));
                                sinfil = MathUtilities.Add(sinfil, MathUtilities.Multiply_Value(cav, dwinfil));
                                soff   = MathUtilities.Add(soff, MathUtilities.Multiply_Value(cav, dwoff));
                                sinfil = MathUtilities.Add(sinfil, MathUtilities.Multiply_Value(cin, qprec1 * dt - dwoff));

                        // There's a condition based on botbc in the FORTRAN here, but both paths
                        // resolve to the same equation.
                        drn = drn + (q[sd.n] + sig * qya[sd.n] * dy[sd.n]) * dt;

                        if (extraction)
                            Matrix <double> dwexsM = Matrix <double> .Build.DenseOfArray(dwexs);

                            Matrix <double> qwexsM = Matrix <double> .Build.DenseOfArray(qwexs);

                            Matrix <double> qwexsdM = Matrix <double> .Build.DenseOfArray(qwexsd);

                            Matrix <double> wexM = Matrix <double> .Build.DenseOfArray(wex);

                            Vector <double> wexV;
                            Vector <double> dwexsV;
                            Vector <double> qwexsV;
                            Vector <double> qwexsdV;
                            if (nsol > 0)
                                //dwexs = dwexs + (qwexs + sig * qwexsd * spread(dy(1:n), 2, nex)) * dt
                                for (i = 1; i <= nex; i++)
                                    dwexsV  = dwexsM.Column(i);
                                    qwexsV  = qwexsM.Column(i);
                                    qwexsdV = qwexsdM.Column(i);
                                    dwexsV  = dwexsV + (qwexsV + sig * qwexsdV * Vector <double> .Build.DenseOfArray(dy.Slice(1, sd.n))) * dt;
                                    dwexsM.Column(i, dwexsV);
                                dwexs = dwexsM.ToArray();

                            //wex = wex + (qwexs + sig * qwexsd * spread(dy(1:n), 2, nex)) * dt
                            if (wex.GetLength(0) > 1) // analog for if (present(wex))
                                for (i = 1; i <= nex; i++)
                                    qwexsV  = qwexsM.Column(i);
                                    qwexsdV = qwexsdM.Column(i);
                                    wexV    = wexM.Column(i);
                                    wexV    = wexV + (qwexsV + sig * qwexsdV * Vector <double> .Build.DenseOfArray(dy.Slice(1, sd.n))) * dt;
                                    wexM.Column(i, wexV);
                                wex = wexM.ToArray();

                    for (i = 1; i <= sd.n; i++)
                        if (isat[i] == 0)
                            if (!again)
                                S[i] = S[i] + dy[i];
                                if (S[i] > 1.0 && dy[i] > 0.0) //saturation of layer
                                    isat[i] = 1;
                                    h[i]    = sd.he[i];
                            h[i] = h[i] + dy[i];
                            if (i == 1 && ih0 != 0 && h[i] >= sd.he[i])
                                h[i] = sd.he[i] - 1.0; //pond gone
                            if (h[i] < sd.he[i])       //desaturation of layer
                                isat[i] = 0;
                                h[i]    = sd.he[i];
                    //-----end update unknowns
                    if (!again)

                if (dt <= dtmin)
                    Console.WriteLine("solve: time step = " + dt);
                //-----end take next time step
                //remove negative h0 (optional)
                if (h0 < 0.0 && isat[1] == 0)
                    infil = infil + h0;
                    S[1]  = S[1] + h0 / (sd.ths[1] * sd.dx[1]);
                    h0    = 0.0;
                nsteps = nsteps + 1;
                //solve for solute transport if required
                if (nwsteps * (nsteps / nwsteps) == nsteps)
                    // This is function getsolute() in FORTRAN. Inline here as it uses a huge number of vars and is only used once.
                    if (nsol > 0 && t > ti)
                        thf = MathUtilities.Multiply(sd.ths, S);                                        //final th before call
                        win = infil - infili;                                                           //water in at top over time interval
                        cav = MathUtilities.Divide_Value(MathUtilities.Subtract(sinfil, sinfili), win); //average concn in win
                        Solute(ti, t, thi, thf, dwexs, win, cav, sd.n, nsol, nex, sd.dx, jt, dsmmax, ref sm, ref sdrn, ref nssteps, ref c, ref sex, extraction, sol);
                        ti  = t;
                        thi = thf;
                        infili  = infil;
                        sinfili = sinfil; // for next interval
            //-----end solve until tfin
            //finalise solute transport if required