private void assertBrowserDoesNotExistToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { UserInputPopup AssertBrowserDNE = new UserInputPopup(); AssertBrowserDNE.Text = "Insert AssertBrowserDoesNotExist Command"; AssertBrowserDNE.SetLabel("What is the name of the window that you want to assert doesn't exist"); DialogResult result = AssertBrowserDNE.ShowDialog(this); string windowtitlestring; if (result == DialogResult.OK) { windowtitlestring = AssertBrowserDNE.GetUserInput(); this.Pause(); commandEditor1.AppendToCurrentScript("|AssertBrowserDoesNotExist|" + windowtitlestring + "|" + System.Environment.NewLine, false); this.ResumeRecording(); } return; }
private void sleepToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { UserInputPopup Sleep = new UserInputPopup(); Sleep.Text = "Insert Sleep Command"; Sleep.SetLabel("How many milliseconds would you like SWAT to sleep for?"); DialogResult result = Sleep.ShowDialog(this); string sleepstring; if (result == DialogResult.OK) { sleepstring = Sleep.GetUserInput(); int sleepTime = 0; try { sleepTime = (int)new Int32Converter().ConvertFromString(sleepstring); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Number entered"); return; } this.Pause(); commandEditor1.AppendToCurrentScript("|Sleep|" + sleepTime + "|" + System.Environment.NewLine, false); this.ResumeRecording(); } return; }