public void checkIfJointNamesAreUnique(LinkNode basenode, LinkNode currentNode, List<List<string>> conflicts) { List<string> conflict = new List<string>(); //Finds the conflicts of the currentNode with all the other nodes checkIfJointNamesAreUnique(basenode, currentNode.jointName, conflict); bool alreadyExists = false; foreach (List<string> existingConflict in conflicts) { if (conflict.Count > 0 && existingConflict.Contains(conflict[0])) { alreadyExists = true; } } if (!alreadyExists) { conflicts.Add(conflict); } foreach (LinkNode child in currentNode.Nodes) { //Proceeds recursively through the children nodes and adds to the conflicts list of lists. checkIfJointNamesAreUnique(basenode, child, conflicts); } }
//As nodes are created and destroyed, this menu gets called a lot. It basically just adds the context menu (right-click menu) // to the node public void addDocMenu(LinkNode node) { node.ContextMenuStrip = docMenu; foreach (LinkNode child in node.Nodes) { addDocMenu(child); } }
public void checkIfJointNamesAreUnique(LinkNode node, string jointName, List<string> conflict) { if (node.jointName == jointName) { conflict.Add(node.linkName); } foreach (LinkNode child in node.Nodes) { checkIfLinkNamesAreUnique(child, jointName, conflict); } }
public AssemblyExportForm(ISldWorks iSwApp, LinkNode node) { InitializeComponent(); swApp = iSwApp; BaseNode = node; ActiveSWModel = swApp.ActiveDoc; Exporter = new URDFExporter(iSwApp); AutoUpdatingForm = false; jointBoxes = new Control[] { textBox_joint_name, comboBox_axis, comboBox_joint_type, textBox_axis_x, textBox_axis_y, textBox_axis_z, textBox_joint_x, textBox_joint_y, textBox_joint_z, textBox_joint_pitch, textBox_joint_roll, textBox_joint_yaw, textBox_limit_lower, textBox_limit_upper, textBox_limit_effort, textBox_limit_velocity, textBox_damping, textBox_friction, textBox_calibration_falling, textBox_calibration_rising, textBox_soft_lower, textBox_soft_upper, textBox_k_position, textBox_k_velocity }; linkBoxes = new Control[] { textBox_inertial_origin_x, textBox_inertial_origin_y, textBox_inertial_origin_z, textBox_inertial_origin_roll, textBox_inertial_origin_pitch, textBox_inertial_origin_yaw, textBox_visual_origin_x, textBox_visual_origin_y, textBox_visual_origin_z, textBox_visual_origin_roll, textBox_visual_origin_pitch, textBox_visual_origin_yaw, textBox_collision_origin_x, textBox_collision_origin_y, textBox_collision_origin_z, textBox_collision_origin_roll, textBox_collision_origin_pitch, textBox_collision_origin_yaw, textBox_ixx, textBox_ixy, textBox_ixz, textBox_iyy, textBox_iyz, textBox_izz, textBox_mass, domainUpDown_red, domainUpDown_green, domainUpDown_blue, domainUpDown_alpha, comboBox_materials, textBox_texture }; saveConfigurationAttributeDef = iSwApp.DefineAttribute("URDF Export Configuration"); int Options = 0; saveConfigurationAttributeDef.AddParameter("data", (int)swParamType_e.swParamTypeString, 0, Options); saveConfigurationAttributeDef.AddParameter("name", (int)swParamType_e.swParamTypeString, 0, Options); saveConfigurationAttributeDef.AddParameter("date", (int)swParamType_e.swParamTypeString, 0, Options); saveConfigurationAttributeDef.AddParameter("exporterVersion", (int)swParamType_e.swParamTypeDouble, 1.0, Options); saveConfigurationAttributeDef.Register(); }
private void button_joint_next_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!(previouslySelectedNode == null || previouslySelectedNode.Link.Joint == null)) { saveJointDataFromPropertyBoxes(previouslySelectedNode.Link.Joint); } previouslySelectedNode = null; // Need to clear this for the link properties page //treeView_linkProperties.Nodes.Clear(); //Exporter.mRobot = createRobotFromTreeView(treeView_jointtree); //fillTreeViewFromRobot(Exporter.mRobot, treeView_linkProperties); while (treeView_jointtree.Nodes.Count > 0) { LinkNode node = (LinkNode)treeView_jointtree.Nodes[0]; treeView_jointtree.Nodes.Remove(node); BaseNode.Nodes.Add(node); } changeAllNodeFont(BaseNode, new System.Drawing.Font(treeView_jointtree.Font, FontStyle.Regular)); fillLinkTree(); panel_link_properties.Visible = true; this.Focus(); }
// Calls the Exporter loadConfigTree method and then populates the tree with the loaded config public void loadConfigTree() { Object[] objects = ActiveSWModel.FeatureManager.GetFeatures(true); string data = ""; foreach (Object obj in objects) { Feature feat = (Feature)obj; string t = feat.GetTypeName2(); if (feat.GetTypeName2() == "Attribute") { SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks.Attribute att = (SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks.Attribute)feat.GetSpecificFeature2(); if (att.GetName() == "URDF Export Configuration") { Parameter param = att.GetParameter("data"); data = param.GetStringValue(); } } } LinkNode basenode = null; if (!data.Equals("")) { XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(SerialNode)); XmlTextReader textReader = new XmlTextReader(new StringReader(data)); SerialNode node = (SerialNode)serializer.Deserialize(textReader); basenode = new LinkNode(node); Common.loadSWComponents(ActiveSWModel, basenode); textReader.Close(); } if (basenode == null) { basenode = createEmptyNode(null); } addDocMenu(basenode); tree.Nodes.Clear(); tree.Nodes.Add(basenode); tree.ExpandAll(); tree.SelectedNode = tree.Nodes[0]; }
// Finds the next incomplete node and returns that public LinkNode findNextLinkToVisit(LinkNode nodeToCheck) { if (nodeToCheck.Link.isIncomplete) { return nodeToCheck; } foreach (LinkNode node in nodeToCheck.Nodes) { return findNextLinkToVisit(node); } return null; }
// The one used by the Assembly Exporter public void createRobotFromTreeView(LinkNode baseNode) { mRobot = new robot(); progressBar.Start(0, Common.getCount(baseNode.Nodes) + 1, "Building links"); int count = 0; progressBar.UpdateProgress(count); progressBar.UpdateTitle("Building link: " + baseNode.Name); count++; link BaseLink = createLink(baseNode, 1); mRobot.BaseLink = BaseLink; baseNode.Link = BaseLink; progressBar.End(); }
//Populates the TreeView with the organized links from the robot public void fillTreeViewFromRobot(robot robot) { tree.Nodes.Clear(); LinkNode baseNode = new LinkNode(); link baseLink = robot.BaseLink; baseNode.Name =; baseNode.Text =; baseNode.Link = baseLink; baseNode.ContextMenuStrip = docMenu; foreach (link child in baseLink.Children) { baseNode.Nodes.Add(createLinkNodeFromLink(child)); } tree.Nodes.Add(baseNode); tree.ExpandAll(); }
//Method which builds an entire link and iterates through. public link createLink(LinkNode node, int count) { progressBar.UpdateTitle("Building link: " + node.Name); progressBar.UpdateProgress(count); link Link; if (node.isBaseNode) { createBaseLinkFromComponents(node); Link = mRobot.BaseLink; } else { LinkNode parentNode = (LinkNode)node.Parent; Link = createLinkFromComponents(parentNode.Link, node.Components, node); } node.Link = Link; foreach (LinkNode child in node.Nodes) { link childLink = createLink(child, count + 1); Link.Children.Add(childLink); } return Link; }
public void selectFeatures(LinkNode node) { ActiveSWModel.Extension.SelectByID2(node.coordsysName, "COORDSYS", 0, 0, 0, true, -1, null, 0); if (node.axisName != "None") { ActiveSWModel.Extension.SelectByID2(node.axisName, "AXIS", 0, 0, 0, true, -1, null, 0); } foreach (LinkNode child in node.Nodes) { selectFeatures(child); } }
public void checkRefGeometryExists(LinkNode node) { if (!checkRefCoordsysExists(node.coordsysName)) { node.coordsysName = "Automatically Generate"; } if (!checkRefAxisExists(node.axisName)) { node.axisName = "Automatically Generate"; } }
//Creates an Empty node when children are added to a link public LinkNode createEmptyNode(LinkNode Parent) { LinkNode node = new LinkNode(); if (Parent == null) //For the base_link node { node.linkName = "base_link"; node.axisName = ""; node.coordsysName = "Automatically Generate"; node.Components = new List<Component2>(); node.isBaseNode = true; node.isIncomplete = true; } else { node.isBaseNode = false; node.linkName = "Empty_Link"; node.axisName = "Automatically Generate"; node.coordsysName = "Automatically Generate"; node.jointType = "Automatically Detect"; node.Components = new List<Component2>(); node.isBaseNode = false; node.isIncomplete = true; } node.Name = node.linkName; node.Text = node.linkName; node.ContextMenuStrip = docMenu; return node; }
//Recursive function to iterate though nodes and build a message containing those that are incomplete public string checkNodesComplete(LinkNode node, string incompleteNodes) { // Determine if the node is incomplete checkNodeComplete(node); if (node.isIncomplete) { incompleteNodes += " '" + node.Text + "':\r\n" + node.whyIncomplete + "\r\n\r\n"; //Building the message } // Cycle through the rest of the nodes foreach (LinkNode child in node.Nodes) { incompleteNodes = checkNodesComplete(child, incompleteNodes); } return incompleteNodes; }
//Sets the node's isIncomplete flag if the node has key items that need to be completed public void checkNodeComplete(LinkNode node) { node.whyIncomplete = ""; node.isIncomplete = false; if (node.linkName.Equals("")) { node.isIncomplete = true; node.whyIncomplete += " Link name is empty. Fill in a unique link name\r\n"; } if (node.Nodes.Count > 0 && node.Components.Count == 0) { node.isIncomplete = true; node.whyIncomplete += " Links with children cannot be empty. Select its associated components\r\n"; } if (node.Components.Count == 0 && node.coordsysName == "Automatically Generate") { node.isIncomplete = true; node.whyIncomplete += " The origin reference coordinate system cannot be automatically generated\r\n"; node.whyIncomplete += " without components. Either select an origin or at least one component."; } if (node.jointName == "" && !node.isBaseNode) { node.isIncomplete = true; node.whyIncomplete += " Joint name is empty. Fill in a unique joint name\r\n"; } }
public bool checkIfNamesAreUnique(LinkNode node) { List<List<string>> linkConflicts = new List<List<string>>(); List<List<string>> jointConflicts = new List<List<string>>(); checkIfLinkNamesAreUnique(node, node, linkConflicts); checkIfJointNamesAreUnique(node, node, jointConflicts); string message = "\r\nPlease fix these errors before proceeding."; string specificErrors = ""; bool displayInitialMessage = true; bool linkNamesInConflict = false; foreach (List<string> conflict in linkConflicts) { if (conflict.Count > 1) { linkNamesInConflict = true; if (displayInitialMessage) { specificErrors += "The following links have LINK names that conflict:\r\n\r\n"; displayInitialMessage = false; } bool isFirst = true; foreach (string linkName in conflict) { specificErrors += (isFirst) ? " " + linkName : ", " + linkName; isFirst = false; } specificErrors += "\r\n"; } } displayInitialMessage = true; foreach (List<string> conflict in jointConflicts) { if (conflict.Count > 1) { linkNamesInConflict = true; if (displayInitialMessage) { specificErrors += "The following links have JOINT names that conflict:\r\n\r\n"; displayInitialMessage = false; } bool isFirst = true; foreach (string linkName in conflict) { specificErrors += (isFirst) ? " " + linkName : ", " + linkName; isFirst = false; } specificErrors += "\r\n"; } } if (linkNamesInConflict) { MessageBox.Show(specificErrors + message); return false; } return true; }
// Captures which node was right clicked private void tree_NodeMouseClick(object sender, TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs e) { rightClickedNode = (LinkNode)e.Node; }
//Base method for constructing a joint from a parent link and child link. public void createJoint(link parent, link child, LinkNode node) { checkRefGeometryExists(node); string jointName = node.jointName; string coordSysName = node.coordsysName; string axisName = node.axisName; string jointType = node.jointType; List<Component2> componentsToFix = fixComponents(parent); AssemblyDoc assy = (AssemblyDoc)ActiveSWModel; child.Joint = new joint(); = jointName; =; =; if (child.isFixedFrame) { axisName = ""; jointType = "fixed"; child.Joint.type = jointType; } else if (coordSysName == "Automatically Generate" || axisName == "Automatically Generate" || jointType == "Automatically Detect") { // We have to estimate the joint if the user specifies automatic for either the reference coordinate system, the reference axis or the joint type. estimateGlobalJointFromComponents(assy, parent, child); } if (coordSysName == "Automatically Generate") { child.Joint.CoordinateSystemName = "Origin_" +; ActiveSWModel.ClearSelection2(true); int i = 2; while (ActiveSWModel.Extension.SelectByID2(child.Joint.CoordinateSystemName, "COORDSYS", 0, 0, 0, false, 0, null, 0)) { ActiveSWModel.ClearSelection2(true); child.Joint.CoordinateSystemName = "Origin_" + + i.ToString(); i++; } createRefOrigin(child.Joint); } else { child.Joint.CoordinateSystemName = coordSysName; } if (axisName == "Automatically Generate") { child.Joint.AxisName = "Axis_" +; ActiveSWModel.ClearSelection2(true); int i = 2; while (ActiveSWModel.Extension.SelectByID2(child.Joint.AxisName, "AXIS", 0, 0, 0, false, 0, null, 0)) { ActiveSWModel.ClearSelection2(true); child.Joint.AxisName = "Axis_" + + i.ToString(); i++; } if (child.Joint.type != "fixed") { createRefAxis(child.Joint); } } else { child.Joint.AxisName = axisName; } if (jointType != "Automatically Detect") { child.Joint.type = jointType; } estimateGlobalJointFromRefGeometry(parent, child); coordSysName = (parent.Joint == null) ? parent.CoordSysName : parent.Joint.CoordinateSystemName; unFixComponents(componentsToFix); localizeJoint(child.Joint, coordSysName); }
//Method which builds a single link public link createLinkFromComponents(link parent, List<Component2> components, LinkNode node) { link child = new link(); = node.linkName; if (components.Count > 0) { child.isFixedFrame = false; child.Visual = new visual(); child.Inertial = new inertial(); child.Collision = new collision(); child.SWMainComponent = components[0]; child.SWcomponents.AddRange(components); } //Get link properties from SolidWorks part if (parent != null) { createJoint(parent, child, node); } string childCoordSysName = ""; if (child.Joint == null) { childCoordSysName = node.coordsysName; } else { childCoordSysName = child.Joint.CoordinateSystemName; } // Get the SolidWorks MathTransform that corresponds to the child coordinate system MathTransform jointTransform = getCoordinateSystemTransform(childCoordSysName); if (!child.isFixedFrame) { //selectComponents(components, true); IMassProperty swMass = ActiveSWModel.Extension.CreateMassProperty(); swMass.SetCoordinateSystem(jointTransform); Body2[] bodies = getBodies(components); bool addedBodies = swMass.AddBodies(bodies); child.Inertial.Mass.value = swMass.Mass; double[] moment = swMass.GetMomentOfInertia((int)swMassPropertyMoment_e.swMassPropertyMomentAboutCenterOfMass); // returned as double with values [Lxx, Lxy, Lxz, Lyx, Lyy, Lyz, Lzx, Lzy, Lzz] child.Inertial.Inertia.setMomentMatrix(moment); double[] centerOfMass = swMass.CenterOfMass; = centerOfMass; child.Inertial.Origin.rpy = new double[3] { 0, 0, 0 }; // Will this ever not be zeros? = new double[3] { 0, 0, 0 }; child.Visual.Origin.rpy = new double[3] { 0, 0, 0 }; = new double[3] { 0, 0, 0 }; child.Collision.Origin.rpy = new double[3] { 0, 0, 0 }; // [ R, G, B, Ambient, Diffuse, Specular, Shininess, Transparency, Emission ] ModelDoc2 mainCompdoc = components[0].GetModelDoc2(); double[] values = mainCompdoc.MaterialPropertyValues; child.Visual.Material.Color.Red = values[0]; child.Visual.Material.Color.Green = values[1]; child.Visual.Material.Color.Blue = values[2]; child.Visual.Material.Color.Alpha = 1.0 - values[7]; // = "material_" +; //The part model doesn't actually know where the origin is, but the component does and this is important when exporting from assembly = new double[] { 0, 0, 0 }; child.Visual.Origin.rpy = new double[] { 0, 0, 0 }; = new double[] { 0, 0, 0 }; child.Collision.Origin.rpy = new double[] { 0, 0, 0 }; } //ActiveSWModel.ClearSelection2(true); return child; }
public void moveComponentsToFolder(LinkNode node) { bool needToCreateFolder = true; Object[] objects = ActiveSWModel.FeatureManager.GetFeatures(true); foreach (Object obj in objects) { Feature feat = (Feature)obj; if (feat.Name == "URDF Export Items") { needToCreateFolder = false; } } ActiveSWModel.ClearSelection2(true); ActiveSWModel.Extension.SelectByID2("Origin_global", "COORDSYS", 0, 0, 0, true, 0, null, 0); if (needToCreateFolder) { Feature folderFeature = ActiveSWModel.FeatureManager.InsertFeatureTreeFolder2((int)swFeatureTreeFolderType_e.swFeatureTreeFolder_Containing); folderFeature.Name = "URDF Export Items"; } ActiveSWModel.Extension.SelectByID2("URDF Reference", "SKETCH", 0, 0, 0, true, 0, null, 0); ActiveSWModel.FeatureManager.MoveToFolder("URDF Export Items", "", false); ActiveSWModel.Extension.SelectByID2("URDF Export Configuration", "ATTRIBUTE", 0, 0, 0, true, 0, null, 0); ActiveSWModel.FeatureManager.MoveToFolder("URDF Export Items", "", false); selectFeatures(node); ActiveSWModel.FeatureManager.MoveToFolder("URDF Export Items", "", false); }
public void retrieveSWComponentPIDs(LinkNode node) { if (node.Components != null) { node.ComponentPIDs = new List<byte[]>(); foreach (IComponent2 comp in node.Components) { byte[] PID = ActiveSWModel.Extension.GetPersistReference3(comp); node.ComponentPIDs.Add(PID); } } foreach (LinkNode child in node.Nodes) { retrieveSWComponentPIDs(child); } }
// Determines how many nodes need to be built, and they are added to the current node private void createNewNodes(LinkNode CurrentlySelectedNode) { int nodesToBuild = (int)pm_NumberBox_ChildCount.Value - CurrentlySelectedNode.Nodes.Count; createNewNodes(CurrentlySelectedNode, nodesToBuild); }
public void saveConfigTree(ModelDoc2 model, LinkNode BaseNode, bool warnUser) { Object[] objects = model.FeatureManager.GetFeatures(true); string oldData = ""; Parameter param; foreach (Object obj in objects) { Feature feat = (Feature)obj; string t = feat.GetTypeName2(); if (feat.GetTypeName2() == "Attribute") { SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks.Attribute att = (SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks.Attribute)feat.GetSpecificFeature2(); if (att.GetName() == "URDF Export Configuration") { param = att.GetParameter("data"); oldData = param.GetStringValue(); } } } //moveComponentsToFolder((LinkNode)tree.Nodes[0]); retrieveSWComponentPIDs(BaseNode); SerialNode sNode = new SerialNode(BaseNode); StringWriter stringWriter; XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(SerialNode)); stringWriter = new StringWriter(); serializer.Serialize(stringWriter, sNode); stringWriter.Flush(); stringWriter.Close(); string newData = stringWriter.ToString(); if (oldData != newData) { if (!warnUser || (warnUser && MessageBox.Show("The configuration has changed, would you like to save?", "Save Export Configuration", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes)) { int ConfigurationOptions = (int)swInConfigurationOpts_e.swAllConfiguration; SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks.Attribute saveExporterAttribute = createSWSaveAttribute("URDF Export Configuration"); param = saveExporterAttribute.GetParameter("data"); param.SetStringValue2(stringWriter.ToString(), ConfigurationOptions, ""); param = saveExporterAttribute.GetParameter("name"); param.SetStringValue2("config1", ConfigurationOptions, ""); param = saveExporterAttribute.GetParameter("date"); param.SetStringValue2(DateTime.Now.ToString(), ConfigurationOptions, ""); param = saveExporterAttribute.GetParameter("exporterVersion"); param.SetStringValue2("1.1", ConfigurationOptions, ""); } } }
// Adds an asterix to the node text if it is incomplete (not currently used) private void updateNodeNames(LinkNode node) { if (node.isIncomplete) { node.Text = node.linkName + "*"; } foreach (LinkNode child in node.Nodes) { updateNodeNames(child); } }
// When a new node is selected or another node is found that needs to be visited, this method saves the previously // active node and fills in the property mananger with the new one public void switchActiveNodes(LinkNode node) { saveActiveNode(); Font fontRegular = new Font(tree.Font, FontStyle.Regular); Font fontBold = new Font(tree.Font, FontStyle.Bold); if (previouslySelectedNode != null) { previouslySelectedNode.NodeFont = fontRegular; } fillPropertyManager(node); //If this flag is set to true, it prevents this method from getting called again when changing the selected node automaticallySwitched = true; //Change the selected node to the argument node. This highlights the newly activated node tree.SelectedNode = node; node.NodeFont = fontBold; node.Text = node.Text; previouslySelectedNode = node; checkNodeComplete(node); }
public void createBaseLinkFromComponents(LinkNode node) { // Build the link from the partdoc link Link = createLinkFromComponents(null, node.Components, node); if (node.coordsysName == "Automatically Generate") { createBaseRefOrigin(true); node.coordsysName = "Origin_global"; Link.CoordSysName = node.coordsysName; } else { Link.CoordSysName = node.coordsysName; } mRobot.BaseLink = Link; }
// Adds the number of empty nodes to the currently active node private void createNewNodes(LinkNode currentNode, int number) { for (int i = 0; i < number; i++) { LinkNode node = createEmptyNode(currentNode); currentNode.Nodes.Add(node); } for (int i = 0; i < -number; i++) { currentNode.Nodes.RemoveAt(currentNode.Nodes.Count - 1); } int itemsCount = Common.getCount(tree.Nodes); int itemHeight = 1 + itemsCount * tree.ItemHeight; int min = 163; int max = 600; int height = ops.envelope(itemHeight, min, max); tree.Height = height; pm_tree.Height = height; currentNode.ExpandAll(); }
// Similar to the AssemblyExportForm method. It creates a LinkNode from a Link object public LinkNode createLinkNodeFromLink(link Link) { LinkNode node = new LinkNode(); node.Name =; node.Text =; node.Link = Link; node.ContextMenuStrip = docMenu; foreach (link child in Link.Children) { node.Nodes.Add(createLinkNodeFromLink(child)); } node.Link.Children.Clear(); // Need to erase the children from the embedded link because they may be rearranged later. return node; }
public SerialNode(LinkNode node) { Nodes = new List<SerialNode>(); if (node.Link == null) { linkName = node.linkName; jointName = node.jointName; axisName = node.axisName; coordsysName = node.coordsysName; componentPIDs = node.ComponentPIDs; jointType = node.jointType; isBaseNode = node.isBaseNode; isIncomplete = node.isIncomplete; } else { linkName = (string); componentPIDs = node.ComponentPIDs; if (node.Link.Joint != null) { jointName = (string); if (node.Link.Joint.Axis.X == 0 && node.Link.Joint.Axis.Y == 0 && node.Link.Joint.Axis.Z == 0) { axisName = "None"; } else { axisName = node.Link.Joint.AxisName; } coordsysName = node.Link.Joint.CoordinateSystemName; jointType = (string)node.Link.Joint.type; } else { coordsysName = node.coordsysName; } isBaseNode = node.isBaseNode; isIncomplete = node.isIncomplete; } //Proceed recursively through the nodes foreach (LinkNode child in node.Nodes) { Nodes.Add(new SerialNode(child)); } }
//Sets all the controls in the Property Manager from the Selected Node public void fillPropertyManager(LinkNode node) { pm_TextBox_LinkName.Text = node.linkName; pm_NumberBox_ChildCount.Value = node.Nodes.Count; //Selecting the associated link components Common.selectComponents(ActiveSWModel, node.Components, true, pm_Selection.Mark); //Setting joint properties if (!node.isBaseNode && node.Parent != null) { //Combobox needs to be blanked before de-activating selectComboBox(pm_ComboBox_GlobalCoordsys, ""); //Labels need to be activated before changing them enableControls(!node.isBaseNode); pm_TextBox_JointName.Text = node.jointName; pm_Label_ParentLink.Caption = node.Parent.Name; updateComboBoxFromFeatures(pm_ComboBox_CoordSys, "CoordSys"); //checkTransforms(ActiveSWModel); updateComboBoxFromFeatures(pm_ComboBox_Axes, "RefAxis"); pm_ComboBox_Axes.AddItems("None"); selectComboBox(pm_ComboBox_CoordSys, node.coordsysName); selectComboBox(pm_ComboBox_Axes, node.axisName); selectComboBox(pm_ComboBox_JointType, node.jointType); } else { //Labels and text box have be blanked before de-activating them pm_Label_ParentLink.Caption = " "; selectComboBox(pm_ComboBox_CoordSys, ""); selectComboBox(pm_ComboBox_Axes, ""); selectComboBox(pm_ComboBox_JointType, ""); //Activate controls before changing them enableControls(!node.isBaseNode); updateComboBoxFromFeatures(pm_ComboBox_GlobalCoordsys, "CoordSys"); selectComboBox(pm_ComboBox_GlobalCoordsys, node.coordsysName); } }