internal static List <Shape> Parse(SVG svg, XmlNode node) { var vb = node.Attributes.GetNamedItem("viewBox"); if (vb != null) { var cord = vb.Value.Split(' '); var cult = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; svg.ViewBox = new Rect(double.Parse(cord[0], cult), double.Parse(cord[1], cult), double.Parse(cord[2], cult), double.Parse(cord[3], cult)); } svg.Size = new Size(XmlUtil.AttrValue(node, "width", 300), XmlUtil.AttrValue(node, "height", 150)); var lstElements = new List <Shape>(); if (node == null || (node.Name != SVGTags.sSvg && node.Name != SVGTags.sPattern)) { throw new FormatException("Not a valide SVG node"); } foreach (XmlNode childnode in node.ChildNodes) { Group.AddToList(svg, lstElements, childnode, null); } return(lstElements); }
public Brush FillBrush(SVG svg, SVGRender svgRender, Shape shape, double elementOpacity, Rect bounds) { var paintServer = svg.PaintServers.GetServer(PaintServerKey); if (paintServer != null) { if (paintServer is CurrentColorPaintServer) { var shapePaintServer = svg.PaintServers.GetServer(shape.PaintServerKey); if (shapePaintServer != null) { return(shapePaintServer.GetBrush(this.Opacity * elementOpacity, svg, svgRender, bounds)); } } if (paintServer is InheritPaintServer) { var p = shape.RealParent ?? shape.Parent; while (p != null) { if (p.Fill != null) { var checkPaintServer = svg.PaintServers.GetServer(p.Fill.PaintServerKey); if (!(checkPaintServer is InheritPaintServer)) { return(checkPaintServer.GetBrush(this.Opacity * elementOpacity, svg, svgRender, bounds)); } } p = p.RealParent ?? p.Parent; } return(null); } return(paintServer.GetBrush(this.Opacity * elementOpacity, svg, svgRender, bounds)); } return(null); }
public Brush StrokeBrush(SVG svg, SVGRender svgRender, Shape shape, double elementOpacity, Rect bounds, PaintServer.PaintServer parent) { if (this.Color != null) { if (this.Color is CurrentColorPaintServer) { return(shape.Color.GetBrush(this.Opacity * elementOpacity, svg, svgRender, bounds)); } if (this.Color is InheritPaintServer) { var p = shape.RealParent ?? shape.Parent; while (p != null) { if (p.Fill != null && !(p.Stroke.Color is InheritPaintServer)) { return(p.Stroke.Color.GetBrush(this.Opacity * elementOpacity, svg, svgRender, bounds)); } p = p.RealParent ?? p.Parent; } return(null); } return(this.Color.GetBrush(this.Opacity * elementOpacity, svg, svgRender, bounds)); } return(null); }
public static void ParseStyle(SVG svg, string style) { var svgStyles = svg.Styles; var match = _regexStyle.Match(style); while (match.Success) { var name = match.Groups[1].Value.Trim(); var value = match.Groups[2].Value.Trim(); foreach (var nm in name.Split(',')) { if (!svgStyles.ContainsKey(nm)) { svgStyles.Add(nm, new List <XmlUtil.StyleItem>()); } foreach (ShapeUtil.Attribute styleitem in XmlUtil.SplitStyle(svg, value)) { svgStyles[nm].Add(new XmlUtil.StyleItem(styleitem.Name, styleitem.Value)); } } match = match.NextMatch(); } }
public Stroke(SVG svg) { this.Width = 1; this.LineCap = eLineCap.butt; this.LineJoin = eLineJoin.miter; this.Opacity = 100; }
public Brush FillBrush(SVG svg) { if (this.Color != null) { return(this.Color.GetBrush(this.Opacity, svg)); } return(null); }
public Stroke(SVG svg) { this.Color = new SolidColorPaintServer(svg.PaintServers, Colors.Black); this.Width = 1; this.LineCap = eLineCap.butt; this.LineJoin = eLineJoin.miter; this.Opacity = 100; }
public Brush StrokeBrush(SVG svg, double elementOpacity) { if (this.Color != null) { return(this.Color.GetBrush(this.Opacity * elementOpacity, svg)); } return(null); }
public static Element Parse(SVG svg, string text, TextShape owner) { int curpos = 0; Element root = new Element(svg, owner, Element.eElementType.Tag, null); root.Text = "<root>"; root.StartIndex = 0; return(Parse(svg, text, ref curpos, null, root)); }
public static double ParseDouble(SVG svg, string svalue) { double value = 0d; if (GetValueRespectingUnits(svalue, out value, 1)) { return(value); } return(0.1); }
public static double ParseDouble(SVG svg, string svalue) { string units = string.Empty; double value = 0d; if (SplitValueUnits(svalue, out value, out units)) { return(value); } return(0.1); }
TSpan.Element ParseTSpan(SVG svg, string tspanText) { try { return(TSpan.Parse(svg, tspanText, this)); } catch { return(null); } }
public DrawingGroup LoadDrawing(Stream stream) { this.m_svg = new SVG(stream); /*var aa = new MemoryStream(); var qq = XmlWriter.Create(aa, new XmlWriterSettings() { OmitXmlDeclaration = true, Indent = true }); XamlWriter.Save(this.CreateDrawing(this.m_svg), qq); aa.Position = 0; var bb = new StreamReader(aa); var cc = bb.ReadToEnd();*/ return this.CreateDrawing(this.m_svg); }
public DrawingGroup LoadDrawing(Stream stream) { this.m_svg = new SVG(stream); /*var aa = new MemoryStream(); * var qq = XmlWriter.Create(aa, new XmlWriterSettings() { OmitXmlDeclaration = true, Indent = true }); * XamlWriter.Save(this.CreateDrawing(this.m_svg), qq); * aa.Position = 0; * var bb = new StreamReader(aa); * var cc = bb.ReadToEnd();*/ return(this.CreateDrawing(this.m_svg)); }
static Element Parse(SVG svg, string text, ref int curPos, Element parent, Element curTag) { Element tag = curTag; if (tag == null) { tag = NextTag(svg, parent, text, ref curPos); } while (curPos < text.Length) { int prevPos = curPos; Element next = NextTag(svg, tag, text, ref curPos); if (next == null && curPos < text.Length) { // remaining pure text string s = text.Substring(curPos, text.Length - curPos); tag.Children.Add(new Element(svg, tag, s)); return(tag); } if (next != null && next.StartIndex - prevPos > 0) { // pure text between tspan elements int diff = next.StartIndex - prevPos; string s = text.Substring(prevPos, diff); tag.Children.Add(new Element(svg, tag, s)); } if (next.Text.StartsWith("<tspan")) { // new nested element next = Parse(svg, text, ref curPos, tag, next); tag.Children.Add(next); continue; } if (next.Text.StartsWith("</tspan")) { // end of cur element tag.End = next; return(tag); } if (next.Text.StartsWith("<textPath")) { continue; } if (next.Text.StartsWith("</textPath")) { continue; } throw new Exception(string.Format("unexpected tag '{0}'", next.Text)); } return(tag); }
public TextStyle(SVG svg, Shape owner) { this.FontFamily = "Arial Unicode MS, Verdana"; this.FontSize = 12; this.Fontweight = FontWeights.Normal; this.Fontstyle = FontStyles.Normal; this.TextAlignment = System.Windows.TextAlignment.Left; this.WordSpacing = 0; this.LetterSpacing = 0; this.BaseLineShift = string.Empty; if (owner.Parent != null) { this.Copy(owner.Parent.TextStyle); } }
static Element NextTag(SVG svg, Element parent, string text, ref int curPos) { int start = text.IndexOf("<", curPos); if (start < 0) { return(null); } int end = text.IndexOf(">", start + 1); if (end < 0) { throw new Exception("Start '<' with no end '>'"); } end++; string tagtext = text.Substring(start, end - start); if (tagtext.IndexOf("<", 1) > 0) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Start '<' within tag 'tag'")); } List <ShapeUtil.Attribute> attrs = new List <ShapeUtil.Attribute>(); int attrstart = tagtext.IndexOf("tspan"); if (attrstart > 0) { attrstart += 5; while (attrstart < tagtext.Length - 1) { attrs.Add(ShapeUtil.ReadNextAttr(tagtext, ref attrstart)); } } Element tag = new Element(svg, parent, Element.eElementType.Tag, attrs); tag.StartIndex = start; tag.Text = text.Substring(start, end - start); if (tag.Text.IndexOf("<", 1) > 0) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Start '<' within tag 'tag'")); } curPos = end; return(tag); }
public TextShape(SVG svg, XmlNode node, Shape parent) : base(svg, node, parent) { this.X = XmlUtil.AttrValue(node, "x", 0); this.Y = XmlUtil.AttrValue(node, "y", 0); this.Text = node.InnerText; this.GetTextStyle(svg); // check for tSpan tag if (node.InnerXml.IndexOf("<") >= 0) this.TextSpan = this.ParseTSpan(svg, node.InnerXml); if (DefaultFill == null) { DefaultFill = new Fill(svg); DefaultFill.Color = svg.PaintServers.Parse("black"); } if (DefaultStroke == null) { DefaultStroke = new Stroke(svg); DefaultStroke.Width = 0.1; } }
public static List <ShapeUtil.Attribute> SplitStyle(SVG svg, string fullstyle) { List <ShapeUtil.Attribute> list = new List <ShapeUtil.Attribute>(); if (fullstyle.Length == 0) { return(list); } // style contains attributes in format of "attrname:value;attrname:value" string[] attrs = fullstyle.Split(';'); foreach (string attr in attrs) { string[] s = attr.Split(':'); if (s.Length != 2) { continue; } list.Add(new ShapeUtil.Attribute(s[0].Trim(), s[1].Trim())); } return(list); }
public TextShape(SVG svg, XmlNode node, Shape parent) : base(svg, node, parent) { this.X = XmlUtil.AttrValue(node, "x", 0); this.Y = XmlUtil.AttrValue(node, "y", 0); this.Text = node.InnerText; this.GetTextStyle(svg); // check for tSpan tag if (node.InnerXml.IndexOf("<") >= 0) { this.TextSpan = this.ParseTSpan(svg, node.InnerXml); } //if (DefaultFill == null) //{ // DefaultFill = new Fill(svg); // DefaultFill.PaintServerKey = svg.PaintServers.Parse("black"); //} if (DefaultStroke == null) { DefaultStroke = new Stroke(svg); DefaultStroke.Width = 0.1; } }
public Element(SVG svg, Shape parent, eElementType eType, List <ShapeUtil.Attribute> attrs) : base(svg, attrs, parent) { this.ElementType = eType; this.Text = string.Empty; this.Children = new List <Element>(); }
public Element(SVG svg, Shape parent, string text) : base(svg, (XmlNode)null, parent) { this.ElementType = eElementType.Text; this.Text = text; }
public Fill(SVG svg) { this.FillRule = eFillRule.nonzero; this.Opacity = 100; }
public DrawingGroup CreateDrawing(SVG svg) { return this.LoadGroup(svg.Elements, svg.ViewBox); }
// public PathShape(SVG svg, XmlNode node) : base(svg, node) { if (DefaultFill == null) { DefaultFill = new Fill(svg); DefaultFill.Color = svg.PaintServers.Parse("black"); } this.ClosePath = false; string path = XmlUtil.AttrValue(node, "d", string.Empty); CommandSplitter cmd = new CommandSplitter(path); string commandstring; char command; List <PathElement> elements = this.m_elements; while (true) { commandstring = cmd.ReadNext(); if (commandstring.Length == 0) { break; } ShapeUtil.StringSplitter split = cmd.SplitCommand(commandstring, out command); if (command == 'm' || command == 'M') { elements.Add(new MoveTo(command, split)); if (split.More) { elements.Add(new LineTo(command, split)); } continue; } if (command == 'l' || command == 'L' || command == 'H' || command == 'h' || command == 'V' || command == 'v') { elements.Add(new LineTo(command, split)); continue; } if (command == 'c' || command == 'C') { while (split.More) { elements.Add(new CurveTo(command, split)); } continue; } if (command == 's' || command == 'S') { while (split.More) { CurveTo lastshape = elements[elements.Count - 1] as CurveTo; System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(lastshape != null); elements.Add(new CurveTo(command, split, lastshape.CtrlPoint2)); } continue; } if (command == 'a' || command == 'A') { elements.Add(new EllipticalArcTo(command, split)); while (split.More) { elements.Add(new EllipticalArcTo(command, split)); } continue; } if (command == 'z' || command == 'Z') { this.ClosePath = true; continue; } // extended format moveto or lineto can contain multiple points which should be translated into lineto PathElement lastitem = elements[elements.Count - 1]; if (lastitem is MoveTo || lastitem is LineTo || lastitem is CurveTo) { //Point p = Point.Parse(s); //elements.Add(new LineTo(p)); continue; } System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, string.Format("type '{0}' not supported", commandstring)); } }
static Element NextTag(SVG svg, Element parent, string text, ref int curPos) { int start = text.IndexOf("<", curPos); if (start < 0) return null; int end = text.IndexOf(">", start+1); if (end < 0) throw new Exception("Start '<' with no end '>'"); end++; string tagtext = text.Substring(start, end - start); if (tagtext.IndexOf("<", 1) > 0) throw new Exception(string.Format("Start '<' within tag 'tag'")); List<ShapeUtil.Attribute> attrs = new List<ShapeUtil.Attribute>(); int attrstart = tagtext.IndexOf("tspan"); if (attrstart > 0) { attrstart += 5; while (attrstart < tagtext.Length-1) attrs.Add(ShapeUtil.ReadNextAttr(tagtext, ref attrstart)); } Element tag = new Element(svg, parent, Element.eElementType.Tag, attrs); tag.StartIndex = start; tag.Text = text.Substring(start, end - start); if (tag.Text.IndexOf("<", 1) > 0) throw new Exception(string.Format("Start '<' within tag 'tag'")); curPos = end; return tag; }
// public PathShape(SVG svg, XmlNode node) : base(svg, node) { if (DefaultFill == null) { DefaultFill = new Fill(svg); DefaultFill.Color = svg.PaintServers.Parse("black"); } this.ClosePath = false; string path = XmlUtil.AttrValue(node, "d", string.Empty); CommandSplitter cmd = new CommandSplitter(path); string commandstring; char command; List<PathElement> elements = this.m_elements; while (true) { commandstring = cmd.ReadNext(); if (commandstring.Length == 0) break; ShapeUtil.StringSplitter split = cmd.SplitCommand(commandstring, out command); if (command == 'm' || command == 'M') { elements.Add(new MoveTo(command, split)); if (split.More) elements.Add(new LineTo(command, split)); continue; } if (command == 'l' || command == 'L' || command == 'H' || command == 'h' || command == 'V' || command == 'v') { elements.Add(new LineTo(command, split)); continue; } if (command == 'c' || command == 'C') { while (split.More) elements.Add(new CurveTo(command, split)); continue; } if (command == 's' || command == 'S') { while (split.More) { CurveTo lastshape = elements[elements.Count - 1] as CurveTo; System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(lastshape != null); elements.Add(new CurveTo(command, split, lastshape.CtrlPoint2)); } continue; } if (command == 'a' || command == 'A') { elements.Add(new EllipticalArcTo(command, split)); while (split.More) elements.Add(new EllipticalArcTo(command, split)); continue; } if (command == 'z' || command == 'Z') { this.ClosePath = true; continue; } // extended format moveto or lineto can contain multiple points which should be translated into lineto PathElement lastitem = elements[elements.Count-1]; if (lastitem is MoveTo || lastitem is LineTo || lastitem is CurveTo) { //Point p = Point.Parse(s); //elements.Add(new LineTo(p)); continue; } System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, string.Format("type '{0}' not supported", commandstring)); } }
public Fill(SVG svg) { this.FillRule = eFillRule.nonzero; this.Color = new SolidColorPaintServer(svg.PaintServers, Colors.LightSeaGreen); this.Opacity = 100; }
public Brush StrokeBrush(SVG svg) { if (this.Color != null) return this.Color.GetBrush(this.Opacity, svg); return null; }
// public PathShape(SVG svg, XmlNode node, Shape parent) : base(svg, node, parent) { if (DefaultFill == null) { DefaultFill = new Fill(svg); DefaultFill.PaintServerKey = svg.PaintServers.Parse("black"); } this.ClosePath = false; string path = XmlUtil.AttrValue(node, "d", string.Empty); this.Data = path; /* * CommandSplitter cmd = new CommandSplitter(path); * string commandstring; * char command; * List<PathElement> elements = this.m_elements; * while (true) * { * commandstring = cmd.ReadNext(); * if (commandstring.Length == 0) * break; * ShapeUtil.StringSplitter split = cmd.SplitCommand(commandstring, out command); * if (command == 'm' || command == 'M') * { * elements.Add(new MoveTo(command, split)); * if (split.More) * elements.Add(new LineTo(command, split)); * continue; * } * if (command == 'l' || command == 'L' || command == 'H' || command == 'h' || command == 'V' || command == 'v') * { * elements.Add(new LineTo(command, split)); * continue; * } * if (command == 'c' || command == 'C') * { * while (split.More) * elements.Add(new CurveTo(command, split)); * continue; * } * if (command == 'q' || command == 'Q') * { * while (split.More) * elements.Add(new QuadraticCurveTo(command, split)); * continue; * } * if (command == 's' || command == 'S') * { * while (split.More) * { * CurveTo lastshape = elements[elements.Count - 1] as CurveTo; * System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(lastshape != null); * elements.Add(new CurveTo(command, split, lastshape.CtrlPoint2)); * } * continue; * } * if (command == 'a' || command == 'A') * { * elements.Add(new EllipticalArcTo(command, split)); * while (split.More) * elements.Add(new EllipticalArcTo(command, split)); * continue; * } * if (command == 'z' || command == 'Z') * { * this.ClosePath = true; * continue; * } * * // extended format moveto or lineto can contain multiple points which should be translated into lineto * PathElement lastitem = elements[elements.Count - 1]; * if (lastitem is MoveTo || lastitem is LineTo || lastitem is CurveTo) * { * //Point p = Point.Parse(s); * //elements.Add(new LineTo(p)); * continue; * } * * * System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, string.Format("type '{0}' not supported", commandstring)); * } */ }
public DrawingGroup CreateDrawing(SVG svg) { return(this.LoadGroup(svg.Elements, svg.ViewBox)); }
public static Element Parse(SVG svg, string text, TextShape owner) { int curpos = 0; Element root = new Element(svg, owner, Element.eElementType.Tag, null); root.Text = "<root>"; root.StartIndex = 0; return Parse(svg, text, ref curpos, null, root); }
public DrawingGroup LoadDrawing(string filename) { this.m_svg = new SVG(filename); return(this.CreateDrawing(this.m_svg)); }
public DrawingGroup LoadDrawing(string filename) { this.m_svg = new SVG(filename); return this.CreateDrawing(this.m_svg); }
static Element Parse(SVG svg, string text, ref int curPos, Element parent, Element curTag) { Element tag = curTag; if (tag == null) tag = NextTag(svg, parent, text, ref curPos); while (curPos < text.Length) { int prevPos = curPos; Element next = NextTag(svg, tag, text, ref curPos); if (next == null && curPos < text.Length) { // remaining pure text string s = text.Substring(curPos, text.Length - curPos); tag.Children.Add(new Element(tag, s)); return tag; } if (next != null && next.StartIndex-prevPos > 0) { // pure text between tspan elements int diff = next.StartIndex-prevPos; string s = text.Substring(prevPos, diff); tag.Children.Add(new Element(tag, s)); } if (next.Text.StartsWith("<tspan")) { // new nested element next = Parse(svg, text, ref curPos, tag, next); tag.Children.Add(next); continue; } if (next.Text.StartsWith("</tspan")) { // end of cur element tag.End = next; return tag; } if (next.Text.StartsWith("<textPath")) { continue; } if (next.Text.StartsWith("</textPath")) { continue; } throw new Exception(string.Format("unexpected tag '{0}'", next.Text)); } return tag; }
public Element(SVG svg, Shape parent, eElementType eType, List<ShapeUtil.Attribute> attrs) : base(svg, attrs, parent) { this.ElementType = eType; this.Text = string.Empty; this.Children = new List<Element>(); }
TSpan.Element ParseTSpan(SVG svg, string tspanText) { try { return TSpan.Parse(svg, tspanText, this); } catch { return null; } }
public AnimateTransform(SVG svg, XmlNode node) : base(svg, node) { }