private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Checks if customer has created an account and asks to Sign Up first if he hasn't string path = Application.StartupPath + "\\CUSTOMER\\" + un + ".txt"; if (File.Exists(path) == false) { SoundPlayer sp = new SoundPlayer(Application.StartupPath + "//SOUNDS//" + "Sound_error.wav"); sp.Play(); MessageBox.Show("Username doesn't exist. Please Sign Up first."); } else { // If customer has created an account then open the file for the customer using the username entered in the username text box string[] arrline = File.ReadAllLines(path); // Reads the whole file and saves each line to a string array fname = arrline[0]; // 1st line of file = First name (will be passed to Customer Portal Form for welcome message) uname = arrline[2]; // 3rd line of file = Username (public static string) if (arrline[3] == pw) // If password read from 4th line of file matches password entered by user then login successful and Customer Portal opens { this.Close(); CUSTOMER_PORTAL c = new CUSTOMER_PORTAL(fname); c.Show(); } else // If not, display error message and play error sound { SoundPlayer sp = new SoundPlayer(Application.StartupPath + "//SOUNDS//" + "Sound_error.wav"); sp.Play(); MessageBox.Show("Invalid Password!"); } } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { /* string pass; * string path = Application.StartupPath + "\\CUSTOMER\\" + un + ".txt"; * * StreamReader sw = new StreamReader(path); * * pass = sw.ReadLine(); * * * if (String.Equals(pass, pw)) * { * MessageBox.Show("Welcome!"); * } * else * { * MessageBox.Show("Invalid Username Or Password!"); * } * sw.Close(); */ string path = Application.StartupPath + "\\CUSTOMER\\" + un + ".txt"; using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(path)) { fname = sr.ReadLine(); lname = sr.ReadLine(); uname = sr.ReadLine(); passw = sr.ReadLine(); mail = sr.ReadLine(); cnic = sr.ReadLine(); address = sr.ReadLine(); creditcard = sr.ReadLine(); ph_no = sr.ReadLine(); dob = sr.ReadLine(); sr.Close(); } const int l = 4; string line; line = func(l); if (String.Equals(line, pw)) { var = username.Text; MessageBox.Show("Welcome!"); CUSTOMER_PORTAL c = new CUSTOMER_PORTAL(); c.Show(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Username Or Password!"); } }