protected void btnVerify_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // retrieve the email from SQM_ACCESS lblForgotInvalidEmail.Visible = false; lblForgotNotSent.Visible = false; lblForgotNotUpdated.Visible = false; string strength = SQMSettings.SelectSettingByCode(new PSsqmEntities(), "COMPANY", "TASK", "PasswordComplexity").VALUE; string strEmailCompanyName = SQMSettings.SelectSettingByCode(new PSsqmEntities(), "MAIL", "TASK", "MailFromSystem").VALUE; int msg = WebSiteCommon.RecoverPassword(tbEmail.Text.ToString(), "", strEmailCompanyName + " " + lblForgotPasswordEmailSubject.Text.ToString(), lblForgotPasswordEmailBody1a.Text.ToString() + strEmailCompanyName + lblForgotPasswordEmailBody1b.Text.ToString(), lblForgotPasswordEmailBody2.Text.ToString(), "<br><br>" + WebSiteCommon.GetXlatValueLong("passwordComplexity", strength) + "<br><br>" + lblForgotPasswordEmailBody3.Text.ToString()); switch (msg) { case 10: tbEmail.Focus(); lblForgotInvalidEmail.Visible = true; BindPwdForgot(); break; case 20: tbEmail.Focus(); lblForgotNotSent.Visible = true; BindPwdForgot(); break; case 30: tbEmail.Focus(); lblForgotNotUpdated.Visible = true; BindPwdForgot(); break; default: ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "showalert", "AlertPostback('" + hfForgotPasswordSent.Value + "','login');", true); break; } }
public static void NotifyOnCreate(decimal incidentId, decimal plantId) { var entities = new PSsqmEntities(); decimal companyId = SessionManager.UserContext.HRLocation.Company.COMPANY_ID; decimal busOrgId = SessionManager.UserContext.HRLocation.BusinessOrg.BUS_ORG_ID; var emailIds = new HashSet <decimal>(); INCIDENT incident = EHSIncidentMgr.SelectIncidentById(entities, incidentId); string incidentLocation = EHSIncidentMgr.SelectIncidentLocationNameByIncidentId(incidentId); string incidentType = EHSIncidentMgr.SelectIncidentTypeByIncidentId(incidentId); List <ATTACHMENT> attachList = SQM.Website.Classes.SQMDocumentMgr.SelectAttachmentListByRecord(40, incidentId, "", ""); List <NOTIFY> notifications = SQMModelMgr.SelectNotifyHierarchy(companyId, busOrgId, plantId, 0, TaskRecordType.HealthSafetyIncident); foreach (NOTIFY n in notifications) { if (n.NOTIFY_PERSON1 != null) { emailIds.Add((decimal)n.NOTIFY_PERSON1); } if (n.NOTIFY_PERSON2 != null) { emailIds.Add((decimal)n.NOTIFY_PERSON2); } } if (emailIds.Count > 0) { string appUrl = SQMSettings.SelectSettingByCode(entities, "MAIL", "TASK", "MailURL").VALUE; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(appUrl)) { appUrl = "the website"; } string emailSubject = "Incident Created: " + incidentType + " (" + incidentLocation + ")"; string emailBody = "A new incident has been created:<br/>" + "<br/>" + incidentLocation + "<br/>" + incidentType + "<br/>" + "<br/>" + incident.DESCRIPTION + "<br/>" + "<br/>" + "Please log in to " + appUrl + " to view the incident."; foreach (decimal eid in emailIds) { string emailAddress = (from p in entities.PERSON where p.PERSON_ID == eid select p.EMAIL).FirstOrDefault(); Thread thread = new Thread(() => WebSiteCommon.SendEmail(emailAddress, emailSubject, emailBody, "", "web", attachList)); thread.IsBackground = true; thread.Start(); //WebSiteCommon.SendEmail(emailAddress, emailSubject, emailBody, ""); } } }
protected bool ShouldSendNotification() { bool shouldSend = false; var entities = new PSsqmEntities(); TimeSpan timeBetweenNotifications = new TimeSpan(24, 0, 0); DateTime lastSentDate; SETTINGS stHours = SQMSettings.SelectSettingByCode(entities, "MAIL", "TASK", "HoursBetweenNotifications"); if (stHours != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(stHours.VALUE)) { int hours; if (Int32.TryParse(stHours.VALUE, out hours)) { timeBetweenNotifications = new TimeSpan(hours, 0, 0); } } SETTINGS stLastSent = SQMSettings.SelectSettingByCode(entities, "MAIL", "TASK", "NotificationLastSent"); if (stLastSent != null) { if (DateTime.TryParse(stLastSent.VALUE, out lastSentDate)) { WriteLine("Last sent date: " + lastSentDate); shouldSend = (DateTime.Now.Subtract(timeBetweenNotifications) > lastSentDate); if (shouldSend == true) { // Set last sent date to now stLastSent.VALUE = DateTime.Now.ToString(); SQMSettings.UpdateSettings(entities, stLastSent, "Automated Emailer"); } } else { shouldSend = false; } } else { WriteLine("Missing value in SETTINGS table: NotificationLastSent"); shouldSend = false; } } else { WriteLine("Missing value in SETTINGS table: HoursBetweenNotifications"); shouldSend = false; } WriteLine("Should send: " + shouldSend); return(shouldSend); }
public void BindPwdEdit(bool bShowButtons) { string strength = SQMSettings.SelectSettingByCode(new PSsqmEntities(), "COMPANY", "TASK", "PasswordComplexity").VALUE; lblPasswordPolicy.Text = SQMSettings.SelectSettingByCode(new PSsqmEntities(), "PASSWORDCOMPLEXITY", "TASK", strength).VALUE; string script = "function f(){OpenPasswordEditWindow(); Sys.Application.remove_load(f);}Sys.Application.add_load(f);"; ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "key", script, true); }
protected void lnkEditCode_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { LinkButton lnk = (LinkButton)sender; string[] args = lnk.CommandArgument.ToString().Split('~'); selectedCode = SQMSettings.SelectSettingByCode(entities, ddlSettingGroup.SelectedValue.ToString(), ddlSettingFamily.SelectedValue.ToString(), args[0]); uclSearchBar.SetButtonsEnabled(false, false, false, true, false, false); uclSearchBar.SetButtonsVisible(false, false, false, true, false, false); uclSearchBar.SetButtonsNotClicked(); uclSearchBar.TitleItem.Text = selectedCode.SETTING_CD; tbValue.Enabled = true; DisplaySetting(args[1]); }
protected bool SaveSettings(bool updateSetting) { PSsqmEntities Entities = new PSsqmEntities(); string strCode = selectedCode.SETTING_CD; SETTINGS settings = SQMSettings.SelectSettingByCode(Entities, ddlSettingGroup.SelectedValue.ToString(), ddlSettingFamily.SelectedValue.ToString(), strCode); bool success; // AW20131106 - need to verify that the SSO_ID and email address are unique in the system bool bErrors = false; settings.VALUE = tbValue.Text.ToString(); // update the code selectedCode = SQMSettings.UpdateSettings(Entities, settings, SessionManager.UserContext.UserName()); return(true); }
public static int NotifyIncidentTaskAssigment(INCIDENT incident, TASK_STATUS theTask, string scopeAction) { int status = 0; PLANT plant = SQMModelMgr.LookupPlant((decimal)incident.DETECT_PLANT_ID); PERSON person = SQMModelMgr.LookupPerson((decimal)theTask.RESPONSIBLE_ID, ""); if (person != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(person.EMAIL)) { List <XLAT> XLATList = SQMBasePage.SelectXLATList(new string[3] { "NOTIFY_SCOPE", "NOTIFY_SCOPE_TASK", "NOTIFY_TASK_STATUS" }); string appUrl = SQMSettings.SelectSettingByCode(new PSsqmEntities(), "MAIL", "TASK", "MailURL").VALUE; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(appUrl)) { appUrl = "the website"; } string emailTo = person.EMAIL; string actionText = XLATList.Where(x => x.XLAT_GROUP == "NOTIFY_SCOPE_TASK" && x.XLAT_CODE == scopeAction).FirstOrDefault().DESCRIPTION; string emailSubject = "Health/Safety Incident " + actionText + ": " + incident.ISSUE_TYPE + " (" + plant.PLANT_NAME + ")"; string emailBody = "You have been assigned to one or more tasks regarding the following Incident: <br/>" + "<br/>" + "Incident ID: " + WebSiteCommon.FormatID(incident.INCIDENT_ID, 6) + "<br/>" + plant.PLANT_NAME + "<br/>" + incident.ISSUE_TYPE + "<br/>" + "<br/>" + incident.DESCRIPTION + "<br/>" + "<br/>" + theTask.DESCRIPTION + "<br/>" + "<br/>" + "Due : " + theTask.DUE_DT.ToString() + "<br/>" + "<br/>" + "Please log in to " + (appUrl + incidentPath) + " to view this incident."; Thread thread = new Thread(() => WebSiteCommon.SendEmail(emailTo, emailSubject, emailBody, "", "web", null)); thread.IsBackground = true; thread.Start(); } return(status); }
public static void NotifyOnAuditCreate(decimal auditId, decimal personId) { var entities = new PSsqmEntities(); decimal companyId = SessionManager.UserContext.HRLocation.Company.COMPANY_ID; decimal busOrgId = SessionManager.UserContext.HRLocation.BusinessOrg.BUS_ORG_ID; var emailIds = new HashSet <decimal>(); AUDIT audit = EHSAuditMgr.SelectAuditById(entities, auditId); string auditType = EHSAuditMgr.SelectAuditTypeByAuditId(auditId); emailIds.Add((decimal)audit.AUDIT_PERSON); if (emailIds.Count > 0) { string appUrl = SQMSettings.SelectSettingByCode(entities, "MAIL", "TASK", "MailURL").VALUE; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(appUrl)) { appUrl = "the website"; } string emailSubject = "Audit Created: " + auditType; string emailBody = "A new audit has been created:<br/>" + "<br/>" + auditType + "<br/>" + "<br/>" + "Please log in to " + appUrl + auditPath + " to view the audit."; foreach (decimal eid in emailIds) { string emailAddress = (from p in entities.PERSON where p.PERSON_ID == eid select p.EMAIL).FirstOrDefault(); Thread thread = new Thread(() => WebSiteCommon.SendEmail(emailAddress, emailSubject, emailBody, "", "web")); thread.IsBackground = true; thread.Start(); //WebSiteCommon.SendEmail(emailAddress, emailSubject, emailBody, ""); } } }
protected void SetupPage() { hdCurrentActiveMenu.Value = SessionManager.CurrentMenuItem; lbBusinessCard1_out.Text = SessionManager.UserContext.UserName(); // +": " + SessionManager.UserContext.HRLocation.Company.COMPANY_NAME + ", " + SessionManager.UserContext.HRLocation.Plant.PLANT_NAME; lblActiveLocation.Text = SessionManager.UserContext.HRLocation.Company.COMPANY_NAME + ", " + SessionManager.UserContext.HRLocation.Plant.PLANT_NAME; if (SessionManager.StatOfTheDay != null) { lblActiveLocation.Text = SessionManager.UserContext.HRLocation.Company.COMPANY_NAME + ", " + SessionManager.UserContext.HRLocation.Plant.PLANT_NAME + ": "; lblStatOfTheDay_out.Text = SQMBasePage.FormatValue(SessionManager.StatOfTheDay.Value, 0); lblStatOfTheDay.Visible = lblStatOfTheDay_out.Visible = true; } else { lblStatOfTheDay_out.Text = "n/a"; } pnlStatOfTheDay.Visible = true; if (ddlUserLang.Items.Count == 0) { foreach (LOCAL_LANGUAGE lang in SQMModelMgr.SelectLanguageList(new PSsqmEntities(), true)) { ddlUserLang.Items.Add(new RadComboBoxItem(lang.LANGUAGE_NAME, lang.LANGUAGE_ID.ToString())); } } tbUserPhone.Text = SessionManager.UserContext.Person.PHONE; if (ddlUserLang.FindItemByValue(SessionManager.UserContext.Person.PREFERRED_LANG_ID.ToString()) != null) { ddlUserLang.SelectedValue = SessionManager.UserContext.Person.PREFERRED_LANG_ID.ToString(); } // ABW 20160118 - show password reset based on parameter SETTINGS setsPwdReset = SQMSettings.SelectSettingByCode(new PSsqmEntities(), "COMPANY", "TASK", "PasswordResetEnable"); if (setsPwdReset != null && setsPwdReset.VALUE.ToUpper() == "Y") { trChangePwd.Visible = true; } }
protected void DisplayUser() { PERSON person = LocalPerson(); BusinessLocation businessLocation; SETTINGS setsPwdReset = SQMSettings.SelectSettingByCode(entities, "COMPANY", "TASK", "PasswordResetEnable"); SQM_ACCESS sysAccess = SQMModelMgr.LookupCredentials(entities, person.SSO_ID, "", false); divPageBody.Visible = true; ddlPlantSelect.ClearCheckedItems(); DisplayErrorMessage(null); string addFields = SessionManager.GetUserSetting("COMPANY", "PERSON_ADD_FIELDS") == null ? "" : SessionManager.GetUserSetting("COMPANY", "PERSON_ADD_FIELDS").VALUE; if (addFields.Contains("jobcode")) { trJobCode.Visible = true; } else { trJobCode.Visible = false; } if (addFields.Contains("supv")) { lblEmpSupv.Visible = tbSupvEmpID.Visible = true; } else { lblEmpID.Visible = true; } if (person == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(person.STATUS)) // new user { winUserEdit.Title = hfAddUser.Value; businessLocation = new BusinessLocation(); businessLocation.Company = SessionManager.EffLocation.Company; SetStatusList("ddlUserStatus", "A", true); tbUserSSOID.Enabled = true; tbUserSSOID.Text = ""; tbUserSSOID.Focus(); } else { winUserEdit.Title = hfUpdateUser.Value; tbUserSSOID.Enabled = setsPwdReset != null && setsPwdReset.VALUE.ToUpper() == "Y" ? true : false; tbUserFirstName.Focus(); lblPlantAccess.Text = ""; if (person.PLANT_ID > 0) { ddlHRLocation.SelectedValue = person.PLANT_ID.ToString(); if (ddlPlantSelect.Items.FindItemByValue(person.PLANT_ID.ToString()) != null) { ddlPlantSelect.Items.FindItemByValue(person.PLANT_ID.ToString()).Checked = true; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(person.NEW_LOCATION_CD)) { RadComboBoxItem plantItem = null; string[] locs = person.NEW_LOCATION_CD.Split(','); foreach (string locid in locs) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(locid)) { if ((plantItem = ddlPlantSelect.Items.FindItemByValue(locid)) != null) { ddlPlantSelect.Items.FindItemByValue(locid).Checked = true; if (locs.Length > 2) { lblPlantAccess.Text += lblPlantAccess.Text.Length == 0 ? plantItem.Text : (", " + plantItem.Text); } } } } } } // AW20131106 - do not want to be able to change a SSO ID once a person has been added if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(person.SSO_ID.Trim())) { tbUserSSOID.Text = person.SSO_ID; } tbUserFirstName.Text = person.FIRST_NAME; tbUserLastName.Text = person.LAST_NAME; tbUserMiddleName.Text = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(person.MIDDLE_NAME) ? person.MIDDLE_NAME : ""; if (ddlJobCode.Items.FindItemByValue(person.JOBCODE_CD) != null) { ddlJobCode.SelectedValue = person.JOBCODE_CD; } else { ddlJobCode.SelectedValue = ""; } if (ddlPrivGroup.Items.FindItemByValue(person.PRIV_GROUP) != null) { ddlPrivGroup.SelectedValue = person.PRIV_GROUP; } else { ddlPrivGroup.SelectedValue = ""; } tbUserPhone.Text = person.PHONE; tbUserEmail.Text = person.EMAIL; tbEmpID.Text = person.EMP_ID; tbSupvEmpID.Text = person.SUPV_EMP_ID; SetStatusList("ddlUserStatus", person.STATUS, true); if (sysAccess != null && sysAccess.LAST_LOGON_DT.HasValue) { lblUserLoginDate_out.Text = SQMBasePage.FormatDate(WebSiteCommon.LocalTime((DateTime)sysAccess.LAST_LOGON_DT, WebSiteCommon.GetXlatValue("timeZone", person.PREFERRED_TIMEZONE)), "g", true); } else { lblUserLoginDate_out.Text = ""; } lblUserLastUpdate.Text = person.LAST_UPD_BY + " " + SQMBasePage.FormatDate(WebSiteCommon.LocalTime((DateTime)person.LAST_UPD_DT, SessionManager.UserContext.TimeZoneID), "g", true); if (ddlUserLanguage.Items.FindByValue(person.PREFERRED_LANG_ID.ToString()) != null) { ddlUserLanguage.SelectedValue = person.PREFERRED_LANG_ID.ToString(); } if (ddlUserTimezone.Items.FindByValue(person.PREFERRED_TIMEZONE) != null) { ddlUserTimezone.SelectedValue = person.PREFERRED_TIMEZONE; } List <SysModule> sysmodList = SQMSettings.SystemModuleItems(); string prod = ""; RadComboBoxItem item = null; RadComboBoxItem itemSep = null; lblPrivScope.Text = ""; if (person.PRIV_GROUP != null) { foreach (PRIVLIST jp in SQMModelMgr.SelectPrivList(person.PRIV_GROUP).ToList()) { lblPrivScope.Text += (" " + ((SysPriv)jp.PRIV).ToString() + ": " + jp.SCOPE + ","); } } lblPrivScope.Text = lblPrivScope.Text.TrimEnd(','); if (setsPwdReset != null && setsPwdReset.VALUE.ToUpper() == "Y") { trResetPassword.Visible = true; } cbUserEmailLock.Checked = SQMModelMgr.PersonFieldLocked(person,; cbPrivGroupLock.Checked = SQMModelMgr.PersonFieldLocked(person, LockField.priv); cbHRLocationLock.Checked = SQMModelMgr.PersonFieldLocked(person, LockField.plant); cbUserLanguageLock.Checked = SQMModelMgr.PersonFieldLocked(person, LockField.lang); string script = "function f(){OpenUserEditWindow(); Sys.Application.remove_load(f);}Sys.Application.add_load(f);"; ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "key", script, true); }
public static int NotifyIncidentStatus(INCIDENT incident, string scopeAction) { int status = 0; string notifyScope; if ((EHSIncidentTypeId)incident.ISSUE_TYPE_ID == EHSIncidentTypeId.InjuryIllness) { notifyScope = "IN-" + incident.ISSUE_TYPE_ID.ToString(); } else { notifyScope = "IN-" + ((int)EHSIncidentTypeId.Any).ToString(); } PLANT plant = SQMModelMgr.LookupPlant((decimal)incident.DETECT_PLANT_ID); List <PERSON> notifyPersonList = InvolvedPersonList(incident); notifyPersonList.AddRange(GetNotifyPersonList(plant, notifyScope, scopeAction)); if (notifyPersonList.Count > 0) { List <XLAT> XLATList = SQMBasePage.SelectXLATList(new string[3] { "NOTIFY_SCOPE", "NOTIFY_SCOPE_TASK", "NOTIFY_TASK_STATUS" }); string appUrl = SQMSettings.SelectSettingByCode(new PSsqmEntities(), "MAIL", "TASK", "MailURL").VALUE; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(appUrl)) { appUrl = "the website"; } string actionText = XLATList.Where(x => x.XLAT_GROUP == "NOTIFY_SCOPE_TASK" && x.XLAT_CODE == scopeAction).FirstOrDefault().DESCRIPTION; string emailSubject = "Health/Safety Incident " + actionText + ": " + incident.ISSUE_TYPE + " (" + plant.PLANT_NAME + ")"; string emailBody = "A new Health/Safety incident has been " + actionText + " :<br/>" + "<br/>" + "Incident ID: " + WebSiteCommon.FormatID(incident.INCIDENT_ID, 6) + "<br/>" + plant.PLANT_NAME + "<br/>" + incident.ISSUE_TYPE + "<br/>" + "<br/>" + incident.DESCRIPTION + "<br/>" + "<br/>" + "On : " + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "<br/>" + "By : " + incident.LAST_UPD_BY + "<br/>" + "Please log in to " + (appUrl + incidentPath) + " to view this incident."; string emailTo = ""; foreach (PERSON person in notifyPersonList.Where(l => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(l.EMAIL)).ToList()) { emailTo += string.IsNullOrEmpty(emailTo) ? person.EMAIL : ("," + person.EMAIL); } Thread thread = new Thread(() => WebSiteCommon.SendEmail(emailTo, emailSubject, emailBody, "", "web", null)); thread.IsBackground = true; thread.Start(); } //WebSiteCommon.SendEmail(emailTo, emailSubject, emailBody, "", "web", null); return(status); }
protected void btnPassSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int status = 0; lblPassPolicyFail.Visible = false; lblPasswordNoConfirm.Visible = false; lblPassFailUpdate.Visible = false; lblPassFailError.Visible = false; lblPassFail10.Visible = false; divErrorMsg.Visible = false; // validate the password criteria if (tbNewPassword.Text != tbConfirmPassword.Text) { status = -1; } else { status = SQMModelMgr.ChangeUserPassword(SessionManager.UserContext.Credentials.SSO_ID, "", tbCurrentPassword.Text.ToString().Trim(), tbNewPassword.Text.ToString().Trim()); } if (status == 0) { // send a confirmation email string strEmailCompanyName = SQMSettings.SelectSettingByCode(new PSsqmEntities(), "MAIL", "TASK", "MailFromSystem").VALUE; // WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MailFromSystem"]; string strEmailBody = lblPasswordEmailBody1a.Text.ToString() + strEmailCompanyName + lblPasswordEmailBody1b.Text.ToString() + "<br><br>" + lblPasswordEmailBody2.Text.ToString(); // ABW 20140117 - we are now usig the email on the Person record //string strEmailSent = WebSiteCommon.SendEmail(SessionManager.UserContext.Credentials.RECOVERY_EMAIL, lblPasswordEmailSubject.Text.ToString(), strEmailBody.Trim(), ""); string strEmailSent = WebSiteCommon.SendEmail(SessionManager.UserContext.Person.EMAIL, strEmailCompanyName + lblPasswordEmailSubject.Text.ToString(), strEmailBody.Trim(), ""); if (strCurrentControl.Equals("login")) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "showalert", "AlertPostback('" + hfPasswordChangedSucces.Value + "','loginContinue');", true); } else { hideControl(); } ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "showalert", "alertResult('hfAlertSaveSuccess');", true); } else { divErrorMsg.Visible = true; switch (status) { case -1: lblPasswordNoConfirm.Visible = true; break; case 10: lblPassFail10.Visible = true; break; case 100: lblPassPolicyFail.Visible = true; break; case 110: lblPassPolicyFail.Visible = true; break; case 120: lblPassPolicyFail.Visible = true; break; case 130: lblPassPolicyFail.Visible = true; break; case 140: lblPassPolicyFail.Visible = true; break; default: lblPassFailUpdate.Visible = true; lblPassFailError.Visible = true; lblPassFailError.Text = status.ToString(); break; } BindPwdEdit(true); } // hide the control? }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { SETTINGS sets = null; if (IsPostBack) { // Save the current view port width (used for responsive design later) var vpWidth = viewPortWidth.Value; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(vpWidth)) { Session["vpWidth"] = vpWidth; } else { Session["vpWidth"] = "1000"; } } else { try { if (SessionManager.SessionContext != null || SessionManager.UserContext != null) { SessionManager.Clear(); Response.Cookies.Add(new HttpCookie("ASP.NET_SessionId", "")); } string info = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MainInfo"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info)) { lblMainInfo.Text = info; lblMainInfo.Visible = true; } System.Web.HttpBrowserCapabilities browser = Request.Browser; SETTINGS setsPwdReset = SQMSettings.SelectSettingByCode(entities, "COMPANY", "TASK", "PasswordResetEnable"); if (setsPwdReset != null && setsPwdReset.VALUE.ToUpper() == "Y") { lnkForgotPassword.Visible = true; } SETTINGS setsLoginPosting = SQMSettings.SelectSettingByCode(entities, "COMPANY", "TASK", "LoginPostingsEnable"); if (setsLoginPosting == null || setsLoginPosting.VALUE.ToUpper() == "Y") { // url format login.aspx/?t=ltc:60&p=EHS // execOverride == override query params to force ticker and image posting System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection qry = new System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection(); string execOverride = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LoginOverride"]; if (execOverride != null && execOverride == "QAI") { qry.Add("t", "ltc"); qry.Add("p", "EHS,QS"); } else { sets = SQMSettings.GetSetting("ENV", "LOGINIMAGE"); // force login splash page display if (sets != null && sets.VALUE.ToUpper() == "Y") { qry.Add("p", "EHS,QS"); } sets = SQMSettings.GetSetting("ENV", "LOGINSTAT"); if (sets != null && sets.VALUE.ToUpper() == "LTC") { qry.Add("t", "ltc"); } } sets = SQMSettings.GetSetting("ENV", "LOGINMESSAGE"); if (sets != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(sets.VALUE)) { lblLoginMessage.Text = sets.VALUE; divLoginMessage.Visible = true; } if (Request.QueryString.Count > 0) { // AW 02/2016 - don't wipe out the current Collection, just add to it //qry = Request.QueryString; qry.Add(Request.QueryString); } if (qry.Get("t") != null) { string[] args = qry.Get("t").ToString().Split(':'); COMPANY company = new COMPANY(); decimal[] plantIDS = SQMModelMgr.SelectPlantList(entities, 1, 0).Where(l => l.LOCATION_TYPE == "P").OrderBy(l => l.PLANT_NAME).Select(l => l.PLANT_ID).ToArray(); SQMMetricMgr stsmgr = new SQMMetricMgr().CreateNew(company, "0", DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now, plantIDS); stsmgr.ehsCtl = new EHSCalcsCtl().CreateNew(1, DateSpanOption.SelectRange, "E"); stsmgr.ehsCtl.ElapsedTimeSeries(plantIDS, new decimal[1] { 8 }, new decimal[1] { 63 }, "YES", true); GaugeDefinition tikCfg = new GaugeDefinition().Initialize(); tikCfg.Width = 450; // 0; tikCfg.Unit = args.Length > 1 ? Convert.ToInt32(args[1]) : 80; tikCfg.Position = "none"; tikCfg.NewRow = false; pnlPosting.Visible = true; divTicker.Visible = true; uclGauge.CreateTicker(tikCfg, stsmgr.ehsCtl.Results.metricSeries, divTicker); } if (qry.Get("p") != null) { string[] args = qry.Get("p").ToString().Split(','); if (args.Contains("EHS")) { pnlPosting.Visible = true; imgPostingEHS.Style.Add("MARGIN-TOP", "8px"); imgPostingEHS.Src = SQM.Website.Classes.SQMDocumentMgr.GetImageSourceString(SQM.Website.Classes.SQMDocumentMgr.FindCurrentDocument("SYS", 31)); } if (args.Contains("QS")) { pnlPosting.Visible = true; imgPostingQS.Style.Add("MARGIN-TOP", "8px"); imgPostingQS.Src = SQM.Website.Classes.SQMDocumentMgr.GetImageSourceString(SQM.Website.Classes.SQMDocumentMgr.FindCurrentDocument("SYS", 32)); } } } string externalLinks = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ExternalLinks"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(externalLinks)) { string[] linkArray = externalLinks.Split(','); foreach (string link in linkArray) { divLinks.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(" ")); HyperLink hlk = new HyperLink(); hlk.NavigateUrl = hlk.Text = link; hlk.Target = "_blank"; hlk.CssClass = "linkUnderline"; divLinks.Controls.Add(hlk); } divLinks.Visible = true; } } catch { divAnnouncements.Visible = false; } if (Request.QueryString["rdp"] != null) { ViewState["RedirectPath"] = Request.QueryString["rdp"]; } } }
private void uclCaseEdit_OnSaveClick(string cmdArg) { bool bNotify; CaseCtl().problemCase.UpdateStatus = CaseUpdateStatus.Success; switch (cmdArg) { case "0": CaseCtl().problemCase = uclCaseEdit.UpdateCase0(CaseCtl().problemCase); if (CaseCtl().problemCase.UpdateStatus == CaseUpdateStatus.Success) { CaseCtl().Update(); uclCaseEdit.BindCase0(); } break; case "1": CaseCtl().problemCase = uclCaseEdit.UpdateCase1(CaseCtl().problemCase, out bNotify); if (CaseCtl().problemCase.UpdateStatus == CaseUpdateStatus.Success) { CaseCtl().Update(); uclCaseEdit.BindCase1(bNotify); if (CaseCtl().problemCase.UpdateStatus == CaseUpdateStatus.Success && bNotify) { try { string appUrl = SQMSettings.SelectSettingByCode(entities, "MAIL", "TASK", "MailURL").VALUE; PERSON person = null; PLANT plant = SQMModelMgr.LookupPlant((decimal)CaseCtl().problemCase.IncidentList[0].DETECT_PLANT_ID); int emailStatus; bool bUpdateTasks = false; foreach (TASK_STATUS task in CaseCtl().problemCase.TeamTask.TaskList.Where(t => t.TASK_TYPE == "C" && t.TASK_SEQ == 0).ToList()) { if (task.RESPONSIBLE_ID.HasValue && (person = SQMModelMgr.LookupPerson((decimal)task.RESPONSIBLE_ID, "")) != null && !task.NOTIFY_DT.HasValue) { task.NOTIFY_DT = DateTime.UtcNow; List <TaskItem> taskList = new List <TaskItem>(); TaskItem taskItem = new TaskItem(); taskItem.RecordID = CaseCtl().problemCase.ProbCase.PROBCASE_ID; taskItem.RecordKey = CaseCtl().problemCase.ProbCase.PROBCASE_ID.ToString(); taskItem.RecordType = 21; taskItem.NotifyType = TaskNotification.Owner; taskItem.Taskstatus = TaskMgr.CalculateTaskStatus(task); taskItem.Detail = SQMModelMgr.FormatPersonListItem(person); taskItem.Description = WebSiteCommon.FormatID(CaseCtl().problemCase.ProbCase.PROBCASE_ID, 6) + " / " + WebSiteCommon.GetXlatValue("caseStep", task.TASK_STEP); taskItem.Plant = plant; taskItem.Task = task; // taskItem.Task = task; taskList.Add(taskItem); Thread thread = new Thread(() => TaskMgr.MailTaskList(taskList, person.EMAIL, "web")); thread.IsBackground = true; thread.Start(); bUpdateTasks = true; // if ((emailStatus = TaskMgr.MailTaskList(taskList, person.EMAIL, "web")) > 0) // bUpdateTasks = true; } } if (bUpdateTasks) { CaseCtl().Update(); // save task notify dates } } catch (Exception ex) { // SQMLogger.LogException(ex); } } } break; case "2": CaseCtl().problemCase = uclCaseEdit.UpdateCase2(CaseCtl().problemCase); if (CaseCtl().problemCase.UpdateStatus == CaseUpdateStatus.Success) { CaseCtl().Update(); uclCaseEdit.BindCase2(); } break; case "3": CaseCtl().problemCase = uclCaseEdit.UpdateCase3(CaseCtl().problemCase); if (CaseCtl().problemCase.UpdateStatus == CaseUpdateStatus.Success) { CaseCtl().Update(); uclCaseEdit.BindCase3(); } break; case "4": CaseCtl().problemCase = uclCaseEdit.UpdateCase4(CaseCtl().problemCase); if (CaseCtl().problemCase.UpdateStatus == CaseUpdateStatus.Success) { CaseCtl().Update(); uclCaseEdit.BindCase4(); } break; case "5": CaseCtl().problemCase = uclCaseEdit.UpdateCase5(CaseCtl().problemCase); if (CaseCtl().problemCase.UpdateStatus == CaseUpdateStatus.Success) { CaseCtl().Update(); uclCaseEdit.BindCase5(); } break; case "6": CaseCtl().problemCase = uclCaseEdit.UpdateCase6(CaseCtl().problemCase); if (CaseCtl().problemCase.UpdateStatus == CaseUpdateStatus.Success) { CaseCtl().Update(); uclCaseEdit.BindCase6(); } break; case "7": CaseCtl().problemCase = uclCaseEdit.UpdateCase7(CaseCtl().problemCase, true); if (CaseCtl().problemCase.UpdateStatus == CaseUpdateStatus.Success) { CaseCtl().Update(); uclCaseEdit.BindCase7(); } break; case "8": CaseCtl().problemCase = uclCaseEdit.UpdateCase8(CaseCtl().problemCase, out bNotify); CaseCtl().Update(); uclCaseEdit.BindCase8(bNotify); if (bNotify && CaseCtl().problemCase != null) { List <decimal?> teamList = new List <decimal?>(); teamList = CaseCtl().problemCase.TeamTask.TaskList.Where(l => l.TASK_TYPE == "C" && l.RESPONSIBLE_ID > 0).Select(l => l.RESPONSIBLE_ID).Distinct().ToList(); PERSON person = null; // string emailStatus; foreach (decimal?personID in teamList) { if ((person = SQMModelMgr.LookupPerson((decimal)personID, "")) != null) { Thread thread = new Thread(() => WebSiteCommon.SendEmail(person.EMAIL, CaseCtl().problemCase.ProbCase.PROB_CLOSE.MESSAGE_TITLE, CaseCtl().problemCase.ProbCase.PROB_CLOSE.MESSAGE, "")); thread.IsBackground = true; thread.Start(); } } } break; default: break; } if (CaseCtl().problemCase.UpdateStatus == CaseUpdateStatus.Success) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "showalert", "alertResult('hfAlertSaveSuccess');", true); SetupPage(); } else { ErrorAlert(CaseCtl().problemCase.UpdateStatus); } }
protected bool SaveUser(bool updateUser) { bool bErrors = false; bool success; Label lblErrorMessage = null; PERSON person = LocalPerson(); string currentSSOID = LocalPerson().SSO_ID; PERSON currentPerson = new PERSON(); if (isNew) { person.SSO_ID = string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbUserSSOID.Text) ? "" : tbUserSSOID.Text.Trim(); // trim traling blanks when creating new user } else { person = SQMModelMgr.LookupPerson(entities, person.PERSON_ID, "", false); person.SSO_ID = string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbUserSSOID.Text) ? "" : tbUserSSOID.Text; currentPerson.ROLE = person.ROLE; } person.FIRST_NAME = string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbUserFirstName.Text) ? "" : tbUserFirstName.Text; person.LAST_NAME = string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbUserLastName.Text) ? "" : tbUserLastName.Text; person.JOB_TITLE = tbUserTitle.Text; person.PHONE = tbUserPhone.Text; person.EMAIL = tbUserEmail.Text; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlUserLanguage.SelectedValue)) { person.PREFERRED_LANG_ID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlUserLanguage.SelectedValue); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlUserTimezone.SelectedValue)) { person.PREFERRED_TIMEZONE = ddlUserTimezone.SelectedValue; } person.COMPANY_ID = SessionManager.EffLocation.Company.COMPANY_ID; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlHRLocation.SelectedValue)) { PLANT plant = SQMModelMgr.LookupPlant(Convert.ToDecimal(ddlHRLocation.SelectedValue)); if (plant != null) { person.PLANT_ID = plant.PLANT_ID; person.BUS_ORG_ID = (decimal)plant.BUS_ORG_ID; } } person.NEW_LOCATION_CD = ""; foreach (RadComboBoxItem item in SQMBasePage.GetComboBoxCheckedItems(ddlPlantSelect)) { person.NEW_LOCATION_CD += (item.Value + ","); } person.NEW_LOCATION_CD = person.NEW_LOCATION_CD.TrimEnd(','); person.OLD_LOCATION_CD = ""; foreach (RadComboBoxItem item in SQMBasePage.GetComboBoxCheckedItems(ddlCustPlantSelect)) { person.OLD_LOCATION_CD += (item.Value + ","); } person.OLD_LOCATION_CD = person.OLD_LOCATION_CD.TrimEnd(','); person.STATUS = ddlUserStatus.SelectedValue; // roles were originally a list - let's keep the logic below just in case we need to restore a multi-role strategy //person.PERSON_ROLE.Clear(); person.ROLE = GetSelectedUserRole(); person.RCV_ESCALATION = cbUserRcvEscalation.Checked; person.PERSON_ACCESS.Clear(); string prod = ""; foreach (RadComboBoxItem accessItem in ddlModuleAccess.Items) { if (accessItem.IsSeparator) { prod = accessItem.Value; } if (accessItem.Checked || person.ROLE <= 100) { person = SQMModelMgr.AddPersonAccess(person, prod, accessItem.Value, true); } } SetLocalPerson(person); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbUserSSOID.Text) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbUserFirstName.Text) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbUserLastName.Text) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbUserEmail.Text) || ddlUserRole.SelectedIndex < 0 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlHRLocation.SelectedValue) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlHRLocation.SelectedValue)) { lblErrorMessage = lblErrRequiredInputs; } if (lblErrorMessage == null) { // AW20131106 - need to verify that the SSO_ID and email address are unique in the system lblDuplicateSSOId.Visible = false; lblDuplicateEmail.Visible = false; string strSSOId = tbUserSSOID.Text; string strEmail = tbUserEmail.Text; if (isNew) // || !strSSOId.Equals(person.SSO_ID)) { // verify unique sso_id strSSOId = tbUserSSOID.Text.Trim(); SQM.Website.PSsqmEntities ctxAccess = new PSsqmEntities(); SQM_ACCESS access = SQMModelMgr.LookupCredentials(ctxAccess, strSSOId, "", false); if (access != null && access.SSO_ID.ToLower().Equals(strSSOId.ToLower())) { lblErrorMessage = lblDuplicateSSOId; } } if (lblErrorMessage == null && (isNew || !strEmail.Equals(person.EMAIL))) { // verify unique email SQM.Website.PSsqmEntities ctxAccess = new PSsqmEntities(); //SQM_ACCESS access = SQMModelMgr.LookupCredentialsByEmail(ctxAccess, strEmail, false); // ABW 20140117 - we want to look up email on person record... PERSON personEmail = SQMModelMgr.LookupPersonByEmail(ctxAccess, strEmail); if (personEmail != null && personEmail.EMAIL.Trim().ToLower().Equals(strEmail.Trim().ToLower())) { lblErrorMessage = lblDuplicateEmail; } } } if (lblErrorMessage != null) { DisplayUser(); DisplayErrorMessage(lblErrorMessage); return(false); } if (updateUser) { List <SETTINGS> MailSettings = SQMSettings.SelectSettingsGroup("MAIL", ""); // ABW 20140805 SETTINGS setting = new SETTINGS(); // ABW 20140805 SetLocalPerson(SQMModelMgr.UpdatePerson(entities, person, SessionManager.UserContext.UserName(), false, currentSSOID)); //selectedUser = SQMModelMgr.UpdatePerson(entities, person, SessionManager.UserContext.UserName(), Convert.ToBoolean(GetFindControlValue("cbIsBuyer", hfBase, out success)), GetFindControlValue("tbBuyerCode", hfBase, out success)); // AW20131106 - send an email for new users with random password generation setting = MailSettings.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "MailFromSystem"); // ABW 20140805 string strEmailCompanyName = ""; // ABW 20140805 if (setting != null) // ABW 20140805 { strEmailCompanyName = setting.VALUE; } if (isNew) { // send a confirmation email // string strength = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PasswordComplexity"]; // ABW 20140805 SETTINGS complexity = SQMSettings.SelectSettingByCode(entities, "COMPANY", "TASK", "PasswordComplexity"); // ABW 20140805 string strength = ""; // ABW 20140805 if (complexity == null) { strength = "4"; } else { strength = complexity.VALUE; } SQM.Website.PSsqmEntities ctxAccess = new PSsqmEntities(); SQM_ACCESS access = SQMModelMgr.LookupCredentials(ctxAccess, LocalPerson().SSO_ID, "", false); string key = SQMModelMgr.GetPasswordKey(); string strPassword = WebSiteCommon.Decrypt(access.PASSWORD, key); // ABW 20140805 - Build the email based on fields in the SETTINGS table // the following is standard email //string strEmailBody = lblPasswordEmailBody1a.Text.ToString() + strEmailCompanyName + lblPasswordEmailBody1b.Text.ToString() + " " + selectedUser.SSO_ID + lblPasswordEmailBody2.Text.ToString() + " " + strPassword; //strEmailBody += "<br><br>" + WebSiteCommon.GetXlatValueLong("passwordComplexity", strength) + "<br><br>" + lblPasswordEmailBody3.Text.ToString().Trim(); // the following is for TI only //string strEmailBody = "Risk Management Professional,<br><br>TI Automotive Risk Management is pleased to offer you access to the TI Automotive Risk Management Portal (Portal)<br><br>The Portal will be used to provide tracking for:<br>"; //strEmailBody += "<ul><li>Environmental performance tracking</li><li>Insurer Recommendations response</li><li>Internal Risk Quality Index Recommendations Response</li><li>Safety Alerts</li>"; //strEmailBody += "<br>A new user account has been created for you in the Portal.<br><br>Access the website by clicking on the link: <a href=''></a><br><br>"; //strEmailBody += "Your username has been assigned: <font color='red'>" + selectedUser.SSO_ID + "</font><br>Your temporary password is: <font color='red'>" + strPassword + "</font>"; //strEmailBody += "<br>Once you gain access to the Portal you must change your password. " + WebSiteCommon.GetXlatValueLong("passwordComplexity", strength) + "<br><br>" + lblPasswordEmailBody3.Text.ToString().Trim(); //strEmailBody += "<br><br><b>Michael D. Wildfong</b><br>Global Director Facilities Risk Management<br>TI Automotive<br>1272 Doris Road<br>Auburn Hills, MI 48326<br>t: +1 248 494 5320<br>m: + 1 810 265 1677<br>f: +1 248 494 5302"; //strEmailBody += "<br>e: <a href='mailto:[email protected]'>[email protected]</a>"; // ABW 20140805 - Build the email based on fields in the SETTINGS table string strEmailSubject = ""; setting = MailSettings.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "NewUserSubject"); if (setting == null) { strEmailSubject = strEmailCompanyName + " " + lblPasswordEmailSubject.Text.ToString(); } else { strEmailSubject = setting.VALUE.Trim(); } setting = MailSettings.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "NewUserWelcome"); string strEmailBody = ""; if (setting == null) { strEmailBody = lblPasswordEmailBody1a.Text.ToString(); } else { strEmailBody = setting.VALUE.Trim(); } strEmailBody += lblPasswordEmailBody1b.Text.ToString() + " " + LocalPerson().SSO_ID + lblPasswordEmailBody2.Text.ToString() + " " + strPassword; setting = MailSettings.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "MailURL"); if (setting != null) { strEmailBody += lblPasswordEmailBody2b.Text.ToString() + "<a href='" + setting.VALUE + "'>" + setting.VALUE + "</a>"; } complexity = SQMSettings.SelectSettingByCode(entities, "PASSWORDCOMPLEXITY", "TASK", strength); // ABW 20140805 if (complexity != null) { strEmailBody += "<br><br>" + complexity.VALUE + "<br><br>"; } setting = MailSettings.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "NewUserSignature"); if (setting == null) { strEmailBody += "<br><br>" + lblPasswordEmailBody3.Text.ToString(); } else { strEmailBody += "<br><br>" + setting.VALUE.Trim(); } // ABW 20140117 - we are now using the email on the Person record Thread thread = new Thread(() => WebSiteCommon.SendEmail(person.EMAIL, strEmailSubject, strEmailBody.Trim(), "")); thread.IsBackground = true; thread.Start(); } else { bool roleChanged = person.ROLE != currentPerson.ROLE || person.PERSON_ACCESS.Count != currentPerson.PERSON_ACCESS.Count ? true : false; if (roleChanged) { // string strEmailBody = lblUserRoleEmailBodya.Text + strEmailCompanyName + lblUserRoleEmailBodyb.Text + "<br><br>" + lblUserRoleEmailBodyc.Text; // ABW 20140805 - Build the email based on fields in the SETTINGS table string strEmailSubject = ""; setting = MailSettings.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "AdminRoleChangeSubject"); if (setting == null) { strEmailSubject = lblUserRoleEmailSubjecta.Text + strEmailCompanyName + lblUserRoleEmailSubjectb.Text; } else { strEmailSubject = setting.VALUE.Trim(); } setting = MailSettings.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "AdminRoleChangeWelcome"); string strEmailBody = ""; if (setting == null) { strEmailBody = lblUserRoleEmailBodya.Text + strEmailCompanyName + lblUserRoleEmailBodyb.Text; } else { strEmailBody = setting.VALUE.Trim(); } setting = MailSettings.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "AdminRoleChangeSignature"); if (setting == null) { strEmailBody += "<br><br>" + lblUserRoleEmailBodyc.Text; } else { strEmailBody += "<br><br>" + setting.VALUE.Trim(); } Thread thread = new Thread(() => WebSiteCommon.SendEmail(person.EMAIL, strEmailSubject, strEmailBody, "")); thread.IsBackground = true; thread.Start(); } if (cbResetPassword.Checked) { // build the email body in 3 segments SETTINGS complexity = SQMSettings.SelectSettingByCode(entities, "COMPANY", "TASK", "PasswordComplexity"); string strength = ""; if (complexity == null) { strength = "4"; } else { strength = complexity.VALUE; } string strEmailSubject = ""; setting = MailSettings.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "AdminPasswordResetSubject"); if (setting == null) { strEmailSubject = strEmailCompanyName + " " + lblResetEmailSubject.Text.ToString(); } else { strEmailSubject = setting.VALUE.Trim(); } setting = MailSettings.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "AdminPasswordResetWelcome"); string strEmailBodya = ""; string strEmailBodyb = ""; string strEmailBodyc = ""; if (setting == null) { strEmailBodya = lblPasswordEmailBody1a.Text.ToString(); } else { strEmailBodya = setting.VALUE.Trim(); } strEmailBodya += lblPasswordEmailBody1b.Text.ToString(); strEmailBodyb = lblPasswordEmailBody2.Text.ToString(); setting = MailSettings.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "MailURL"); if (setting != null) { strEmailBodyc += lblPasswordEmailBody2b.Text.ToString() + "<a href='" + setting.VALUE + "'>" + setting.VALUE + "</a>"; } complexity = SQMSettings.SelectSettingByCode(entities, "PASSWORDCOMPLEXITY", "TASK", strength); if (complexity != null) { strEmailBodyc += "<br><br>" + complexity.VALUE + "<br><br>"; } setting = MailSettings.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "AdminPasswordResetSignature"); if (setting == null) { strEmailBodyc += "<br><br>" + lblPasswordEmailBody3.Text.ToString(); } else { strEmailBodyc += "<br><br>" + setting.VALUE.Trim(); } int msg = WebSiteCommon.RecoverPassword(person.EMAIL, person.SSO_ID, strEmailSubject, strEmailBodya, strEmailBodyb, strEmailBodyc); } } isNew = false; if (SQMModelMgr.updateStatus < 0) // report error { AlertUpdateResult(SQMModelMgr.updateStatus); } } else { SetLocalPerson(person); } return(true); }
private void uclSearchBar_OnSaveClick() { IssueCtl().qualityIssue = uclQualityIssue.UpdateIssue(IssueCtl().qualityIssue); if (IssueCtl().qualityIssue.Status == QualityIssue.UpdateStatus.Success) { if (IssueCtl().Update() != null) { uclQualityIssue.SaveAttachments(IssueCtl().qualityIssue); if (IssueCtl().qualityIssue.ShouldSendMail()) { IssueCtl().qualityIssue.Incident.RESP_TEAMID = IssueCtl().qualityIssue.MailNotify(SQMSettings.SelectSettingByCode(entities, "MAIL", "TASK", "MailURL").VALUE); IssueCtl().Update(); } IssueCtl().qualityIssue.ResetIndicators(false); uclQualityIssue.BindIssue(); uclSearchBar1.TitleItem.Text = IssueCtl().qualityIssue.IssueID; ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "showalert", "alertResult('hfAlertSaveSuccess');", true); } else { ErrorAlert(QualityIssue.UpdateStatus.SaveError); } } else { ErrorAlert(IssueCtl().qualityIssue.Status); } }
protected bool SaveUser(bool updateUser) { bool bErrors = false; bool success; Label lblErrorMessage = null; PERSON person = LocalPerson(); string currentSSOID = LocalPerson().SSO_ID; PERSON currentPerson = new PERSON(); if (isNew) { person.SSO_ID = string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbUserSSOID.Text) ? "" : tbUserSSOID.Text.Trim(); // trim traling blanks when creating new user } else { person = SQMModelMgr.LookupPerson(entities, person.PERSON_ID, "", false); person.SSO_ID = string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbUserSSOID.Text) ? "" : tbUserSSOID.Text; currentPerson.ROLE = person.ROLE; } person.FIRST_NAME = string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbUserFirstName.Text) ? "" : tbUserFirstName.Text; person.LAST_NAME = string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbUserLastName.Text) ? "" : tbUserLastName.Text; person.MIDDLE_NAME = string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbUserMiddleName.Text) ? "" : tbUserMiddleName.Text; person.JOBCODE_CD = ddlJobCode.SelectedValue; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlPrivGroup.SelectedValue)) { person.PRIV_GROUP = null; } else { person.PRIV_GROUP = ddlPrivGroup.SelectedValue; } person.PHONE = tbUserPhone.Text; person.EMAIL = tbUserEmail.Text; person.EMP_ID = tbEmpID.Text; person.SUPV_EMP_ID = tbSupvEmpID.Text; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlUserLanguage.SelectedValue)) { person.PREFERRED_LANG_ID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlUserLanguage.SelectedValue); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlUserTimezone.SelectedValue)) { person.PREFERRED_TIMEZONE = ddlUserTimezone.SelectedValue; } person.COMPANY_ID = SessionManager.EffLocation.Company.COMPANY_ID; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlHRLocation.SelectedValue)) { PLANT plant = SQMModelMgr.LookupPlant(Convert.ToDecimal(ddlHRLocation.SelectedValue)); if (plant != null) { person.PLANT_ID = plant.PLANT_ID; person.BUS_ORG_ID = (decimal)plant.BUS_ORG_ID; } } person.NEW_LOCATION_CD = ""; foreach (RadComboBoxItem item in SQMBasePage.GetComboBoxCheckedItems(ddlPlantSelect)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(person.NEW_LOCATION_CD)) { person.NEW_LOCATION_CD = ","; } person.NEW_LOCATION_CD += (item.Value + ","); } person.OLD_LOCATION_CD = ""; /* quality module reference * foreach (RadComboBoxItem item in SQMBasePage.GetComboBoxCheckedItems(ddlCustPlantSelect)) * { * person.OLD_LOCATION_CD += (item.Value + ","); * } * person.OLD_LOCATION_CD = person.OLD_LOCATION_CD.TrimEnd(','); */ person.STATUS = ddlUserStatus.SelectedValue; // roles were originally a list - let's keep the logic below just in case we need to restore a multi-role strategy //person.PERSON_ROLE.Clear(); person.ROLE = 100; ///// person.RCV_ESCALATION = true; person.LOCKS = ""; if (cbUserEmailLock.Checked) { person.LOCKS += ( + ","); } if (cbPrivGroupLock.Checked) { person.LOCKS += (LockField.priv.ToString() + ","); } if (cbHRLocationLock.Checked) { person.LOCKS += (LockField.plant.ToString() + ","); } if (cbUserLanguageLock.Checked) { person.LOCKS += (LockField.lang.ToString() + ","); } person.LOCKS = person.LOCKS.TrimEnd(','); SetLocalPerson(person); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbUserSSOID.Text) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbUserFirstName.Text) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbUserLastName.Text) || ddlJobCode.SelectedIndex < 0 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlHRLocation.SelectedValue) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlHRLocation.SelectedValue)) { lblErrorMessage = lblErrRequiredInputs; } if (lblErrorMessage == null) { // AW20131106 - need to verify that the SSO_ID and email address are unique in the system lblDuplicateSSOId.Visible = false; lblDuplicateEmail.Visible = false; string strSSOId = tbUserSSOID.Text; string strEmail = tbUserEmail.Text; if (isNew) // || !strSSOId.Equals(person.SSO_ID)) { // verify unique sso_id strSSOId = tbUserSSOID.Text.Trim(); SQM.Website.PSsqmEntities ctxAccess = new PSsqmEntities(); SQM_ACCESS access = SQMModelMgr.LookupCredentials(ctxAccess, strSSOId, "", false); if (access != null && access.SSO_ID.ToLower().Equals(strSSOId.ToLower())) { lblErrorMessage = lblDuplicateSSOId; } } if (lblErrorMessage == null && (isNew || !strEmail.Equals(person.EMAIL))) { // verify unique email SQM.Website.PSsqmEntities ctxAccess = new PSsqmEntities(); //SQM_ACCESS access = SQMModelMgr.LookupCredentialsByEmail(ctxAccess, strEmail, false); // ABW 20140117 - we want to look up email on person record... PERSON personEmail = SQMModelMgr.LookupPersonByEmail(ctxAccess, strEmail); if (personEmail != null && personEmail.EMAIL.Trim().ToLower().Equals(strEmail.Trim().ToLower())) { lblErrorMessage = lblDuplicateEmail; } } } if (lblErrorMessage != null) { DisplayUser(); DisplayErrorMessage(lblErrorMessage); return(false); } if (updateUser) { string defaultPwd = ""; string environment = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["environment"].ToString(); string altEmail = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(environment) && environment.ToLower() == "dev" ? System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["altEmail"].ToString() : ""; if (isNew) { SETTINGS pwdInitial = SQMSettings.SelectSettingByCode(entities, "COMPANY", "TASK", "PasswordDefault"); if (pwdInitial != null) { switch (pwdInitial.VALUE.ToUpper()) { case "LASTNAME": defaultPwd = person.LAST_NAME; break; case "EMPID": defaultPwd = person.EMP_ID; break; default: break; } } } SetLocalPerson(SQMModelMgr.UpdatePerson(entities, person, SessionManager.UserContext.UserName(), false, currentSSOID, defaultPwd)); //selectedUser = SQMModelMgr.UpdatePerson(entities, person, SessionManager.UserContext.UserName(), Convert.ToBoolean(GetFindControlValue("cbIsBuyer", hfBase, out success)), GetFindControlValue("tbBuyerCode", hfBase, out success)); // AW20131106 - send an email for new users with random password generation List <SETTINGS> MailSettings = SQMSettings.SelectSettingsGroup("MAIL", ""); // ABW 20140805 SETTINGS setting = new SETTINGS(); // ABW 20140805 setting = MailSettings.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "MailFromSystem"); // ABW 20140805 string strEmailCompanyName = ""; // ABW 20140805 if (setting != null) // ABW 20140805 { strEmailCompanyName = setting.VALUE; } bool sendEmail = false; setting = MailSettings.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "SendNewUserEmail"); if (setting != null && setting.VALUE.ToLower().Equals("true")) // ABW 20140805 { sendEmail = true; } List <XLAT> XLATList = SQMBasePage.SelectXLATList(new string[1] { "USER_EMAIL" }, 0); string strEmailSubject = ""; string strEmailBody = ""; LOCAL_LANGUAGE lang = SQMModelMgr.LookupLanguage(new PSsqmEntities(), "", (int)person.PREFERRED_LANG_ID, false); string strTemp = ""; if (isNew && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultPwd) || sendEmail)) // send email notice only when a default password was not set { // send a confirmation email // string strength = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PasswordComplexity"]; // ABW 20140805 SETTINGS complexity = SQMSettings.SelectSettingByCode(entities, "COMPANY", "TASK", "PasswordComplexity"); // ABW 20140805 string strength = ""; // ABW 20140805 if (complexity == null) { strength = "4"; } else { strength = complexity.VALUE; } SQM.Website.PSsqmEntities ctxAccess = new PSsqmEntities(); SQM_ACCESS access = SQMModelMgr.LookupCredentials(ctxAccess, LocalPerson().SSO_ID, "", false); string key = SQMModelMgr.GetPasswordKey(); string strPassword = WebSiteCommon.Decrypt(access.PASSWORD, key); // ABW 20140805 - Build the email based on fields in the SETTINGS table //string strEmailSubject = ""; //setting = MailSettings.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "NewUserSubject"); //if (setting == null) // strEmailSubject = strEmailCompanyName + " " + lblPasswordEmailSubject.Text.ToString(); //else // strEmailSubject = setting.VALUE.Trim(); //setting = MailSettings.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "NewUserWelcome"); //string strEmailBody = ""; //if (setting == null) // strEmailBody = lblPasswordEmailBody1a.Text.ToString(); //else // strEmailBody = setting.VALUE.Trim(); //strEmailBody += lblPasswordEmailBody1b.Text.ToString() + " " + LocalPerson().SSO_ID + lblPasswordEmailBody2.Text.ToString() + " " + strPassword; //setting = MailSettings.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "MailURL"); //if (setting != null) // strEmailBody += lblPasswordEmailBody2b.Text.ToString() + "<a href='" + setting.VALUE + "'>" + setting.VALUE + "</a>"; //complexity = SQMSettings.SelectSettingByCode(entities, "PASSWORDCOMPLEXITY", "TASK", strength); // ABW 20140805 //if (complexity != null) // strEmailBody += "<br><br>" + complexity.VALUE + "<br><br>"; //setting = MailSettings.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "NewUserSignature"); //if (setting == null) // strEmailBody += "<br><br>" + lblPasswordEmailBody3.Text.ToString(); //else // strEmailBody += "<br><br>" + setting.VALUE.Trim(); // ABW 20160115 - Build the email based on fields in the XLAT table strTemp = SQMBasePage.GetXLAT(XLATList, "USER_EMAIL", "NewUserSubject", lang.NLS_LANGUAGE).DESCRIPTION; if (strTemp == null || strTemp == "") { strEmailSubject = strEmailCompanyName + " " + lblPasswordEmailSubject.Text.ToString(); } else { strEmailSubject = strTemp.Trim(); } strTemp = SQMBasePage.GetXLAT(XLATList, "USER_EMAIL", "NewUserWelcome", lang.NLS_LANGUAGE).DESCRIPTION; strEmailBody = ""; if (strTemp == null || strTemp == "") { strEmailBody = lblPasswordEmailBody1a.Text.ToString(); } else { strEmailBody = strTemp.Trim(); } strTemp = SQMBasePage.GetXLAT(XLATList, "USER_EMAIL", "NewUserBodyUsername", lang.NLS_LANGUAGE).DESCRIPTION; if (strTemp == null || strTemp == "") { strEmailBody += lblPasswordEmailBody1b.Text.ToString(); } else { strEmailBody += strTemp.Trim(); } strEmailBody += " " + LocalPerson().SSO_ID; strTemp = SQMBasePage.GetXLAT(XLATList, "USER_EMAIL", "NewUserBodyPassword", lang.NLS_LANGUAGE).DESCRIPTION; if (strTemp == null || strTemp == "") { strEmailBody += lblPasswordEmailBody2.Text.ToString(); } else { strEmailBody += strTemp.Trim(); } strEmailBody += " " + strPassword; strTemp = SQMBasePage.GetXLAT(XLATList, "USER_EMAIL", "NewUserBodyUrl", lang.NLS_LANGUAGE).DESCRIPTION; string strUrlLabel = ""; if (strTemp == null || strTemp == "") { strUrlLabel = lblPasswordEmailBody2b.Text.ToString(); } else { strUrlLabel = strTemp.Trim(); } setting = MailSettings.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "MailURL"); if (setting != null) { strEmailBody += strUrlLabel + " <a href='" + setting.VALUE + "'>" + setting.VALUE + "</a>"; } complexity = SQMSettings.SelectSettingByCode(entities, "PASSWORDCOMPLEXITY", "TASK", strength); // ABW 20140805 if (complexity != null) { strEmailBody += "<br><br>" + complexity.VALUE + "<br><br>"; } strTemp = SQMBasePage.GetXLAT(XLATList, "USER_EMAIL", "NewUserSignature", lang.NLS_LANGUAGE).DESCRIPTION; if (strTemp == null || strTemp == "") { strEmailBody += "<br><br>" + lblPasswordEmailBody3.Text.ToString(); } else { strEmailBody += "<br><br>" + strTemp.Trim(); } // ABW 20140117 - we are now using the email on the Person record /* * Thread thread = new Thread(() => WebSiteCommon.SendEmail(person.EMAIL, strEmailSubject, strEmailBody.Trim(), "")); * thread.IsBackground = true; * thread.Start(); */ string mailStatus = WebSiteCommon.SendEmail(person.EMAIL, strEmailSubject, strEmailBody.Trim(), ""); EHSNotificationMgr.WriteEmailLog(entities, person.EMAIL, "", strEmailSubject, strEmailBody, 0, LocalPerson().PERSON_ID, ("user password notification - is new = " + isNew.ToString()), mailStatus, altEmail); } else { bool roleChanged = person.ROLE != currentPerson.ROLE ? true : false; // ABW 20160115 - send an email based on a parameter setting = MailSettings.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "SendChangeUserEmail"); if (setting != null && setting.VALUE.ToLower().Equals("true")) { sendEmail = true; } else { sendEmail = false; } if (roleChanged && sendEmail) { //ABW 20140805 - Build the email based on fields in the SETTINGS table //strEmailSubject = ""; //setting = MailSettings.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "AdminRoleChangeSubject"); //if (setting == null) // strEmailSubject = lblUserRoleEmailSubjecta.Text + strEmailCompanyName + lblUserRoleEmailSubjectb.Text; //else // strEmailSubject = setting.VALUE.Trim(); //setting = MailSettings.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "AdminRoleChangeWelcome"); //string strEmailBody = ""; //if (setting == null) // strEmailBody = lblUserRoleEmailBodya.Text + strEmailCompanyName + lblUserRoleEmailBodyb.Text; //else // strEmailBody = setting.VALUE.Trim(); //setting = MailSettings.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "AdminRoleChangeSignature"); //if (setting == null) // strEmailBody += "<br><br>" + lblUserRoleEmailBodyc.Text; //else // strEmailBody += "<br><br>" + setting.VALUE.Trim(); //ABW 20160115 - Build the email based on fields in the XLAT table strEmailSubject = ""; strTemp = SQMBasePage.GetXLAT(XLATList, "USER_EMAIL", "AdminRoleChangeSubject", lang.NLS_LANGUAGE).DESCRIPTION; if (strTemp == null || strTemp == "") { strEmailSubject = lblUserRoleEmailSubjecta.Text + strEmailCompanyName + lblUserRoleEmailSubjectb.Text; } else { strEmailSubject = strTemp.Trim(); } strEmailBody = ""; strTemp = SQMBasePage.GetXLAT(XLATList, "USER_EMAIL", "AdminRoleChangeWelcome", lang.NLS_LANGUAGE).DESCRIPTION; if (strTemp == null || strTemp == "") { strEmailBody = lblUserRoleEmailBodya.Text + strEmailCompanyName + lblUserRoleEmailBodyb.Text; } else { strEmailBody = strTemp.Trim(); } setting = MailSettings.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "AdminRoleChangeSignature"); strTemp = SQMBasePage.GetXLAT(XLATList, "USER_EMAIL", "AdminRoleChangeSignature", lang.NLS_LANGUAGE).DESCRIPTION; if (strTemp == null || strTemp == "") { strEmailBody += "<br><br>" + lblUserRoleEmailBodyc.Text; } else { strEmailBody += strTemp.Trim(); } /* * Thread thread = new Thread(() => WebSiteCommon.SendEmail(person.EMAIL, strEmailSubject, strEmailBody, "")); * thread.IsBackground = true; * thread.Start(); */ string mailStatus = WebSiteCommon.SendEmail(person.EMAIL, strEmailSubject, strEmailBody, ""); EHSNotificationMgr.WriteEmailLog(entities, person.EMAIL, "", strEmailSubject, strEmailBody, 0, LocalPerson().PERSON_ID, "user role changed", mailStatus, altEmail); } if (cbResetPassword.Checked) // always send an email when the password changes { // build the email body in 3 segments SETTINGS complexity = SQMSettings.SelectSettingByCode(entities, "COMPANY", "TASK", "PasswordComplexity"); string strength = ""; if (complexity == null) { strength = "4"; } else { strength = complexity.VALUE; } // ABW 20140805 - Build the email based on fields in the SETTINGS table //string strEmailSubject = ""; //setting = MailSettings.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "AdminPasswordResetSubject"); //if (setting == null) // strEmailSubject = strEmailCompanyName + " " + lblResetEmailSubject.Text.ToString(); //else // strEmailSubject = setting.VALUE.Trim(); //setting = MailSettings.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "AdminPasswordResetWelcome"); //string strEmailBodya = ""; //string strEmailBodyb = ""; //string strEmailBodyc = ""; //if (setting == null) // strEmailBodya = lblPasswordEmailBody1a.Text.ToString(); //else // strEmailBodya = setting.VALUE.Trim(); //strEmailBodya += lblPasswordEmailBody1b.Text.ToString(); //strEmailBodyb = lblPasswordEmailBody2.Text.ToString(); //setting = MailSettings.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "MailURL"); //if (setting != null) // strEmailBodyc += lblPasswordEmailBody2b.Text.ToString() + "<a href='" + setting.VALUE + "'>" + setting.VALUE + "</a>"; //complexity = SQMSettings.SelectSettingByCode(entities, "PASSWORDCOMPLEXITY", "TASK", strength); //if (complexity != null) // strEmailBodyc += "<br><br>" + complexity.VALUE + "<br><br>"; //setting = MailSettings.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "AdminPasswordResetSignature"); //if (setting == null) // strEmailBodyc += "<br><br>" + lblPasswordEmailBody3.Text.ToString(); //else // strEmailBodyc += "<br><br>" + setting.VALUE.Trim(); // ABW 20160115 - Build the email based on fields in the XLAT table strTemp = SQMBasePage.GetXLAT(XLATList, "USER_EMAIL", "AdminPasswordResetSubject", lang.NLS_LANGUAGE).DESCRIPTION; if (strTemp == null || strTemp == "") { strEmailSubject = strEmailCompanyName + " " + lblPasswordEmailSubject.Text.ToString(); } else { strEmailSubject = strTemp.Trim(); } string strEmailBodya = ""; string strEmailBodyb = ""; string strEmailBodyc = ""; strTemp = SQMBasePage.GetXLAT(XLATList, "USER_EMAIL", "AdminPasswordResetWelcome", lang.NLS_LANGUAGE).DESCRIPTION; if (strTemp == null || strTemp == "") { strEmailBodya = lblResetEmailBody1a.Text.ToString(); } else { strEmailBodya = strTemp.Trim(); } strTemp = SQMBasePage.GetXLAT(XLATList, "USER_EMAIL", "NewUserBodyUsername", lang.NLS_LANGUAGE).DESCRIPTION; if (strTemp == null || strTemp == "") { strEmailBodya += lblPasswordEmailBody1b.Text.ToString(); } else { strEmailBodya += strTemp.Trim(); } strTemp = SQMBasePage.GetXLAT(XLATList, "USER_EMAIL", "NewUserBodyPassword", lang.NLS_LANGUAGE).DESCRIPTION; if (strTemp == null || strTemp == "") { strEmailBodyb = lblPasswordEmailBody2.Text.ToString(); } else { strEmailBodyb = strTemp.Trim(); } strTemp = SQMBasePage.GetXLAT(XLATList, "USER_EMAIL", "NewUserBodyUrl", lang.NLS_LANGUAGE).DESCRIPTION; string strUrlLabel = ""; if (strTemp == null || strTemp == "") { strUrlLabel = lblPasswordEmailBody2b.Text.ToString(); } else { strUrlLabel = strTemp.Trim(); } setting = MailSettings.Find(x => x.SETTING_CD == "MailURL"); if (setting != null) { strEmailBodyc += strUrlLabel.Trim() + "<a href='" + setting.VALUE + "'>" + setting.VALUE + "</a>"; } complexity = SQMSettings.SelectSettingByCode(entities, "PASSWORDCOMPLEXITY", "TASK", strength); if (complexity != null) { strEmailBodyc += "<br><br>" + complexity.VALUE + "<br><br>"; } strTemp = SQMBasePage.GetXLAT(XLATList, "USER_EMAIL", "NewUserSignature", lang.NLS_LANGUAGE).DESCRIPTION; if (strTemp == null || strTemp == "") { strEmailBodyc += "<br><br>" + lblPasswordEmailBody3.Text.ToString(); } else { strEmailBodyc += "<br><br>" + strTemp.Trim(); } int msg = WebSiteCommon.RecoverPassword(person.EMAIL, person.SSO_ID, strEmailSubject, strEmailBodya, strEmailBodyb, strEmailBodyc); EHSNotificationMgr.WriteEmailLog(entities, person.EMAIL, "", strEmailSubject, strEmailBodya, 0, LocalPerson().PERSON_ID, "recover password", msg.ToString(), altEmail); } } isNew = false; if (SQMModelMgr.updateStatus < 0) // report error { AlertUpdateResult(SQMModelMgr.updateStatus); } } else { SetLocalPerson(person); } return(true); }