private string AddDataToMyDb() { using (var db = new SQLite.SQLiteConnection(System.IO.Path.Combine(System.Environment.GetFolderPath(System.Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal), "bancoteste.db3"))) { foreach (var item in ResultCategory) { Categoria itemCategory = new Categoria { Id = item.Id, Name = item.Name }; db.InsertOrReplace(itemCategory); } //int i = 0; foreach (var item in ResultPromotion) { List <Policies> ListPolicies = new List <Policies>(); Promotion itemPromotion = new Promotion { //Id = null, Name = item.Name, CategoryId = item.Category_id }; foreach (var subItem in item.Policies) { Policies itemPolicies = new Policies { //Id = null, Min = subItem.Min, Discount = subItem.Discount }; db.InsertOrReplace(itemPolicies); ListPolicies.Add(itemPolicies); } db.InsertOrReplace(itemPromotion); itemPromotion.PoliciesId = ListPolicies; WriteOperations.UpdateWithChildren(db, itemPromotion); //db. } foreach (var item in ResultProduct) { Product itemProduct = new Product { //Id = null, Name = item.Name, Photo = ConvertPngToJpeg(item.Photo), Price = item.Price, Description = item.Description, CategoryId = item.Category_id }; db.InsertOrReplace(itemProduct); } } return("terminou"); }
// ***** NewsItemTable methods static public bool updateDBWithJSON(string jsonString) { //Console.WriteLine("jsonString: " + jsonString); itemList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <NewsItem> >(jsonString); //categorisedItemList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<NewsItem>>(jsonString); //categorisedItemList.AddRange(itemList); db.RunInTransaction(() => { foreach (var item in itemList) { db.InsertOrReplace(item); } }); return(true); }
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Informacje newInfo = new Informacje() { Id = 1, Wlasciciel = Owner.Text, Adres = Address.Text, Telefon = PhoneNumber.Text, Fax = Fax.Text, Kasjerzy = Cashiers.Text, Myjnia = Wash_Stuff.Text, Monitoring = Monitoring_Stuff.Text, ObslugaLPG = LPG_Stuff.Text }; using (SQLite.SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLite.SQLiteConnection(App.databasePath)) { conn.CreateTable <Informacje>(); conn.InsertOrReplace(newInfo); } MessageBox.Show("Zaktualizowano."); MainWindow mainWindow = new MainWindow(_loggedInAccount); this.Close(); mainWindow.Show(); }
public Task <bool> UpdateAsync(IActiveLock activeLock, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var entry = ToEntry(activeLock); _connection.InsertOrReplace(entry); return(Task.FromResult(true)); }
/// <inheritdoc /> protected override Task <EntityTag> UpdateDeadETagAsync(IEntry entry, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var etag = new EntityTag(false); var key = GetETagProperty.PropertyName; var prop = new PropertyEntry() { Id = CreateId(key, entry), Language = null, Path = entry.Path.ToString(), XmlName = key.ToString(), Value = etag.ToXml().ToString(SaveOptions.OmitDuplicateNamespaces), }; _connection.InsertOrReplace(prop); return(Task.FromResult(etag)); }
public async Task UpdateAsync(DateTime dateTime) { using (var dbConnection = new SQLiteConnection(_dbUnitAndroidPrinterApp)) { TypeWorkDB[] typesWork = await GetTypesWorkAsync(); PrinterEntryDB[] printerEntrys = await GetAllPrinterEntryAsync(dateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); AccountDB[] accounts = await GetAllAccountAsync(); dbConnection.RunInTransaction(() => { foreach (var item in printerEntrys) dbConnection.InsertOrReplace(item); foreach (var item in accounts) dbConnection.InsertOrReplace(item); foreach (var item in typesWork) dbConnection.InsertOrReplace(item); dbConnection.InsertOrReplace(new LastModifyDateDB() { id = 0, LastModifyDate = dateTime }); }); } }
private static void InsertFood(SQLiteConnection db) { db.InsertOrReplace(new GameObject() { GameObjectId = (int)GameObjectEnum.Apple, ObjectName = "Apple", Description = "Healthy apple", HealthEffect = 5, HungerEffect = 5, HygeneEffect = 0, DisciplineEffect = 0, MoodEffect = 5, EnergyEffect = 3, }); db.InsertOrReplace(new GameObject() { GameObjectId = (int)GameObjectEnum.Burger, ObjectName = "Burger", Description = "Lotsofcaloriesburger, with cheese and stuff!", HealthEffect = -5, HungerEffect = 10, HygeneEffect = -2, DisciplineEffect = -10, MoodEffect = 5, EnergyEffect = 6, }); db.InsertOrReplace(new GameObject() { GameObjectId = (int)GameObjectEnum.Watter, ObjectName = "Watter", Description = "A refreshing glass of watter", HealthEffect = 1, HungerEffect = 2, HygeneEffect = 0, DisciplineEffect = 0, MoodEffect = 3, EnergyEffect = 10, }); }
private void CreateUserButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { using (var connection = new SQLiteConnection(new Net.Platform.WinRT.SQLitePlatformWinRT(), path)) { if (!TableExists <User>(connection)) { connection.CreateTable <User>(Net.Interop.CreateFlags.AutoIncPK); } connection.InsertOrReplace(new User() { Name = this.NameTextBox.Text }, typeof(User)); this.Users = new ObservableCollection <User>(connection.Table <User>().Select(i => i)); } }
public static async Task CreateDatabase() { // Create a new connection using (var db = new SQLiteConnection(DbPath)) { // Activate Tracing db.Trace = true; // Create the table if it does not exist var c = db.CreateTable<Data>(); Data data = new Data(); data.DataID = 0; data.DataName = "Taxi"; data.DataPrice = "5"; StorageFile file = await StorageFile.GetFileFromPathAsync(Path.Combine(Package.Current.InstalledLocation.Path, @"Assets\Pictures\11th_Doctor.png")); var i = db.InsertOrReplace(data); } }
private void UpdateData(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Cennik updatedPrices = new Cennik(); updatedPrices.Benzyna_E95 = double.Parse(E95.Text); updatedPrices.Benzyna_E98 = double.Parse(E98.Text); updatedPrices.Olej_napedowy_ON = double.Parse(ON.Text); updatedPrices.LPG = double.Parse(LPG.Text); updatedPrices.Mycie_standardowe = double.Parse(mstand.Text); updatedPrices.Mycie_z_woskiem = double.Parse(mwosk.Text); using (SQLite.SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLite.SQLiteConnection(App.databasePath)) { conn.CreateTable <Cennik>(); conn.InsertOrReplace(updatedPrices); } MainWindow mainwindow = new MainWindow(_loggedInAccount); this.Close(); mainwindow.Show(); }
private static void InsertObjects(SQLiteConnection db) { db.InsertOrReplace(new GameObject() { GameObjectId = (int)GameObjectEnum.Soap, ObjectName = "Soap", Description = "Take the soap and clean your pet", HealthEffect = 0, HungerEffect = 0, HygeneEffect = 15, DisciplineEffect = 0, MoodEffect = 0, EnergyEffect = 0, }); db.InsertOrReplace(new GameObject() { GameObjectId = (int)GameObjectEnum.Book, ObjectName = "Book", Description = "Contains good education", HealthEffect = 0, HungerEffect = -15, HygeneEffect = -2, DisciplineEffect = 25, MoodEffect = -25, EnergyEffect = -10, }); db.InsertOrReplace(new GameObject() { GameObjectId = (int)GameObjectEnum.Light, ObjectName = "Day and night", Description = "Put your pet to sleep or wake him up", HealthEffect = 5, HungerEffect = -5, HygeneEffect = 0, DisciplineEffect = 0, MoodEffect = -10, EnergyEffect = 5, }); db.InsertOrReplace(new GameObject() { GameObjectId = (int)GameObjectEnum.Ball, ObjectName = "Play Ball!!", Description = "Play a little rugby!", HealthEffect = 2, HungerEffect = -15, HygeneEffect = 0, DisciplineEffect = -15, MoodEffect = 15, EnergyEffect = -25, }); db.InsertOrReplace(new GameObject() { GameObjectId = (int)GameObjectEnum.Medkit, ObjectName = "Healing object", Description = "heal your pet", HealthEffect = 25, HungerEffect = -10, HygeneEffect = -10, DisciplineEffect = 0, MoodEffect = 10, EnergyEffect = 0, }); }
private void insertToDatabase(Book theBook) { var documents = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal); _pathToDatabase = Path.Combine(documents, _databaseName); using (var db = new SQLite.SQLiteConnection(_pathToDatabase )) { db.InsertOrReplace (theBook); } Console.Out.WriteLine ("Book " + newBook.getTitle () + " inserted into database."); // ui alert to let the user know var alert = UIAlertController.Create("Book Added!", "Hit the back button to see the book in your Book List.", UIAlertControllerStyle.Alert); // add buttons alert.AddAction(UIAlertAction.Create("Okay", UIAlertActionStyle.Default, null)); // actually show the thing PresentViewController(alert, true, null); }
private void Redeem4_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (_loggedInAccount.Points > int.Parse(mycie_z_woskiem_nagrody_label.Content.ToString())) { Coupon newCoupon = new Coupon() { Name = "Mycie Woskiem", Owner = _loggedInAccount.Email }; using (SQLite.SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLite.SQLiteConnection(App.databasePath)) { conn.CreateTable <Coupon>(); conn.Insert(newCoupon); } _loggedInAccount.Points = _loggedInAccount.Points - int.Parse(mycie_z_woskiem_nagrody_label.Content.ToString()); using (SQLite.SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLite.SQLiteConnection(App.databasePath)) { conn.CreateTable <Konto>(); conn.InsertOrReplace(_loggedInAccount); } using (SQLiteConnection conn3 = new SQLiteConnection(App.databasePath)) { conn3.CreateTable <ProgramLojalnościowy>(); prog_prices = (conn3.Table <ProgramLojalnościowy>().FirstOrDefault()); benzyna_e95label.Content = prog_prices.benzyna_E95; benzyna_e98label.Content = prog_prices.benzyna_E98; olej_napedowylabel.Content = prog_prices.olej_nepedowy; lpglabel.Content = prog_prices.lpg; benzyna_on_nagrody_label.Content = prog_prices.benzyna_on_nagrody; lpg_nagrody_label.Content = prog_prices.lpg_ngrody; mycie_z_woskiemlabel.Content = prog_prices.mycie_z_woskiem; mycie_standardowelabel.Content = prog_prices.mycie_standardowe; mycie_standardowe_nagrody_label.Content = prog_prices.mycie_standardowe_nagrody; mycie_z_woskiem_nagrody_label.Content = prog_prices.mycie_z_woskiem_nagrody; } if (_loggedInAccount.Email != null) { Konto AccountToUpdate = new Konto(); using (SQLite.SQLiteConnection connection = new SQLite.SQLiteConnection(App.databasePath)) { AccountToUpdate = connection.Table <Konto>().FirstOrDefault(a => a.Email == _loggedInAccount.Email); } saldo.Content = AccountToUpdate.Points; List <Coupon> coupons = new List <Coupon>(); using (SQLite.SQLiteConnection connection = new SQLite.SQLiteConnection(App.databasePath)) { coupons = connection.Table <Coupon>().Where(n => n.Owner == _loggedInAccount.Email).ToList(); } if (coupons != null) { this.CouponList.ItemsSource = coupons; CouponList.SelectedItem = coupons[0]; } } } }
internal void CreateCatalogDatabaseAndInsertEntries(string dbFilename, Uri registryUrl, string registryCacheDirectory) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(dbFilename)); using (var db = new SQLiteConnection(dbFilename)) { // prevent errors from occurring when table doesn't exist db.RunInTransaction(() => { db.CreateCatalogTableIfNotExists(); db.InsertOrReplace(new DbVersion() { Id = _databaseSchemaVersion }); db.InsertOrReplace(new RegistryFileMapping() { RegistryUrl = registryUrl.ToString(), DbFileLocation = registryCacheDirectory }); }); } }
internal void ParseResultsAndAddToDatabase(TextReader reader, string dbFilename, string registryUrl) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(dbFilename)); using (var db = new SQLiteConnection(dbFilename)) { db.RunInTransaction(() => { db.CreateRegistryTableIfNotExists(); using (var jsonReader = new JsonTextReader(reader)) { while (jsonReader.Read()) { if (JsonToken.PropertyName != jsonReader.TokenType) { continue; } if ((string)jsonReader.Value == "_updated") { jsonReader.Read(); db.InsertOrReplace(new RegistryInfo() { RegistryUrl = registryUrl, Revision = (long)jsonReader.Value, UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now }); continue; } var builder = new NodeModuleBuilder(); JToken token = null; #if DEV14_OR_LATER try { #endif token = JToken.ReadFrom(jsonReader); #if DEV14_OR_LATER } catch (JsonReaderException) { // Reached end of file, so continue. break; } #endif var module = token.FirstOrDefault(); while (module != null) { try { builder.Name = (string)module["name"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(builder.Name)) { continue; } builder.AppendToDescription((string)module["description"] ?? string.Empty); var time = module["time"]; if (time != null) { builder.AppendToDate((string)time["modified"]); } var distTags = module["dist-tags"]; if (distTags != null) { var latestVersion = distTags .OfType<JProperty>() .Where(v => (string)v.Name == "latest") .Select(v => (string)v.Value) .FirstOrDefault(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(latestVersion)) { try { builder.LatestVersion = SemverVersion.Parse(latestVersion); } catch (SemverVersionFormatException) { OnOutputLogged(String.Format(Resources.InvalidPackageSemVersion, latestVersion, builder.Name)); } } } var versions = module["versions"]; if (versions != null) { builder.AvailableVersions = GetVersions(versions); } AddKeywords(builder, module["keywords"]); AddAuthor(builder, module["author"]); AddHomepage(builder, module["homepage"]); var package = builder.Build(); InsertCatalogEntry(db, package); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { // Occurs if a JValue appears where we expect JProperty } catch (ArgumentException) { OnOutputLogged(string.Format(Resources.ParsingError, builder.Name)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(builder.Name)) { var package = builder.Build(); InsertCatalogEntry(db, package); } } builder.Reset(); #if DEV14_OR_LATER try { #endif token = JToken.ReadFrom(jsonReader); #if DEV14_OR_LATER } catch (JsonReaderException) { // Reached end of file, so continue. break; } #endif module = token.FirstOrDefault(); } } } // FTS doesn't support INSERT OR REPLACE. This is the most efficient way to bypass that limitation. db.Execute("DELETE FROM CatalogEntry WHERE docid NOT IN (SELECT MAX(docid) FROM CatalogEntry GROUP BY Name)"); }); } }
/// <summary> /// Updates the resource. /// </summary> /// <param name="resourceFire">Resource fire.</param> /// <param name="resourceEarth">Resource earth.</param> /// <param name="resourceWater">Resource water.</param> /// <param name="resourceAir">Resource air.</param> /// <param name="resourceMagic">Resource magic.</param> /// <param name="resourceGold">Resource gold.</param> /// <param name="id">Identifier for the account.</param> public void UpdateResource(int resourceFire, int resourceEarth, int resourceWater, int resourceAir, int resourceMagic, int resourceGold, int id) { SQLiteConnection con = new SQLiteConnection(ServerConstants.DB_PATH); TableResource tr = new TableResource(); tr.Id = id; tr.Fire = resourceFire; tr.Earth = resourceEarth; tr.Water = resourceWater; tr.Air = resourceAir; tr.Magic = resourceMagic; tr.Gold = resourceGold; con.InsertOrReplace(tr); }
/// <summary> /// Updates the unit. /// </summary> /// <param name="unitEntity">Unit entity.</param> /// <param name="id">Identifier for the account.</param> public void UpdateUnit(Entity unitEntity, int id) { SQLiteConnection con = new SQLiteConnection(ServerConstants.DB_PATH); TableUnit tu = new TableUnit(); tu.Id = id; tu.PositionX = unitEntity.Position.X; tu.PositionY = unitEntity.Position.Y; con.InsertOrReplace(tu); }
internal void ParseResultsAndAddToDatabase(TextReader reader, string dbFilename, string registryUrl) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(dbFilename)); using (var db = new SQLiteConnection(dbFilename)) { db.RunInTransaction(() => { db.CreateRegistryTableIfNotExists(); using (var jsonReader = new JsonTextReader(reader)) { /* The schema seems to have changed over time. The first format we need to handle is an object literal. It starts with an "_updated" property, with a value of the timestamp it was retrived, and then a property for each package, with a name of the package name, and a value which is on object literal representing the package info. An example downloaded may start: { "_updated": 1413573404788, "unlink-empty-files": { "name": "unlink-empty-files", "description": "given a directory, unlink (remove) all files with a length of 0", "dist-tags": { "latest": "1.0.1" }, "maintainers": [ { "name": "kesla", etc. The other format is an array literal, where each element is an object literal for a package, similar to the value of the properties above, for example: [ {"name":"008-somepackage","description":"Test Package","dist-tags":{"latest":"1.1.1"}.. , {"name":"01-simple","description":"That is the first app in order to study the ..." , etc. In this second format, there is no "_updated" property with a timestamp, and the 'Date' timestamp from the HTTP request for the data is used instead. The NPM code that handles the payload seems to be written in a way to handle both formats See */ jsonReader.Read(); switch (jsonReader.TokenType) { case JsonToken.StartObject: ReadPackagesFromObject(db, jsonReader, registryUrl); break; case JsonToken.StartArray: // The array format doesn't contain the "_update" field, // so create a rough timestamp. Use the time from 30 mins // ago (to set it before the download request started), // converted to a JavaScript value (milliseconds since // start of 1970) var timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow .Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 30, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc)) .TotalMilliseconds; ReadPackagesFromArray(db, jsonReader); db.InsertOrReplace(new RegistryInfo() { RegistryUrl = registryUrl, Revision = (long)timestamp, UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now }); break; default: throw new JsonException("Unexpected JSON token at start of NPM catalog data"); } } // FTS doesn't support INSERT OR REPLACE. This is the most efficient way to bypass that limitation. db.Execute("DELETE FROM CatalogEntry WHERE docid NOT IN (SELECT MAX(docid) FROM CatalogEntry GROUP BY Name)"); }); } }
/// <summary> /// Updates the building. /// </summary> /// <param name="buildingEntity">Building entity.</param> /// <param name="id">Identifier for the account.</param> public void UpdateBuilding(Entity buildingEntity, int id) { SQLiteConnection con = new SQLiteConnection(ServerConstants.DB_PATH); TableBuilding tb = new TableBuilding(); tb.Id = id; tb.PositionX = buildingEntity.Position.X; tb.PositionY = buildingEntity.Position.Y; con.InsertOrReplace(tb); }
private void ReadPackagesFromObject(SQLiteConnection db, JsonTextReader jsonReader, string registryUrl) { var builder = new NodeModuleBuilder(); while (jsonReader.Read()) { if (jsonReader.TokenType == JsonToken.EndObject) { // Reached the end of the object literal containing the data. // This should be the normal exit point. return; } // Every property should be either the "_updated" value, or a package if (jsonReader.TokenType != JsonToken.PropertyName) { throw new JsonException("Unexpected JSON token in NPM catalog data"); } string propertyName = (string)jsonReader.Value; // If it's "_updated", update the revision info. if (propertyName.Equals("_updated", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { jsonReader.Read(); db.InsertOrReplace(new RegistryInfo() { RegistryUrl = registryUrl, Revision = (long)jsonReader.Value, UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now }); continue; } // Else the property should be an object literal representing the package jsonReader.Read(); if (jsonReader.TokenType == JsonToken.StartObject) { IPackage package = ReadPackage(jsonReader, builder); if (package != null) { InsertCatalogEntry(db, package); } } else { throw new JsonException("Unexpected JSON token reading a package from the NPM catalog data"); } } throw new JsonException("Unexpected end of stream reading the NPM catalog data object"); }
private void SaveInvoice(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Invoices newInvoice = new Invoices() { email = selectedEmail, CouponUsed = SelectedCoupon.Name, Nazwa_firmy = this.FirmaTxtBox.Text, Imie = this.ImieTxtBox.Text, Nazwisko = this.NazwiskoTxtBox.Text, Ulica = this.UlicaTxtBox.Text, Numer = this.NumberTxtBox.Text, Miasto = this.MiastoTxtBox.Text, Kod_pocztowy = this.KodTxtBox.Text, BenzynaE95 = double.Parse(this.Be95txtBox.Text), BenzynaE98 = double.Parse(this.Be98txtBox.Text), OlejNapowy = double.Parse(this.OlejtxtBox.Text), LPG = double.Parse(this.LPGTxtBox.Text), TotalPrice = totalPrice, }; if (SelectedCoupon != null) { if (SelectedCoupon.Name == "BE/ON") { double e95, e98, on; List <double> numbers = new List <double>(); Dictionary <string, double> values = new Dictionary <string, double>(); using (SQLiteConnection conn2 = new SQLiteConnection(App.databasePath)) { conn2.CreateTable <Cennik>(); prices = (conn2.Table <Cennik>().FirstOrDefault()); e95 = prices.Benzyna_E95; e98 = prices.Benzyna_E98; on = prices.Olej_napedowy_ON; } if (int.Parse(Be95txtBox.Text) < 1) { e95 = 0; } if (int.Parse(Be98txtBox.Text) < 1) { e98 = 0; } if (int.Parse(OlejtxtBox.Text) < 1) { on = 0; } values.Add("e95", e95); values.Add("e98", e98); values.Add("on", on); values.OrderBy(key => key.Value); var meh = values.ToList(); if (meh[0].Key == "e95") { newInvoice.TotalPrice -= be95; if (newInvoice.TotalPrice < 0) { newInvoice.TotalPrice = 0; } string command = $"delete from Coupon where id in ( select id FROM Coupon where name='BE/ON' AND Owner='{couponOwner}' Limit 1 )"; using (SQLiteConnection connection = new SQLiteConnection(App.databasePath)) { SQLiteCommand cm = new SQLiteCommand(connection); cm.CommandText = command; cm.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } else if (meh[0].Key == "e98") { if (newInvoice.TotalPrice < 0) { newInvoice.TotalPrice = 0; } string command = $"delete from Coupon where id in ( select id FROM Coupon where name='BE/ON' AND Owner='{couponOwner}' Limit 1 )"; using (SQLiteConnection connection = new SQLiteConnection(App.databasePath)) { SQLiteCommand cm = new SQLiteCommand(connection); cm.CommandText = command; cm.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } else if (meh[0].Key == "on") { newInvoice.TotalPrice -= on; if (newInvoice.TotalPrice < 0) { newInvoice.TotalPrice = 0; } string command = $"delete from Coupon where id in ( select id FROM Coupon where name='BE/ON' AND Owner='{couponOwner}' Limit 1 )"; using (SQLiteConnection connection = new SQLiteConnection(App.databasePath)) { SQLiteCommand cm = new SQLiteCommand(connection); cm.CommandText = command; cm.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } } else if (SelectedCoupon.Name == "LPG") { if (int.Parse(LPGTxtBox.Text) > 0) { newInvoice.TotalPrice -= lpg; if (newInvoice.TotalPrice < 0) { newInvoice.TotalPrice = 0; } string command = $"delete from Coupon where id in ( select id FROM Coupon where name='LPG' AND Owner='{couponOwner}' Limit 1 )"; using (SQLiteConnection connection = new SQLiteConnection(App.databasePath)) { SQLiteCommand cm = new SQLiteCommand(connection); cm.CommandText = command; cm.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } } } if (newInvoice.TotalPrice != 0) { newInvoice.TotalPrice = Math.Truncate(newInvoice.TotalPrice * 100) / 100; } using (SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection(App.databasePath)) { conn.CreateTable <Invoices>(); conn.Insert(newInvoice); } Data ube95, ube98, uon, ulpg; using (SQLite.SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLite.SQLiteConnection(App.databasePath)) { ube95 = conn.Table <Data>().Where(f => f.FuelName == "be95").FirstOrDefault(); ube98 = conn.Table <Data>().Where(f => f.FuelName == "be98").FirstOrDefault(); uon = conn.Table <Data>().Where(f => f.FuelName == "ON").FirstOrDefault(); ulpg = conn.Table <Data>().Where(f => f.FuelName == "LPG").FirstOrDefault(); } ube95.Litres = ube95.Litres - int.Parse(Be95txtBox.Text); ube98.Litres = ube98.Litres - int.Parse(Be98txtBox.Text); uon.Litres = uon.Litres - int.Parse(OlejtxtBox.Text); ulpg.Litres = ulpg.Litres - int.Parse(LPGTxtBox.Text); string command5 = $"update Data set litres= {ube95.Litres} where fuelname='be95'"; string command6 = $"update Data set litres= {ube98.Litres} where fuelname='be98'"; string command7 = $"update Data set litres= {uon.Litres} where fuelname='ON'"; string command8 = $"update Data set litres= {ulpg.Litres} where fuelname='LPG'"; using (SQLite.SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLite.SQLiteConnection(App.databasePath)) { SQLiteCommand cm = new SQLiteCommand(conn); cm.CommandText = command5; cm.ExecuteNonQuery(); } using (SQLite.SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLite.SQLiteConnection(App.databasePath)) { SQLiteCommand cm = new SQLiteCommand(conn); cm.CommandText = command6; cm.ExecuteNonQuery(); } using (SQLite.SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLite.SQLiteConnection(App.databasePath)) { SQLiteCommand cm = new SQLiteCommand(conn); cm.CommandText = command7; cm.ExecuteNonQuery(); } using (SQLite.SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLite.SQLiteConnection(App.databasePath)) { SQLiteCommand cm = new SQLiteCommand(conn); cm.CommandText = command8; cm.ExecuteNonQuery(); } this.FirmaTxtBox.Text = ""; this.ImieTxtBox.Text = ""; this.NazwiskoTxtBox.Text = ""; this.UlicaTxtBox.Text = ""; this.NumberTxtBox.Text = ""; this.MiastoTxtBox.Text = ""; this.KodTxtBox.Text = ""; this.Be95txtBox.Text = ""; this.Be98txtBox.Text = ""; this.OlejtxtBox.Text = ""; this.LPGTxtBox.Text = ""; CustomersComboBox.SelectedItem = customerList[0]; // calculate points double be95_point, be98_point, on_point, lpg_point; using (SQLite.SQLiteConnection connection = new SQLite.SQLiteConnection(App.databasePath)) { be95_point = connection.Table <ProgramLojalnościowy>().Select(s => s.benzyna_E95).FirstOrDefault(); be98_point = connection.Table <ProgramLojalnościowy>().Select(s => s.benzyna_E98).FirstOrDefault(); on_point = connection.Table <ProgramLojalnościowy>().Select(s => s.olej_nepedowy).FirstOrDefault(); lpg_point = connection.Table <ProgramLojalnościowy>().Select(s => s.lpg).FirstOrDefault(); } // update points Konto AccountToUpdate = new Konto(); using (SQLite.SQLiteConnection connection = new SQLite.SQLiteConnection(App.databasePath)) { AccountToUpdate = connection.Table <Konto>().FirstOrDefault(a => a.Email == selectedEmail); } AccountToUpdate.Points += ((int)be95_point) * (int)newInvoice.BenzynaE95 + (((int)be98_point) * (int)newInvoice.BenzynaE98) + (((int)on_point) * (int)newInvoice.OlejNapowy) + (((int)lpg_point) * (int)newInvoice.LPG); using (SQLite.SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLite.SQLiteConnection(App.databasePath)) { conn.CreateTable <Konto>(); conn.InsertOrReplace(AccountToUpdate); } MessageBox.Show("Faktura dodana."); MainWindow mainwindow = new MainWindow(_loggedInAccount); mainwindow.Show(); this.Close(); }
private void SaveInvoice(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Invoices newInvoice = new Invoices() { email = selectedEmail, CouponUsed = SelectedCoupon.Name, Nazwa_firmy = this.FirmaTxtBox.Text, Imie = this.ImieTxtBox.Text, Nazwisko = this.NazwiskoTxtBox.Text, Ulica = this.UlicaTxtBox.Text, Numer = this.NumberTxtBox.Text, Miasto = this.MiastoTxtBox.Text, Kod_pocztowy = this.KodTxtBox.Text, Standardowe = double.Parse(this.StandardowetxtBox.Text), Zwoskiem = double.Parse(this.woskiemTxtBx.Text), TotalPrice = totalPrice, }; if (SelectedCoupon != null) { if (SelectedCoupon.Name == "Mycie Standardowe") { if (int.Parse(StandardowetxtBox.Text) > 0) { newInvoice.TotalPrice -= mycie_stand; if (newInvoice.TotalPrice < 0) { newInvoice.TotalPrice = 0; } string command = $"delete from Coupon where id in ( select id FROM Coupon where name='Mycie Standardowe' AND Owner='{couponOwner}' Limit 1 )"; using (SQLiteConnection connection = new SQLiteConnection(App.databasePath)) { SQLiteCommand cm = new SQLiteCommand(connection); cm.CommandText = command; cm.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } } else { if (int.Parse(woskiemTxtBx.Text) > 0) { newInvoice.TotalPrice -= mycie_wosk; if (newInvoice.TotalPrice < 0) { newInvoice.TotalPrice = 0; } string command = $"delete from Coupon where id in ( select id FROM Coupon where name='Mycie Woskiem' AND Owner='{couponOwner}' Limit 1 )"; using (SQLiteConnection connection = new SQLiteConnection(App.databasePath)) { SQLiteCommand cm = new SQLiteCommand(connection); cm.CommandText = command; cm.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } } } if (newInvoice.TotalPrice != 0) { newInvoice.TotalPrice = Math.Truncate(newInvoice.TotalPrice * 100) / 100; } using (SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection(App.databasePath)) { conn.CreateTable <Invoices>(); conn.Insert(newInvoice); } this.FirmaTxtBox.Text = ""; this.ImieTxtBox.Text = ""; this.NazwiskoTxtBox.Text = ""; this.UlicaTxtBox.Text = ""; this.NumberTxtBox.Text = ""; this.MiastoTxtBox.Text = ""; this.KodTxtBox.Text = ""; this.StandardowetxtBox.Text = ""; this.woskiemTxtBx.Text = ""; CustomersComboBox.SelectedItem = customerList[0]; double standard_point, woskiem_point; using (SQLite.SQLiteConnection connection = new SQLite.SQLiteConnection(App.databasePath)) { standard_point = connection.Table <ProgramLojalnościowy>().Select(s => s.mycie_standardowe).FirstOrDefault(); woskiem_point = connection.Table <ProgramLojalnościowy>().Select(s => s.mycie_z_woskiem).FirstOrDefault(); } Konto AccountToUpdate = new Konto(); using (SQLite.SQLiteConnection connection = new SQLite.SQLiteConnection(App.databasePath)) { AccountToUpdate = connection.Table <Konto>().FirstOrDefault(a => a.Email == selectedEmail); } AccountToUpdate.Points += ((int)standard_point * (int)newInvoice.Standardowe) + ((int)woskiem_point * (int)newInvoice.Zwoskiem); using (SQLite.SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLite.SQLiteConnection(App.databasePath)) { conn.CreateTable <Konto>(); conn.InsertOrReplace(AccountToUpdate); } MessageBox.Show("Faktura dodana."); MainWindow mainwindow = new MainWindow(_loggedInAccount); mainwindow.Show(); this.Close(); }
private static void InsertStages(SQLiteConnection db) { db.InsertOrReplace(new Stage() { StageId = (int)StageEnum.Egg, AgeFrom = 0, AgeTo = 1, HealthInterval = 14, HealthCoeff = 3, HungerInterval = 3, HungerCoeff = 2, HygeneInterval = 2, HygeneCoeff = 1, DisciplineInterval = 3, DisciplineCoeff = 2, MoodInterval = 1, MoodCoeff = 2, EnergyInterval = 2, EnergyCoeff = 1 }); db.InsertOrReplace(new Stage() { StageId = (int)StageEnum.Baby, AgeFrom = 1, AgeTo = 6, HealthInterval = 14, HealthCoeff = 1, HungerInterval = 10, HungerCoeff = 2, HygeneInterval = 10, HygeneCoeff = 3, DisciplineInterval = 0, DisciplineCoeff = 0, MoodInterval = 10, MoodCoeff = 2, EnergyInterval = 10, EnergyCoeff = 3 }); db.InsertOrReplace(new Stage() { StageId = (int)StageEnum.Child, AgeFrom = 6, AgeTo = 11, HealthInterval = 10, HealthCoeff = 3, HungerInterval = 14, HungerCoeff = 2, HygeneInterval = 10, HygeneCoeff = 3, DisciplineInterval = 10, DisciplineCoeff = 4, MoodInterval = 10, MoodCoeff = 4, EnergyInterval = 10, EnergyCoeff = 3 }); db.InsertOrReplace(new Stage() { StageId = (int)StageEnum.Teen, AgeFrom = 11, AgeTo = 21, HealthInterval = 10, HealthCoeff = 4, HungerInterval = 10, HungerCoeff = 3, HygeneInterval = 14, HygeneCoeff = 3, DisciplineInterval = 14, DisciplineCoeff = 3, MoodInterval = 14, MoodCoeff = 3, EnergyInterval = 14, EnergyCoeff = 2 }); db.InsertOrReplace(new Stage() { StageId = (int)StageEnum.Adult, AgeFrom = 21, AgeTo = 50, HealthInterval = 14, HealthCoeff = 4, HungerInterval = 14, HungerCoeff = 4, HygeneInterval = 14, HygeneCoeff = 2, DisciplineInterval = 14, DisciplineCoeff = 1, MoodInterval = 14, MoodCoeff = 3, EnergyInterval = 14, EnergyCoeff = 3 }); db.InsertOrReplace(new Stage() { StageId = (int)StageEnum.Senior, AgeFrom = 50, AgeTo = 999, HealthInterval = 10, HealthCoeff = 2, HungerInterval = 14, HungerCoeff = 2, HygeneInterval = 10, HygeneCoeff = 3, DisciplineInterval = 14, DisciplineCoeff = 2, MoodInterval = 14, MoodCoeff = 3, EnergyInterval = 10, EnergyCoeff = 3 }); }
private static void InsertText(SQLiteConnection db) { db.DeleteAll<SayText>(); db.InsertOrReplace(new SayText() { SayTextId = 1, From = 0, To = 25, Parametter = (int)ParameterEnum.Health, Text = "I'm feeling\n very \nvery sick! :(" }); db.InsertOrReplace(new SayText() { SayTextId = 2, From = 25, To = 50, Parametter = (int)ParameterEnum.Health, Text = "Please take\n me to doctor!" }); db.InsertOrReplace(new SayText() { SayTextId = 3, From = 50, To = 75, Parametter = (int)ParameterEnum.Health, Text = "An apple\n or watter\n would be nice!" }); db.InsertOrReplace(new SayText() { SayTextId = 4, From = 75, To = 100, Parametter = (int)ParameterEnum.Health, Text = "I've feel\n very healthy!\n :) Thank you!" }); db.InsertOrReplace(new SayText() { SayTextId = 5, From = 0, To = 25, Parametter = (int)ParameterEnum.Hunger, Text = "I could\n eat a horse!\n PLEASE FEED ME!" }); db.InsertOrReplace(new SayText() { SayTextId = 6, From = 25, To = 50, Parametter = (int)ParameterEnum.Hunger, Text = "I want\n a burger!!\n NOW!" }); db.InsertOrReplace(new SayText() { SayTextId = 7, From = 50, To = 75, Parametter = (int)ParameterEnum.Hunger, Text = "I would\n like\n something\n to eat, Please! ;)" }); db.InsertOrReplace(new SayText() { SayTextId = 8, From = 75, To = 100, Parametter = (int)ParameterEnum.Hunger, Text = "Thank you\n for feeding me,\n I Love YOU! :)" }); db.InsertOrReplace(new SayText() { SayTextId = 9, From = 0, To = 25, Parametter = (int)ParameterEnum.Discipline, Text = "A. B..\n bebe\n boom \nbaam!!!" }); db.InsertOrReplace(new SayText() { SayTextId = 10, From = 25, To = 50, Parametter = (int)ParameterEnum.Discipline, Text = "Read me a\n story, PLEASE!" }); db.InsertOrReplace(new SayText() { SayTextId = 11, From = 50, To = 75, Parametter = (int)ParameterEnum.Discipline, Text = "I'm smart! :)" }); db.InsertOrReplace(new SayText() { SayTextId = 12, From = 75, To = 100, Parametter = (int)ParameterEnum.Discipline, Text = "In future\n I will be\n a rocket scientist!" }); db.InsertOrReplace(new SayText() { SayTextId = 13, From = 0, To = 25, Parametter = (int)ParameterEnum.Energy, Text = "No..\n more..\n energy..\n" }); db.InsertOrReplace(new SayText() { SayTextId = 14, From = 25, To = 50, Parametter = (int)ParameterEnum.Energy, Text = "Sleep,\n I feel\n so sleepy!" }); db.InsertOrReplace(new SayText() { SayTextId = 15, From = 50, To = 75, Parametter = (int)ParameterEnum.Energy, Text = "Let's play,\n let's do\n something!!" }); db.InsertOrReplace(new SayText() { SayTextId = 16, From = 75, To = 100, Parametter = (int)ParameterEnum.Energy, Text = "WOOHOO!!!\n PARTY!!\n - I'm\n full of energy!" }); db.InsertOrReplace(new SayText() { SayTextId = 17, From = 0, To = 25, Parametter = (int)ParameterEnum.Hygene, Text = "Ogh,\n whats that smell?\n Oh, it's me.\n CLEAN ME!!" }); db.InsertOrReplace(new SayText() { SayTextId = 18, From = 25, To = 50, Parametter = (int)ParameterEnum.Hygene, Text = "I need a bath..." }); db.InsertOrReplace(new SayText() { SayTextId = 19, From = 50, To = 75, Parametter = (int)ParameterEnum.Hygene, Text = "Hygene\n is very important,\n and I know it!" }); db.InsertOrReplace(new SayText() { SayTextId = 20, From = 75, To = 100, Parametter = (int)ParameterEnum.Hygene, Text = "I feel\n clean like a unicorn!\n ^^" }); db.InsertOrReplace(new SayText() { SayTextId = 21, From = 0, To = 25, Parametter = (int)ParameterEnum.Mood, Text = "I feel so lonely...\n I have nobody.. ;(" }); db.InsertOrReplace(new SayText() { SayTextId = 22, From = 25, To = 50, Parametter = (int)ParameterEnum.Mood, Text = "Wanna be fiends?\n Let's play!" }); db.InsertOrReplace(new SayText() { SayTextId = 23, From = 50, To = 75, Parametter = (int)ParameterEnum.Mood, Text = "This is fun!!\n I feel good! :D" }); db.InsertOrReplace(new SayText() { SayTextId = 24, From = 75, To = 100, Parametter = (int)ParameterEnum.Mood, Text = "Today is a\n great day! Sun is shining\n ..and me to!" }); }
public override async void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad(); var selectedtab = "Economics, Business & Acc"; View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromRGB(13, 13, 13); //creates BhasvicTitle var titleLabel = new UILabel(new CGRect(10, 20, View.Bounds.Width - 10, 30)); titleLabel.Text = "BHASVIC"; titleLabel.Font = UIFont.BoldSystemFontOfSize(20); titleLabel.TextColor = UIColor.LightTextColor; View.AddSubview(titleLabel); var homeButton = UIButton.FromType(UIButtonType.System); homeButton.Frame = new CGRect(100, 20, View.Bounds.Width - 10, 30); homeButton.SetTitle("HOME", UIControlState.Normal); View.AddSubview(homeButton); HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); string startDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-100).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); string endDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); Console.WriteLine(startDate); Console.WriteLine(endDate); string uriString = "" + startDate + "&end=" + endDate + "&student=true&public=false"; Uri uri = new Uri(uriString); string jsonString = await client.GetStringAsync(uri); //var filename = Path.Combine(documents, "account.json"); //ile.WriteAllText(filename, jsonString); //Console.WriteLine(jsonString); itemList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <NewsItem> >(jsonString); categorisedItemList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <NewsItem> >(jsonString); //categorisedItemList.AddRange(itemList); var documents = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments); var _pathToDatabase = Path.Combine(documents, "db_sqlite-net.db"); string documentsPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal); string libraryPath = Path.Combine(documentsPath, "../Library/"); var path = Path.Combine(libraryPath, "MyDatabase.db3"); Console.WriteLine(path); var db = new SQLite.SQLiteConnection(path); db.CreateTable <NewsItem>(); db.RunInTransaction(() => { foreach (var item in itemList) { db.InsertOrReplace(item); } }); //todo, create a new table after select period of time and omit old data var query = db.Table <NewsItem>().Where(v => v.Category.Equals("General")); foreach (var category in query) { Console.WriteLine("Category: " + category.Name); } // var query = db.Query<NewsItem>("select * from NewsItem where Category = 'General'"); // Console.WriteLine(query.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(categorisedItemList.ElementAt(0).Category); UITableView _table; _table = new UITableView { Frame = new CGRect(-10, 60, View.Bounds.Width, (categorisedItemList.Count * 45)), BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromRGB(24, 24, 24) // Source = new TableSource(itemList, NavigationController) }; _table.WeakDataSource = this; _table.WeakDelegate = this; View.AddSubview(_table); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------// //used to replace an existing row public bool update_data(ShopItem data) { try { var db = new SQLiteConnection(m_db_path); //returns the number of rows affected if ( 0 == db.InsertOrReplace(data) ) { return false; } return true; } catch (SQLiteException ex) { Console.WriteLine("exception handled while replacing data:{0}", ex.Message); return false; } }