private void UploadCounters(SqlConnection conn, SqlTransaction tran, IEnumerable <Interval> intervals) { lock (counterData) { PerformanceCounterSnapshot.SaveToDatabase(conn, PerformanceCountersTargetTable, counterData, tran, intervals); } }
private void CollectCounters(string serverName, SqlConnection targetConnection, List <CounterDefinition> counters) { var currentSnapshot = PerformanceCounterSnapshot.Take(targetConnection, counters); // For cumulative counters I subtract the value of the initial counter value as a base foreach (var snap in currentSnapshot.Where(s => s.Counter.Cumulative)) { var baseSnap = baseCounters.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Counter.Name == snap.Counter.Name && s.Counter.Instance == snap.Counter.Instance && s.Interval.Server.Name == serverName); if (baseSnap != null) { // take a copy of this snapshot var tmpSnap = (PerformanceCounterSnapshot)snap.Clone(); // // rebase counter // // see // snap.Value -= baseSnap.RawValue; if (snap.Counter.Name.EndsWith("/sec")) { snap.Value = snap.Value / (snap.Interval.EndDate.Subtract(baseSnap.Interval.EndDate).TotalSeconds); } snap.Rebased = true; baseCounters[baseCounters.IndexOf(baseSnap)] = tmpSnap; } else { // base counter not found: it needs to be added to the cache baseCounters.Add(snap); } } lock (counterData) { counterData.AddRange(currentSnapshot.Where(t => (t.Counter.Cumulative && t.Rebased) || !t.Counter.Cumulative)); } }