public py_editor(Icon _icon, i_py_api _api, string _api_doc_title, string _api_doc_str, string _api_doc_html_filename) { // // The InitializeComponent() call is required for Windows Forms designer support. // InitializeComponent(); // // TODO: Add constructor code after the InitializeComponent() call. // if (m_instance == null) { m_instance = this; } check_os(); this.Icon = _icon; m_api_doc_title = _api_doc_title; m_api_doc_str = _api_doc_str; m_api_doc_html_filename = _api_doc_html_filename; this.Text = CONST_EDITOR_NAME + " " + get_app_version(); m_py_api = _api; py_init(); FormClosing += new System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventHandler(OnFormClosing); OutputTextBox.Text = "Simple Python script editor ( IronPython " + m_py_engine.LanguageVersion.ToString() + " )"; py_editor_doc_page.static_data_init(); NewToolStripMenuItemClick(null, null); update_status_msg("ok!.."); }
void destroy() { foreach (TabPage page in DocPagesContainer.TabPages) { delete_page(page, true); } py_editor_doc_page.static_data_deinit(); m_py_engine = null; m_py_scope = null; m_py_api.deinit(); m_py_api = null; m_api_doc_title = null; m_api_doc_str = null; m_api_doc_html_filename = null; if (m_instance == this) { m_instance = null; } }