protected ClientObjectList<AppInstance> FindExistingApps(WebModelHost webHost, AppDefinition appModel) { TraceService.VerboseFormat((int)LogEventId.ModelProvisionCoreCall, "FindExistingApps() - finding app by productId: [{0}]", appModel.ProductId); var context = webHost.HostWeb.Context; var result = webHost.HostWeb.GetAppInstancesByProductId(appModel.ProductId); context.Load(result); context.ExecuteQueryWithTrace(); return result; }
public static ModelNode AddApp(this ModelNode model, AppDefinition definition, Action<ModelNode> action) { return model.AddDefinitionNode(definition, action); }
public static ModelNode AddApp(this ModelNode model, AppDefinition definition) { return AddApp(model, definition, null); }
private void DeployApp(object modelHost, WebModelHost webHost, AppDefinition appModel) { var web = webHost.HostWeb; Guid appId = Guid.Empty; TraceService.Verbose((int)LogEventId.ModelProvisionCoreCall, "Creating memory stream on appModel.Content"); using (var appPackage = new MemoryStream(appModel.Content)) { var currentApplications = FindExistingApps(webHost, appModel); InvokeOnModelEvent(this, new ModelEventArgs { CurrentModelNode = null, Model = null, EventType = ModelEventType.OnProvisioning, Object = currentApplications.FirstOrDefault(), ObjectType = typeof(SPAppInstance), ObjectDefinition = appModel, ModelHost = modelHost }); if (currentApplications == null || currentApplications.Count == 0) { TraceService.Verbose((int)LogEventId.ModelProvisionCoreCall, "Cannot find application by productId. Loading and installing new instance."); // install new var newAppInstance = web.LoadAndInstallApp(appPackage); if (newAppInstance != null && newAppInstance.Status == SPAppInstanceStatus.Initialized) { appId = newAppInstance.Id; var count = 0; SPAppInstance localInstance = null; do { TraceService.VerboseFormat((int)LogEventId.ModelProvisionCoreCall, "Waiting while app is being installed for [{0}] milliseconds.", WaitTimeInMillliseconds); Thread.Sleep(WaitTimeInMillliseconds); localInstance = web.GetAppInstanceById(appId); count++; } while (localInstance != null && localInstance.Status != SPAppInstanceStatus.Installed && count < MaxInstallAttempCount); } newAppInstance = web.GetAppInstanceById(appId); InvokeOnModelEvent(this, new ModelEventArgs { CurrentModelNode = null, Model = null, EventType = ModelEventType.OnProvisioned, Object = newAppInstance, ObjectType = typeof(SPAppInstance), ObjectDefinition = appModel, ModelHost = modelHost }); } else { TraceService.Information((int)LogEventId.ModelProvisionProcessingExistingObject, "Processing existing application"); for (int i = 0; i < currentApplications.Count; i++) { var upApp = currentApplications[i]; var upVersion = new Version(upApp.App.VersionString); var targetVersion = new Version(appModel.Version); if (upVersion < targetVersion) currentApplications[i].Upgrade(appPackage); } InvokeOnModelEvent(this, new ModelEventArgs { CurrentModelNode = null, Model = null, EventType = ModelEventType.OnProvisioned, Object = currentApplications.FirstOrDefault(), ObjectType = typeof(SPAppInstance), ObjectDefinition = appModel, ModelHost = modelHost }); } } }
protected IList<SPAppInstance> FindExistingApps(WebModelHost webHost, AppDefinition appModel) { return webHost.HostWeb.GetAppInstancesByProductId(appModel.ProductId); }
private void DeployApp(object modelHost, WebModelHost webHost, AppDefinition appModel) { var web = webHost.HostWeb; Guid appId = Guid.Empty; TraceService.Verbose((int)LogEventId.ModelProvisionCoreCall, "Creating memory stream on appModel.Content"); using (var appPackage = new MemoryStream(appModel.Content)) { var currentApplications = FindExistingApps(webHost, appModel); InvokeOnModelEvent(this, new ModelEventArgs { CurrentModelNode = null, Model = null, EventType = ModelEventType.OnProvisioning, Object = currentApplications.FirstOrDefault(), ObjectType = typeof(SPAppInstance), ObjectDefinition = appModel, ModelHost = modelHost }); if (currentApplications.Count == 0) { TraceService.Verbose((int)LogEventId.ModelProvisionCoreCall, "Cannot find application by productId. Loading and installing new instance."); // install new var newAppInstance = web.LoadAndInstallApp(appPackage); if (newAppInstance != null && newAppInstance.Status == SPAppInstanceStatus.Initialized) { appId = newAppInstance.Id; var count = 0; SPAppInstance localInstance = null; do { TraceService.VerboseFormat((int)LogEventId.ModelProvisionCoreCall, "Waiting while app is being installed for [{0}] milliseconds.", WaitTimeInMillliseconds); Thread.Sleep(WaitTimeInMillliseconds); localInstance = web.GetAppInstanceById(appId); count++; } while (localInstance != null && localInstance.Status != SPAppInstanceStatus.Installed && count < MaxInstallAttempCount); } newAppInstance = web.GetAppInstanceById(appId); InvokeOnModelEvent(this, new ModelEventArgs { CurrentModelNode = null, Model = null, EventType = ModelEventType.OnProvisioned, Object = newAppInstance, ObjectType = typeof(SPAppInstance), ObjectDefinition = appModel, ModelHost = modelHost }); } else { //we had check early var currentApp = currentApplications.FirstOrDefault(); TraceService.Information((int)LogEventId.ModelProvisionProcessingExistingObject, string.Format("Processing existing application. Upgrading from [{0}] to [{1}]", currentApp.App.VersionString, appModel.Version)); var hasUpdate = false; for (int i = 0; i < currentApplications.Count; i++) { var spApp = currentApplications[i]; var spAppVersion = new Version(spApp.App.VersionString); var definitionVersion = new Version(appModel.Version); if (definitionVersion > spAppVersion) { TraceService.Information((int)LogEventId.ModelProvisionProcessingExistingObject, "Performing upgrade"); var updateAppInstance = currentApplications[i]; var updateAppId = updateAppInstance.Id; var count = 0; SPAppInstance localUpdateAppInstance = null; updateAppInstance.Upgrade(appPackage); do { TraceService.VerboseFormat((int)LogEventId.ModelProvisionCoreCall, "Waiting while app is being installed for [{0}] milliseconds.", WaitTimeInMillliseconds); Thread.Sleep(WaitTimeInMillliseconds); localUpdateAppInstance = web.GetAppInstanceById(updateAppId); count++; } while (localUpdateAppInstance != null && localUpdateAppInstance.Status != SPAppInstanceStatus.Installed && count < MaxInstallAttempCount); hasUpdate = true; } else { TraceService.Information((int)LogEventId.ModelProvisionProcessingExistingObject, "Skipping upgrade due to the lower version"); } } if (hasUpdate) { // refreshing the app collection after update // the .App.VersionString property will be refreshed currentApplications = FindExistingApps(webHost, appModel); } InvokeOnModelEvent(this, new ModelEventArgs { CurrentModelNode = null, Model = null, EventType = ModelEventType.OnProvisioned, Object = currentApplications.FirstOrDefault(), ObjectType = typeof(SPAppInstance), ObjectDefinition = appModel, ModelHost = modelHost }); } } }
private void AddAndCheckRandomAppWithVersion(WebModelNode web, Version version) { var def = new AppDefinition(); def.ProductId = DefaultContainers.Apps.ProductId; def.Version = version.ToString(); def.Content = File.ReadAllBytes(string.Format(DefaultContainers.Apps.GenericVersionableAppFilePath, version)); web.AddApp(def, app => { app.OnProvisioned<object, AppDefinition>(context => { Trace.WriteLine(context.ObjectDefinition.ToString()); Trace.WriteLine(context.Object.ToString()); var expectedAppVersion = new Version(context.ObjectDefinition.Version); var obj = context.Object; var objType = context.Object.GetType(); if (objType.ToString().Contains("Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.AppInstance")) { // with CSOM there is no API to know current app installed version // checking if app is Installed after every single update var appStatus = obj.GetPropertyValue("Status").ToString(); Assert.IsTrue(appStatus == "Installed", string.Format("App should be installed after every update")); } else if (objType.ToString().Contains("Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPAppInstance")) { var appObjet = obj.GetPropertyValue("App"); var versionString = appObjet.GetPropertyValue("VersionString") as string; var spAppVersion = new Version(versionString); // either equal (update) or SharePoint version greater than local (second update) // the test is run several times, so only once we have =, and then we have < Assert.IsTrue(expectedAppVersion <= spAppVersion, string.Format("Expecting app version:[{0}] SharePoint app version:[{1}]", expectedAppVersion, spAppVersion)); } else { throw new SPMeta2NotImplementedException(string.Format("ID property extraction is not implemented for type: [{0}]", objType)); } }); }); }
private void DeployApp(object modelHost, WebModelHost webHost, AppDefinition appModel) { var web = webHost.HostWeb; var context = web.Context; var appId = Guid.Empty; TraceService.Verbose((int)LogEventId.ModelProvisionCoreCall, "Creating memory stream on appModel.Content"); using (var appPackage = new MemoryStream(appModel.Content)) { var currentApplications = FindExistingApps(webHost, appModel); InvokeOnModelEvent(this, new ModelEventArgs { CurrentModelNode = null, Model = null, EventType = ModelEventType.OnProvisioning, Object = currentApplications.FirstOrDefault(), ObjectType = typeof(AppInstance), ObjectDefinition = appModel, ModelHost = modelHost }); if (currentApplications == null || currentApplications.Count == 0) { TraceService.Verbose((int)LogEventId.ModelProvisionCoreCall, "Cannot find application by productId. Loading and installing new instance."); // install new var newAppInstance = web.LoadAndInstallApp(appPackage); context.Load(newAppInstance); context.ExecuteQueryWithTrace(); if (newAppInstance != null && newAppInstance.Status == AppInstanceStatus.Initialized) { appId = newAppInstance.Id; var count = 0; AppInstance localInstance = null; do { TraceService.VerboseFormat((int)LogEventId.ModelProvisionCoreCall, "Waiting while app is being installed for [{0}] milliseconds.", WaitTimeInMillliseconds); Thread.Sleep(WaitTimeInMillliseconds); localInstance = web.GetAppInstanceById(appId); context.Load(localInstance, l => l.Status); context.ExecuteQueryWithTrace(); count++; } while (localInstance != null && localInstance.Status != AppInstanceStatus.Installed && count < MaxInstallAttempCount); } newAppInstance = web.GetAppInstanceById(appId); InvokeOnModelEvent(this, new ModelEventArgs { CurrentModelNode = null, Model = null, EventType = ModelEventType.OnProvisioned, Object = newAppInstance, ObjectType = typeof(AppInstance), ObjectDefinition = appModel, ModelHost = modelHost }); } else { //we had check early var currentApp = currentApplications.FirstOrDefault(); TraceService.Information((int)LogEventId.ModelProvisionProcessingExistingObject, string.Format("Processing existing application. Upgrading from [{0}] to [{1}]", currentApp.Title, appModel.Version)); var hasUpdate = false; for (int i = 0; i < currentApplications.Count; i++) { var spApp = currentApplications[i]; //var spAppVersion = new Version(spApp.App.VersionString); var definitionVersion = new Version(appModel.Version); // always install //if (definitionVersion > spAppVersion) //{ TraceService.Information((int)LogEventId.ModelProvisionProcessingExistingObject, "Performing upgrade"); var updateAppInstance = currentApplications[i]; var updateAppId = updateAppInstance.Id; var count = 0; AppInstance localUpdateAppInstance = null; try { updateAppInstance.Upgrade(appPackage); context.ExecuteQueryWithTrace(); } catch (Exception upgradeException) { // handling early version upgrades // Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ServerException] // {"An App Instance can only be upgraded to a newer version of the same product. The upgrade request was for product version e81b6820-5d57-4d17-a098-5f4317f6c400 to product version e81b6820-5d57-4d17-a098-5f4317f6c400."} if (IsAppUpgradeException(upgradeException)) { // fascinating // jumping to the happy end goto AppShouldNotBeUpdated; } throw; } do { TraceService.VerboseFormat((int)LogEventId.ModelProvisionCoreCall, "Waiting while app is being installed for [{0}] milliseconds.", WaitTimeInMillliseconds); Thread.Sleep(WaitTimeInMillliseconds); localUpdateAppInstance = web.GetAppInstanceById(updateAppId); context.Load(localUpdateAppInstance, l => l.Status); context.ExecuteQueryWithTrace(); count++; } while (localUpdateAppInstance != null && localUpdateAppInstance.Status != AppInstanceStatus.Installed && count < MaxInstallAttempCount); hasUpdate = true; //} //else //{ // TraceService.Information((int)LogEventId.ModelProvisionProcessingExistingObject, "Skipping upgrade due to the lower version"); //} } if (hasUpdate) { // refreshing the app collection after update // the .App.VersionString property will be refreshed currentApplications = FindExistingApps(webHost, appModel); } AppShouldNotBeUpdated: InvokeOnModelEvent(this, new ModelEventArgs { CurrentModelNode = null, Model = null, EventType = ModelEventType.OnProvisioned, Object = currentApplications.FirstOrDefault(), ObjectType = typeof(AppInstance), ObjectDefinition = appModel, ModelHost = modelHost }); } } }