public XmlEditor() { InitializeComponent(); _validationErrors = new List <string>(); _syntaxHighlighter = new ClassSyntaxHighlighter(this); richTextBoxXml.BackColor = this.BackColor; richTextBoxXml.ForeColor = this.ForeColor; SendItemIdToTemplateToolStripMenuItem.Visible = _sendItemIdToTemplateEnabled; }
public XmlEditor() { InitializeComponent(); _validationErrors = new List <string>(); _syntaxHighlighter = new ClassSyntaxHighlighter(this); richTextBoxXml.BackColor = this.BackColor; richTextBoxXml.ForeColor = this.ForeColor; richTextBoxXml.DetectUrls = false; // This seems not to work - URLs are still being detected. This breaks syntax highlighting. SendItemIdToTemplateToolStripMenuItem.Visible = _sendItemIdToTemplateEnabled; }
public FormLogViewer(ClassLogger Logger) { InitializeComponent(); _logger = Logger; _logger.LogAdded += _logger_LogAdded; _logger.ProgressChanged += _logger_ProgressChanged; _syntaxHighlighter = new ClassSyntaxHighlighter(xmlEditor1); _filters = new string[0]; UpdateView(); ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(ShowLogList), null); statusPercentBar1.PercentComplete = 0; statusPercentBar1.Visible = false; }
public FormLogViewer() { // If we are opening without a Logger, then we prompt to open log file InitializeComponent(); string logFile = OpenExistingLogFile(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(logFile)) { this.Close(); return; } listViewLogIndex.Items.Clear(); xmlEditor1.Text = "Please select a log to view."; this.Text = String.Format("Log Viewer - {0}", logFile); ShowStatus("Processing..."); ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(LoadLogFile), logFile); _syntaxHighlighter = new ClassSyntaxHighlighter(xmlEditor1); _filters = new string[0]; }