private void simpleButtonOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ConnDB conn = new ConnDB(); string sql = "update COST_TEMP_EMPLOYEE_price set supplier = '" + textEditSupplier.Text.ToString().Trim() + "',begin_date = '" + dateTimePickerBegin.Text + "',end_date='" + dateTimePickerEnd.Text + "',from_type='" + comboBoxType.SelectedValue.ToString() + "',price='" + Common.IsNull(textEditPrice.Text.ToString().Trim()) + "',meal_price='" + Common.IsNull(textEditMeal.Text.ToString().Trim()) + "',night_price='" + Common.IsNull(textEditNight.Text.ToString().Trim()) + "',travel_price='" + Common.IsNull(textEditTravel.Text.ToString().Trim()) + "',regular_price='" + Common.IsNull(textEditRegular.Text.ToString().Trim()) + "'"; sql = sql + " where cid = '" + id + "'"; string sql2 = "select * from cost_temp_employee_price where cid <> '" + id + "' and supplier = '" + textEditSupplier.Text.ToString().Trim() + "' and not (begin_date > '" + dateTimePickerEnd.Text.ToString() + "' or end_date <'" + dateTimePickerBegin.Text.ToString() + "') and from_type = '" + comboBoxType.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' and type =1"; int rows = conn.ReturnRecordCount(sql2); if (rows > 0) { MessageBox.Show("此时间范围的价格信息已经存在!"); } else { bool isok = conn.EditDatabase(sql); if (isok) { MessageBox.Show("修改成功!"); TempEmpPriceQuery.RefreshEX(); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("失败!"); } } conn.Close(); }
public static TempEmpPriceQuery GetInstance() { if (weqform == null || weqform.IsDisposed) { weqform = new TempEmpPriceQuery(); } return(weqform); }
private void barButtonItem查询_ItemClick(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e) { TempEmpPriceQuery Frm = TempEmpPriceQuery.GetInstance(); Frm.TopLevel = false; Frm.Parent = this; Frm.Show(); Frm.BringToFront(); }
private void LineType_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; TempEmpPriceQuery Frm = TempEmpPriceQuery.GetInstance(); Frm.TopLevel = false; Frm.Parent = this; Frm.Show(); Frm.BringToFront(); }
private void barButtonItem修改_ItemClick(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e) { string id = "", supplier = "", begin_date = "", end_date = "", from_type = "0", price = "", meal_price = "", night_price = "", travel_price = "", regular_price = ""; TempEmpPriceQuery.GetInfo(ref id, ref supplier, ref begin_date, ref end_date, ref from_type, ref price, ref meal_price, ref night_price, ref travel_price, ref regular_price); if (supplier != "") { TempEmpPriceUpdate Frm = new TempEmpPriceUpdate(); Frm.TopLevel = false; Frm.Parent = this; Frm.Show(); Frm.BringToFront(); } }
private void TempWorkerPriceUpdate_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { BindType(); TempEmpPriceQuery.GetInfo(ref id, ref supplier, ref begin_date, ref end_date, ref from_type, ref price, ref meal_price, ref night_price, ref travel_price, ref regular_price); if (supplier != "") { textEditSupplier.Text = supplier; dateTimePickerBegin.Text = begin_date; dateTimePickerEnd.Text = end_date; textEditPrice.Text = price; textEditMeal.Text = meal_price; textEditNight.Text = night_price; textEditTravel.Text = travel_price; textEditRegular.Text = regular_price; comboBoxType.SelectedIndex = -1; comboBoxType.SelectedValue = from_type; } }
private void simpleButtonOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ConnDB conn = new ConnDB(); string strsql, strsql2; int rows; strsql = "insert into COST_TEMP_EMPLOYEE_PRICE(TYPE,SUPPLIER,BEGIN_DATE,END_DATE,FROM_TYPE,PRICE,MEAL_PRICE,NIGHT_PRICE,TRAVEL_PRICE,REGULAR_PRICE) values(1,'" + textEditSupplier.Text.ToString().Trim() + "','" + dateTimePickerBegin.Text.ToString() + "','" + dateTimePickerEnd.Text.ToString() + "','" + comboBoxType.SelectedValue.ToString() + "','" + Common.IsNull(textEditPrice.Text.ToString().Trim()) + "','" + Common.IsNull(textEditMeal.Text.ToString().Trim()) + "','" + Common.IsNull(textEditNight.Text.ToString().Trim()) + "','" + Common.IsNull(textEditTravel.Text.ToString().Trim()) + "','" + Common.IsNull(textEditRegular.Text.ToString().Trim()) + "')"; strsql2 = "select price from COST_TEMP_EMPLOYEE_PRICE where SUPPLIER ='" + textEditSupplier.Text.ToString().Trim() + "' and not (begin_date > '" + dateTimePickerEnd.Text.ToString() + "' or end_date <'" + dateTimePickerBegin.Text.ToString() + "') and from_type = '" + comboBoxType.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' and type = 1"; if (textEditSupplier.Text.ToString().Trim() != "") { rows = conn.ReturnRecordCount(strsql2); if (rows > 0) { MessageBox.Show("此时间范围的价格信息已经存在!"); } else { bool isok = conn.EditDatabase(strsql); if (isok) { MessageBox.Show("添加成功!"); TempEmpPriceQuery.RefreshEX(); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("失败!"); } } } else { MessageBox.Show("供应商不能为空!"); } conn.Close(); }
private void barButtonItem刷新_ItemClick(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e) { TempEmpPriceQuery.RefreshEX(); }