private void SpecialDealUpdate_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { BindOrg(comboBoxOrg); BindOrg(comboBoxToOrg); string yyyymm = "", taskname = ""; int id = 0, organizationid = 0, toorganizationid = 0; DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; DateTime startMonth = dt.AddDays(1 - dt.Day); //本月月初 this.dateTimePicker1.Value = startMonth; SpecialDealQuery.GetInfo(ref id, ref yyyymm, ref taskname, ref organizationid, ref toorganizationid); if (id != 0) { comboBoxOrg.SelectedIndex = -1; comboBoxOrg.SelectedValue = organizationid; comboBoxToOrg.SelectedIndex = -1; comboBoxToOrg.SelectedValue = toorganizationid; dateTimePicker1.Text = yyyymm; textEditTask.Text = taskname; textEditID.Text = id.ToString(); } dateTimePicker1.Focus(); SendKeys.Send("{RIGHT} "); }
public static SpecialDealQuery GetInstance() { if (spqform == null || spqform.IsDisposed) { spqform = new SpecialDealQuery(); } return(spqform); }
private void barButtonItem查询_ItemClick(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e) { SpecialDealQuery Frm = SpecialDealQuery.GetInstance(); Frm.TopLevel = false; Frm.Parent = this; Frm.Show(); Frm.BringToFront(); }
private void SpecialDeal_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; SpecialDealQuery Frm = SpecialDealQuery.GetInstance(); Frm.TopLevel = false; Frm.Parent = this; Frm.Show(); Frm.BringToFront(); Frm.Height = this.Height - 20; }
private void barButtonItem修改_ItemClick(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e) { string yyyymm = "", taskname = ""; int id = 0, organizationid = 0, toorganizationid = 0; SpecialDealQuery.GetInfo(ref id, ref yyyymm, ref taskname, ref organizationid, ref toorganizationid); if (id != 0) { SpecialDealUpdate Frm = new SpecialDealUpdate(); Frm.TopLevel = false; Frm.Parent = this; Frm.Show(); Frm.BringToFront(); } }
private void simpleButton复制_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MessageBoxButtons messButton = MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel; DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show("将按最近的月度数据自动新增当前选择月份的数据,确认复制吗?", "复制最近月份数据", messButton); if (dr == DialogResult.OK) { ConnDB conn = new ConnDB(); string strsql, strsql2; int rows; bool isok = false; DateTime dt1 = Convert.ToDateTime(dateTimePicker1.Text); DateTime dt2 = System.DateTime.Now; int month = (dt2.Year - dt1.Year) * 12 + (dt2.Month - dt1.Month); strsql2 = "select yyyymm from cost_special_deal where yyyymm ='" + dateTimePicker1.Text.ToString() + "'"; rows = conn.ReturnRecordCount(strsql2); if (rows > 0) { MessageBox.Show("该月已经有数据存在,不能复制!"); } else if (month < -1) { MessageBox.Show("月份错误!"); } else { strsql = "insert into cost_special_deal(yyyymm,task_name,organization_id,to_organization_id) select '" + dateTimePicker1.Text + "',task_name,organization_id,to_organization_id from cost_special_deal where YYYYMM = (select Max(yyyymm) from cost_special_deal) "; isok = conn.EditDatabase(strsql); if (isok) { MessageBox.Show("复制成功!"); SpecialDealQuery.RefreshEX(); this.Close(); } } conn.Close(); } }
private void simpleButtonOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ConnDB conn = new ConnDB(); string sql = "update cost_special_deal set task_name = '" + textEditTask.Text.ToString().Trim() + "',organization_id = " + comboBoxOrg.SelectedValue.ToString() + ",to_organization_id = " + comboBoxToOrg.SelectedValue.ToString(); sql = sql + " where cid = " + textEditID.Text.ToString(); string sql2 = "select * from cost_special_deal where task_name = '" + textEditTask.Text.ToString().Trim() + "' and cid <> " + textEditID.Text.ToString() + " and yyyymm = '" + dateTimePicker1.Text.ToString() + "'"; if (textEditTask.Text.ToString().Trim() != "" && comboBoxOrg.SelectedValue.ToString() != "0" && comboBoxToOrg.SelectedValue.ToString() != "0") { int rows = conn.ReturnRecordCount(sql2); if (rows > 0) { MessageBox.Show("该记录已经存在!"); } else { bool isok = conn.EditDatabase(sql); if (isok) { MessageBox.Show("修改成功!"); SpecialDealQuery.RefreshEX(); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("失败!"); } } } else { MessageBox.Show("不能为空值!"); } conn.Close(); }
private void simpleButtonOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ConnDB conn = new ConnDB(); string strsql, strsql2; int rows; strsql = "insert into cost_special_deal(yyyymm,task_name,organization_id,to_organization_id) values('" + dateTimePicker1.Text.ToString() + "','" + textEditTask.Text.ToString().Trim() + "'," + comboBoxOrg.SelectedValue + "," + comboBoxToOrg.SelectedValue + ")"; strsql2 = "select yyyymm from cost_special_deal where yyyymm ='" + dateTimePicker1.Text.ToString() + "' and task_name = '" + textEditTask.Text.ToString().Trim() + "'"; if (textEditTask.Text.ToString() != "") { rows = conn.ReturnRecordCount(strsql2); if (rows > 0) { MessageBox.Show("该记录在本月已经存在!"); } else { bool isok = conn.EditDatabase(strsql); if (isok) { MessageBox.Show("添加成功!"); SpecialDealQuery.RefreshEX(); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("失败!"); } } } else { MessageBox.Show("工单不能为空!"); } conn.Close(); }
private void barButtonItem刷新_ItemClick(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e) { SpecialDealQuery.RefreshEX(); }