public virtual CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument CreateReport() { RptBankBook rpt = new RptBankBook(); rpt.Site = this.Site; return(rpt); }
private void btnOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //-------For Select Opening Date ------- DateTime Cashopdate = dtpfrom.Value.Date; decimal CashopBal = 0; c.getconnstr(); c.returnconn(c.myconn); SqlDataReader dr = null; con = c.myconn; dr = c.fillreader(ref dr, "select isnull(OPE_BLD,0) OPE_BLD ,OpenDate from tbl_LedgerAcc where BHM_COD='" + valcmbcash.SelectedValue + "'", con); if (dr.HasRows == true) { dr.Read(); CashopBal = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["OPE_BLD"]); Cashopdate = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["OpenDate"]); } dr.Close(); //-------For Select Opening Balance ------- c.getconnstr(); c.returnconn(c.myconn); con = c.myconn; dr = c.fillreader(ref dr, "select ISNULL(a.Receipt,0) as receipt,ISNULL(a.Payment ,0) as payment,a.balance from (SELECT SUM((case when a.Amount > 0 then a.Amount else 0 end)) AS Receipt,SUM((case when a.Amount < 0 then a.Amount else 0 end)) AS Payment,0 as balance FROM tbl_VoucherDetail AS a Where a.CashBankNo=0 and a.VchDate>='" + Cashopdate.Date + "' and a.VchDate<'" + dtpfrom.Value.ToShortDateString() + "' and a.AccCode=" + valcmbcash.SelectedValue + " and a.YearNo=" + school.CurrentSessionCode + ") a ", con); //"select ISNULL(a.Receipt,0) as receipt,ISNULL(a.Payment ,0) as payment,a.balance from (SELECT SUM((case when a.Amount < 0 then -1*a.Amount else 0 end)) AS Receipt,SUM((case when a.Amount >= 0 then a.Amount else 0 end)) AS Payment,0 as balance FROM tbl_VoucherDetail AS a Where a.CashBankNo=0 and a.VchDate>='" + Cashopdate.Date + "' and a.VchDate<'" + dtpfrom.Value.ToShortDateString() + "' and a.AccCode=" + valcmbcash.SelectedValue + " and a.YearNo=" + m.psessioncode + ") a ", con); decimal Cashrec = 0; decimal Cashpay = 0; if (dr.HasRows == true) { dr.Read(); Cashrec = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["receipt"]); Cashpay = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["payment"]); } CashopBal = CashopBal + Cashrec - Cashpay; dr.Close(); //--------------insert the opening balance------- c.getconnstr(); c.returnconn(c.myconn); SqlTransaction trn; trn = c.myconn.BeginTransaction(); string mysql; mysql = "delete from tbl_Ledger"; c.connectsql(mysql, c.myconn, trn); if (dtpfrom.Value.Date < Cashopdate.Date) { dtpfrom.Value = Cashopdate.Date; } mysql = " Insert into tbl_Ledger (YearNo,vchdate,accname,Reciept,Payment,balance) "; if (CashopBal > 0) { Cashrec = CashopBal; Cashpay = 0; } else { Cashrec = 0; Cashpay = CashopBal; } //mysql = mysql + " values ("+m.psessioncode+",'" + dtpfrom.Value + "' ,'Open. Bal.',0," + CashopBal + ","+CashopBal+")"; mysql = mysql + " values (" + school.CurrentSessionCode + ",'" + dtpfrom.Value + "' ,'Opening Balance'," + Cashrec + "," + Cashpay + "," + CashopBal + ")"; c.connectsql(mysql, c.myconn, trn); trn.Commit(); //--------------Get all voucher of the day - from date------- c.getconnstr(); c.returnconn(c.myconn); trn = c.myconn.BeginTransaction(); mysql = "insert into tbl_Ledger (yearno,accno,accname,vchno,vchdate,vchtype,remark,ChequeNo,ChequeDate,vchamt,Reciept,Payment) "; mysql = mysql + " SELECT 0 as yearno,a.AccCode as Accno,c.bhm_desh as accname, b.VouchNo, b.VchDate,b.VchType,remark ,a.ChequeNo,a.ChequeDate as Date,a.Amount as vchamt,"; mysql = mysql + " (case when (a.Amount) < 0 then -1*a.Amount else 0 end) AS Reciept,(case when a.Amount >= 0 then a.Amount else 0 end) AS Payment "; mysql = mysql + " FROM tbl_VoucherDetail AS a, tbl_Voucher AS b,tbl_LedgerAcc c Where a.VchType in ('CV','BP','BR') and "; mysql = mysql + " a.VchDate>='" + dtpfrom.Value.Date + "' and a.VchDate<='" + dtpto.Value.Date + "' and a.YearNo='" + school.CurrentSessionCode + "' and "; mysql = mysql + " a.VouchNo = b.VouchNo and a.VchType = b.VchType and a.AccCode=c.GRP_COD and a.CashBankNo<>0 "; mysql = mysql + " order by b.VchDate,b.VouchNo,b.VchType "; c.connectsql(mysql, c.myconn, trn); trn.Commit(); //--------------Crystel Report------- DateTime dt = dtpfrom.Value; string str1 = "select'" + valcmbcash.Text + "' as bank,' For " + dtpfrom.Text + " to " + dtpto.Text + "' as period, * from tbl_Ledger order by VchDate,VchNo,VchType"; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); ds.Clear(); str1 = str1 + " SELECT Schoolname + ' - ( ' + Schoolcity + ' ) ' as Schoolname, Schoolcity FROM tbl_School"; ds = Connection.GetDataSet(str1); ds.WriteXmlSchema(@"" + Connection.GetAccessPathId() + @"Barcodes\a\BankBook.xsd"); RptBankBook cr = new RptBankBook(); cr.PrintOptions.PaperOrientation = PaperOrientation.Portrait; cr.PrintOptions.PaperSize = CrystalDecisions.Shared.PaperSize.PaperLetter; cr.SetDataSource(ds); ShowAllReports s = new ShowAllReports(); s.crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = cr; s.Show(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }