private void login_BTN_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (dbMethods.CheckDatabaseConnection()) { using(PubsDataContext db = new PubsDataContext()) { var users = (from u in db.Application_Users where u.Username == username_TB.Text select u).Distinct(); if (users.Count() > 0) { var user = users.First(); if (pwMethods.verifyPassword(user.Password, password_TB.Password)) { isAdmin = user.IsAdmin; MainWindow main = new MainWindow(isAdmin); main.Show(); Close(); } } //else if (loginAttempts >= 5) //{ // ; // TODO: feature- lockout user after 5 loginAttempts //} else { MessageBox.Show("Invalid Login Credentials", "Login Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Stop); loginAttempts++; } } } }
private void save_BTN_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (dbMethods.CheckDatabaseConnection()) { using(PubsDataContext db = new PubsDataContext()) { } } }
public StudentProfile(bool isAdmin) { InitializeComponent(); if (isAdmin == false) studentNotes_DataGrid.IsEnabled = false; LoadStudentLearningExperiences(); using (PubsDataContext db = new PubsDataContext()) { servicelearningtype = (from type in db.Service_Learning_Types select type.Name).AsEnumerable().ToArray(); } }
private void agencyDelete_BTN_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (dbMethods.CheckDatabaseConnection()) { if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete this agency?", "Confirm Delete!", MessageBoxButton.YesNo) == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { using (PubsDataContext db = new PubsDataContext()) { Agency stud = (from s in db.Agencies where s.Name == agent.Name select s).Single(); db.Agencies.DeleteOnSubmit(stud); db.SubmitChanges(); this.Close(); } } } }
private void agencySearch_BTN_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { using (PubsDataContext db = new PubsDataContext()) { var allAgency = (from agency in db.Agencies where (agencyName_TB.Text.Length == 0 || agency.Name.Contains(agencyName_TB.Text)) && (agencyPhone_TB.Text.Length == 0 || agency.Phone.Contains(agencyPhone_TB.Text)) && (agencyFax_TB.Text.Length == 0 || agency.FaxNumber.Contains(agencyFax_TB.Text)) && (agencyRating_TB.Text.Length == 0||agency.Rating.ToString().Contains(agencyRating_TB.Text)) && (agencyWebsite_TB.Text.Length == 0 || agency.WebsiteLink.Contains(agencyWebsite_TB.Text)) && (agencyCoordinatorName_TB.Text.Length == 0 || agency.CoordinatorName.Contains(agencyCoordinatorName_TB.Text)) && (agencyAddressStreet_TB.Text.Length == 0 || agency.StreetAddress.Contains(agencyAddressStreet_TB.Text)) && (agencyAddressCity_TB.Text.Length == 0 || agency.City.Contains(agencyAddressCity_TB.Text)) && (agencyAddressState_TB.Text.Length == 0 || agency.State.Contains(agencyAddressState_TB.Text)) && (agencyAddressZipcode_TB.Text.Length == 0 || agency.Zip.Contains(agencyAddressZipcode_TB.Text)) select agency); agencySearch_DataGrid.DataContext = allAgency; } }
public StudentProfile(Student stud, bool isAdmin, bool IsEdit) { InitializeComponent(); using (PubsDataContext db = new PubsDataContext()) { servicelearningtype = (from type in db.Service_Learning_Types select type.Name).AsEnumerable().ToArray(); } if (isAdmin == false)studentNotes_DataGrid.IsEnabled = false; #if Demo studentID_TB.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; #endif student = stud; this.studentFirstName_TB.Text = stud.FirstName; this.studentLastName_TB.Text = stud.LastName; this.studentID_TB.Text = stud.Student_ID.ToString(); this.studentemail_TB.Text = stud.Email; this.graduationYear_TB.Text = stud.GraduationYear.ToString(); LoadStudentLearningExperiences(); }
public void LoadStudentLearningExperiences() { if (dbMethods.CheckDatabaseConnection()) { using (PubsDataContext db = new PubsDataContext()) { var completionList = new List<Learning_Experience>(from s in db.Learning_Experiences where s.Student_ID == student.Student_ID select s); if (!completionList.Any()) { Learning_Experience exp = new Learning_Experience(); exp.Student_ID = student.Student_ID; db.Learning_Experiences.InsertOnSubmit(exp); db.SubmitChanges(); completionList.Add(exp); } studentLearningExperiences_DataGrid.DataContext = completionList; } } }
private void LoadUsers(DataGrid dg) { if (dbMethods.CheckDatabaseConnection()) { using (PubsDataContext db = new PubsDataContext()) { #if Demo var Allusers = new List<Application_User>(from users in db.Application_Users where users.Username != "bwatts" select users); #else var Allusers = new List<Application_User>(from users in db.Application_Users select users); #endif dg.DataContext = Allusers; } } }
private void CourseCount() { if (dbMethods.CheckDatabaseConnection()) { using (PubsDataContext db = new PubsDataContext()) { var allcourses = new List<Learning_Experience>(from e in db.Learning_Experiences where (queryYear_TB.Text.Length == 0 || e.Year.ToString() == queryYear_TB.Text) && (querySemester_ComboBox.Text.Length == 0 || e.Semester == querySemester_ComboBox.Text) && (queryPrefix_TB.Text.Length == 0 || e.CourseNumber.ToString() == queryPrefix_TB.Text) select e).GroupBy(x => String.Format("{0}-{1}", x.CourseNumber, x.Section)).Distinct(); courseCount_TB.Text = allcourses.Count().ToString(); } } }
private void AvgHoursPerStudent() { if (dbMethods.CheckDatabaseConnection()) { using (PubsDataContext db = new PubsDataContext()) { var totalhours = new List<Learning_Experience>(from e in db.Learning_Experiences where (queryYear_TB.Text.Length == 0 || e.Year.ToString() == queryYear_TB.Text) && (querySemester_ComboBox.Text.Length == 0 || e.Semester == querySemester_ComboBox.Text) && (queryPrefix_TB.Text.Length == 0 || e.CourseNumber.ToString() == queryPrefix_TB.Text) select e); var totalstudents = new List<Student>(from s in db.Students from e in db.Learning_Experiences where e.Student_ID == s.Student_ID && (queryYear_TB.Text.Length == 0 || e.Year.ToString() == queryYear_TB.Text) && (querySemester_ComboBox.Text.Length == 0 || e.Semester == querySemester_ComboBox.Text) && (queryPrefix_TB.Text.Length == 0 || e.CourseNumber.ToString() == queryPrefix_TB.Text) select s); double avg_hours; avg_hours = (Convert.ToDouble(totalhours.Sum(i => i.TotalHours.GetValueOrDefault(0))) / Convert.ToDouble(totalstudents.Count())); avgHoursStudent_TB.Text = (Math.Round(avg_hours, 3)).ToString(); } } }
private void CoursesByType() { if (dbMethods.CheckDatabaseConnection()) { using (PubsDataContext db = new PubsDataContext()) { var courses = (from e in db.Learning_Experiences where (queryYear_TB.Text.Length == 0 || e.Year.ToString() == queryYear_TB.Text) && (querySemester_ComboBox.Text.Length == 0 || e.Semester == querySemester_ComboBox.Text) && (queryPrefix_TB.Text.Length == 0 || e.CourseNumber.ToString() == queryPrefix_TB.Text) group e by e.TypeofLearning into grp select new {Type = grp.Key, Students = grp.Select(x => x.Student_ID).Distinct().Count(), Classes = grp.Select(x => x.CourseNumber).Distinct().Count()} ); coursesByType_Datagrid.DataContext = courses; } } }
private void LongTerm_Expander_OnExpanded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (dbMethods.CheckDatabaseConnection()) { using (PubsDataContext db = new PubsDataContext()) { var completionList = new List<ServiceOpportunity>(from s in db.Types_of_Services where s.Agency == agent.Name select new ServiceOpportunity(s.Agency, "Long Term", s.Title, s.Body)); if (!completionList.Any()) { ServiceOpportunity exp = new ServiceOpportunity(); exp.Agency = agent.Name; db.Types_of_Services.InsertOnSubmit(new Types_of_Service()); db.SubmitChanges(); completionList.Add(exp); } longTerm_DataGrid.DataContext = completionList; } } }
private void deleteUser_BTN_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (dbMethods.CheckDatabaseConnection()) { if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete this user?", "Confirm Delete!", MessageBoxButton.YesNo) == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { using (PubsDataContext db = new PubsDataContext()) { Application_User expROW = users_DataGrid.SelectedItem as Application_User; var completionList = new List<Application_User>(from s in db.Application_Users where s.Username == expROW.Username select s); if (expROW != null && completionList.Any()) { var completion = completionList.First(); db.Application_Users.DeleteOnSubmit(completion); db.SubmitChanges(); LoadUsers(users_DataGrid); } else { LoadUsers(users_DataGrid); } } } } }
private void learningExperienceSave() { Learning_Experience expROW = studentLearningExperiences_DataGrid.SelectedItem as Learning_Experience; if (learningExperienceFieldsCheck(expROW)) { if (dbMethods.CheckDatabaseConnection()) { using (PubsDataContext db = new PubsDataContext()) { //Learning_Experience exp = (from s in db.Learning_Experiences // where s.Student_ID == expROW.Student_ID // select s); var completionList = new List<Learning_Experience>(from s in db.Learning_Experiences where s.ID == expROW.ID select s); if (completionList.Count > 0) { var completion = completionList.First(); completion.Student_ID = student.Student_ID; completion.ConfirmedHours = expROW.ConfirmedHours; completion.CourseNumber = expROW.CourseNumber; completion.LiabilityWaiver = expROW.LiabilityWaiver; completion.ProjectAgreement = expROW.ProjectAgreement; completion.Semester = expROW.Semester; completion.Year = expROW.Year; completion.TimeLog = expROW.TimeLog; completion.TotalHours = expROW.TotalHours; completion.TypeofLearning = expROW.TypeofLearning; completion.Section = expROW.Section; completion.Professor = expROW.Professor; completion.CourseName = expROW.CourseName; db.SubmitChanges(); LoadStudentLearningExperiences(); } else { Learning_Experience exp = new Learning_Experience(); exp.Student_ID = student.Student_ID; exp.ConfirmedHours = expROW.ConfirmedHours; exp.CourseNumber = expROW.CourseNumber; exp.LiabilityWaiver = expROW.LiabilityWaiver; exp.ProjectAgreement = expROW.ProjectAgreement; exp.Semester = expROW.Semester; exp.Year = expROW.Year; exp.TimeLog = expROW.TimeLog; exp.TotalHours = expROW.TotalHours; exp.TypeofLearning = expROW.TypeofLearning; //The bottom three object variables were missing in this else statemenet == Fixes the problem of the second entry not saving properly exp.Section = expROW.Section; exp.Professor = expROW.Professor; exp.CourseName = expROW.CourseName; db.Learning_Experiences.InsertOnSubmit(exp); db.SubmitChanges(); LoadStudentLearningExperiences(); } } } } }
private void Delete_agency_MenuItem_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (dbMethods.CheckDatabaseConnection()) { if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete this agency?", "Confirm Delete!", MessageBoxButton.YesNo) == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { using (PubsDataContext db = new PubsDataContext()) { Agency agentRow = agencySearch_DataGrid.SelectedItem as Agency; Agency stud = (from a in db.Agencies where a.Name == agentRow.Name select a).Single(); db.Agencies.DeleteOnSubmit(stud); db.SubmitChanges(); } agencySearch_BTN_Click(sender, e); } } }
private void Edit_MenuItem_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (dbMethods.CheckDatabaseConnection()) { using (PubsDataContext datab = new PubsDataContext()) { Student studentRow = studentSearch_DataGrid.SelectedItem as Student; Student stud = (from s in datab.Students where s.Student_ID == studentRow.Student_ID select s).Single(); StudentProfile studentForm = new StudentProfile(stud, IsAdmin, true); studentForm.Show(); } } }
private void Edit_agency_MenuItem_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (dbMethods.CheckDatabaseConnection()) { using (PubsDataContext db = new PubsDataContext()) { Agency agentRow = agencySearch_DataGrid.SelectedItem as Agency; Agency stud = (from a in db.Agencies where a.Name == agentRow.Name select a).Single(); AgencyProfile agentForm = new AgencyProfile(stud, IsAdmin, true); agentForm.Show(); } } }
private void Delete_MenuItem_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (dbMethods.CheckDatabaseConnection()) { if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete this student?", "Confirm Delete!", MessageBoxButton.YesNo) == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { using (PubsDataContext db = new PubsDataContext()) { Student studentRow = studentSearch_DataGrid.SelectedItem as Student; Student stud = (from s in db.Students where s.Student_ID == studentRow.Student_ID select s).Single(); Learning_Experience exp = (from ex in db.Learning_Experiences where ex.Student_ID == stud.Student_ID select ex).Single(); db.Students.DeleteOnSubmit(stud); db.Learning_Experiences.DeleteOnSubmit(exp); db.SubmitChanges(); } } } studentSearch_BTN_Click(sender, e); }
private void learningExperienceDelete() { if (dbMethods.CheckDatabaseConnection()) { if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete this learning experience?", "Confirm Delete!", MessageBoxButton.YesNo) == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { using (PubsDataContext db = new PubsDataContext()) { Learning_Experience expROW = studentLearningExperiences_DataGrid.SelectedItem as Learning_Experience; var completionList = new List<Learning_Experience>(from s in db.Learning_Experiences where s.ID == expROW.ID select s); if (expROW != null && completionList.Any()) { var completion = completionList.First(); db.Learning_Experiences.DeleteOnSubmit(completion); db.SubmitChanges(); LoadStudentLearningExperiences(); } else { LoadStudentLearningExperiences(); } } } } }
private void saveUser_BTN_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Application_User userROW = users_DataGrid.SelectedItem as Application_User; if (userROW != null) { if (dbMethods.CheckDatabaseConnection()) { using (PubsDataContext db = new PubsDataContext()) { var completionList = new List<Application_User>(from s in db.Application_Users where s.Username == userROW.Username select s); if (completionList.Count > 0) { var completion = completionList.First(); completion.Username = userROW.Username; completion.Password = userROW.Password; completion.LastName = userROW.LastName; completion.IsAdmin = userROW.IsAdmin; completion.FirstName = userROW.FirstName; completion.Birthdate = userROW.Birthdate; // Fixes the issue with saving birthdates db.SubmitChanges(); LoadUsers(users_DataGrid); } else { Application_User exp = new Application_User(); exp.Username = userROW.Username; exp.Password = userROW.Password; exp.LastName = userROW.LastName; exp.IsAdmin = userROW.IsAdmin; exp.FirstName = userROW.FirstName; exp.Birthdate = userROW.Birthdate; // Fixes the issue with saving birthdates db.Application_Users.InsertOnSubmit(exp); db.SubmitChanges(); LoadUsers(users_DataGrid); } } } } }
private void save_BTN_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (dbMethods.CheckDatabaseConnection()) { using (PubsDataContext db = new PubsDataContext()) { if(studentID_TB.Text.Length > 0 && graduationYear_TB.Text.Length > 0) { // if there's a problem with the student ID, exit function if (!student_ID_IntCheck(studentID_TB.Text)) { return; } // if there's a problem with the student's grad year year, exit function if (!studentGradYearIntCheck(graduationYear_TB.Text)) { return; } var CheckExists = (from s in db.Students where s.Student_ID == Convert.ToInt32(studentID_TB.Text) select s); //if the user does not exist, application will create a new user if (CheckExists.Count() == 0) { student.Student_ID = Convert.ToInt32(studentID_TB.Text); student.FirstName = studentFirstName_TB.Text; student.LastName = studentLastName_TB.Text; student.GraduationYear = Convert.ToInt32(graduationYear_TB.Text); student.Email = studentemail_TB.Text; Learning_Experience exp = new Learning_Experience(); exp.Student_ID = Convert.ToInt32(studentID_TB.Text); db.Students.InsertOnSubmit(student); db.Learning_Experiences.InsertOnSubmit(exp); db.SubmitChanges(); LoadStudentLearningExperiences(); } else //if the student ID is found in the database { //save student info after checking that the user did not accidentally change information Student stud = (from s in db.Students where s.Student_ID == Convert.ToInt32(studentID_TB.Text) select s).Single(); //Create a shallow copy to see if indentification info changes Student studCopy = new Student(); studCopy.Student_ID = stud.Student_ID; studCopy.FirstName = stud.FirstName; studCopy.LastName = stud.LastName; studCopy.GraduationYear = stud.GraduationYear; studCopy.Email = stud.Email; //Update student information using input fields stud.Student_ID = Convert.ToInt32(studentID_TB.Text); stud.FirstName = studentFirstName_TB.Text; stud.LastName = studentLastName_TB.Text; stud.GraduationYear = Convert.ToInt32(graduationYear_TB.Text); stud.Email = studentemail_TB.Text; //If the user has changed the basic information in the student profile, make sure // that was intentional before updating. if (!(studCopy.Student_ID == stud.Student_ID && studCopy.FirstName == stud.FirstName && studCopy.LastName == stud.LastName && studCopy.GraduationYear == stud.GraduationYear && studCopy.Email == stud.Email)) { bool check = overwriteCheck(studCopy); if (!check){ //If it was a mistake, don't save changes return; } } student = stud; // fills in this window's student information //saves experience by calling the save experiences button event learningExperienceSave(); db.SubmitChanges(); LoadStudentLearningExperiences(); // reloads student information into the window } } else { MessageBox.Show( "SLApp apologizes for the inconvenience, but at this time all fields must contain data before saving.", "Save Error!", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } //this.Close(); } } }
private void studentSearch_BTN_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { /// <summary> ///Data grid based off of which fields have data entered into them, ///if a box has no txt entered then it is not included in the query generation /// /// Fields are: studentID_TB, studentLastName_TB, studentMiddleName_TB, graduatinoYear_TB /// </summary> /// if(dbMethods.CheckDatabaseConnection()) { using (PubsDataContext db = new PubsDataContext()) { var allStudents = (from stud in db.Students from experience in db.Learning_Experiences.Where(a => a.Student_ID == stud.Student_ID).DefaultIfEmpty() where //student search section //ABLE TO SEARCH FOR PARTIALS (studentFirstName_TB.Text.Length == 0 || stud.FirstName.Contains(studentFirstName_TB.Text)) && (studentLastName_TB.Text.Length == 0 || stud.LastName.Contains(studentLastName_TB.Text)) && (studentID_TB.Text.Length == 0 || stud.Student_ID.ToString().Contains(studentID_TB.Text)) && (graduationYear_TB.Text.Length == 0 || stud.GraduationYear.ToString().Contains(graduationYear_TB.Text)) && //course search section (course_TB.Text.Length == 0 || experience.CourseNumber.Contains(course_TB.Text)) && (professor_TB.Text.Length == 0 || experience.Professor.Contains(professor_TB.Text)) && (CourseName_TB.Text.Length == 0 || experience.CourseName.Contains(CourseName_TB.Text)) && (Section_TB.Text.Length == 0 || experience.Section.ToString().Contains(Section_TB.Text)) && //service and hours section (serviceType_CBX.Text.Length == 0 || experience.TypeofLearning.Contains(serviceType_CBX.Text)) && (semester_CBX.Text.Length == 0 || experience.Semester.Contains(semester_CBX.Text)) && (year_TB.Text.Length == 0 || experience.Year.ToString().Contains(year_TB.Text)) select stud).Distinct(); studentSearch_DataGrid.DataContext = allStudents; } } }
private void Window_Closing(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e) { if (dbMethods.CheckDatabaseConnection()) { using (PubsDataContext db = new PubsDataContext()) { var empty = (from exp in db.Learning_Experiences where exp.Student_ID == 0 select exp); db.Learning_Experiences.DeleteAllOnSubmit(empty); db.SubmitChanges(); } } }
private void StudentSearch_DataGrid_OnMouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { using (PubsDataContext datab = new PubsDataContext()) { Student studentRow = studentSearch_DataGrid.SelectedItem as Student; if (studentRow != null) { Student stud = (from s in datab.Students where s.Student_ID == studentRow.Student_ID select s).Single(); StudentProfile studentForm = new StudentProfile(stud, IsAdmin, true); studentForm.Closed += new EventHandler((s0, e0) => studentSearch_BTN_Click(s0, null)); studentForm.Show(); } } }
private void delete_BTN_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (dbMethods.CheckDatabaseConnection()) { if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete this student?", "Confirm Delete!", MessageBoxButton.YesNo) == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { using (PubsDataContext db = new PubsDataContext()) { if (studentID_TB.Text.Length > 0 && graduationYear_TB.Text.Length > 0) { Student stud = (from s in db.Students where s.Student_ID == student.Student_ID select s).Single(); var completionList = new List<Learning_Experience>(from s in db.Learning_Experiences where s.Student_ID == student.Student_ID select s); db.Students.DeleteOnSubmit(stud); db.Learning_Experiences.DeleteAllOnSubmit(completionList); db.SubmitChanges(); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show( "SLApp apologizes for the inconvenience, but you cannot delete an empty profile.", "Delete Error!", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } } } } }
private void StudentsPerClass() { if (dbMethods.CheckDatabaseConnection()) { using (PubsDataContext db = new PubsDataContext()) { var grps = from s in db.Students from e in db.Learning_Experiences where s.Student_ID == e.Student_ID && e.TotalHours > 0 && (queryYear_TB.Text.Length == 0 || e.Year.ToString() == queryYear_TB.Text) && (querySemester_ComboBox.Text.Length == 0 || e.Semester == querySemester_ComboBox.Text) && (queryPrefix_TB.Text.Length == 0 || e.CourseNumber.ToString() == queryPrefix_TB.Text) group e by new {e.CourseNumber, e.Section} into grp select new { Class = grp.Key.CourseNumber, Section = grp.Key.Section, Count = grp.Select(x => x.Student_ID).Distinct().Count() }; dataGrid2.DataContext = grps; } } }
private void save_BTN_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (dbMethods.CheckDatabaseConnection()) { using (PubsDataContext db = new PubsDataContext()) { var CheckExists = (from s in db.Agencies where s.Name == agencyName_TB.Text select s); //if the agency does not exists, application will create a new agency try { if (CheckExists.Count() == 0) { agent.Name = agencyName_TB.Text; agent.City = agencyAddressCity_TB.Text; agent.CoordinatorName = agencyCoordinatorName_TB.Text; agent.Description = description_TB.Text; agent.Email = agencyEmail_TB.Text; agent.FaxNumber = agencyFax_TB.Text; agent.Phone = agencyPhone_TB.Text; agent.Rating = Convert.ToInt32(agencyRating_TB.Text); agent.State = agencyAddressState_TB.Text; agent.StreetAddress = agencyAddressStreet_TB.Text; agent.WebsiteLink = agencyWebsite_TB.Text; agent.Zip = agencyAddressZipcode_TB.Text; agent.AlternateContact = agencyAlternateName_TB.Text; db.Agencies.InsertOnSubmit(agent); db.SubmitChanges(); } else { //save agency info Agency agency = (from s in db.Agencies where s.Name == agent.Name select s).Single(); agency.Name = agencyName_TB.Text; agency.City = agencyAddressCity_TB.Text; agency.CoordinatorName = agencyCoordinatorName_TB.Text; agency.Description = description_TB.Text; agency.Email = agencyEmail_TB.Text; agency.FaxNumber = agencyFax_TB.Text; agency.Phone = agencyPhone_TB.Text; agency.Rating = Convert.ToInt32(agencyRating_TB.Text); agency.State = agencyAddressState_TB.Text; agency.StreetAddress = agencyAddressStreet_TB.Text; agency.WebsiteLink = agencyWebsite_TB.Text; agency.Zip = agencyAddressZipcode_TB.Text; agency.AlternateContact = agencyAlternateName_TB.Text; db.SubmitChanges(); } } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("SLApp apologies for the inconvenience, but at this time Rating must contain contain data.", "Save Error!", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } } } }
private void UnduplicatedHours() { if (dbMethods.CheckDatabaseConnection()) { using (PubsDataContext db = new PubsDataContext()) { var totalhours = new List<Learning_Experience>(from e in db.Learning_Experiences from s in db.Students where s.Student_ID == e.Student_ID && (queryYear_TB.Text.Length == 0 || e.Year.ToString() == queryYear_TB.Text) && (querySemester_ComboBox.Text.Length == 0 || e.Semester == querySemester_ComboBox.Text) && (queryPrefix_TB.Text.Length == 0 || e.CourseNumber.ToString() == queryPrefix_TB.Text) select e).GroupBy(s => s.Student_ID).Select(e => e.MaxBy(x => x.TotalHours)); unduplicatedHours_TB.Text = totalhours.Sum(i => i.TotalHours.GetValueOrDefault(0)).ToString(); } } }
private void AgencyLongTermServiceSave_BTN_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Types_of_Service expROW = longTerm_DataGrid.SelectedItem as Types_of_Service; if (dbMethods.CheckDatabaseConnection()) { using (PubsDataContext db = new PubsDataContext()) { var completionList = new List<Types_of_Service>(from s in db.Types_of_Services where s.Agency == expROW.Agency select s); if (completionList.Count > 0) { var completion = completionList.First(); completion.Agency = expROW.Agency; completion.Body = expROW.Body; completion.CommunityBasedResearch = expROW.CommunityBasedResearch; completion.LongTerm = expROW.LongTerm; completion.ShortTerm = expROW.ShortTerm; completion.Title = expROW.Title; db.SubmitChanges(); LongTerm_Expander_OnExpanded(sender, e); } else { Types_of_Service exp = new Types_of_Service(); exp.Agency = agent.Name; exp.Body = expROW.Body; exp.CommunityBasedResearch = expROW.CommunityBasedResearch; exp.LongTerm = expROW.LongTerm; exp.ShortTerm = expROW.ShortTerm; exp.Title = expROW.Title; db.Types_of_Services.InsertOnSubmit(exp); db.SubmitChanges(); LongTerm_Expander_OnExpanded(sender, e); } } } }
private void UnduplicatedStudents() { if (dbMethods.CheckDatabaseConnection()) { using (PubsDataContext db = new PubsDataContext()) { var totalstudents = new List<Student>(from s in db.Students from e in db.Learning_Experiences where e.Student_ID == s.Student_ID && (queryYear_TB.Text.Length == 0 || e.Year.ToString() == queryYear_TB.Text) && (querySemester_ComboBox.Text.Length == 0 || e.Semester == querySemester_ComboBox.Text) && (queryPrefix_TB.Text.Length == 0 || e.CourseNumber.ToString() == queryPrefix_TB.Text) select s).Distinct(); unduplicatedStudents_TB.Text = totalstudents.Count().ToString(); } } }