void Awake() {
            soundMarkers = new List<SoundMarker>();

            layoutManager = new LayoutManager();
            layoutManager.layoutManagerDelegate = this;
            layoutManager.LoadSoundMetaFiles(() => { });
            layoutManager.LoadCurrentLayout(); // Calls the delegate method LayoutManagerLoadedNewLayout
            // The below is called in LayoutManagerLoadedNewLayout
            // layoutManager.LoadSoundClipsForCurrentLayout(() => { });

            int numToPreallocate = Mathf.Min(128, Mathf.Max(8, layoutManager.layout.hotspots.Count));
            _soundMarkerPooling = new SoundMarkerPooling(numToPreallocate, del: this);
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the scene data and place the corresponding sources
        /// </summary>
        public void LoadLayoutData(System.Action loadComplete = null) {
            if (_loadingSoundMarkers) { return; }
            _loadingSoundMarkers = true;

            #if UNITY_ANDROID
            Screen.fullScreen = true;
            loadingOverlayText.text = "Loading... (0%)";

            // remove the previous
            // UnloadCurrentSoundMarkers();
            _soundMarkerPooling.RecycleAllMarkers(eraseHotspotData: false);

            // set up all the hotspots
            if (onDemandIsActive) {
                loadSoundMarkersOnCoroutine(complete: () => {
                    Debug.Log("FINISHED loading markers [OnDemand ON]");
                    #if UNITY_ANDROID
                    Screen.fullScreen = false;

                    _loadingSoundMarkers = false;
                    if (loadComplete != null) { loadComplete(); }
            } else {
                    completion: () => {
                        // Load the SoundMarkers on a CoRoutine
                        loadSoundMarkersOnCoroutine(complete: () => {
                            Debug.Log("FINISHED loading clips and markers [OnDemand OFF]");

                            _loadingSoundMarkers = false;
                            if (loadComplete != null) { loadComplete(); }
                            #if UNITY_ANDROID
                            if (canvasControl.activeScreen == CanvasController.CanvasUIScreen.Kiosk) { return; }
                            Screen.fullScreen = false;