private void ProcessStunMessage(IceCandidate iceCandidate, STUNv2Message stunMessage, IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint) { //logger.Debug("STUN message received from remote " + remoteEndPoint + " " + stunMessage.Header.MessageType + "."); if (stunMessage.Header.MessageType == STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingRequest) { STUNv2Message stunResponse = new STUNv2Message(STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingSuccessResponse); stunResponse.Header.TransactionId = stunMessage.Header.TransactionId; stunResponse.AddXORMappedAddressAttribute(remoteEndPoint.Address, remoteEndPoint.Port); // ToDo: Check authentication. byte[] stunRespBytes = stunResponse.ToByteBufferStringKey(LocalIcePassword, true); iceCandidate.LocalRtpSocket.SendTo(stunRespBytes, remoteEndPoint); iceCandidate.LastStunRequestReceivedAt = DateTime.Now; iceCandidate.IsStunRemoteExchangeComplete = true; if (_remoteIceCandidates != null && !_remoteIceCandidates.Any(x => (x.NetworkAddress == remoteEndPoint.Address.ToString() || x.RemoteAddress == remoteEndPoint.Address.ToString()) && (x.Port == remoteEndPoint.Port || x.RemotePort == remoteEndPoint.Port))) { // This STUN request has come from a socket not in the remote ICE candidates list. Add it so we can send our STUN binding request to it. IceCandidate remoteIceCandidate = new IceCandidate() { Transport = "udp", NetworkAddress = remoteEndPoint.Address.ToString(), Port = remoteEndPoint.Port, CandidateType = }; logger.Debug("Adding missing remote ICE candidate for " + remoteEndPoint + "."); _remoteIceCandidates.Add(remoteIceCandidate); } } else if (stunMessage.Header.MessageType == STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingSuccessResponse) { if (_turnServerEndPoint != null && remoteEndPoint.ToString() == _turnServerEndPoint.ToString()) { if (iceCandidate.IsGatheringComplete == false) { var reflexAddressAttribute = stunMessage.Attributes.FirstOrDefault(y => y.AttributeType == STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.XORMappedAddress) as STUNv2XORAddressAttribute; if (reflexAddressAttribute != null) { iceCandidate.StunRflxIPEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(reflexAddressAttribute.Address, reflexAddressAttribute.Port); iceCandidate.IsGatheringComplete = true; logger.Debug("ICE gathering complete for local socket " + iceCandidate.LocalRtpSocket.LocalEndPoint + ", rflx address " + iceCandidate.StunRflxIPEndPoint + "."); } else { iceCandidate.IsGatheringComplete = true; logger.Debug("The STUN binding response received on " + iceCandidate.LocalRtpSocket.LocalEndPoint + " from " + remoteEndPoint + " did not have an XORMappedAddress attribute, rlfx address can not be determined."); } } } else { iceCandidate.LastStunResponseReceivedAt = DateTime.Now; if (iceCandidate.IsStunLocalExchangeComplete == false) { iceCandidate.IsStunLocalExchangeComplete = true; logger.Debug("WebRTC client STUN exchange complete for call " + CallID + ", candidate local socket " + iceCandidate.LocalRtpSocket.LocalEndPoint + ", remote socket " + remoteEndPoint + "."); SetIceConnectionState(IceConnectionStatesEnum.Connected); } } } else if (stunMessage.Header.MessageType == STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingErrorResponse) { logger.Warn("A STUN binding error response was received on " + iceCandidate.LocalRtpSocket.LocalEndPoint + " from " + remoteEndPoint + "."); } else { logger.Warn("An unrecognised STUN request was received on " + iceCandidate.LocalRtpSocket.LocalEndPoint + " from " + remoteEndPoint + "."); } }
private void SendStunConnectivityChecks() { try { while (!IsClosed) { try { // If one of the ICE candidates has the remote RTP socket set then the negotiation is complete and the STUN checks are to keep the connection alive. if (LocalIceCandidates.Any(x => x.IsConnected == true)) { var iceCandidate = LocalIceCandidates.First(x => x.IsConnected == true); // Remote RTP endpoint gets set when the DTLS negotiation is finished. if (iceCandidate.RemoteRtpEndPoint != null) { //logger.Debug("Sending STUN connectivity check to client " + iceCandidate.RemoteRtpEndPoint + "."); STUNv2Message stunRequest = new STUNv2Message(STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingRequest); stunRequest.Header.TransactionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray().Take(12).ToArray(); stunRequest.AddUsernameAttribute(RemoteIceUser + ":" + LocalIceUser); stunRequest.Attributes.Add(new STUNv2Attribute(STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.Priority, new byte[] { 0x6e, 0x7f, 0x1e, 0xff })); stunRequest.Attributes.Add(new STUNv2Attribute(STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.UseCandidate, null)); // Must send this to get DTLS started. byte[] stunReqBytes = stunRequest.ToByteBufferStringKey(RemoteIcePassword, true); iceCandidate.LocalRtpSocket.SendTo(stunReqBytes, iceCandidate.RemoteRtpEndPoint); iceCandidate.LastSTUNSendAt = DateTime.Now; } var secondsSinceLastResponse = DateTime.Now.Subtract(iceCandidate.LastCommunicationAt).TotalSeconds; if (secondsSinceLastResponse > ICE_TIMEOUT_SECONDS) { logger.Warn("No STUN response was received on a connected ICE connection for " + secondsSinceLastResponse + "s, closing connection."); iceCandidate.IsDisconnected = true; if (LocalIceCandidates.Any(x => x.IsConnected == true) == false) { // If there are no connected local candidates left close the peer. Close(); break; } } } else { if (_remoteIceCandidates.Count() > 0) { foreach (var localIceCandidate in LocalIceCandidates.Where(x => x.IsStunLocalExchangeComplete == false && x.StunConnectionRequestAttempts < MAXIMUM_STUN_CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS)) { localIceCandidate.StunConnectionRequestAttempts++; // ToDo: Include srflx and relay addresses. foreach (var remoteIceCandidate in RemoteIceCandidates.Where(x => x.Transport != "tcp" && x.NetworkAddress.NotNullOrBlank())) // Only supporting UDP candidates at this stage. { IPAddress remoteAddress = IPAddress.Parse(remoteIceCandidate.NetworkAddress); logger.Debug("Sending authenticated STUN binding request " + localIceCandidate.StunConnectionRequestAttempts + " from " + localIceCandidate.LocalRtpSocket.LocalEndPoint + " to WebRTC peer at " + remoteIceCandidate.NetworkAddress + ":" + remoteIceCandidate.Port + "."); STUNv2Message stunRequest = new STUNv2Message(STUNv2MessageTypesEnum.BindingRequest); stunRequest.Header.TransactionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray().Take(12).ToArray(); stunRequest.AddUsernameAttribute(RemoteIceUser + ":" + LocalIceUser); stunRequest.Attributes.Add(new STUNv2Attribute(STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.Priority, new byte[] { 0x6e, 0x7f, 0x1e, 0xff })); stunRequest.Attributes.Add(new STUNv2Attribute(STUNv2AttributeTypesEnum.UseCandidate, null)); // Must send this to get DTLS started. byte[] stunReqBytes = stunRequest.ToByteBufferStringKey(RemoteIcePassword, true); localIceCandidate.LocalRtpSocket.SendTo(stunReqBytes, new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(remoteIceCandidate.NetworkAddress), remoteIceCandidate.Port)); localIceCandidate.LastSTUNSendAt = DateTime.Now; } } } } } catch (Exception excp) { logger.Error("Exception SendStunConnectivityCheck ConnectivityCheck. " + excp); } if (!IsClosed) { Thread.Sleep(ESTABLISHED_STUN_BINDING_PERIOD_MILLISECONDS); } } } catch (Exception excp) { logger.Error("Exception SendStunConnectivityCheck. " + excp); } }