// determine if this section of text (some portion of one or more paragraphs) has the find what text in it
        public FindResult FindReplaceCompare(WordRange aRunRange, ref int SearchAreaStart, ref int FoundAreaLength)
            FindResult res      = FindResult.eNothingFound;
            string     strInput = aRunRange.Text;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(strInput) || (m_aECRegex == null))

            // otherwise 'convert' it to see if the 'Find what' string is in it
            string strOutput = m_aECRegex.Convert(strInput);

            // if the input string is different from the output string, then the FindWhat string was found.
            if (strInput != strOutput)
#if !DefineToNotUseSplitAndConvert
                // The way the convert works is that it will replace each instance of the input string that matches
                //  the FindWhat syntax (i.e. there may be more than one replacement we have to deal with).
                // here's the problem: if there was more than one replacment, then I really can't tell what portion
                //  of the FindWhat text each replacement goes with. Consider the string "ababbbbbabb". If the 'Find
                //  what' string is "ab+", then it breaks up to: "ab", "abbbbb", and "abb", but if these three are
                //  right in a row and the replacement is "", then the resulting strOutput will be <delim><delim>...
                //  repeated 3 times. So there's no way to tell which portion of the input text corresponds to which
                //  portion of the output text. My original stab at it just treated them evenly and divide by the
                //  number of consecutive replacements... this works if the 'FindWhat' is something like "ab". But all
                //  bets are off if the user uses the "+" (eat-em-up) expression code.
                // I think the only solution is to always only deal with a single replacement... So... if we have more
                //  than one match in a particular output (which we can tell by the Length of astrSegments), do a binary
                //  search until we have only one.
                string[] astrSegments = GetFirstReplacementSplitArray(ref strInput, ref strOutput);

                // get the index to the first character of the replacement (which is the same as the first character
                //  of the 'Find what' string as well).
                int nIndex = astrSegments[0].Length;

                // remember this so we pick up here later
                SearchAreaStart += nIndex;
                if (nIndex > 0)
                    aRunRange.Start = SearchAreaStart;

                // the replacement string is easy. It's just whatever's in the one'th element of the Split array.
                string strReplacementString = astrSegments[1];

                // There might be some stuff between the end of the replacement and the end of the input string.
                string strStuffFollowingMatch = astrSegments[2];   // may be null

                // get the index to the end of the 'Find what' string
                int nEndOfFindWhatSelection;
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(strStuffFollowingMatch))
                    nEndOfFindWhatSelection = strInput.Length;
                    nEndOfFindWhatSelection = strInput.Length - strStuffFollowingMatch.Length;
                // this could probably be done more elegantly with Split rather than what I do in the #else case
                string[] astrSegments = strOutput.Split(m_achDelimiter);

                // must be odd (before, ||: replace, following :||), where any or all can be null
                int nTotalSegments = astrSegments.Length;
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((nTotalSegments % 2) == 1);

                // get the index to the first character of the replacement (which is the same as the first character
                //  of the 'Find what' as well).
                int nIndex = astrSegments[0].Length;

                // remember this so we pick up here later
                SearchAreaStart += nIndex;
                if (nIndex > 0)
                    aRunRange.Start = SearchAreaStart;

                // the replacement string is easy. It's just whatever's in the 1st element of the Split array.
                //  but we have to figure out what the 'Find what' text is so that we can select it (so we can replace
                //  it). This is not so easy, because it could be anything and not just a string of text like in a normal
                //  find.
                string strReplacementString = astrSegments[1];

                // Between the end of the first replacement and the beginning of the next (if multiple replacments)
                //  is a string which should match something in the original, which we can search for
                string strStuffFollowingMatch = astrSegments[2];   // may be null

                int nEndOfFindWhatSelection;
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(strStuffFollowingMatch))
                    // If the 'Find what' is repeated twice in a row, then the stuff in-between the two instances of
                    //  replacement text will be null.
                    // Detect this by looking at the length of the even number string array elements (2, 4, etc),
                    //  which are the segments following the replacements. This tells us what we have to divide by
                    //  to get the proportion for only one find.
                    int nNumReplacmentsInARow = 1;
                    int nNextReplacementIndex = 2;
                    while ((nNextReplacementIndex < nTotalSegments) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(astrSegments[nNextReplacementIndex]))
                        nNextReplacementIndex += 2;

                    if (nNextReplacementIndex < astrSegments.Length)
                        strStuffFollowingMatch = astrSegments[nNextReplacementIndex];

                    int numerator;
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(strStuffFollowingMatch))
                        numerator = strInput.Length;
                        numerator = strInput.IndexOf(strStuffFollowingMatch, nIndex + 1);
                    nEndOfFindWhatSelection = ((numerator - nIndex) / nNumReplacmentsInARow) + nIndex;
                    nEndOfFindWhatSelection = strInput.IndexOf(strStuffFollowingMatch, nIndex + 1);

                 * int nIndex = strOutput.IndexOf(m_achDelimiter[0]);
                 * System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(nIndex != -1);
                 * SearchAreaStart += nIndex;
                 * if (nIndex > 0)
                 *  aRunRange.Start = SearchAreaStart;
                 * int nEndOfReplacement = strOutput.IndexOf(m_achDelimiter[0], nIndex + 1);
                 * System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(nEndOfReplacement != -1);
                 * // the replacement string is what's between these two
                 * string strReplacementString = strOutput.Substring(nIndex + 1, (nEndOfReplacement - nIndex - 1));
                 * // now the complicated part. Between the end of the first replacement and the next
                 * //  one is a string which should match something in the original. But if the replacement
                 * //  were null, then it could be the very next character...
                 * // This also handles the situation where there may be several "found whats"
                 * int nNumReplacmentsInARow = 1;
                 * int nNextIndex = nEndOfReplacement + 1;
                 * while ((nNextIndex < strOutput.Length) && (strOutput[nNextIndex] == m_achDelimiter[0]))
                 * {
                 *  nNumReplacmentsInARow++;
                 *  nEndOfReplacement = strOutput.IndexOf(m_achDelimiter[0], nNextIndex + 1);
                 *  nNextIndex = nEndOfReplacement + 1;
                 * }
                 * if (nNextIndex < strOutput.Length)
                 * {
                 *  nEndOfReplacement = strOutput.IndexOf(m_achDelimiter[0], nNextIndex + 1);
                 *  if (nEndOfReplacement == -1)
                 *      nEndOfReplacement = strOutput.Length;
                 * }
                 * else if (nNextIndex == strOutput.Length)
                 *  nNextIndex--;
                 * string strStuffFollowingMatch = strOutput.Substring(nNextIndex, nEndOfReplacement - nNextIndex);
                 * nEndOfFindWhatSelection = ((strInput.Length - nIndex) / nNumReplacmentsInARow) + nIndex;
                 * if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strStuffFollowingMatch))
                 * {
                 *  nEndOfFindWhatSelection = strInput.IndexOf(strStuffFollowingMatch, nIndex + 1) / nNumReplacmentsInARow;
                 * }
#endif // !UseSplitToFindReplacements

                FoundAreaLength = nEndOfFindWhatSelection - nIndex;
                aRunRange.End   = SearchAreaStart + FoundAreaLength;

                // if we're doing ReplaceAll or Replace when the FindWhat string has been found...
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(FormButton != FormButtons.Cancel);  // means it wasn't initialized
                if (!DontReplaceOnNextFind &&
                    ((ReplaceAll) || ((FormButton == FormButtons.ReplaceOnce) && (nIndex == 0))))
                    if (FormButton == FormButtons.ReplaceOnce)
                        DontReplaceOnNextFind = true;  // so we do a virtual find next after this
                    // this means replace the word in situ, with what was converted
                    ReplaceText(aRunRange, strReplacementString);

                    // start the next search after this replaced value
                    string strReplacedText = aRunRange.Text;   // this may not be exactly the same as strReplace (e.g. after replacing final '\r')
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strReplacedText))
                        FoundAreaLength  = strReplacedText.Length;
                        SearchAreaStart += FoundAreaLength;

                    res = FindResult.eReplaceFound;
                    // select just the search string and return as if cancelled so the outer loop can prompt for it.
                    IsFound = true;

                    // select the FindWhat text found

                    res = FindResult.eFindFound;
            else if (FormButton == FormButtons.ReplaceOnce)
                // otherwise, if the user clicked ReplaceOnce and we didn't find it right away,
                //  then change it to function like Find instead.
                DontReplaceOnNextFind = true;  // so we do a virtual find next after this
