SaveSettings() public method

public SaveSettings ( ) : void
return void
		/// <summary>
		/// Select an existing language project.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="activeWindow"></param>
		public void ChooseLangProject(FwXWindow activeWindow)

			Debug.Assert(activeWindow != null);
			FdoCache cache = activeWindow.Cache;
			Debug.Assert(cache != null);

			// Results parms for the dlg.
			bool fHaveProject;
			int hvoProj;
			string sProject;
			Guid guid;
			bool fHaveSubitem;
			int hvoSubitem;
			string sUserWs = cache.LanguageWritingSystemFactoryAccessor.GetStrFromWs(cache.DefaultUserWs);	//"en";
			string sName;
			string sServer = (cache != null) ? cache.ServerName : MiscUtils.LocalServerName;
			string sDatabase;

			IOpenFWProjectDlg dlg = OpenFWProjectDlgClass.Create();
			dlg.WritingSystemFactory = cache.LanguageWritingSystemFactoryAccessor;
			uint hwnd = activeWindow == null ? 0 : (uint)activeWindow.Handle.ToInt32();
			dlg.Show(Logger.Stream, sServer, MiscUtils.LocalServerName, sUserWs, hwnd, false, 0,
				FwApp.App.HelpFile + "::/" + FwApp.App.GetHelpString("khtpFWOpenProject", 0));
			dlg.GetResults(out fHaveProject, out hvoProj, out sProject,
				out sDatabase, out sServer, out guid, out fHaveSubitem, out hvoSubitem, out sName);

			if (fHaveProject)
				// make sure the server ends in "\\SILFW"
				// Note lowercase of SILFW in Turkish is not silfw.
				if (sServer !=null && sServer.ToLowerInvariant().EndsWith("\\silfw") == false)
					sServer += "\\SILFW";	// append it

				// The GetCache call will switch the 'cache' var to an extant FdoCache,
				// if the app already has a connection on open on that server and DB.

				if (CheckDbVerCompatibility(sServer, sDatabase))
					bool isNewCache = GetCache(sServer, sDatabase, out cache);
					// save the local and global settings for windows sharing this cache.
					if (!isNewCache)
						foreach (IFwMainWnd mainWindow in m_rgMainWindows)
							if (mainWindow.Cache == cache &&
								mainWindow is FwXWindow &&
								mainWindow != activeWindow)
								(mainWindow as FwXWindow).SaveSettings();
					// save the settings for activeWindow last.
					Form fwMainWindow = NewMainAppWnd(cache, isNewCache, null, false);
					AdjustNewWindowPosition(fwMainWindow, activeWindow);