Implementation of TextClientRun based on ITsString.
Inheritance: TextClientRun
		public void StringsInSource()
			ITsString tss = tsf.MakeString("abc def", wsEn);
			AssembledStyles styles = new AssembledStyles();
			TssClientRun clientRun = new TssClientRun(tss, styles);
			var clientRuns = new List<IClientRun>();
			TextSource ts = new TextSource(clientRuns);
        /// <summary>
        /// Return an otherwise equivalent Tss client run that has the specified Contents.
        /// Subclasses should override to return the appropriate subclass and copy any additional information.
        /// </summary>
        internal virtual TssClientRun CopyWithNewContents(ITsString newContents)
            ITsString tss = newContents;
            int       var;

            if (tss == null)
                tss = TsStrFactoryClass.Create().EmptyString(Tss.get_Properties(0).GetIntPropValues((int)FwTextPropType.ktptWs, out var));
            var result = new TssClientRun(tss, Style);

            result.Hookup = Hookup;
		/// <summary>
		/// Given a function that fetches strings, a run which represents the initial value of that string
		/// already inserted into a particular paragraph box, and that we have identified the fetcher as
		/// a property with the specified name of the specified target object, but we have not been able to find
		/// a ''Name'Changed' event on the target object, this stub provides a possible place for a subclass to
		/// use an alternative strategy for hooking something up to notify the view of changes to the property.
		/// </summary>
		protected override void MakeHookupForString(Func<ITsString> fetcher, TssClientRun run, string name, object target, ParaBox para)
			var cmObj = target as ICmObject;
			if (cmObj != null)
				// Set up for PropChanged notification.
				RootFdo.DataAccess = cmObj.Cache.DomainDataByFlid; // ensures hooked up to receive PropChanged.
				Tuple<int, int> key = GetPropChangedKey(name, cmObj);
				var stringHookup = new TssHookup(target, fetcher,
					hookup => RootFdo.AddHookupToPropChanged(key, hookup),
					hookup => RootFdo.RemoveHookupFromPropChanged(key, hookup),
				stringHookup.Tag = key.Item2;
				AddHookupToRun(run, stringHookup);
				// Enhance JohnT: consider doing this by reflection.
				stringHookup.Writer = newVal => RootFdo.DataAccess.SetString(cmObj.Hvo, key.Item2, newVal);
		public void TssRuns()
			string part1 = "abc def";
			ITsString tss = tsf.MakeString(part1, wsEn);
			AssembledStyles styles = new AssembledStyles();
			TssClientRun clientRun = new TssClientRun(tss, styles);
			Assert.AreEqual(1, clientRun.UniformRunCount);
			Assert.AreEqual(part1, clientRun.UniformRunText(0));
			AssembledStyles style1 = clientRun.UniformRunStyles(0);
			Assert.AreEqual(wsEn, style1.Ws);
			Assert.AreEqual(0, clientRun.UniformRunStart(0));
			Assert.AreEqual(part1.Length, clientRun.UniformRunLength(0));

			string part2 = " ghi";
			ITsStrBldr bldr = tss.GetBldr();
			bldr.Replace(part1.Length, part1.Length, part2, ttpFrn);
			TssClientRun clientRun2 = new TssClientRun(bldr.GetString(), styles);
			Assert.AreEqual(2, clientRun2.UniformRunCount);
			Assert.AreEqual(part1, clientRun2.UniformRunText(0));
			Assert.AreEqual(part2, clientRun2.UniformRunText(1));
			style1 = clientRun2.UniformRunStyles(0);
			Assert.AreEqual(wsEn, style1.Ws);
			AssembledStyles style2 = clientRun2.UniformRunStyles(1);
			Assert.AreEqual(wsFrn, style2.Ws);
			Assert.AreEqual(0, clientRun2.UniformRunStart(0));
			Assert.AreEqual(part1.Length, clientRun2.UniformRunLength(0));
			Assert.AreEqual(part1.Length, clientRun2.UniformRunStart(1));
			Assert.AreEqual(part2.Length, clientRun2.UniformRunLength(1));

			var source = new TextSource(new List<IClientRun>(new [] {clientRun2}));
			var runs = source.Runs;
			Assert.That(runs.Length, Is.EqualTo(2));
			Assert.That(runs[0].LogLength, Is.EqualTo(part1.Length));
			Assert.That(runs[1].LogLength, Is.EqualTo(part2.Length));
			Assert.That(runs[1].LogStart, Is.EqualTo(part1.Length));
			Assert.That(runs[1].Offset, Is.EqualTo(0)); // nothing fancy with ORCs, run starts at 0 in uniform run.
		public void StringChangedTests()
			string part0 = "abc";
			AssembledStyles styles = new AssembledStyles().WithWs(wsEn);
			StringClientRun clientRun0 = new StringClientRun(part0, styles);
			var clientRuns = new List<IClientRun>();
			TextSource source = new TextSource(clientRuns);
			List<IRenderRun> renderRuns = source.RenderRuns;
			VerifyRenderRun(renderRuns[0], 0, 3, "initial state has all in one run");
			var clientRun1 = new StringClientRun("abcd", styles);
			var output1 = source.ClientRunChanged(0, clientRun1);
			Assert.AreEqual(1, output1.NewSource.RenderRuns.Count, "replacing single run with simple string should produce single render run.");
			VerifyRenderRun(output1.NewSource.RenderRuns[0], 0, 4, "replacing client run should make a new source with modified single run");
			Assert.AreEqual(3, output1.StartChange);
			Assert.AreEqual(0, output1.DeleteCount);
			Assert.AreEqual(1, output1.InsertCount);

			// try changing the middle of three runs, from a simple one to a complex one.
			clientRuns = new List<IClientRun>();
			string part2 = "def";
			var clientRun2 = new StringClientRun(part2, styles);
			string part3 = " mnop";
			var clientRun3 = new StringClientRun(part3, styles);
			source = new TextSource(clientRuns, MockInterpretOrc);

			string part4 = "q\xfffc";
			var clientRun4 = new StringClientRun(part4, styles);
			var output2 = source.ClientRunChanged(1, clientRun4);
			Assert.AreEqual(3, output2.NewSource.RenderRuns.Count,
							"three render runs because ORC interprets as french string.");
			VerifyRenderRun(output2.NewSource.RenderRuns[0], 0, part0.Length + 1, "first run up to ORC");
			VerifyRenderRun(output2.NewSource.RenderRuns[1], part0.Length + 1, orcText.Length, "second run is French from ORC");
			VerifyRenderRun(output2.NewSource.RenderRuns[2], part0.Length + 1 + orcText.Length, part3.Length, "third run is  stuff after ORC");
			VerifyFetch(output2.NewSource, 0, output2.NewSource.Length, part0 + "q" + orcText + part3);
			Assert.AreEqual(part0.Length, output2.StartChange);
			Assert.AreEqual(part2.Length, output2.DeleteCount);
			Assert.AreEqual(1 + orcText.Length, output2.InsertCount);

			// Now do a variation where some of the new run survives at each end.
			// To catch a tricky special case, we want to replace some regular text with an ORC
			// that expands to the same thing.
			var bldr = tsf.MakeString("de" + orcText, wsEn).GetBldr();
			bldr.SetIntPropValues(2, 2 + orcText.Length, (int)FwTextPropType.ktptWs,
				(int) FwTextPropVar.ktpvDefault, wsFrn);
			var clientRunFakeOrc = new TssClientRun(bldr.GetString(), styles);
			clientRuns = new List<IClientRun>();
			source = new TextSource(clientRuns, MockInterpretOrc);

			string partDeqOrc = "deq\xfffc";
			var clientRun5 = new StringClientRun(partDeqOrc, styles);
			var output3 = source.ClientRunChanged(1, clientRun5);
			Assert.AreEqual(3, output3.NewSource.RenderRuns.Count,
							"three render runs because ORC interprets as french string.");
			VerifyRenderRun(output3.NewSource.RenderRuns[0], 0, part0.Length + 3, "first run up to ORC");
			VerifyRenderRun(output3.NewSource.RenderRuns[1], part0.Length + 3, orcText.Length, "second run is French from ORC");
			VerifyRenderRun(output3.NewSource.RenderRuns[2], part0.Length + 3 + orcText.Length, part3.Length, "third run is  stuff after ORC");
			VerifyFetch(output3.NewSource, 0, output3.NewSource.Length, part0 + "deq" + orcText + part3);
			// This should be interpreted as inserting the "q" after the "de" and before the orc text.
			Assert.AreEqual(part0.Length + 2, output3.StartChange);
			Assert.AreEqual(0, output3.DeleteCount);
			Assert.AreEqual(1, output3.InsertCount);

			// special case where nothing changes.
			clientRuns = new List<IClientRun>();
			source = new TextSource(clientRuns, MockInterpretOrc);
			var output4 = source.ClientRunChanged(1, clientRun2);
			Assert.AreEqual(1, output4.NewSource.RenderRuns.Count, "two client runs collapse to one render");
			VerifyRenderRun(output4.NewSource.RenderRuns[0], 0, part0.Length + part2.Length, "run has expected length");
			VerifyFetch(output4.NewSource, 0, output4.NewSource.Length, part0 + part2);
			Assert.AreEqual(part0.Length, output4.StartChange);
			Assert.AreEqual(0, output4.DeleteCount);
			Assert.AreEqual(0, output4.InsertCount);

		public void RenderRuns()
			string part0 = "abc def";
			AssembledStyles styles = new AssembledStyles().WithWs(wsEn);
			StringClientRun clientRun0 = new StringClientRun(part0, styles);
			var clientRuns = new List<IClientRun>();

			string part0a = " frn";
			StringClientRun clientRun0a = new StringClientRun(part0a, styles.WithWs(wsFrn));

			// Run 1
			string part1 = " ghijk"; // english
			string part2 = " lmno"; // french
			ITsString tss = tsf.MakeString(part1, wsEn);
			ITsStrBldr bldr = tss.GetBldr();
			bldr.Replace(bldr.Length, bldr.Length, part2, ttpFrn);
			TssClientRun clientRun1 = new TssClientRun(bldr.GetString(), styles);

			// Run 2a
			string part2a = " french insert";
			string part2b = " insert"; // english
			ITsString tssInsert = tsf.MakeString(part2b, wsEn);
			bldr = tssInsert.GetBldr();
			bldr.Replace(0, 0, part2a, ttpFrn);
			TssClientRun clientRun2b = new TssClientRun(bldr.GetString(), styles);

			// IRuntem 2
			string part3 = " pq";
			string part4 = "\xfffc";
			StringClientRun clientRun2 = new StringClientRun(part3 + part4, styles);

			// Run 3
			string part5 = "more french";
			string part6 = "\xfffc";
			StringClientRun clientRun3 = new StringClientRun(part5 + part6, styles.WithWs(wsFrn));

			// Run 4
			string part7 = "English";
			StringClientRun clientRun4 = new StringClientRun(part7, styles.WithWs(wsFrn));

			BlockBox box = new BlockBox(styles.WithWs(wsFrn), Color.Red, 72000, 36000);

			TextSource source = new TextSource(clientRuns, (run, offset) => (run == clientRun2 ? new StringClientRun(orcText, run.UniformRunStyles(0).WithWs(wsFrn)) : (IClientRun)box));

			List<IRenderRun> renderRuns = source.RenderRuns;
			VerifyRenderRun(renderRuns[0], 0, part0.Length, "first - en");
			int len = part0.Length;
			VerifyRenderRun(renderRuns[1], len, part0a.Length, "0a - frn");
			len += part0a.Length;
			VerifyRenderRun(renderRuns[2], len, part1.Length, "part1 - en");
			len += part1.Length;
			VerifyRenderRun(renderRuns[3], len, part2.Length + part2a.Length, "part2 & 2a (french)");
			len += part2.Length + part2a.Length;
			VerifyRenderRun(renderRuns[4], len, part2b.Length + part3.Length, "2b and 2 (Eng)");
			len += part2b.Length + part3.Length;
			VerifyRenderRun(renderRuns[5], len, orcText.Length + part5.Length, "orc + other french");
			len += orcText.Length + part5.Length;
			VerifyRenderRun(renderRuns[6], len, 1, "single box");
			len += 1;
			VerifyRenderRun(renderRuns[7], len, part7.Length, "run with same props as preceding box");
			Assert.AreEqual(8, renderRuns.Count);

		public void MultiUniformRuns()
			// Run 0
			string part0 = "abc def";
			AssembledStyles styles = new AssembledStyles().WithWs(wsEn);
			StringClientRun clientRun0 = new StringClientRun(part0, styles);
			var clientRuns = new List<IClientRun>();

			// Run 1
			string part1 = " ghijk";
			string part2 = " lmno";
			ITsString tss = tsf.MakeString(part2, wsEn);
			ITsStrBldr bldr = tss.GetBldr();
			bldr.Replace(0, 0, part1, ttpFrn);
			TssClientRun clientRun1 = new TssClientRun(bldr.GetString(), styles);

			// Run 2
			string part3 = " pq";
			string part4 = "\xfffc";
			string part5 = "r";
			StringClientRun clientRun2 = new StringClientRun(part3+part4+part5, styles);

			TextSource source = new TextSource(clientRuns, MockInterpretOrc);

			MapRun[] runs = source.Runs;
			Assert.AreEqual(6, runs.Length);
			VerifyRun(0, clientRun0, 0, 0, part0, runs[0], "first run of complex source (abcdef)");
			int len = part0.Length;
			VerifyRun(len, clientRun1, len, 0, part1, runs[1], "2nd run of complex source( ghijk)");
			len += part1.Length;
			VerifyRun(len, clientRun1, len, 0, 1, part2, runs[2], "3rd run of complex source( lmno)");
			len += part2.Length;
			VerifyRun(len, clientRun2, len, 0, part3, runs[3], "4th run of complex source (pq)");
			len += part3.Length;
			int orcPos = len;
			VerifyRun(len, clientRun2, len, part3.Length, orcText, runs[4], "5th run of complex source (orc->xyz)");
			int render = len + orcText.Length;
			len += 1;
			VerifyRun(len, clientRun2, render, part3.Length + part4.Length, part5, runs[5], "6th run of complex source(r)");
			len += part5.Length;
			render += part5.Length;
			Assert.AreEqual(render, source.Length, "Length of complex source");

			// LogToRen
			Assert.AreEqual(0, source.LogToRen(0));
			Assert.AreEqual(1, source.LogToRen(1));
			Assert.AreEqual(part1.Length - 1, source.LogToRen(part1.Length - 1));
			Assert.AreEqual(part1.Length, source.LogToRen(part1.Length));
			Assert.AreEqual(part1.Length + 1, source.LogToRen(part1.Length + 1));
			Assert.AreEqual(orcPos - 1, source.LogToRen(orcPos - 1));
			Assert.AreEqual(orcPos, source.LogToRen(orcPos));
			int delta = orcText.Length - 1;
			Assert.AreEqual(orcPos + 1 + delta, source.LogToRen(orcPos + 1));
			Assert.AreEqual(len + delta, source.LogToRen(len));
			Assert.AreEqual(len - 1 + delta, source.LogToRen(len - 1));

			Assert.AreEqual(0, source.RenToLog(0));
			Assert.AreEqual(1, source.RenToLog(1));
			Assert.AreEqual(part1.Length - 1, source.RenToLog(part1.Length - 1));
			Assert.AreEqual(part1.Length, source.RenToLog(part1.Length));
			Assert.AreEqual(part1.Length + 1, source.RenToLog(part1.Length + 1));
			Assert.AreEqual(orcPos - 1, source.RenToLog(orcPos - 1));
			Assert.AreEqual(orcPos, source.RenToLog(orcPos));
			Assert.AreEqual(orcPos, source.RenToLog(orcPos + orcText.Length - 1));
			Assert.AreEqual(orcPos + 1, source.RenToLog(orcPos + orcText.Length));
			Assert.AreEqual(len, source.RenToLog(len + delta));
			Assert.AreEqual(len - 1, source.RenToLog(len + delta - 1));

			// Fetch
			VerifyFetch(source, 0, 0, "");
			VerifyFetch(source, 0, 1, "a");
			VerifyFetch(source, 0, part0.Length, part0);
			VerifyFetch(source, orcPos, orcPos + orcText.Length, orcText);
			VerifyFetch(source, part0.Length, part0.Length + part1.Length, part1);
			VerifyFetch(source, part0.Length + part1.Length - 2, part0.Length + part1.Length + 2, part1.Substring(part1.Length - 2) + part2.Substring(0, 2));
			VerifyFetch(source, part0.Length, part0.Length + part1.Length + part2.Length + 1,
				part1 + part2 + part3.Substring(0, 1));
			VerifyFetch(source, orcPos + orcText.Length - 1, orcPos + orcText.Length + 1,
				orcText.Substring(orcText.Length - 1) + part5);

			// GetCharProps. (This test is too restrictive. In several cases, a larger range could be returned. OTOH it is weak
			// in only verifying the writing system to check the properties returned.)
			VerifyCharProps(source, 0, wsEn, 0, part0.Length, "props at 0 in complex string");
			VerifyCharProps(source, 2, wsEn, 0, part0.Length, "props in middle of first run in complex string");
			VerifyCharProps(source, part0.Length - 1, wsEn, 0, part0.Length, "props of last char of first run in complex string");
			VerifyCharProps(source, part0.Length, wsFrn, part0.Length, part0.Length + part1.Length, "props at start of second run in complex string");
			VerifyCharProps(source, orcPos - 1, wsEn, orcPos - part3.Length, orcPos, "props of last char before ORC");
			VerifyCharProps(source, orcPos, wsFrn, orcPos, orcPos + orcText.Length, "props of first char of ORC expansion");
			VerifyCharProps(source, orcPos + 1, wsFrn, orcPos, orcPos + orcText.Length, "props of mid char of ORC expansion");
			VerifyCharProps(source, orcPos + orcText.Length - 1, wsFrn, orcPos, orcPos + orcText.Length, "props of last char of ORC expansion");
			VerifyCharProps(source, orcPos + orcText.Length, wsEn, orcPos + orcText.Length, orcPos + orcText.Length + part5.Length,
				"props of first char after ORC expansion");
		/// <summary>
		/// Return an otherwise equivalent Tss client run that has the specified Contents.
		/// Subclasses should override to return the appropriate subclass and copy any additional information.
		/// </summary>
		internal virtual TssClientRun CopyWithNewContents(ITsString newContents)
			ITsString tss = newContents;
			int var;
			if (tss == null)
				tss = TsStrFactoryClass.Create().EmptyString(Tss.get_Properties(0).GetIntPropValues((int)FwTextPropType.ktptWs, out var));
			var result = new TssClientRun(tss, Style);
			result.Hookup = Hookup;
			return result;