public void OnInsertButtonClick(object obj, EventArgs ea) { CheckDisposed(); MasterInflectionFeature mif = (MasterInflectionFeature)treeViewGlossListItem.SelectedNode.Tag; if (mif == null) { return; // just to be safe } GlossListBoxItem glbiNew = new GlossListBoxItem(mif.Node, treeViewGlossListItem.AfterSeparator, treeViewGlossListItem.ComplexNameSeparator, treeViewGlossListItem.ComplexNameFirst); GlossListBoxItem glbiConflict; if (glossListBoxGloss.NewItemConflictsWithExtantItem(glbiNew, out glbiConflict)) { const string ksPath = "/group[@id='Linguistics']/group[@id='Morphology']/group[@id='MGA']/"; string sMsg1 = m_mediator.StringTbl.GetStringWithXPath("ItemConflictDlgMessage", ksPath); string sMsg = String.Format(sMsg1, glbiConflict.ToString()); string sCaption = m_mediator.StringTbl.GetStringWithXPath("ItemConflictDlgCaption", ksPath); MessageBox.Show(sMsg, sCaption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return; } // raise event GlossListEventArgs glea = new GlossListEventArgs(glbiNew); OnInsertMGAGlossListItem(glea); buttonAcceptGloss.Enabled = true; EnableMoveUpDownButtons(); ShowGloss(); }
public void GlossListItemConflicts() { // check another terminal node, but with different parent, so no conflict XmlNode node = m_doc.SelectSingleNode("//item[@id='cAdjAgr']/item[@target='tCommonAgr']/item[@target='fGender']/item[@target='vMasc']"); GlossListBoxItem glbiNew = new GlossListBoxItem(Cache, node, ".", "", false); GlossListBoxItem glbiConflict; bool fResult = m_LabelGlosses.NewItemConflictsWithExtantItem(glbiNew, out glbiConflict); string sMsg; if (glbiConflict != null) sMsg = String.Format("Masculine gender should not conflict, but did with {0}.", glbiConflict.Abbrev); else sMsg = "Masculine gender should not conflict"; Assert.IsFalse(fResult, sMsg); // check a non-terminal node, so no conflict node = m_doc.SelectSingleNode("//item[@id='fDeg']"); glbiNew = new GlossListBoxItem(Cache, node, ".", "", false); fResult = m_LabelGlosses.NewItemConflictsWithExtantItem(glbiNew, out glbiConflict); if (glbiConflict != null) sMsg = String.Format("Feature degree should not conflict, but did with {0}", glbiConflict.Abbrev); else sMsg = "Feature degree should not conflict"; Assert.IsFalse(fResult, sMsg); // check another terminal node with same parent, so there is conflict node = m_doc.SelectSingleNode("//item[@id='vComp']"); glbiNew = new GlossListBoxItem(Cache, node, ".", "", false); fResult = m_LabelGlosses.NewItemConflictsWithExtantItem(glbiNew, out glbiConflict); Assert.IsTrue(fResult, "Comparative should conflict with positive, but did not"); }
public void Init() { string sXmlFile = Path.Combine(DirectoryFinder.FWCodeDirectory, @"Language Explorer\MGA\GlossLists\EticGlossList.xml"); m_doc = new XmlDocument(); m_doc.Load(sXmlFile); m_LabelGlosses = new GlossListBox(); m_LabelGlosses.Sorted = false; XmlNode node = m_doc.SelectSingleNode("//item[@id='vPositive']"); GlossListBoxItem glbi = new GlossListBoxItem(node, ".", "", false); m_LabelGlosses.Items.Add(glbi); }
public void Init() { string sXmlFile = Path.Combine(FwDirectoryFinder.CodeDirectory, @"Language Explorer/MGA/GlossLists/EticGlossList.xml"); m_doc = new XmlDocument(); m_doc.Load(sXmlFile); m_LabelGlosses = new GlossListBox(); m_LabelGlosses.Sorted = false; XmlNode node = m_doc.SelectSingleNode("//item[@id='vPositive']"); GlossListBoxItem glbi = new GlossListBoxItem(Cache, node, ".", "", false); m_LabelGlosses.Items.Add(glbi); }
/// <summary> /// See if the selected item conflicts with any item already inserted into the gloss list box /// </summary> /// <param name="glbiNew">new item to be checked for</param> /// <returns>true if there is a conflict; false otherwise</returns> /// <remarks>Is public for testing</remarks> public bool NewItemConflictsWithExtantItem(GlossListBoxItem glbiNew, out GlossListBoxItem glbiConflict) { CheckDisposed(); glbiConflict = null; if (!glbiNew.IsValue) { return(false); // only terminal nodes will conflict } foreach (GlossListBoxItem item in Items) { if (item.IsValue) { // when they are values and have the same parent, they conflict if (item.XmlNode.ParentNode == glbiNew.XmlNode.ParentNode) { glbiConflict = item; return(true); } } } return(false); }
public void GlossListItemConflicts() { // check another terminal node, but with different parent, so no conflict XmlNode node = m_doc.SelectSingleNode("//item[@id='cAdjAgr']/item[@target='tCommonAgr']/item[@target='fGender']/item[@target='vMasc']"); GlossListBoxItem glbiNew = new GlossListBoxItem(Cache, node, ".", "", false); GlossListBoxItem glbiConflict; bool fResult = m_LabelGlosses.NewItemConflictsWithExtantItem(glbiNew, out glbiConflict); string sMsg; if (glbiConflict != null) { sMsg = String.Format("Masculine gender should not conflict, but did with {0}.", glbiConflict.Abbrev); } else { sMsg = "Masculine gender should not conflict"; } Assert.IsFalse(fResult, sMsg); // check a non-terminal node, so no conflict node = m_doc.SelectSingleNode("//item[@id='fDeg']"); glbiNew = new GlossListBoxItem(Cache, node, ".", "", false); fResult = m_LabelGlosses.NewItemConflictsWithExtantItem(glbiNew, out glbiConflict); if (glbiConflict != null) { sMsg = String.Format("Feature degree should not conflict, but did with {0}", glbiConflict.Abbrev); } else { sMsg = "Feature degree should not conflict"; } Assert.IsFalse(fResult, sMsg); // check another terminal node with same parent, so there is conflict node = m_doc.SelectSingleNode("//item[@id='vComp']"); glbiNew = new GlossListBoxItem(Cache, node, ".", "", false); fResult = m_LabelGlosses.NewItemConflictsWithExtantItem(glbiNew, out glbiConflict); Assert.IsTrue(fResult, "Comparative should conflict with positive, but did not"); }
public GlossListEventArgs(XmlNode node, string sAfterSeparator, string sComplexNameSeparator, bool fComplexNameFirst) { m_glossListBoxItem = new GlossListBoxItem(node, sAfterSeparator, sComplexNameSeparator, fComplexNameFirst); }
public GlossListEventArgs(GlossListBoxItem glbi) { m_glossListBoxItem = glbi; }
/// <summary> /// Fill in the attributes of a MoGlossItem object based on its corresponding XML node in the etic gloss list tree /// </summary> /// <param name="gi"></param> /// <param name="xn"></param> /// <param name="glbi"></param> private void FillInGlossItemBasedOnXmlNode(MoGlossItem gi, XmlNode xn, GlossListBoxItem glbi) { XmlNode attr = xn.Attributes.GetNamedItem("term"); if (attr == null) { gi.Name.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem = MGAStrings.ksUnknownTerm; } else { gi.Name.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem = attr.Value; } attr = xn.Attributes.GetNamedItem("abbrev"); if (attr == null) { gi.Abbreviation.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem = MGAStrings.ksUnknownAbbreviation; } else { gi.Abbreviation.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem = attr.Value; } attr = xn.Attributes.GetNamedItem("afterSeparator"); if (attr == null) { gi.AfterSeparator = this.AfterSeparator; } else { gi.AfterSeparator = attr.Value; } attr = xn.Attributes.GetNamedItem("complexNameSeparator"); if (attr == null) { gi.ComplexNameSeparator = this.ComplexNameSeparator; } else { gi.ComplexNameSeparator = attr.Value; } attr = xn.Attributes.GetNamedItem("complexNameFirst"); if (attr == null) { gi.ComplexNameFirst = this.ComplexNameFirst; } else { gi.ComplexNameFirst = XmlUtils.GetBooleanAttributeValue(attr.Value); } attr = xn.Attributes.GetNamedItem("type"); attr = xn.Attributes.GetNamedItem("status"); if (attr == null) { gi.Status = true; } else { if (attr.Value == "visible") { gi.Status = true; } else { gi.Status = false; } } attr = xn.Attributes.GetNamedItem("type"); if (attr == null) { gi.Type = (int)SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.Ling.MoGlossItem.ItemType.unknown; } else { switch (attr.Value) { case "complex": gi.Type = (int)SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.Ling.MoGlossItem.ItemType.complex; break; case "deriv": gi.Type = (int)SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.Ling.MoGlossItem.ItemType.deriv; break; case "feature": gi.Type = (int)SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.Ling.MoGlossItem.ItemType.feature; break; case "fsType": gi.Type = (int)SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.Ling.MoGlossItem.ItemType.fsType; break; case "group": gi.Type = (int); break; case "value": gi.Type = (int)SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.Ling.MoGlossItem.ItemType.inflValue; break; case "xref": gi.Type = (int)SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.Ling.MoGlossItem.ItemType.xref; break; default: gi.Type = (int)SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.Ling.MoGlossItem.ItemType.unknown; break; } } }
/// <summary> /// See if the selected item conflicts with any item already inserted into the gloss list box /// </summary> /// <param name="glbiNew">new item to be checked for</param> /// <returns>true if there is a conflict; false otherwise</returns> /// <remarks>Is public for testing</remarks> public bool NewItemConflictsWithExtantItem(GlossListBoxItem glbiNew, out GlossListBoxItem glbiConflict) { CheckDisposed(); glbiConflict = null; if (!glbiNew.IsValue) return false; // only terminal nodes will conflict foreach (GlossListBoxItem item in Items) { if (item.IsValue) { // when they are values and have the same parent, they conflict if (item.XmlNode.ParentNode == glbiNew.XmlNode.ParentNode) { glbiConflict = item; return true; } } } return false; }
public void OnInsertButtonClick(object obj, EventArgs ea) { CheckDisposed(); MasterInflectionFeature mif = (MasterInflectionFeature)treeViewGlossListItem.SelectedNode.Tag; if (mif == null) return; // just to be safe GlossListBoxItem glbiNew = new GlossListBoxItem(m_cache, mif.Node, treeViewGlossListItem.AfterSeparator, treeViewGlossListItem.ComplexNameSeparator, treeViewGlossListItem.ComplexNameFirst); GlossListBoxItem glbiConflict; if (glossListBoxGloss.NewItemConflictsWithExtantItem(glbiNew, out glbiConflict)) { const string ksPath = "/group[@id='Linguistics']/group[@id='Morphology']/group[@id='MGA']/"; string sMsg1 = m_mediator.StringTbl.GetStringWithXPath("ItemConflictDlgMessage", ksPath); string sMsg = String.Format(sMsg1, glbiConflict.ToString()); string sCaption = m_mediator.StringTbl.GetStringWithXPath("ItemConflictDlgCaption", ksPath); MessageBox.Show(sMsg, sCaption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); return; } // raise event GlossListEventArgs glea = new GlossListEventArgs(glbiNew); OnInsertMGAGlossListItem(glea); buttonAcceptGloss.Enabled = true; EnableMoveUpDownButtons(); ShowGloss(); }
/// <summary> /// Fill in the attributes of a MoGlossItem object based on its corresponding XML node in the etic gloss list tree /// </summary> /// <param name="gi"></param> /// <param name="xn"></param> /// <param name="glbi"></param> private void FillInGlossItemBasedOnXmlNode(MoGlossItem gi, XmlNode xn, GlossListBoxItem glbi) { XmlNode attr = xn.Attributes.GetNamedItem("term"); if (attr == null) gi.Name.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem = MGAStrings.ksUnknownTerm; else gi.Name.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem = attr.Value; attr = xn.Attributes.GetNamedItem("abbrev"); if (attr == null) gi.Abbreviation.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem = MGAStrings.ksUnknownAbbreviation; else gi.Abbreviation.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem = attr.Value; attr = xn.Attributes.GetNamedItem("afterSeparator"); if (attr == null) gi.AfterSeparator = this.AfterSeparator; else gi.AfterSeparator = attr.Value; attr = xn.Attributes.GetNamedItem("complexNameSeparator"); if (attr == null) gi.ComplexNameSeparator = this.ComplexNameSeparator; else gi.ComplexNameSeparator= attr.Value; attr = xn.Attributes.GetNamedItem("complexNameFirst"); if (attr == null) gi.ComplexNameFirst = this.ComplexNameFirst; else gi.ComplexNameFirst = XmlUtils.GetBooleanAttributeValue(attr.Value); attr = xn.Attributes.GetNamedItem("type"); attr = xn.Attributes.GetNamedItem("status"); if (attr == null) gi.Status = true; else { if (attr.Value == "visible") gi.Status = true; else gi.Status = false; } attr = xn.Attributes.GetNamedItem("type"); if (attr == null) gi.Type = (int)SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.Ling.MoGlossItem.ItemType.unknown; else { switch(attr.Value) { case "complex": gi.Type = (int)SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.Ling.MoGlossItem.ItemType.complex; break; case "deriv": gi.Type = (int)SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.Ling.MoGlossItem.ItemType.deriv; break; case "feature": gi.Type = (int)SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.Ling.MoGlossItem.ItemType.feature; break; case "fsType": gi.Type = (int)SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.Ling.MoGlossItem.ItemType.fsType; break; case "group": gi.Type = (int); break; case "value": gi.Type = (int)SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.Ling.MoGlossItem.ItemType.inflValue; break; case "xref": gi.Type = (int)SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.Ling.MoGlossItem.ItemType.xref; break; default: gi.Type = (int)SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.Ling.MoGlossItem.ItemType.unknown; break; } } }