Handles finding text
The current implementation doesn't work for different styles, tags, and WSs that are applied by the VC.
Inheritance: FindReplaceCollectorEnvBase
        public void Find_FromMiddle()
            using (var collectorEnv = new FindCollectorEnv(m_vc,
                                                           Cache.DomainDataByFlid, m_para1.Owner.Hvo, (int)StTextFrags.kfrText,
                                                           m_pattern, null))
                // Start in the middle
                SelLevInfo[] levInfo = new SelLevInfo[1];
                levInfo[0].hvo = m_para2.Hvo;
                levInfo[0].tag = StTextTags.kflidParagraphs;
                m_sel          = new CollectorEnv.LocationInfo(levInfo, StTxtParaTags.kflidContents, 5);

                VerifyFindNext(collectorEnv, m_para2.Hvo, 20, 21);
                VerifyFindNext(collectorEnv, m_para2.Hvo, 27, 28);
                VerifyFindNext(collectorEnv, m_para2.Hvo, 44, 45);
                VerifyFindNext(collectorEnv, m_para2.Hvo, 52, 53);
                VerifyFindNext(collectorEnv, m_para2.Hvo, 64, 65);

                // Make sure nothing got replaced by accident.
                Assert.AreEqual("This is some text so that we can test the find functionality.",
                Assert.AreEqual("Some more text so that we can test the find and replace functionality.",
                Assert.AreEqual("This purugruph doesn't contuin the first letter of the ulphubet.",
        public void Find_FromTop()

            FindCollectorEnv collectorEnv = new FindCollectorEnv(m_vc,
                                                                 Cache.MainCacheAccessor, m_para1.OwnerHVO, (int)StTextFrags.kfrText,
                                                                 m_pattern, null);

            // Start at the top
            SelLevInfo[] levInfo = new SelLevInfo[1];
            levInfo[0].hvo = m_para1.Hvo;
            levInfo[0].tag = (int)StText.StTextTags.kflidParagraphs;
            m_sel          = new FindCollectorEnv.LocationInfo(levInfo,
                                                               (int)StTxtPara.StTxtParaTags.kflidContents, 0);

            VerifyFindNext(collectorEnv, m_para1.Hvo, 23, 24);
            VerifyFindNext(collectorEnv, m_para1.Hvo, 30, 31);
            VerifyFindNext(collectorEnv, m_para1.Hvo, 55, 56);
            VerifyFindNext(collectorEnv, m_para2.Hvo, 20, 21);
            VerifyFindNext(collectorEnv, m_para2.Hvo, 27, 28);
            VerifyFindNext(collectorEnv, m_para2.Hvo, 44, 45);
            VerifyFindNext(collectorEnv, m_para2.Hvo, 52, 53);
            VerifyFindNext(collectorEnv, m_para2.Hvo, 64, 65);

            // Make sure nothing got replaced by accident.
            Assert.AreEqual("This is some text so that we can test the find functionality.",
            Assert.AreEqual("Some more text so that we can test the find and replace functionality.",
            Assert.AreEqual("This purugruph doesn't contuin the first letter of the ulphubet.",
 /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 /// <summary>
 /// Verifies the find next.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="collectorEnv">The collector env.</param>
 /// <param name="hvoExpected">The hvo expected.</param>
 /// <param name="ichMinExpected">The ich min expected.</param>
 /// <param name="ichLimExpected">The ich lim expected.</param>
 /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 private void VerifyFindNext(FindCollectorEnv collectorEnv, int hvoExpected,
                             int ichMinExpected, int ichLimExpected)
     CollectorEnv.LocationInfo foundLocation = collectorEnv.FindNext(m_sel);
     Assert.AreEqual(1, foundLocation.m_location.Length);
     Assert.AreEqual(hvoExpected, foundLocation.TopLevelHvo);
     Assert.AreEqual(StTextTags.kflidParagraphs, foundLocation.m_location[0].tag);
     Assert.AreEqual(StTxtParaTags.kflidContents, foundLocation.m_tag);
     Assert.AreEqual(ichMinExpected, foundLocation.m_ichMin);
     Assert.AreEqual(ichLimExpected, foundLocation.m_ichLim);
     m_sel = foundLocation;
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Change the main window which owns this dialog. Since this dialog attempts to stay
		/// alive as long as the app is alive (or, as long as there is a main window open),
		/// the app should call this to re-assign an owner any time the existing owner is
		/// closing.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="cache">The cache belonging to the view.</param>
		/// <param name="rootSite">view</param>
		/// <param name="hwnd">The window handle of the main window that owns the rootsite
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="findPattern">The find/replace pattern of the new owner.</param>
		/// <param name="wsEdit">writing system for the find and replace edit boxes</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public void SetOwner(FdoCache cache, IVwRootSite rootSite, IntPtr hwnd,
			IVwPattern findPattern, int wsEdit)

			m_vwRootsite = rootSite;
			if (m_vwRootsite != null && rootSite.RootBox != null)
				fweditFindText.StyleSheet = fweditReplaceText.StyleSheet = rootSite.RootBox.Stylesheet;

			bool fChangingCache = (m_cache != cache);
			m_cache = cache;
			if (m_cache != null && fChangingCache)
				ILgWritingSystemFactory wsf = m_cache.LanguageWritingSystemFactoryAccessor;
				fweditFindText.WritingSystemFactory = fweditReplaceText.WritingSystemFactory = wsf;
				ITsStrFactory strFact = TsStrFactoryClass.Create();
				FindText = strFact.MakeString(string.Empty, m_cache.DefaultVernWs);
				ReplaceText = strFact.MakeString(string.Empty, m_cache.DefaultVernWs);
				// Make sure each of the edit boxes has a reasonable writing system assigned.
				// (See LT-5130 for what can happen otherwise.)
				// The default verncular is not always reasonable enough.
				fweditFindText.WritingSystemCode = wsEdit;	// m_cache.DefaultVernWs;
				fweditReplaceText.WritingSystemCode = wsEdit; // m_cache.DefaultVernWs;
				FindText = EnsureValidWs(wsEdit, findPattern.Pattern);
				ReplaceText = EnsureValidWs(wsEdit, findPattern.ReplaceWith);
				m_vwPattern = findPattern;
			Control newOwner = Form.FromHandle(hwnd);
			if (newOwner != null && Owner != newOwner && newOwner is Form)
				Owner = (Form)newOwner;
				m_vwselPattern = null;
				m_findEnvironment = null;
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Find the next match based on the current pattern settings
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="fSearchForward">If true, search forward; otherwise search backward</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private void Find(bool fSearchForward)
			// If no find was done before, show the dialog or focus it.
			if (!btnFindNext.Enabled)
				if (!Visible)

			if (m_fLastDirectionForward != fSearchForward)
				// Changing search direction. Reset current selection (resets the search limit)
				m_vwselPattern = null;
				m_fLastDirectionForward = fSearchForward;


			// Get the selection from the root box in order to compare it with the one from
			// the pattern.
			IVwSelection vwselRootb = m_vwRootsite.RootBox.Selection;

			// If the pattern's selection is different from the current selection in the
			// rootbox or if a new search has been started then set things up to begin
			// searching at the current selection.
			bool fFirstTry = (m_vwselPattern == null || m_vwselPattern != vwselRootb);
			if (fFirstTry)
				int hvoRoot, frag;
				IVwViewConstructor vc;
				IVwStylesheet styleSheet;
				m_vwRootsite.RootBox.GetRootObject(out hvoRoot, out vc, out frag, out styleSheet);
				if (fSearchForward)
					m_findEnvironment = new FindCollectorEnv(vc, DataAccess, hvoRoot, frag,
						m_vwPattern, m_searchKiller);
					m_findEnvironment = new ReverseFindCollectorEnv(vc, DataAccess, hvoRoot, frag,
						m_vwPattern, m_searchKiller);
			Debug.Assert(m_findEnvironment != null);

			if (vwselRootb == null)
				vwselRootb = m_vwRootsite.RootBox.MakeSimpleSel(true, true, false, true);

			// Find the pattern.
			if (vwselRootb != null)
				// Even though the find doesn't technically update any data, we don't
				// want the user to be able to change the data underneath us while the
				// find is happening.
				using (new DataUpdateMonitor(this, DataAccess, m_vwRootsite, "Find", true, true))
					// Change the cancel button to a stop
					m_inFind = true;

						if (PatternIsValid())
							m_searchKiller.AbortRequest = false;
							FindFrom(vwselRootb, fSearchForward);
							if (!m_findEnvironment.FoundMatch)
								AttemptWrap(fFirstTry, fSearchForward);
						m_inFind = false;
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Change the main window which owns this dialog. Since this dialog attempts to stay
		/// alive as long as the app is alive (or, as long as there is a main window open),
		/// the app should call this to re-assign an owner any time the existing owner is
		/// closing.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="rootSite">view</param>
		/// <param name="newOwner">The main window that owns the rootsite</param>
		/// <param name="findPattern">The find/replace pattern of the new owner. TODO Review (Hasso) 2015.08: unused</param>
		/// <param name="wsEdit">writing system for the find and replace edit boxes TODO Review (Hasso) 2015.08: unused</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public void SetOwner(IVwRootSite rootSite, Form newOwner, IVwPattern findPattern, int wsEdit)

			m_vwRootsite = rootSite;
			if (m_vwRootsite != null && rootSite.RootBox != null)
				fweditFindText.StyleSheet = fweditReplaceText.StyleSheet = rootSite.RootBox.Stylesheet;

			if (newOwner != null && Owner != newOwner)
				Owner = newOwner;
				m_vwSelectionForPattern = null;
				m_findEnvironment = null;
		private void InitializeFindEnvironment(IVwRootSite rootSite, bool fSearchForward = true)
			int hvoRoot, frag;
			IVwViewConstructor vc;
			IVwStylesheet styleSheet;
			rootSite.RootBox.GetRootObject(out hvoRoot, out vc, out frag, out styleSheet);
			m_findEnvironment = fSearchForward
				? new FindCollectorEnv(vc, DataAccess, hvoRoot, frag, m_vwFindPattern, m_searchKiller)
				: new ReverseFindCollectorEnv(vc, DataAccess, hvoRoot, frag, m_vwFindPattern, m_searchKiller);
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Verifies the find next.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="collectorEnv">The collector env.</param>
		/// <param name="hvoExpected">The hvo expected.</param>
		/// <param name="ichMinExpected">The ich min expected.</param>
		/// <param name="ichLimExpected">The ich lim expected.</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private void VerifyFindNext(FindCollectorEnv collectorEnv, int hvoExpected,
			int ichMinExpected, int ichLimExpected)
			FindCollectorEnv.LocationInfo foundLocation = collectorEnv.FindNext(m_sel);
			Assert.AreEqual(1, foundLocation.m_location.Length);
			Assert.AreEqual(hvoExpected, foundLocation.TopLevelHvo);
			Assert.AreEqual((int)StText.StTextTags.kflidParagraphs, foundLocation.m_location[0].tag);
			Assert.AreEqual((int)StTxtPara.StTxtParaTags.kflidContents, foundLocation.m_tag);
			Assert.AreEqual(ichMinExpected, foundLocation.m_ichMin);
			Assert.AreEqual(ichLimExpected, foundLocation.m_ichLim);
			m_sel = foundLocation;
		public void Find_FromMiddle()

			FindCollectorEnv collectorEnv = new FindCollectorEnv(m_vc,
				Cache.MainCacheAccessor, m_para1.OwnerHVO, (int)StTextFrags.kfrText,
				m_pattern, null);

			// Start in the middle
			SelLevInfo[] levInfo = new SelLevInfo[1];
			levInfo[0].hvo = m_para2.Hvo;
			levInfo[0].tag = (int)StText.StTextTags.kflidParagraphs;
			m_sel = new FindCollectorEnv.LocationInfo(levInfo,
				(int)StTxtPara.StTxtParaTags.kflidContents, 5);

			VerifyFindNext(collectorEnv, m_para2.Hvo, 20, 21);
			VerifyFindNext(collectorEnv, m_para2.Hvo, 27, 28);
			VerifyFindNext(collectorEnv, m_para2.Hvo, 44, 45);
			VerifyFindNext(collectorEnv, m_para2.Hvo, 52, 53);
			VerifyFindNext(collectorEnv, m_para2.Hvo, 64, 65);

			// Make sure nothing got replaced by accident.
			Assert.AreEqual("This is some text so that we can test the find functionality.",
			Assert.AreEqual("Some more text so that we can test the find and replace functionality.",
			Assert.AreEqual("This purugruph doesn't contuin the first letter of the ulphubet.",