protected override void ValidateSegForms(object expectedSegForm, object actualSegForm, string segFormContext) { string msg = "Mismatched {0} in {1}."; // Get the paragraph string corresponding to the annotation. ICmBaseAnnotation cbaExpected = CmBaseAnnotation.CreateFromDBObject(m_cache, (int)expectedSegForm); // first make sure we have a txt item. if (IsLineEnabled(InterlinLineChoices.kflidWord)) { ITsString tssExpectedForm = m_para.Contents.UnderlyingTsString.GetSubstring(cbaExpected.BeginOffset, cbaExpected.EndOffset); string lang = "xkal"; // Review: get WsLabel from tssExpectedForm. string actualForm = ""; if (cbaExpected.AnnotationTypeRAHvo == TwficAnnotationType) actualForm = m_reader.GetItemInnerText(actualSegForm as XmlNode, "txt", lang); else if (cbaExpected.AnnotationTypeRAHvo == PunctuationAnnotationType) actualForm = m_reader.GetItemInnerText(actualSegForm as XmlNode, "punct", lang); Assert.AreEqual(tssExpectedForm.Text, actualForm, String.Format(msg, "word", segFormContext)); } // if WordGloss is enabled, verify it. if (IsLineEnabled(InterlinLineChoices.kflidWordGloss)) { string lang = "en"; string actualWordGloss = m_reader.GetItemInnerText(actualSegForm as XmlNode, "gls", lang); if (cbaExpected.AnnotationTypeRAHvo == PunctuationAnnotationType) { // must be a punctuation (non-wfic) Assert.AreEqual("", actualWordGloss); } else { WfiGloss expectedGloss = null; int clsId = m_cache.GetClassOfObject(cbaExpected.InstanceOfRAHvo); if (clsId == WfiGloss.kclsidWfiGloss) { expectedGloss = new WfiGloss(m_cache, cbaExpected.InstanceOfRAHvo); } else if (clsId == WfiWordform.kclsidWfiWordform) { // should be a twfic so get its guess. StTxtPara.TwficInfo cbaInfo = new StTxtPara.TwficInfo(m_cache, cbaExpected.Hvo); int hvoExpectedGloss = cbaInfo.GetGuess(); if (hvoExpectedGloss != 0) expectedGloss = new WfiGloss(m_cache, hvoExpectedGloss); } // TODO: There are cases for other classes (e.g. WfiAnalysis) but // the tests do not generate those right now, so we won't worry about them right now. if (expectedGloss != null) Assert.AreEqual(expectedGloss.Form.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem, actualWordGloss); else Assert.AreEqual("", actualWordGloss); } } // validate morph bundle lines. if (IsLineEnabled(InterlinLineChoices.kflidMorphemes) || IsLineEnabled(InterlinLineChoices.kflidLexEntries) || IsLineEnabled(InterlinLineChoices.kflidLexGloss) || IsLineEnabled(InterlinLineChoices.kflidLexPos)) { // compare exported document to the LexEntries information in the WfiAnalysis int hvoWfiAnalysis = 0; if (cbaExpected.AnnotationTypeRAHvo != PunctuationAnnotationType) hvoWfiAnalysis = WfiAnalysis.GetWfiAnalysisFromInstanceOf(m_cache, cbaExpected.Hvo); List<XmlNode> morphNodes = m_reader.GetMorphNodes(actualSegForm as XmlNode); if (hvoWfiAnalysis == 0) { // make sure we don't have any morphs. Assert.IsEmpty(morphNodes); } else { IWfiAnalysis wfiAnalysis = WfiAnalysis.CreateFromDBObject(m_cache, hvoWfiAnalysis); foreach (WfiMorphBundle morphBundle in wfiAnalysis.MorphBundlesOS) { int iMorph = morphBundle.OwnOrd - 1; string morphContext = segFormContext + "/Morph(" + iMorph +")"; XmlNode actualMorphNode = iMorph < morphNodes.Count ? morphNodes[iMorph] : null; if (actualMorphNode == null) Assert.Fail(String.Format(msg, "missing morph", morphContext)); ITsString tssLexEntry = null; int hvoMorph = morphBundle.MorphRAHvo; if (hvoMorph != 0) { // first test the morph form if (IsLineEnabled(InterlinLineChoices.kflidMorphemes)) { string actualMorphForm = m_reader.GetItemInnerText(actualMorphNode as XmlNode, "txt", "xkal"); Assert.AreEqual(morphBundle.MorphRA.Form.VernacularDefaultWritingSystem, actualMorphForm, String.Format(msg, "morph/txt", morphContext)); } // next test the lex entry if (IsLineEnabled(InterlinLineChoices.kflidLexEntries)) { string actualLexEntry = m_reader.GetItemInnerText(actualMorphNode as XmlNode, "cf", "xkal"); string actualHomograph = m_reader.GetItemInnerText(actualMorphNode as XmlNode, "hn", "en"); string actualVariantTypes = m_reader.GetItemInnerText(actualMorphNode as XmlNode, "variantTypes", "en"); tssLexEntry = InterlinDocChild.GetLexEntryTss(m_cache, morphBundle, m_cache.DefaultVernWs); Assert.AreEqual(tssLexEntry.Text, actualLexEntry + actualHomograph + actualVariantTypes, String.Format(msg, "morph/cf[hn|variantTypes]", morphContext)); } if (IsLineEnabled(InterlinLineChoices.kflidLexGloss)) { string actualLexGloss = m_reader.GetItemInnerText(actualMorphNode as XmlNode, "gls", "en"); string expectedGloss = ""; if (morphBundle.SenseRA != null && morphBundle.SenseRA.Gloss != null) expectedGloss = morphBundle.SenseRA.Gloss.AnalysisDefaultWritingSystem; Assert.AreEqual(expectedGloss, actualLexGloss, String.Format(msg, "morph/gls", morphContext)); } if (IsLineEnabled(InterlinLineChoices.kflidLexPos)) { string actualLexMsa = m_reader.GetItemInnerText(actualMorphNode as XmlNode, "msa", "en"); string expectedMsa = ""; if (morphBundle.SenseRA != null && morphBundle.SenseRA.MorphoSyntaxAnalysisRA != null) expectedMsa = morphBundle.SenseRA.MorphoSyntaxAnalysisRA.InterlinearAbbr; Assert.AreEqual(expectedMsa, actualLexMsa, String.Format(msg, "morph/msa", morphContext)); } } } Assert.AreEqual(wfiAnalysis.MorphBundlesOS.Count, morphNodes.Count); } } }
private void ValidateGuesses(List<int> expectedGuesses, StTxtPara paraWithGuesses) { List<int> segsParaGuesses = paraWithGuesses.Segments; int iExpectedGuess = 0; foreach (int hvoSegParaGuesses in segsParaGuesses) { List<int> segFormsParaGuesses = paraWithGuesses.SegmentForms(hvoSegParaGuesses); Assert.AreEqual(expectedGuesses.Count, segFormsParaGuesses.Count); foreach (int hvoSegFormParaGuesses in segFormsParaGuesses) { int hvoGuessActual = 0; CmBaseAnnotation cba = new CmBaseAnnotation(Cache, hvoSegFormParaGuesses); if (cba.InstanceOfRAHvo != 0) { // should be a twfic so get it's guess. StTxtPara.TwficInfo cbaInfo = new StTxtPara.TwficInfo(Cache, cba.Hvo); hvoGuessActual = cbaInfo.GetGuess(); } Assert.AreEqual(expectedGuesses[iExpectedGuess], hvoGuessActual, "Guess mismatch"); iExpectedGuess++; } } }