/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="HeaderFooterConfigurer"/> class.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="cache">The cache representing our DB connection.</param>
		/// <param name="hvoHeaderFooterSet">Id of the header/footer set to be used</param>
		/// <param name="wsDefault">Default writing system</param>
		/// <param name="printDateTime">printing date/time</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public HeaderFooterConfigurer(FdoCache cache, int hvoHeaderFooterSet, int wsDefault,
			DateTime printDateTime)
			m_fdoCache = cache;
			if (hvoHeaderFooterSet > 0)
				m_hfSet = new PubHFSet(m_fdoCache, hvoHeaderFooterSet);
			m_wsDefault = wsDefault;
			m_printDateTime = printDateTime;
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates 2 fake HF sets for use in testing
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>the created publication</returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private IPublication CreateFakeHFSets()
			// create a publication
			IPublication pub = new Publication();
			IPubDivision pubDiv = new PubDivision();

			// create the current HF set for the publication
			pubDiv.HFSetOA = new PubHFSet();
			pubDiv.HFSetOA.DefaultHeaderOA = new PubHeader();
			pubDiv.HFSetOA.DefaultFooterOA = new PubHeader();
			pubDiv.HFSetOA.FirstHeaderOA = new PubHeader();
			pubDiv.HFSetOA.FirstFooterOA = new PubHeader();
			pubDiv.HFSetOA.EvenHeaderOA = new PubHeader();
			pubDiv.HFSetOA.EvenFooterOA = new PubHeader();
			pubDiv.HFSetOA.Name = "Test HF Set of Matthew printed in Tabaluga";

			// create a dummy HF set
			IPubHFSet hfset = new PubHFSet();
			hfset.Name = "Test HF Set created today";
			hfset.Description.Text = "This is a test HF set";
			hfset.DefaultHeaderOA = new PubHeader();
			hfset.DefaultFooterOA = new PubHeader();
			hfset.EvenHeaderOA = new PubHeader();
			hfset.EvenFooterOA = new PubHeader();
			hfset.FirstFooterOA = new PubHeader();
			hfset.FirstHeaderOA = new PubHeader();
			hfset.DefaultFooterOA.OutsideAlignedText.Text = "outside text";
			hfset.DefaultFooterOA.CenteredText.Text = "Song of songs";
			hfset.EvenHeaderOA.CenteredText.Text = "Song even pages";
			hfset.EvenHeaderOA.InsideAlignedText.Text = "Inside text";
			hfset.FirstFooterOA.InsideAlignedText.Text = "Inside text";

			// create another dummy HF set
			IPubHFSet hfset2 = new PubHFSet();
			hfset2.Name = "Test HF Set of Matthew printed in Tabaluga";
			hfset2.Description.Text = "This is another test HF set";
			hfset2.DefaultHeaderOA = new PubHeader();
			hfset2.DefaultFooterOA = new PubHeader();
			hfset2.EvenHeaderOA = new PubHeader();
			hfset2.EvenFooterOA = new PubHeader();
			hfset2.FirstFooterOA = new PubHeader();
			hfset2.FirstHeaderOA = new PubHeader();
			hfset2.DefaultHeaderOA.OutsideAlignedText.UnderlyingTsString =
				FwObjDataTypes.kodtContextString, Cache.DefaultUserWs);
			hfset2.DefaultFooterOA.CenteredText.Text = "Matthew";
			hfset2.EvenFooterOA.CenteredText.Text = "From Reference";
			hfset2.EvenHeaderOA.InsideAlignedText.Text = "nothing";
			hfset2.FirstFooterOA.InsideAlignedText.Text = "Inside text";

			return pub;
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Called when the add button is pressed
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="sender"></param>
		/// <param name="e"></param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		protected void m_btnAdd_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
			PubHFSet HFSet = new PubHFSet();
			HFSet.DefaultFooterOA = new PubHeader();
			HFSet.DefaultHeaderOA = new PubHeader();
			HFSet.FirstFooterOA = new PubHeader();
			HFSet.FirstHeaderOA = new PubHeader();
			HFSet.EvenFooterOA = new PubHeader();
			HFSet.EvenHeaderOA = new PubHeader();

			using (HeaderFooterModifyDlg dlg = new HeaderFooterModifyDlg(m_cache, HFSet as IPubHFSet, m_pub, m_helpProvider))
				if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
					// We don't want a new PubHFSet after all...
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Brings up the header footer setup dialog from the View menu
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="arg"></param>
		/// <returns><c>true</c> if handled, otherwise <c>false</c></returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		protected bool OnHeaderFooterSetup(object arg)
			if (CurrentPublication == null)
				return false;

			string undo;
			string redo;
			TeResourceHelper.MakeUndoRedoLabels("kstidUndoRedoHeaderFooterSetup", out undo,
				out redo);
			using (UndoTaskHelper undoTaskHelper = new UndoTaskHelper(m_cache.MainCacheAccessor,
					  ActiveView.CastAsIVwRootSite(), undo, redo, true))
				Dictionary<IPubDivision, DivInfo> divHfSets = new Dictionary<IPubDivision, DivInfo>();
				foreach (IPubDivision div in CurrentPublication.DivisionsOS)
					divHfSets[div] = new DivInfo(div);

				// Save the names and hvos of the HF sets before going into the dialog.
				// In case the user changes the name of one or more sets, we need to
				// be able to get back to the original names.
				Dictionary<string, int> origHfSets = new Dictionary<string, int>();
				foreach (IPubHFSet hfs in m_scr.HeaderFooterSetsOC)
					origHfSets[hfs.Name] = hfs.Hvo;

				// get default writing system. Use the default vernacular writing system
				// if the ScripturePublication is null.
				ScripturePublication scrPubControl = ActiveView as ScripturePublication;

				using (HeaderFooterSetupDlg dlg = new HeaderFooterSetupDlg(m_cache, CurrentPublication,
					FwApp.App, TePublicationsInit.FactoryHeaderFooterSets, (CmMajorObject)m_scr))

					// If the H/F set for any of the divisions of the current publication has changed
					// refresh its view
					foreach (IPubDivision div in CurrentPublication.DivisionsOS)
						if (divHfSets[div] != new DivInfo(div))

					// Need to refresh the views for any other publications that are
					// using an H/F set that was modified
					foreach (ISelectableView view in ClientWindows.Values)
						PublicationControl pubCtrl = view as PublicationControl;
						if (pubCtrl != null && pubCtrl != ActiveView)
							foreach (IPubDivision div in pubCtrl.Publication.DivisionsOS)
								// Lookup the hvo for the changed HF set based on the
								// original name, which is still stored in the division.
								int hfHvo;
								if (origHfSets.TryGetValue(div.HFSetOA.Name, out hfHvo) &&
									IPubHFSet scrHFset = new PubHFSet(m_cache, hfHvo);
			return true;