GetTss() public method

Get the TsString of the property where the given selection limit is located. This gets the entire TSS of the paragraph, not just the selected portion.
public GetTss ( SelLimitType limit ) : ITsString
limit SelLimitType the part of the selection where tss is to be retrieved (top, /// bottom, end, anchor)
return ITsString
		private bool SelIsInEmptyTranslation(SelectionHelper helper, int flid, int hvo)
			if (helper.IsRange)
				return false; // range can't be in empty comment.
			if (flid != SegmentTags.kflidFreeTranslation && flid != SegmentTags.kflidLiteralTranslation)
				return false; // translation is always a comment.
			if (helper.GetTss(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Anchor).Length != 0)
				return false; // translation is non-empty.
			return true;
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Common utility for the CurrentRef* properties
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="selection"></param>
		/// <param name="selLimit">The limit of the selection (anchor, end, etc.) to get the
		/// reference of</param>
		/// <returns>the start and end reference of the given selection, as an array of two
		/// ScrReference objects</returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		protected virtual ScrReference[] GetCurrentRefRange(SelectionHelper selection,
			SelectionHelper.SelLimitType selLimit)
			if (m_cache == null || selection == null || BookFilter == null)
				return new ScrReference[] {ScrReference.Empty, ScrReference.Empty};

			ILocationTracker tracker = ((ITeView)Control).LocationTracker;

			// If there is a current book...
			BCVRef start = new BCVRef();
			BCVRef end = new BCVRef();

			int iBook = tracker.GetBookIndex(selection, selLimit);
			if (iBook >= 0 && BookFilter.BookCount > 0)
					ScrBook book = BookFilter.GetBook(iBook);

					// if there is not a current section, then use the book and chapter/verse of 0.
					int hvoSection = tracker.GetSectionHvo(CurrentSelection, selLimit);
					if (hvoSection >= 0)
						// If there is a section...
						ScrSection section = new ScrSection(m_cache, hvoSection);
						int paraHvo = selection.GetLevelInfoForTag(
							(int)StText.StTextTags.kflidParagraphs, selLimit).hvo;
						ScrTxtPara scrPara = new ScrTxtPara(m_cache, paraHvo);
						// Get the ich at either the beginning or the end of the selection,
						// as specified with limit. (NB that this is relative to the property, not the whole paragraph.)
						int ich;
						// Get the TsString, whether in vern or BT
						ITsString tss;
						SelLevInfo segInfo;
						int refWs;
						if (selection.GetLevelInfoForTag(StTxtPara.SegmentsFlid(Cache), selLimit, out segInfo))
							// selection is in a segmented BT segment. Figure the reference based on where the segment is
							// in the underlying paragraph.
							tss = scrPara.Contents.UnderlyingTsString; // for check below on range of ich.
							CmBaseAnnotation seg = new CmBaseAnnotation(Cache, segInfo.hvo);
							ich = seg.BeginOffset;
							Debug.Assert(seg.BeginObjectRAHvo == scrPara.Hvo);
							refWs = -1; // ich is in the paragraph itself, not some CmTranslation
							ich = selection.GetIch(selLimit);
							// Get the TsString, whether in vern or BT
							tss = selection.GetTss(selLimit);
							refWs = GetCurrentBtWs(selLimit); // figures out whether it's in a CmTranslation or the para itself.
						Debug.Assert(tss == null || ich <= tss.Length);
						if (tss != null && ich <= tss.Length)
							scrPara.GetBCVRefAtPosition(refWs, ich, true, out start, out end);

							// If the chapter number is 0, then use the chapter from the section reference
							if (end.Chapter == 0)
								end.Chapter = BCVRef.GetChapterFromBcv(section.VerseRefMin);
							if (start.Chapter == 0)
								start.Chapter = BCVRef.GetChapterFromBcv(section.VerseRefMin);
						// either it didn't find a level or it didn't find an index. Either way,
						// it couldn't find a section.
						start.Book = end.Book = book.CanonicalNum;
					// Bummer man, something went wrong... don't sweat it though, it happens...
					// This can occur if you are in the introduction or other location that lacks
					// relevant information or other necessary stuff.
			return new ScrReference[] {new ScrReference(start, m_scr.Versification),
				new ScrReference(end, m_scr.Versification)}; ;
		private bool SelIsInEmptyTranslation(SelectionHelper helper, int flid, int hvo)
			if (helper.IsRange)
				return false; // range can't be in empty comment.
			if (flid != (int)CmAnnotation.CmAnnotationTags.kflidComment)
				return false; // translation is always a comment.
			if (helper.GetTss(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Anchor).Length != 0)
				return false; // translation is non-empty.
			int hvoType = Cache.GetObjProperty(hvo, (int)CmAnnotation.CmAnnotationTags.kflidAnnotationType);
			return (hvoType == m_vc.FtSegmentDefn || hvoType == m_vc.LtSegmentDefn);
		protected int GetIndexToRemove(int[] hvos, SelectionHelper sel, bool forward)
			int hvo = GetItemHvo(sel, SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Top);
			for (int i = 0; i < hvos.Length; i++)
				if (hvos[i] == hvo)
					ITsString tss = sel.GetTss(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Anchor);
					// if the current ich is at the end of the current string, then we can safely assume
					// we are at the end of the current item, so remove it or the next item based on what
					// key was pressed, otherwise we are in the middle in which
					// case the entire item is selected, or at the beginning, so we remove it or the previous
					// item based on what key was pressed
					if (sel.IchAnchor == tss.Length)
						if (forward)
							return i == hvos.Length ? -1 : i + 1;
							return i;
						if (forward)
							return i == hvos.Length ? -1 : i;
							return i - 1;

			return -1;
		protected int GetIndexToRemove(ICmObject[] objs, SelectionHelper sel, bool forward)
			ICmObject obj = GetCmObject(sel, SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Top);
			for (int i = 0; i < objs.Length; i++)
				if (objs[i] == obj)
					var tss = sel.GetTss(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Anchor);
					// if the current ich is at the end of the current string, then we can safely assume
					// we are at the end of the current item, so remove it or the next item based on what
					// key was pressed, otherwise we are in the middle in which
					// case the entire item is selected, or at the beginning, so we remove it or the previous
					// item based on what key was pressed
					if (sel.IchAnchor == tss.Length)
						if (forward)
							return i == objs.Length ? -1 : i + 1;
						return i;
					if (forward)
						return i == objs.Length ? -1 : i;
					return i - 1;

			return -1;
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Common utility for the CurrentRef* properties
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="selhelper">The selection helper representing the current selection
		/// (or sometimes the current reduced to an IP)</param>
		/// <param name="selLimit">The limit of the selection (anchor, end, etc.) to get the
		/// reference of</param>
		/// <returns>the start and end reference of the given selection, as an array of two
		/// ScrReference objects</returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		protected ScrReference[] GetCurrentRefRange(SelectionHelper selhelper,
			SelectionHelper.SelLimitType selLimit)
			if (m_cache == null || selhelper == null || BookFilter == null)
				return new ScrReference[] {ScrReference.Empty, ScrReference.Empty};

			ILocationTracker tracker = ((ITeView)Control).LocationTracker;

			// If there is a current book...
			BCVRef start = new BCVRef();
			BCVRef end = new BCVRef();
			int iBook = tracker.GetBookIndex(selhelper, selLimit);
			if (iBook >= 0 && BookFilter.BookCount > 0)
					IScrBook book = BookFilter.GetBook(iBook);

					// if there is not a current section, then use the book and chapter/verse of 0.
					IScrSection section = tracker.GetSection(selhelper, selLimit);
					if (section != null)
						// If there is a section...
						int paraHvo = selhelper.GetLevelInfoForTag(StTextTags.kflidParagraphs, selLimit).hvo;
						IScrTxtPara scrPara = m_cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<IScrTxtParaRepository>().GetObject(paraHvo);
						// Get the ich at either the beginning or the end of the selection,
						// as specified with limit. (NB that this is relative to the property, not the whole paragraph.)
						int ich;
						// Get the TsString, whether in vern or BT
						ITsString tss;
						int refWs;
						SelLevInfo segInfo;
						int textPropTag = 0;
						if (selhelper.GetLevelInfoForTag(StTxtParaTags.kflidSegments, selLimit, out segInfo))
							// selection is in a segmented BT segment. Figure the reference based on where the segment is
							// in the underlying paragraph.
							tss = scrPara.Contents; // for check below on range of ich.
							ISegment seg = m_repoSegment.GetObject(segInfo.hvo);
							ich = seg.BeginOffset;
							Debug.Assert(seg.Paragraph == scrPara);
							refWs = -1; // ich is in the paragraph itself, not some CmTranslation
							textPropTag = selhelper.GetTextPropId(selLimit);
							if (textPropTag == SimpleRootSite.kTagUserPrompt)
								ich = 0;
								tss = null;
								ich = selhelper.GetIch(selLimit);
								tss = selhelper.GetTss(selLimit); // Get the TsString, whether in vern or BT
								if (ich < 0 || tss == null)
									HandleFootnoteAnchorIconSelected(selhelper.Selection, (hvo, flid, wsDummy, ichAnchor) =>
										SelectionHelper helperTemp = new SelectionHelper(selhelper);
										ich = helperTemp.IchAnchor = helperTemp.IchEnd = ichAnchor;
										helperTemp.SetSelection(false, false);
										tss = helperTemp.GetTss(selLimit);
							refWs = GetCurrentBtWs(selLimit); // figures out whether it's in a CmTranslation or the para itself.
						Debug.Assert(tss == null || ich <= tss.Length);
						if ((tss != null && ich <= tss.Length) || textPropTag == SimpleRootSite.kTagUserPrompt)
							scrPara.GetRefsAtPosition(refWs, ich, true, out start, out end);

							// If the chapter number is 0, then use the chapter from the section reference
							if (end.Chapter == 0)
								end.Chapter = BCVRef.GetChapterFromBcv(section.VerseRefMin);
							if (start.Chapter == 0)
								start.Chapter = BCVRef.GetChapterFromBcv(section.VerseRefMin);
						// either it didn't find a level or it didn't find an index. Either way,
						// it couldn't find a section.
						start.Book = end.Book = book.CanonicalNum;
					// Bummer man, something went wrong... don't sweat it though, it happens...
					// This can occur if you are in the introduction or other location that lacks
					// relevant information or other necessary stuff.
			return new ScrReference[] {new ScrReference(start, m_scr.Versification),
				new ScrReference(end, m_scr.Versification)}; ;