/// <summary>
        /// Set arguments Context values from arguments Controllers values.
        /// </summary>
        public override void UpdateContext()
            foreach (ArgumentController lArgument in InputFields)
                // Argument value.
                Context.SetInputFieldValue(lArgument.Name, lArgument.Value);

                // Argument enable.
                Context.SetInputFieldEnabled(lArgument.Name, lArgument.Enabled);

                ArgumentOVPreloadController lArgumentOVPreload = lArgument as ArgumentOVPreloadController;
                if (lArgumentOVPreload != null)
                    Context.SetInputFieldSupplementaryInfo(lArgument.Name, lArgumentOVPreload.Editor.DisplaySetAttributes);

                    if (lArgumentOVPreload.OrderCriteria != null)
                        Context.SetInputFieldOrderCriteria(lArgument.Name, lArgumentOVPreload.OrderCriteria.Name);

                // Set Multi-Selection.
                Context.SetMultiSelectionInputFieldValue(lArgument.Name, lArgument.MultiSelectionAllowed);

        /// <summary>
        /// Create and build context structure to this controller.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void ConfigureInitialContext()
            // Only the first time is called, before create new arguments context.

            // Initialize the context with the information from the arguments
            foreach (ArgumentController lArgument in InputFields)
                // if argument does not exist it is created (Gets or Create).
                IUContextArgumentInfo lContextArgumentInfo = Context.GetInputField(lArgument.Name);

                // Set Value and Enabled to the context
                lContextArgumentInfo.Value   = lArgument.Value;
                lContextArgumentInfo.Enabled = true;

                lContextArgumentInfo.Visible     = true;
                lContextArgumentInfo.NullAllowed = lArgument.NullAllowed;
                lContextArgumentInfo.Mandatory   = lArgument.Mandatory;

                lContextArgumentInfo.MultiSelectionAllowed = lArgument.MultiSelectionAllowed;

                // If is Preload set displayset attributes & OrderCriteria.
                ArgumentOVPreloadController lArgumentOVPreload = lArgument as ArgumentOVPreloadController;
                if (lArgumentOVPreload != null)
                    lContextArgumentInfo.SupplementaryInfo = lArgumentOVPreload.Editor.DisplaySetAttributes;

                    if (lArgumentOVPreload.OrderCriteria != null)
                        lContextArgumentInfo.OrderCriteria = lArgumentOVPreload.OrderCriteria.Name;

        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the context data and configurations to input fields controller.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">IUInputFieldsContext reference.</param>
        protected virtual void ConfigureInputFieldsByContext(IUInputFieldsContext context)
            mEnabledChangeArgument = false;

            if (context != null)
                // Set the input fields values from context values.
                foreach (ArgumentController lArgument in InputFields)
                    // Preload population associated to the argument.
                    if (context.GetInputFieldPreloadPopulationInitialized(lArgument.Name))
                        ArgumentOVPreloadController lOVPreloadArgument = lArgument as ArgumentOVPreloadController;
                        if (lOVPreloadArgument != null)
                            context.SetInputFieldPreloadPopulationInitialized(lArgument.Name, false);

                    // Set Value.
                    lArgument.Value = context.GetInputFieldValue(lArgument.Name);

                    // Set Enable.
                    lArgument.Enabled = context.GetInputFieldEnabled(lArgument.Name);

                    // Set Mandatory.
                    lArgument.Mandatory = context.GetInputFieldMandatory(lArgument.Name);
                    // Set Visible.
                    lArgument.Visible = context.GetInputFieldVisible(lArgument.Name);
                    ArgumentOVController lOVArgument = lArgument as ArgumentOVController;
                    // When the argument is OV, it is possible to exits multiselection
                    if (lOVArgument != null)
                        if ((lOVArgument.Enabled) && (lOVArgument.MultiSelectionAllowed))
                            List <Oid> lInstancesSelected = lOVArgument.Value as List <Oid>;
                            if ((lInstancesSelected != null) && (lInstancesSelected.Count > 1))
                                // Is there is multiselection and more than one selected,
                                // the oid editors must be disable.
                                lOVArgument.EnabledEditors = false;
                foreach (ArgumentController lArgument in InputFields)
                    // Set the focus to the editor.
                    if (context.GetInputFieldFocused(lArgument.Name))
                        lArgument.Focused = true;
                        // After setting the focus to the editor,
                        // the focus of the input fields is cleared.

            mEnabledChangeArgument = true;