private void QueryBotton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (QueryOptions.Text == "Employee's Salaries") { SalaryQuery s = new SalaryQuery(); s.Show(); } else if (QueryOptions.Text == "Players In Specific teams") { PlayersInEachTeamQuery pl = new PlayersInEachTeamQuery(); pl.Show(); } else if (QueryOptions.Text == "Employees in Specifc Department") { EmployeesDepartmentQuery eq = new EmployeesDepartmentQuery(); eq.Show(); } else if (QueryOptions.Text == "Employment date") { EmploymentdurationQuery eq = new EmploymentdurationQuery(); eq.Show(); } else if (QueryOptions.Text == "ChampionShips Results") { QueryChampionShips_RESULTS_ qr = new QueryChampionShips_RESULTS_(); qr.Show(); } else if (QueryOptions.Text == "Teams in Specific ChampionShip") { TeamChampionShipsQuery s = new TeamChampionShipsQuery(); s.Show(); } else if (QueryOptions.Text == "Players Age") { AGE s = new AGE(); s.Show(); } else if (QueryOptions.Text == "Coach with highest Score") { coachgrid cg = new coachgrid(); cg.Show(); } else if (QueryOptions.Text == "Best Sponores Deal") { Bsponsor bs = new Bsponsor(); bs.Show(); } else if (QueryOptions.Text == "Champions in Specific Place") { placech ch = new placech(); ch.Show(); } else if (QueryOptions.Text == "Championship type") { typech tch = new typech(); tch.Show(); } this.Close(); }
private void button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { EmployeesDepartmentQuery eq = new EmployeesDepartmentQuery(); eq.Show(); this.Close(); }
private void QueryBotton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (QueryOptions.Text == "Employee's Salaries") { SalaryQuery s = new SalaryQuery(); s.Show(); } else if (QueryOptions.Text == "Players In Specific teams") { PlayersInEachTeamQuery pl = new PlayersInEachTeamQuery(); pl.Show(); } else if (QueryOptions.Text == "Employees in Specifc Department") { EmployeesDepartmentQuery eq = new EmployeesDepartmentQuery(); eq.Show(); } else if (QueryOptions.Text == "Employment date") { EmploymentdurationQuery eq = new EmploymentdurationQuery(); eq.Show(); } else if (QueryOptions.Text == "ChampionShips Results") { QueryChampionShips_RESULTS_ qr = new QueryChampionShips_RESULTS_(); qr.Show(); } else if (QueryOptions.Text == "Teams in Specific ChampionShip") { TeamChampionShipsQuery s = new TeamChampionShipsQuery(); s.Show(); } this.Close(); }
private void QueryBotton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (QueryOptions.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please Choose A Query !"); } else if (QueryOptions.Text == "Employee's Salaries") { SalaryQuery s = new SalaryQuery(); s.Show(); this.Close(); } else if (QueryOptions.Text == "Search by championship name") { searchbyname sn = new searchbyname(); sn.Show(); this.Close(); } else if (QueryOptions.Text == "Players Filtration") { playersfiltration p = new playersfiltration(); p.Show(); this.Close(); } else if (QueryOptions.Text == "Players In Specific teams") { PlayersInEachTeamQuery pl = new PlayersInEachTeamQuery(); pl.Show(); this.Close(); } else if (QueryOptions.Text == "Employees in Specifc Department") { EmployeesDepartmentQuery eq = new EmployeesDepartmentQuery(); eq.Show(); this.Close(); } else if (QueryOptions.Text == "Employment date") { EmploymentdurationQuery eq = new EmploymentdurationQuery(); eq.Show(); this.Close(); } else if (QueryOptions.Text == "ChampionShips Results") { QueryChampionShips_RESULTS_ qr = new QueryChampionShips_RESULTS_(); qr.Show(); this.Close(); } else if (QueryOptions.Text == "Teams in Specific ChampionShip") { TeamChampionShipsQuery s = new TeamChampionShipsQuery(); s.Show(); this.Close(); } else if (QueryOptions.Text == "Players Age") { AGE s = new AGE(); s.Show(); this.Close(); } else if (QueryOptions.Text == "Coach with highest Score") { coachgrid cg = new coachgrid(); cg.Show(); this.Close(); } else if (QueryOptions.Text == "Best Sponores Deal") { Bsponsor bs = new Bsponsor(); bs.Show(); this.Close(); } else if (QueryOptions.Text == "ChampionShips in Specific Place") { placech ch = new placech(); ch.Show(); this.Close(); } else if (QueryOptions.Text == "Championship Type") { typech tch = new typech(); tch.Show(); this.Close(); } else if (QueryOptions.Text == "Employee's Age") { employees_age ee = new employees_age(); ee.Show(); this.Close(); } }