public static void ValidateProvidersDisplayed()
            var skillArea = Constants.skillArea;
            var radius    = Constants.radius;

            String postcodeRadius = Convert.ToString(radius);

            postcodeRadius = Regex.Replace(postcodeRadius, "[^.0-9]", "");
            int _postcodeRadius = Convert.ToInt32(postcodeRadius);

            String query = ("select DISTINCT(p.Name), pv.Postcode, PV.Latitude, PV.Longitude from ProviderQualification pq, Qualification q, QualificationRouteMapping qrpm, provider p, ProviderVenue pv, route r where p.Id = pv.ProviderId and pv.Id = pq.ProviderVenueId and pq.QualificationId = q.Id and = qrpm.QualificationId and qrpm.RouteId = r.Id and r.Name = '" + skillArea + "' and pv.Latitude is not null and pv.Longitude is not null and pv.isenabledforreferral = 1 and p.iscdfprovider=1 and p.isenabledforreferral=1 and Q.IsDeleted = '0'");

            var queryResults = SqlDatabaseConncetionHelper.ReadDataFromDataBase(query, Configurator.GetConfiguratorInstance().GetMatchingServiceConnectionString());

            String Name;
            String Postcode;
            double Latitude;
            double Longitude;
            int    providerCount = 0;

            foreach (object[] fieldNo in queryResults)
                //Assign values to variables from the SQL query run
                Name      = fieldNo[0].ToString();
                Postcode  = (fieldNo[1].ToString());
                Latitude  = Convert.ToDouble(fieldNo[2]);
                Longitude = Convert.ToDouble(fieldNo[3]);

                //longitude and latitude values for postcode B43 6JN
                double postcodeLong = -1.93253;
                double postcodelat  = 52.54834;
                //Calculate the distance of each postcode from postcode B43 6JN
                double distanceFromPostcode = DistanceBetweenPlaces(Longitude, Latitude, postcodeLong, postcodelat);

                //if the postcode is within 25 miles of B43 6JN, verify the provider name and postcode is displayed on screen
                if (distanceFromPostcode <= _postcodeRadius)
                    Console.WriteLine("Distance is less than " + _postcodeRadius + " miles. Provider name is " + Name + " " + Postcode + " distance is  " + distanceFromPostcode);
                    providerCount = providerCount + 1;

                    // VerifyProviderDisplayed(Name);
                    // VerifyProviderPostcodeDisplayed(Postcode);
            ScenarioContext.Current["SearchResultsCount"] = providerCount;
        public static void AllProviders_TwoSkillArea()
            int _postcodeRadius = 30;

            String query = ("select DISTINCT(p.Name), pv.Postcode, PV.Latitude, PV.Longitude,PV.ID from ProviderQualification pq, Qualification q, QualificationRouteMapping qrpm, provider p, ProviderVenue pv, route r where p.Id = pv.ProviderId and pv.Id = pq.ProviderVenueId and pq.QualificationId = q.Id and = qrpm.QualificationId and qrpm.RouteId = r.Id and pv.Latitude is not null and pv.Longitude is not null and pv.isenabledforreferral = 1 and p.iscdfprovider=1 and p.isenabledforreferral=1 and r.Id In (1,2) and PV.IsRemoved = '0'");

            var queryResults = SqlDatabaseConncetionHelper.ReadDataFromDataBase(query, Configurator.GetConfiguratorInstance().GetMatchingServiceConnectionString());

            String Name;
            String Postcode;
            double Latitude;
            double Longitude;
            int    providerCount = 0;
            String PVID;

            foreach (object[] fieldNo in queryResults)
                //Assign values to variables from the SQL query run
                Name      = fieldNo[0].ToString();
                Postcode  = (fieldNo[1].ToString());
                Latitude  = Convert.ToDouble(fieldNo[2]);
                Longitude = Convert.ToDouble(fieldNo[3]);
                PVID      = (fieldNo[4].ToString());

                //longitude and latitude values for postcode B43 6JN
                double postcodeLong = -1.932533; //-1.1799538; PO16 7GZ
                double postcodelat  = 52.548338; //50.8603921;
                //Calculate the distance of each postcode from postcode B43 6JN
                double distanceFromPostcode = DistanceBetweenPlaces(Longitude, Latitude, postcodeLong, postcodelat);

                //if the postcode is within 30 miles of B43 6JN, verify the provider name and postcode is displayed on screen
                if (distanceFromPostcode <= _postcodeRadius)
                    //Console.WriteLine("Distance < " + _postcodeRadius + " miles. Provider: " + Name + " " + Postcode + " distance is  " + distanceFromPostcode + "PVID:    " + PVID);
                    providerCount = providerCount + 1;
            ScenarioContext.Current["SearchResultsCount"] = providerCount;