        private float GetRotate(VRageMath.Vector3 axis)
            if (!XUtils.Directions.Contains(axis))
                throw new Exception("Invalid axis vector used: " + axis);

            VRageMath.Matrix local = new VRageMath.Matrix();
            referenceBlock.Orientation.GetMatrix(out local);
            axis = VRageMath.Vector3.Transform(axis, local);

            float totalValue = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < gyroscopeBlocks.Count; ++i)
                IMyGyro gyro = gyroscopeBlocks[i] as IMyGyro;
                gyro.Orientation.GetMatrix(out local);

                VRageMath.Matrix  toGyro          = VRageMath.Matrix.Transpose(local);
                VRageMath.Vector3 transformedAxis = VRageMath.Vector3.Transform(axis, toGyro);

                GyroAction action = GyroAction.getActionAroundAxis(transformedAxis);
                float      value  = gyro.GetValue <float>(action.Name);
                totalValue += action.Reversed ? -value : value;

        /// <summary>
        /// Rotates the ship relative to the reference block.
        /// A positive Yaw value rotates around the Up vector, such that the Right vector is moved to the Backward vector on the shortest way.
        /// A positive Pitch value rotates around the Right vector, such that the Up vector is moved to the Backward vector on the shortest way.
        /// A positive Roll value rotates around the Backward vector, such that the Up vector is moved to the Right vector on the shortest way.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="axis"></param>
        /// <param name="value"></param>
        private void Rotate(VRageMath.Vector3 axis, float value)
            if (value < Min || value > Max)
                throw new Exception("Value '" + value + "' out of range [" + Min + ", " + Max + "].");

            VRageMath.Matrix local = new VRageMath.Matrix();
            referenceBlock.Orientation.GetMatrix(out local);
            axis = VRageMath.Vector3.Transform(axis, local);

            for (int i = 0; i < gyroscopeBlocks.Count; ++i)
                IMyGyro gyro = gyroscopeBlocks[i] as IMyGyro;
                gyro.Orientation.GetMatrix(out local);

                VRageMath.Matrix  toGyro          = VRageMath.Matrix.Transpose(local);
                VRageMath.Vector3 transformedAxis = VRageMath.Vector3.Transform(axis, toGyro);

                GyroAction action = GyroAction.getActionAroundAxis(transformedAxis);
                gyro.SetValue(action.Name, action.Reversed ? -value : value);