public ClassInterfaceWithRtl433(Rtl_433_Panel owner) { _owner = owner; stopw = new Stopwatch(); listData = new Dictionary <String, String>(); SampleRate = "Sample rate: 0"; //no display if init to Rtl_433_panel setTime(); listOptionsRtl433 = new Dictionary <String, String>(); dataForRs433 = new byte[Rtl_433_Processor.NBBYTEFORRTS_433]; _copyIQBuffer = new UnsafeBuffer[Rtl_433_Processor.NBBUFFERFORRTS_433]; _copyIQPtr = new Complex *[Rtl_433_Processor.NBBUFFERFORRTS_433]; _copyIQBuffer[0] = UnsafeBuffer.Create(Rtl_433_Processor.NBCOMPLEXFORRTS_433, sizeof(Complex)); _copyIQPtr[0] = (Complex *)_copyIQBuffer[0]; for (int i = 1; i < Rtl_433_Processor.NBBUFFERFORRTS_433; i++) { _copyIQBuffer[i] = UnsafeBuffer.Create(Rtl_433_Processor.NBCOMPLEXFORRTS_433, sizeof(Complex)); _copyIQPtr[i] = (Complex *)_copyIQBuffer[i]; } setOption("verbose", "-v"); //setVerbose("-v"); //for list devices details call_main_Rtl_433(); }
public FormDevices(Rtl_433_Panel classParent) { InitializeComponent(); this.SuspendLayout(); NumberFormatInfo nfi = new CultureInfo("en-US", false).NumberFormat; nfi.NumberDecimalDigits = 3; _classParent = classParent; listLabelKey = new Dictionary <String, Label>(); listLabelValue = new Dictionary <String, Label>(); this.tableLayoutPanelDeviceData.Name = "tableLayoutPanelDeviceData"; this.tableLayoutPanelDeviceData.TabIndex = 1; //toolStripSplitLabelRecordOneShoot.Visible = false; toolStripStatusLabelPeriodeCurrent.Text = "Period: 0"; toolStripStatusLabelPeriodeMax.Text = "Period max: 0"; toolStripStatusLabelNbMessages.Text = "NB messages: 0"; statusStrip1.ShowItemToolTips = true; toolStripSplitLabelRecordOneShoot.ToolTipText = "Record data buffer Mono Stereo or both(checkbox on panel) \n" + " to directory Recordings if exist else in SdrSharp.exe directory \n" + " You can replay Stereo file with SdrSharp\n" + " or load Mono Stereo with Audacity..."; this.Width = 540; //left small in designer else no resize if width<540(if 540 in designer) this.ResumeLayout(); }