public static Cur_booking_Singleton Instance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new Cur_booking_Singleton(); return(instance); } else { return(instance); } }
public static Cur_booking_Singleton Instance(booking_class book) { if (instance == null) { instance = new Cur_booking_Singleton(); = book; return(instance); } else { = book; return(instance); } }
public booking_class Select_booking(int booking_ref, int cust_ref) //Method to select the booking, since each booking has a customer associated with it the customer reference must also be used { Cur_customer_Singleton cur_cust = Cur_customer_Singleton.Instance(); sql = "SELECT * FROM booking WHERE booking_ref=" + booking_ref + " AND cust_ref=" + cust_ref + ";"; //Query to find the correct booking given the correct customer reference cmd.CommandText = sql; sdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); bool bookExists = false; booking_class book = new booking_class(); while (sdr.Read()) //while the data reader is reading through the database { if (sdr.GetString(0) == booking_ref.ToString()) /* * This if statement will ensure that the booking reference in the database will be equal to the booking reference in the c# * The booking class will have the data from the database saved to the corresponding variable in the booking_class * Ref = first column of the database (i.e the booking reference) etc. */ { bookExists = true; book.Ref = Int32.Parse(sdr.GetString(0)); book.Arrivaldate = sdr.GetString(1); book.DepDate = sdr.GetString(2); book.Num_of_guests = sdr.GetString(3); } } sdr.Close(); //data reader is no longer in use, therfore close it if (bookExists == false) //Error checking ensuring that the booking reference exists. { MessageBox.Show("Booking does not exist given the selected reference number."); } else { Cur_booking_Singleton cur_booking = Cur_booking_Singleton.Instance(book); Booking bookingWin = new Booking(); //creating a new booking window bookingWin.Show(); //open the booking window bookingWin.txtBox_booking_ref.Text = book.Ref.ToString(); //set the text box value, booking ref, to the booking reference bookingWin.datepicker_arrival.Text = book.Arrivaldate; //The arrival date is already a string and therefore does not need to be converted into a string bookingWin.datepicker_dep.Text = book.DepDate; bookingWin.txtBox_num_of_guests.Text = book.Num_of_guests; } return(book); }
public void load_guests(int booking_ref) //NEED TO FIND A WAY TO CHECK IF THERE ARE ANY GUESTS EXISTING /* * This view method will be slightly different as it will need to load multiple different text boxes from multiple different rows * in the database, within the same method. In order to achieve this a list will be used to iterate through all the four possible guests */ { Cur_booking_Singleton curbooking = Cur_booking_Singleton.Instance(); //create a new instance of booking, as only one should be used at one time sql = "SELECT * FROM guest WHERE booking_ref=" + booking_ref + ";"; //SELECT statement tha searches for the guests with the correct booking reference cmd.CommandText = sql; sdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); List <guest> guestList = new List <guest>(); //creation of the list while (sdr.Read()) { if (sdr.GetString(5) == booking_ref.ToString()) //if the value of the 5th column in the database table is equal to the booking ref then /* * Same as previous reads however this time the identifier is the foreign key booking_reference as there may be multiple guests that need to be loaded in */ { guest guest = new guest(); guest.Pass_num = sdr.GetString(0); guest.LastName = sdr.GetString(1); guest.Firstname = sdr.GetString(2); guest.DoB = sdr.GetString(3); guest.Dietreq = sdr.GetString(4); guest.Booking_ref = booking_ref; guestList.Add(guest); //adding all the values from the previous lines into the list, naming each group of values "guest" } } sdr.Close(); Guests guestsWin = new Guests(); //creating a new guest window guestsWin.txtBox_booking_ref.Text = booking_ref.ToString(); //inserting the booking reference into the booking refernce text box in the guest window for (int i = 0; i < guestList.Count(); i++) /* * This for loop is used to iterate through the possible data that can be loaded into the guest window * It will only be the size of the count of the guest list. Therefore the data wont be loaded in if the data for the guest does not exist. */ { if (i == 0) //for the first item in the list set the follwoing text boxes to the values in the list { guestsWin.txtBox_g1_pass_num.Text = guestList[i].Pass_num; //i.e set the passs number text box to be equal to the passpot number of guest 1 guestsWin.txtBox_g1_last.Text = guestList[i].LastName; guestsWin.txtBox_g1_first.Text = guestList[i].Firstname; guestsWin.datepicker_g1_DoB.Text = guestList[i].DoB; guestsWin.txtBox_g1_diet_req.Text = guestList[i].DoB; } if (i == 1) { guestsWin.txtBox_g2_pass_num.Text = guestList[i].Pass_num; guestsWin.txtBox_g2_last.Text = guestList[i].LastName; guestsWin.txtBox_g2_first.Text = guestList[i].Firstname; guestsWin.datepicker_g2_DoB.Text = guestList[i].DoB; guestsWin.txtBox_g2_diet_req.Text = guestList[i].DoB; } if (i == 2) { guestsWin.txtBox_g3_pass_num.Text = guestList[i].Pass_num; guestsWin.txtBox_g3_last.Text = guestList[i].LastName; guestsWin.txtBox_g3_first.Text = guestList[i].Firstname; guestsWin.datepicker_g3_DoB.Text = guestList[i].DoB; guestsWin.txtBox_g3_diet_req.Text = guestList[i].DoB; } if (i == 3) { guestsWin.txtBox_g4_pass_num.Text = guestList[i].Pass_num; guestsWin.txtBox_g4_last.Text = guestList[i].LastName; guestsWin.txtBox_g4_first.Text = guestList[i].Firstname; guestsWin.datepicker_g4_DoB.Text = guestList[i].DoB; guestsWin.txtBox_g4_diet_req.Text = guestList[i].DoB; } } sdr.Close(); }