		/// <summary>
		/// Updates the user/forum/thread statistics after a message insert. Also makes sure if the thread isn't in a queue and the forum has a default support
		/// queue that the thread is added to that queue
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="threadID">The thread ID.</param>
		/// <param name="userID">The user ID.</param>
		/// <param name="transactionToUse">The transaction to use.</param>
		/// <param name="postingDate">The posting date.</param>
		/// <param name="addToQueueIfRequired">if set to true, the thread will be added to the default queue of the forum the thread is in, if the forum
		/// has a default support queue and the thread isn't already in a queue.</param>
		/// <remarks>Leaves the passed in transaction open, so it doesn't commit/rollback, it just performs a set of actions inside the
		/// passed in transaction.</remarks>
		internal static void UpdateStatisticsAfterMessageInsert(int threadID, int userID, Transaction transactionToUse, DateTime postingDate, bool addToQueueIfRequired, bool subscribeToThread)
			// user statistics
			UserEntity userUpdater = new UserEntity();
			// set the amountofpostings field to an expression so it will be increased with 1. 
			userUpdater.Fields[(int)UserFieldIndex.AmountOfPostings].ExpressionToApply = (UserFields.AmountOfPostings + 1);
			UserCollection users = new UserCollection();
			users.UpdateMulti(userUpdater, (UserFields.UserID == userID));	// update directly on the DB. 

			// thread statistics
			ThreadEntity threadUpdater = new ThreadEntity();
			threadUpdater.ThreadLastPostingDate = postingDate;
			threadUpdater.MarkedAsDone = false;
			ThreadCollection threads = new ThreadCollection();
			threads.UpdateMulti(threadUpdater, (ThreadFields.ThreadID == threadID));

			// forum statistics. Load the forum from the DB, as we need it later on. Use a fieldcompareset predicate to fetch the forum as we don't know the 
			// forumID as we haven't fetched the thread
			ForumCollection forums = new ForumCollection();
			// use a fieldcompare set predicate to select the forumid based on the thread. This filter is equal to
			// WHERE ForumID == (SELECT ForumID FROM Thread WHERE ThreadID=@ThreadID)
			var forumFilter = new FieldCompareSetPredicate(
								ForumFields.ForumID, ThreadFields.ForumID, SetOperator.Equal, (ThreadFields.ThreadID == threadID));
			ForumEntity containingForum = null;
				// forum found. There's just one.
				containingForum = forums[0];
				containingForum.ForumLastPostingDate = postingDate;
				// save the forum. Just save the collection

				// If the thread involved isn't in a queue, place it in the default queue of the forum (if applicable)
				SupportQueueEntity containingQueue = SupportQueueGuiHelper.GetQueueOfThread(threadID, transactionToUse);
				if((containingQueue == null) && (containingForum != null) && (containingForum.DefaultSupportQueueID.HasValue))
					// not in a queue, and the forum has a default queue. Add the thread to the queue of the forum
					SupportQueueManager.AddThreadToQueue(threadID, containingForum.DefaultSupportQueueID.Value, userID, transactionToUse);

            //subscribe to thread if indicated
				UserManager.AddThreadToSubscriptions(threadID, userID, transactionToUse);
        /// <summary>
        /// Marks the thread as done.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="threadID">Thread ID.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool MarkThreadAsDone(int threadID)
            // load the entity from the database
            ThreadEntity thread = ThreadGuiHelper.GetThread(threadID);

            if (thread == null)
                // not found

            // get the support queue the thread is in (if any)
            SupportQueueEntity containingSupportQueue = SupportQueueGuiHelper.GetQueueOfThread(threadID);

            thread.MarkedAsDone = true;

            // if the thread is in a support queue, the thread has to be removed from that queue. This is a multi-entity action and therefore we've to start a
            // transaction if that's the case. If not, we can use the easy route and simply save the thread and be done with it.
            if (containingSupportQueue == null)
                // not in a queue, simply save the thread.

            // in a queue, so remove from the queue and save the entity.
            Transaction trans = new Transaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted, "MarkThreadDone");

                // save the thread
                bool result = thread.Save();
                if (result)
                    // save succeeded, so remove from queue, pass the current transaction to the method so the action takes place inside this transaction.
                    SupportQueueManager.RemoveThreadFromQueue(threadID, trans);

                // rollback transaction
        /// <summary>
        /// Marks the thread as done.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="threadId">Thread ID.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static async Task <bool> MarkThreadAsDoneAsync(int threadId)
            var thread = await ThreadGuiHelper.GetThreadAsync(threadId);

            if (thread == null)
                // not found

            var containingSupportQueue = await SupportQueueGuiHelper.GetQueueOfThreadAsync(threadId);

            thread.MarkedAsDone = true;
            using (var adapter = new DataAccessAdapter())
                // if the thread is in a support queue, the thread has to be removed from that queue. This is a multi-entity action and therefore we've to start a
                // transaction if that's the case. If not, we can use the easy route and simply save the thread and be done with it.
                if (containingSupportQueue == null)
                    // not in a queue, simply save the thread.
                    return(await adapter.SaveEntityAsync(thread).ConfigureAwait(false));

                // in a queue, so remove from the queue and save the entity.
                await adapter.StartTransactionAsync(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted, "MarkThreadDone").ConfigureAwait(false);

                    // save the thread
                    var result = await adapter.SaveEntityAsync(thread).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    if (result)
                        // save succeeded, so remove from queue, pass the current adapter to the method so the action takes place inside this transaction.
                        await SupportQueueManager.RemoveThreadFromQueueAsync(threadId, adapter);

                    // rollback transaction
        /// <summary>
        /// Modifies the support queue definition data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="queueID">The queue ID of the queue to modify the definition data of.</param>
        /// <param name="queueName">Name of the queue.</param>
        /// <param name="queueDescription">The queue description.</param>
        /// <param name="orderNo">The order no.</param>
        /// <returns>true if succeeded, false otherwise</returns>
        public static bool ModifySupportQueue(int queueID, string queueName, string queueDescription, short orderNo)
            SupportQueueEntity toModify = SupportQueueGuiHelper.GetSupportQueue(queueID);

            if (toModify == null)
                // not found

            // set the fields, if they're not changed, the field won't be updated in the db.
            toModify.QueueName        = queueName;
            toModify.QueueDescription = queueDescription;
            toModify.OrderNo          = orderNo;
        /// <summary>
        /// Modifies the support queue definition data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="toUpdate">the dto containing the data of the support queue to update</param>
        /// <returns>true if succeeded, false otherwise</returns>
        public static async Task <bool> ModifySupportQueueAsync(SupportQueueDto toUpdate)
            if (toUpdate == null)

            var toModify = await SupportQueueGuiHelper.GetSupportQueueAsync(toUpdate.QueueID);

            if (toModify == null)
                // not found

            using (var adapter = new DataAccessAdapter())
                return(await adapter.SaveEntityAsync(toModify).ConfigureAwait(false));
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the user/forum/thread statistics after a message insert. Also makes sure if the thread isn't in a queue and the forum has a default support
        /// queue that the thread is added to that queue
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="threadId">The thread ID.</param>
        /// <param name="userId">The user ID.</param>
        /// <param name="newMessageId">The message id of the new message posted in the thread with threadid. If 0 or lower it's ignored and threadstatistics
        /// aren't updated. This is the case for when a new thread: the first message insert already inserted a correct threadstatistics object. </param>
        /// <param name="adapter">The adapter to use, which is assumed to have a live transaction active</param>
        /// <param name="postingDate">The posting date.</param>
        /// <param name="addToQueueIfRequired">if set to true, the thread will be added to the default queue of the forum the thread is in, if the forum
        /// has a default support queue and the thread isn't already in a queue.</param>
        /// <param name="subscribeToThread">if set to <c>true</c> [subscribe to thread].</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Leaves the passed in transaction open, so it doesn't commit/rollback, it just performs a set of actions inside the
        /// passed in transaction.
        /// </remarks>
        internal static async Task UpdateStatisticsAfterMessageInsert(int threadId, int userId, int newMessageId, IDataAccessAdapter adapter, DateTime postingDate,
                                                                      bool addToQueueIfRequired, bool subscribeToThread)
            // user statistics
            var userUpdater = new UserEntity();

            // set the amountofpostings field to an expression so it will be increased with 1. Update the entity directly in the DB
            userUpdater.Fields[(int)UserFieldIndex.AmountOfPostings].ExpressionToApply = (UserFields.AmountOfPostings + 1);
            await adapter.UpdateEntitiesDirectlyAsync(userUpdater, new RelationPredicateBucket(UserFields.UserID.Equal(userId)))

            if (newMessageId > 0)
                // thread statistics. Create a single Update query which updates the messageid and increases the number of messages value with 1
                var threadStatisticsUpdater = new ThreadStatisticsEntity {
                    LastMessageID = newMessageId
                threadStatisticsUpdater.Fields[(int)ThreadStatisticsFieldIndex.NumberOfMessages].ExpressionToApply = (ThreadStatisticsFields.NumberOfMessages + 1);
                await adapter.UpdateEntitiesDirectlyAsync(threadStatisticsUpdater, new RelationPredicateBucket(ThreadStatisticsFields.ThreadID.Equal(threadId)))

            // unmark the thread as done if it's done
            var threadUpdater = new ThreadEntity()
                MarkedAsDone = false
            await adapter.UpdateEntitiesDirectlyAsync(threadUpdater, new RelationPredicateBucket(ThreadFields.ThreadID.Equal(threadId)))

            // forum statistics. Load the forum from the DB, as we need it later on. Use a nested query to fetch the forum as we don't know the
            // forumID as we haven't fetched the thread
            var qf = new QueryFactory();
            var q  = qf.Forum
            var containingForum = await adapter.FetchFirstAsync(q).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (containingForum != null)
                containingForum.ForumLastPostingDate = postingDate;

                // save the forum.
                await adapter.SaveEntityAsync(containingForum, true).ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (addToQueueIfRequired && containingForum.DefaultSupportQueueID.HasValue)
                    // If the thread involved isn't in a queue, place it in the default queue of the forum (if applicable)
                    var containingQueue = await SupportQueueGuiHelper.GetQueueOfThreadAsync(threadId, adapter);

                    if (containingQueue == null)
                        // not in a queue, and the forum has a default queue. Add the thread to the queue of the forum
                        await SupportQueueManager.AddThreadToQueueAsync(threadId, containingForum.DefaultSupportQueueID.Value, userId, adapter);

            //subscribe to thread if indicated
            if (subscribeToThread)
                await UserManager.AddThreadToSubscriptionsAsync(threadId, userId, adapter);