public EventSpecificPage(EventItem item) { //get AllEvents index for (int i = 0; i < app.AllEvents_collection.Count; i++) { if (string.Equals(item.Name, app.AllEvents_collection[i].Name) == true) { app.all_index = i; } } //get myEvents index and set AllEvents isFav for (int i = 0; i < app.MyEvents_collection.Count; i++) { if (string.Equals(item.Name, app.MyEvents_collection[i].Name) == true) { my_index = i; app.AllEvents_collection[app.all_index].IsFavorited = true; break; } else { app.AllEvents_collection[app.all_index].IsFavorited = false; } } event_label = new Label { Text = item.Name, FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold, TextColor = Color.Maroon, FontSize = 20, HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center, }; Uri uri = new Uri(item.Source); event_image1 = new Image { WidthRequest = 50, HeightRequest = 70, Source = uri }; event_image2 = new Image { WidthRequest = 50, HeightRequest = 70, Source = uri }; desc = new Label { Text = "Date: " + item.Date.ToString("d") + "\nTime: " + item.Time + "\nLocation: " + item.Location + "\n\n" + item.Info, HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, //FontFamily = Device.OnPlatform("Eczar-Regular", "null", "null") FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Italic, TextColor = Color.Maroon }; add_to_events = new Button { Text = "Add to MyEvents", BorderWidth = 1, BorderColor = Color.Maroon, HeightRequest = 50, WidthRequest = 160, TextColor = Color.Maroon, VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.End }; remove_button = new Button { Text = "Remove from MyEvents", BorderWidth = 1, BorderColor = Color.Maroon, HeightRequest = 50, WidthRequest = 160, TextColor = Color.Maroon, VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.End, }; logo = new Image { Source = ImageSource.FromResource("SCUEvents.SCU_Events_logo.jpg"), WidthRequest = 300, HeightRequest = 50 }; add_to_events.Clicked += buttonClicked; remove_button.Clicked += buttonClicked; //set add/remove button setAddRemove(); Content = new StackLayout { Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical, Children = { logo, new StackLayout { Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal, Padding = 20, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand, Spacing = 20, Children = { event_image1, event_label, event_image2 } }, new Frame { OutlineColor = Color.Maroon, HasShadow = false, Content = desc }, new StackLayout { VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.End, Children = { add_to_events, remove_button, } } } }; }
public void RemoveItem(EventItem item) { app.MyEvents_collection.Remove(this); app.AllEvents_collection[app.all_index].IsFavorited = false; }
void notify_function(EventItem item) { DisplayAlert("Don't Forget", item.Name + " " + item.Time, "OK"); }