private void InitializeConfirmationLabel() { int tempAIRAC = Convert.ToInt32(YearComboBox.Text.Substring(2, 2) + Convert.ToInt32(CycleComboBox.Text).ToString("D2")); DateTime tempStart = CycleInfo.CycleDateFromAIRAC(tempAIRAC).Date; DateTime tempEnd = CycleInfo.CycleDateFromAIRAC(tempAIRAC).AddDays(28).Date; string cr = Environment.NewLine; ConfirmationLabel.Text = "AIRAC: " + tempAIRAC.ToString() + cr + "Cycle Dates: " + cr + tempStart.ToShortDateString() + " - " + tempEnd.Date.ToShortDateString(); if (tempEnd < DateTime.Now.Date) { ConfirmationLabel.Text += cr + "*** Outdated Cycle ***"; } ConfirmationLabel.Refresh(); }
private void InitializeYearComboBox() { YearComboBox.Items.Clear(); for (int i = 2017; i <= DateTime.Now.Year; i++) { YearComboBox.Items.Add(i); } DateTime currentCycleDate = CycleInfo.CycleDateFromAIRAC(CycleInfo.CurrentAIRAC).Date; DateTime nextCycleDate = currentCycleDate.AddDays(28).Date; if (nextCycleDate.Year > DateTime.Now.Year) { YearComboBox.Items.Add(nextCycleDate.Year.ToString()); } YearComboBox.SelectedItem = currentCycleDate.Year; }
private void InitializeCycleComboBox() { // Three conditions: previous year, current year, future year DateTime currentCycleDate = CycleInfo.CycleDateFromAIRAC(CycleInfo.CurrentAIRAC).Date; DateTime nextCycleDate = currentCycleDate.AddDays(28).Date; int curYear = DateTime.Now.Year; int selectedYear = Convert.ToInt32(YearComboBox.SelectedItem); int lastCycle; int firstCycle = 11; // 2017 first archive is cycle 11 CycleComboBox.Items.Clear(); if (selectedYear < curYear) { lastCycle = Convert.ToInt32(CycleInfo.AIRACfromDate(DateTime.Parse("12/31/" + selectedYear.ToString())).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Substring(2, 2)); if (selectedYear != 2017) { firstCycle = 1; } for (int i = firstCycle; i < lastCycle; i++) { CycleComboBox.Items.Add(i); } CycleComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0; } if (selectedYear == curYear) { lastCycle = Convert.ToInt32(CycleInfo.AIRACfromDate(DateTime.Now.Date).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Substring(2, 2)); for (int i = 1; i <= lastCycle; i++) { CycleComboBox.Items.Add(i); } CycleComboBox.SelectedItem = lastCycle; if (nextCycleDate.Year == DateTime.Now.Year) { CycleComboBox.Items.Add(lastCycle + 1); } } if (selectedYear > curYear) { CycleComboBox.Items.Add(1); CycleComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0; } }
private void OKButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MyButtonCancel.Enabled = false; MyButtonCancel.Visible = false; int tempAIRAC = Convert.ToInt32(YearComboBox.Text.Substring(2, 2) + Convert.ToInt32(CycleComboBox.Text).ToString("D2")); CycleInfo.CycleDateFromAIRAC(tempAIRAC, true); if (!CleanDataFolder()) { InitializeConfirmationLabel(); Close(); // Must have a clean data folder to place data } // Set up values for the download; string newCycleDate = CycleInfo.CycleStart.Date.ToString("yyyy'-'MM'-'dd"); DirectoryInfo di; di = Directory.CreateDirectory(FolderMgt.DataFolder + "\\28DaySubscription_Effective_" + newCycleDate + "\\"); extractPath = di.FullName; string URL = "" + newCycleDate + ".zip"; downloadsPath = "28DaySubscription_Effective_" + newCycleDate + ".zip"; downloadsPath = Path.GetTempPath() + downloadsPath; // If the zipfile is already downloaded, delete it (safer as it may be corrupted) if (File.Exists(downloadsPath)) { File.Delete(downloadsPath); } OKButton.Text = "Downloading FAA files"; OKButton.Enabled = false; // Start the download WebClient wc = new WebClient(); wc.DownloadProgressChanged += (s, f) => { progressBar1.Value = f.ProgressPercentage; }; wc.DownloadFileCompleted += (s, g) => { // Unless I messed up, there cannot be a data subdirectory by this name, so create it OKButton.Text = "Extracting files..."; OKButton.Refresh(); try { ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(downloadsPath, extractPath); OKButton.Enabled = false; OKButton.Visible = false; ContinueButton.Enabled = true; ContinueButton.Visible = true; downloadComplete = true; if (File.Exists(downloadsPath)) { File.Delete(downloadsPath); } } catch { string msg = "Extraction failed. (Usually because there is already extracted data.) " + "Retry after manually removing all subscription files from the target folder. " + "You can extract manually to the target folder, then reselect the data folder to update the datafiles." + cr + " (" + di.FullName + ")"; SCTcommon.SendMessage(msg); DialogResult = DialogResult.Abort; } }; try { wc.DownloadFileAsync(new System.Uri(URL), downloadsPath); while (!downloadComplete) { Application.DoEvents(); } downloadComplete = false; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }