/// <summary> /// <c>buttonStop_Click</c> is called when user clicks on Stop button. /// This function calls <c>StopScan</c> (from USBFeatures) to stop scanning. /// </summary> private void buttonStop_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (tabControl.SelectedIndex == 0) // (USB) local device { USBFeatures.StopScan(_currentUSBDevice); } else // (Ethernet) Remote device { TCPFeatures.StopScan(_currentEthernetDevice, tcpClient); UpdateStatusBar("Scan request has been sent to Ethernet device"); } }
private void buttonLedOnAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (tabControl.SelectedIndex == 0) // (USB) local device { USBFeatures.LedOnAll(_currentUSBDevice, listBoxTag.SelectedItems.Cast <string>().ToList()); } else // (Ethernet) Remote device { TCPFeatures.LedOnAll(_currentEthernetDevice, tcpClient, listBoxTag.SelectedItems.Cast <string>().ToList()); UpdateStatusBar("Led on All request has been sent to Ethernet device"); } }
/// <summary> /// <c>buttonStart_Click</c> is called when user clicks on Scan button. /// This function calls <c>ScanDevice</c> (from USBFeatures). /// </summary> private void buttonStart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { listBoxTag.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { listBoxTag.Items.Clear(); tagsCountLabel.Text = "0"; }); if (tabControl.SelectedIndex == 0) // (USB) local device { if (!USBFeatures.StartScan(_currentUSBDevice, true)) { MessageBox.Show("Device is not ready or not connected"); } } else // (Ethernet) Remote device { InventoryData lastScanInventory; if (TCPFeatures.StartScan(_currentEthernetDevice, tcpClient, out lastScanInventory) != TcpIpClient.RetCode.RC_Succeed) { UpdateStatusBar("Ethernet Device scanning has failed"); return; } UpdateStatusBar("Ethernet Device scanning completed."); Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { listBoxTag.Items.Clear(); tagsCountLabel.Text = lastScanInventory.nbTagAll.ToString(); foreach (string tagUID in lastScanInventory.listTagAll) { listBoxTag.Items.Add(tagUID); } }); } }
private void buttonUpdateUID_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (listBoxTag.SelectedItems.Count > 1) { MessageBox.Show("Please update only one tag at a time."); return; } if (tabControl.SelectedIndex == 0) // (USB) local device { double fv = 0.0; double.TryParse(_currentUSBDevice.get_RFID_Device.FirmwareVersion.Replace(",", "."), NumberStyles.Number, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out fv); if (fv <= 2.54) { MessageBox.Show("Please update device firmware with 2.55 or above version"); return; } } else { double fv = 0.0; TcpIpClient tcp = new TcpIpClient(); tcp.RequestFirmwareVersion(_currentEthernetDevice.IP_Server, _currentEthernetDevice.Port_Server, out fv); if (fv <= 3.54) { MessageBox.Show("Please update device firmware with 3.55 or above version"); return; } } string oldUID = listBoxTag.SelectedItem.ToString(); using (NewUIDPrompt newUIDPrompt = new NewUIDPrompt(oldUID)) { if (newUIDPrompt.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { WriteCode writingResult; string newUID = newUIDPrompt.NewUID; int writeMode = newUIDPrompt.modeWrite; if (tabControl.SelectedIndex == 0) // (USB) local device { if ((_currentUSBDevice.ConnectionStatus == ConnectionStatus.CS_Connected) && (_currentUSBDevice.DeviceStatus == DeviceStatus.DS_Ready)) { writingResult = USBFeatures.WriteNewUID(_currentUSBDevice, oldUID, newUID, writeMode); } else { MessageBox.Show("RFID device not ready"); return; } } else // (Ethernet) Remote device { writingResult = TCPFeatures.WriteNewUID(_currentEthernetDevice, tcpClient, oldUID, newUID, writeMode); } switch (writingResult) { case WriteCode.WC_Error: MessageBox.Show("An unexpected error occurred. Operation failed !"); break; case WriteCode.WC_TagNotDetected: MessageBox.Show("Tag not detected. Operation failed !"); break; case WriteCode.WC_TagNotConfirmed: MessageBox.Show("Tag not confirmed. Operation failed !"); break; case WriteCode.WC_TagBlockedOrNotSupplied: MessageBox.Show("Tag blocked or not well supplied. Operation failed !"); break; case WriteCode.WC_TagBlocked: MessageBox.Show("Tag blocked. Operation failed !"); break; case WriteCode.WC_TagNotSupplied: MessageBox.Show("Tag not well supplied. Operation failed !"); break; case WriteCode.WC_ConfirmationFailed: MessageBox.Show("Updated tag confirmation has failed."); break; case WriteCode.WC_Success: MessageBox.Show("Tag UID succesfully updated."); break; } } } }