protected void DataBindUserGridView() { DAL.User loggedInUser = Utilities.Membership.GetCurrentLoggedInUser(); string[] roles = Utilities.Membership.GetCurrentLoggedInUserRole(); List<User> UserList = null; var isAdmin = (from r in roles where r.Contains("Administrators") select r); var isDeptHead = (from r in roles where r.Contains("DepartmentHeads") || r.Contains("TemporaryDepartmentHeads") select r); using (UserManager um = new UserManager()) if (isAdmin.Count() > 0) { UserList = um.GetAllUsers(); } else if (isDeptHead.Count() > 0) { UserList = um.FindUsersByCriteria( new UserSearchDTO() { DepartmentID = loggedInUser.DepartmentID }); } else { UserList = um.FindUsersByCriteria( new UserSearchDTO() { UserID = loggedInUser.UserID }); } this.UserGridView.DataSource = UserList; this.UserGridView.DataBind(); }
protected void DataBindBlackListLogGridView(BlackListLogSearchDTO criteria) { using (UserManager um = new UserManager()) { List<DAL.BlacklistLog> blacklistLogs = um.FindBlacklistLogByCriteria(criteria); this.BlackListLogGridView.DataSource = blacklistLogs; this.BlackListLogGridView.DataBind(); } }
protected void LoadUserGridView() { using (UserManager um = new UserManager()) { List<User> users = um.FindUsersByCriteria(new UserSearchDTO()); this.UserGridView.DataSource = users; this.UserGridView.DataBind(); } }
protected void DataBindDepartmentDropDownList() { using (UserManager um = new UserManager()) { List<Department> departments = um.GetAllDepartments(); this.DepartmentDropDownList.DataSource = departments; this.DepartmentDropDownList.DataBind(); this.DepartmentDropDownList.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("All Department", "0")); } }
protected void DataBindDepartmentDropDownList() { using (BLL.UserManager um = new BLL.UserManager()) { this.DepartmentDropDownList.DataValueField = "DepartmentID"; this.DepartmentDropDownList.DataTextField = "Name"; // this.DepartmentDropDownList.DataSource = um.GetAllDepartment(); // this.DepartmentDropDownList.DataBind(); } }
protected void SearchButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Create filter UserSearchDTO criteria = new UserSearchDTO(); // set filter from ui controls criteria.FirstName = this.FirstNameTextBox.Text; criteria.LastName = this.LastNameTextBox.Text; using (UserManager um = new UserManager()) { // get users by fileter List<User> users = um.FindUsersByCriteria(criteria); this.UserGridView.DataSource = users; this.UserGridView.DataBind(); } }
protected void CreateUserButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Page.IsValid) { // get the user entered data from textboxes string userName = this.UserName.Text.Trim(); string password = this.Password.Text.Trim(); string email = this.Email.Text.Trim(); string firstName = this.Email.Text.Trim(); string lastName = this.Email.Text.Trim(); int departmentID = int.Parse(this.DepartmentDropDownList.SelectedValue.ToString()); // use the business logic to create user account try { using (BLL.UserManager um = new BLL.UserManager()) { // populate the data into object DAL.User user = new DAL.User(); user.UserName = userName; user.Password = password; user.Email = email; user.FirstName = firstName; user.LastName = lastName; // DAL.Department department = um.GetDepartmentByID(departmentID); // user.Department = department; using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope()) { MembershipUser membershipUser = Membership.CreateUser(user.UserName, user.Password, user.Email); // um.CreateUser(user); } } } catch (Exception exception) { // if something is wrong, display the error message this.ErrorMessage.Text = exception.Message; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { requisitionManager = new RequisitionManager(); UserManager u = new UserManager(); requisitions = requisitionManager.GetAllUnApprovedRequisitionByDepartmentID(1); if (requisitions != null) { GridView1.DataSource = requisitions; DataBind(); } if(requisitions.Count == 0) { Button1.Visible = false; Response.Write("No pending requests for approval."); } // ApproveSingleRequest(); }
protected void gvAdjustments_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { int UserID = (int)DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, "CreatedBy"); if (UserID != 0) { Literal aa = e.Row.FindControl("CreatedByLiteral") as Literal; if (aa != null) { using (UserManager um = new UserManager()) { User user = um.GetUserByID(UserID); if (user != null) aa.Text = user.UserName; } } } } }
protected void UpdateCollectionPointButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { int departmentID = (int) this.DepartmentDetailView.DataKey.Value; DropDownList CollectionPointDropDownList = this.DepartmentDetailView.FindControl("CollectionPointDropDownList") as DropDownList; using (UserManager um = new UserManager()) { Department department = um.GetDepartmentByID(departmentID); department.CollectionPointID = Convert.ToInt32(CollectionPointDropDownList.SelectedValue); um.UpdateDepartment(department); } DataBindDepartmentDetailView(); } catch (Exception exception) { this.ErrorMessage.Text = exception.Message; } }
protected void DataBindUserGridView() { List<User> UserList = null; using (UserManager um = new UserManager()) if (Utilities.Membership.IsAdmin) { UserList = um.GetAllUsers(); } else if (Utilities.Membership.IsDeptHead || Utilities.Membership.IsTempDeptHead) { UserList = um.FindUsersByCriteria( new UserSearchDTO() { DepartmentID = Utilities.Membership.LoggedInuser.DepartmentID }); } else { UserList = um.FindUsersByCriteria( new UserSearchDTO() { UserID = Utilities.Membership.LoggedInuser.UserID }); } this.UserGridView.DataSource = UserList; this.UserGridView.DataBind(); }
protected void Populate() { UserManager um = new UserManager(); ddlAttentionTo.DataSource = um.GetUserByDepartment(Utilities.Membership.GetCurrentLoggedInUser().DepartmentID); DataBind(); using (CatalogManager cm = new CatalogManager()) { List<Stationery> stationeries = cm.GetStationeriesByQuantityInHandLessThanReorderLevel(); this.gvPOItems.DataSource = stationeries; this.gvPOItems.DataBind(); } lblCreatedBy.Text = Membership.GetCurrentLoggedInUser().UserName; lblDate.Text = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); }
public static User GetCurrentLoggedInUser() { WebSecurity.MembershipUser membershipUser = WebSecurity.Membership.GetUser(); if (membershipUser != null) { using (UserManager userManager = new UserManager()) { List<User> users = userManager.FindUsersByCriteria( new UserSearchDTO() { UserName = membershipUser.UserName }); if (users.Count > 0) return users[0]; else { throw new Exceptions.UserException("No current logged in user."); } } } else { throw new Exceptions.UserException("No current logged in user."); } }
public static List<DAL.User> FindUsersByCriteria(DAL.DTO.UserSearchDTO criteria) { using (BLL.UserManager um = new UserManager()) { return um.FindUsersByCriteria(criteria); } }
private void Populate() { if (Request.QueryString["ID"] != "") { int adjID = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["ID"]); using (AdjustmentVoucherManager avm = new AdjustmentVoucherManager()) { AdjustmentVoucher tran = avm.FindAdjustmentVoucherByID(adjID); this.gvAdjustmentItems.DataSource = tran.StockLogs.ToList<StockLog>(); this.gvAdjustmentItems.DataBind(); lblVoucherNumber.Text = tran.VoucherNumber; lblIssueDate.Text = tran.DateIssued.ToShortDateString(); using (UserManager um = new UserManager()) { User u = um.GetUserByID(tran.CreatedBy); lblCreatedBy.Text = u.UserName; } decimal totalCost = avm.GetTotalCostVoucher(tran); lblCost.Text = String.Format("{0:C}", totalCost); } } }