// Write(u32 socket, buffer<i8, 0x21, 0> message) -> (i32 ret, u32 bsd_errno) public ResultCode Write(ServiceCtx context) { int socketFd = context.RequestData.ReadInt32(); (long sendPosition, long sendSize) = context.Request.GetBufferType0x21(); LinuxError errno = LinuxError.EBADF; BsdSocket socket = RetrieveSocket(socketFd); int result = -1; if (socket != null) { byte[] sendBuffer = context.Memory.ReadBytes(sendPosition, sendSize); try { result = socket.Handle.Send(sendBuffer); errno = SetResultErrno(socket.Handle, result); } catch (SocketException exception) { errno = ConvertError((WsaError)exception.ErrorCode); } } return(WriteBsdResult(context, result, errno)); }
// Read(u32 socket) -> (i32 ret, u32 bsd_errno, buffer<i8, 0x22, 0> message) public ResultCode Read(ServiceCtx context) { int socketFd = context.RequestData.ReadInt32(); (long receivePosition, long receiveLength) = context.Request.GetBufferType0x22(); LinuxError errno = LinuxError.EBADF; BsdSocket socket = RetrieveSocket(socketFd); int result = -1; if (socket != null) { byte[] receivedBuffer = new byte[receiveLength]; try { result = socket.Handle.Receive(receivedBuffer); errno = SetResultErrno(socket.Handle, result); } catch (SocketException exception) { errno = ConvertError((WsaError)exception.ErrorCode); } } return(WriteBsdResult(context, result, errno)); }
// Shutdown(u32 socket, u32 how) -> (i32 ret, u32 bsd_errno) public ResultCode Shutdown(ServiceCtx context) { int socketFd = context.RequestData.ReadInt32(); int how = context.RequestData.ReadInt32(); LinuxError errno = LinuxError.EBADF; BsdSocket socket = RetrieveSocket(socketFd); if (socket != null) { errno = LinuxError.EINVAL; if (how >= 0 && how <= 2) { errno = LinuxError.SUCCESS; try { socket.Handle.Shutdown((SocketShutdown)how); } catch (SocketException exception) { errno = ConvertError((WsaError)exception.ErrorCode); } } } return(WriteBsdResult(context, 0, errno)); }
// Fcntl(u32 socket, u32 cmd, u32 arg) -> (i32 ret, u32 bsd_errno) public ResultCode Fcntl(ServiceCtx context) { int socketFd = context.RequestData.ReadInt32(); int cmd = context.RequestData.ReadInt32(); int arg = context.RequestData.ReadInt32(); int result = 0; LinuxError errno = LinuxError.EBADF; BsdSocket socket = RetrieveSocket(socketFd); if (socket != null) { errno = LinuxError.SUCCESS; if (cmd == 0x3) { result = !socket.Handle.Blocking ? 0x800 : 0; } else if (cmd == 0x4 && arg == 0x800) { socket.Handle.Blocking = false; result = 0; } else { errno = LinuxError.EOPNOTSUPP; } } return(WriteBsdResult(context, result, errno)); }
// SetSockOpt(u32 socket, u32 level, u32 option_name, buffer<unknown, 0x21, 0> option_value) -> (i32 ret, u32 bsd_errno) public ResultCode SetSockOpt(ServiceCtx context) { int socketFd = context.RequestData.ReadInt32(); int level = context.RequestData.ReadInt32(); int optionName = context.RequestData.ReadInt32(); (long bufferPos, long bufferSize) = context.Request.GetBufferType0x21(); LinuxError errno = LinuxError.EBADF; BsdSocket socket = RetrieveSocket(socketFd); if (socket != null) { errno = LinuxError.ENOPROTOOPT; if (level == 0xFFFF) { errno = HandleSetSocketOption(context, socket, (SocketOptionName)optionName, bufferPos, bufferSize); } else { Logger.PrintWarning(LogClass.ServiceBsd, $"Unsupported SetSockOpt Level: {(SocketOptionLevel)level}"); } } return(WriteBsdResult(context, 0, errno)); }
// Connect(u32 socket, buffer<nn::socket::sockaddr_in, 0x21, 0x10>) -> (i32 ret, u32 bsd_errno) public ResultCode Connect(ServiceCtx context) { int socketFd = context.RequestData.ReadInt32(); (long bufferPos, long bufferSize) = context.Request.GetBufferType0x21(); LinuxError errno = LinuxError.EBADF; BsdSocket socket = RetrieveSocket(socketFd); if (socket != null) { errno = LinuxError.SUCCESS; try { IPEndPoint endPoint = ParseSockAddr(context, bufferPos, bufferSize); socket.Handle.Connect(endPoint); } catch (SocketException exception) { errno = ConvertError((WsaError)exception.ErrorCode); } } return(WriteBsdResult(context, 0, errno)); }
// Ioctl(u32 fd, u32 request, u32 bufcount, buffer<unknown, 0x21, 0>, buffer<unknown, 0x21, 0>, buffer<unknown, 0x21, 0>, buffer<unknown, 0x21, 0>) -> (i32 ret, u32 bsd_errno, buffer<unknown, 0x22, 0>, buffer<unknown, 0x22, 0>, buffer<unknown, 0x22, 0>, buffer<unknown, 0x22, 0>) public ResultCode Ioctl(ServiceCtx context) { int socketFd = context.RequestData.ReadInt32(); BsdIoctl cmd = (BsdIoctl)context.RequestData.ReadInt32(); int bufferCount = context.RequestData.ReadInt32(); LinuxError errno = LinuxError.EBADF; BsdSocket socket = RetrieveSocket(socketFd); if (socket != null) { switch (cmd) { case BsdIoctl.AtMark: errno = LinuxError.SUCCESS; (long bufferPosition, long bufferSize) = context.Request.GetBufferType0x22(); // FIXME: OOB not implemented. context.Memory.WriteInt32(bufferPosition, 0); break; default: errno = LinuxError.EOPNOTSUPP; Logger.PrintWarning(LogClass.ServiceBsd, $"Unsupported Ioctl Cmd: {cmd}"); break; } } return(WriteBsdResult(context, 0, errno)); }
private ResultCode SocketInternal(ServiceCtx context, bool exempt) { AddressFamily domain = (AddressFamily)context.RequestData.ReadInt32(); SocketType type = (SocketType)context.RequestData.ReadInt32(); ProtocolType protocol = (ProtocolType)context.RequestData.ReadInt32(); if (domain == AddressFamily.Unknown) { return(WriteBsdResult(context, -1, LinuxError.EPROTONOSUPPORT)); } else if ((type == SocketType.Seqpacket || type == SocketType.Raw) && !_isPrivileged) { if (domain != AddressFamily.InterNetwork || type != SocketType.Raw || protocol != ProtocolType.Icmp) { return(WriteBsdResult(context, -1, LinuxError.ENOENT)); } } BsdSocket newBsdSocket = new BsdSocket { Family = (int)domain, Type = (int)type, Protocol = (int)protocol, Handle = new Socket(domain, type, protocol) }; _sockets.Add(newBsdSocket); if (exempt) { newBsdSocket.Handle.Disconnect(true); } return(WriteBsdResult(context, _sockets.Count - 1)); }
// Accept(u32 socket) -> (i32 ret, u32 bsd_errno, u32 addrlen, buffer<nn::socket::sockaddr_in, 0x22, 0x10> addr) public ResultCode Accept(ServiceCtx context) { int socketFd = context.RequestData.ReadInt32(); (long bufferPos, long bufferSize) = context.Request.GetBufferType0x22(); LinuxError errno = LinuxError.EBADF; BsdSocket socket = RetrieveSocket(socketFd); if (socket != null) { errno = LinuxError.SUCCESS; Socket newSocket = null; try { newSocket = socket.Handle.Accept(); } catch (SocketException exception) { errno = ConvertError((WsaError)exception.ErrorCode); } if (newSocket == null && errno == LinuxError.SUCCESS) { errno = LinuxError.EWOULDBLOCK; } else if (errno == LinuxError.SUCCESS) { BsdSocket newBsdSocket = new BsdSocket { Family = (int)newSocket.AddressFamily, Type = (int)newSocket.SocketType, Protocol = (int)newSocket.ProtocolType, Handle = newSocket }; _sockets.Add(newBsdSocket); WriteSockAddr(context, bufferPos, newBsdSocket, true); WriteBsdResult(context, _sockets.Count - 1, errno); context.ResponseData.Write(0x10); return(ResultCode.Success); } } return(WriteBsdResult(context, -1, errno)); }
// Close(u32 socket) -> (i32 ret, u32 bsd_errno) public ResultCode Close(ServiceCtx context) { int socketFd = context.RequestData.ReadInt32(); LinuxError errno = LinuxError.EBADF; BsdSocket socket = RetrieveSocket(socketFd); if (socket != null) { socket.Handle.Close(); _sockets[socketFd] = null; errno = LinuxError.SUCCESS; } return(WriteBsdResult(context, 0, errno)); }
private LinuxError HandleSetSocketOption(ServiceCtx context, BsdSocket socket, SocketOptionName optionName, long optionValuePosition, long optionValueSize) { try { switch (optionName) { case SocketOptionName.Broadcast: case SocketOptionName.DontLinger: case SocketOptionName.Debug: case SocketOptionName.Error: case SocketOptionName.KeepAlive: case SocketOptionName.OutOfBandInline: case SocketOptionName.ReceiveBuffer: case SocketOptionName.ReceiveTimeout: case SocketOptionName.SendBuffer: case SocketOptionName.SendTimeout: case SocketOptionName.Type: case SocketOptionName.ReuseAddress: socket.Handle.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, optionName, context.Memory.ReadInt32(optionValuePosition)); return(LinuxError.SUCCESS); case (SocketOptionName)0x200: socket.Handle.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.ReuseAddress, context.Memory.ReadInt32(optionValuePosition)); return(LinuxError.SUCCESS); case SocketOptionName.Linger: socket.Handle.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.Linger, new LingerOption(context.Memory.ReadInt32(optionValuePosition) != 0, context.Memory.ReadInt32(optionValuePosition + 4))); return(LinuxError.SUCCESS); default: Logger.PrintWarning(LogClass.ServiceBsd, $"Unsupported SetSockOpt OptionName: {optionName}"); return(LinuxError.EOPNOTSUPP); } } catch (SocketException exception) { return(ConvertError((WsaError)exception.ErrorCode)); } }
// GetSockName(u32 socket) -> (i32 ret, u32 bsd_errno, u32 addrlen, buffer<nn::socket::sockaddr_in, 0x22, 0x10> addr) public ResultCode GetSockName(ServiceCtx context) { int socketFd = context.RequestData.ReadInt32(); (long bufferPos, long bufferSize) = context.Request.GetBufferType0x22(); LinuxError errno = LinuxError.EBADF; BsdSocket socket = RetrieveSocket(socketFd); if (socket != null) { errno = LinuxError.SUCCESS; WriteSockAddr(context, bufferPos, socket, false); WriteBsdResult(context, 0, errno); context.ResponseData.Write(0x10); } return(WriteBsdResult(context, 0, errno)); }
// RecvFrom(u32 sock, u32 flags) -> (i32 ret, u32 bsd_errno, u32 addrlen, buffer<i8, 0x22, 0> message, buffer<nn::socket::sockaddr_in, 0x22, 0x10>) public ResultCode RecvFrom(ServiceCtx context) { int socketFd = context.RequestData.ReadInt32(); SocketFlags socketFlags = (SocketFlags)context.RequestData.ReadInt32(); (long receivePosition, long receiveLength) = context.Request.GetBufferType0x22(); (long sockAddrOutPosition, long sockAddrOutSize) = context.Request.GetBufferType0x22(1); LinuxError errno = LinuxError.EBADF; BsdSocket socket = RetrieveSocket(socketFd); int result = -1; if (socket != null) { if (socketFlags != SocketFlags.None && (socketFlags & SocketFlags.OutOfBand) == 0 && (socketFlags & SocketFlags.Peek) == 0) { Logger.PrintWarning(LogClass.ServiceBsd, $"Unsupported Recv flags: {socketFlags}"); return(WriteBsdResult(context, -1, LinuxError.EOPNOTSUPP)); } byte[] receivedBuffer = new byte[receiveLength]; EndPoint endPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0); try { result = socket.Handle.ReceiveFrom(receivedBuffer, receivedBuffer.Length, socketFlags, ref endPoint); errno = SetResultErrno(socket.Handle, result); context.Memory.WriteBytes(receivePosition, receivedBuffer); WriteSockAddr(context, sockAddrOutPosition, (IPEndPoint)endPoint); } catch (SocketException exception) { errno = ConvertError((WsaError)exception.ErrorCode); } } return(WriteBsdResult(context, result, errno)); }
// SendTo(u32 socket, u32 flags, buffer<i8, 0x21, 0>, buffer<nn::socket::sockaddr_in, 0x21, 0x10>) -> (i32 ret, u32 bsd_errno) public ResultCode SendTo(ServiceCtx context) { int socketFd = context.RequestData.ReadInt32(); SocketFlags socketFlags = (SocketFlags)context.RequestData.ReadInt32(); (ulong sendPosition, ulong sendSize) = context.Request.GetBufferType0x21(); (ulong bufferPosition, ulong bufferSize) = context.Request.GetBufferType0x21(1); LinuxError errno = LinuxError.EBADF; BsdSocket socket = RetrieveSocket(socketFd); int result = -1; if (socket != null) { if (socketFlags != SocketFlags.None && socketFlags != SocketFlags.OutOfBand && socketFlags != SocketFlags.Peek && socketFlags != SocketFlags.DontRoute) { Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.ServiceBsd, $"Unsupported Send flags: {socketFlags}"); return(WriteBsdResult(context, -1, LinuxError.EOPNOTSUPP)); } byte[] sendBuffer = new byte[sendSize]; context.Memory.Read(sendPosition, sendBuffer); EndPoint endPoint = ParseSockAddr(context, bufferPosition, bufferSize); try { result = socket.Handle.SendTo(sendBuffer, sendBuffer.Length, socketFlags, endPoint); errno = SetResultErrno(socket.Handle, result); } catch (SocketException exception) { errno = ConvertError((WsaError)exception.ErrorCode); } } return(WriteBsdResult(context, result, errno)); }
// DuplicateSocket(u32 socket, u64 reserved) -> (i32 ret, u32 bsd_errno) public ResultCode DuplicateSocket(ServiceCtx context) { int socketFd = context.RequestData.ReadInt32(); ulong reserved = context.RequestData.ReadUInt64(); LinuxError errno = LinuxError.ENOENT; int newSockFd = -1; if (_isPrivileged) { errno = LinuxError.EBADF; BsdSocket oldSocket = RetrieveSocket(socketFd); if (oldSocket != null) { _sockets.Add(oldSocket); newSockFd = _sockets.Count - 1; } } return(WriteBsdResult(context, newSockFd, errno)); }
// Listen(u32 socket, u32 backlog) -> (i32 ret, u32 bsd_errno) public ResultCode Listen(ServiceCtx context) { int socketFd = context.RequestData.ReadInt32(); int backlog = context.RequestData.ReadInt32(); LinuxError errno = LinuxError.EBADF; BsdSocket socket = RetrieveSocket(socketFd); if (socket != null) { errno = LinuxError.SUCCESS; try { socket.Handle.Listen(backlog); } catch (SocketException exception) { errno = ConvertError((WsaError)exception.ErrorCode); } } return(WriteBsdResult(context, 0, errno)); }
private void WriteSockAddr(ServiceCtx context, long bufferPosition, BsdSocket socket, bool isRemote) { IPEndPoint endPoint = (isRemote ? socket.Handle.RemoteEndPoint : socket.Handle.LocalEndPoint) as IPEndPoint; WriteSockAddr(context, bufferPosition, endPoint); }
// Poll(u32 nfds, u32 timeout, buffer<unknown, 0x21, 0> fds) -> (i32 ret, u32 bsd_errno, buffer<unknown, 0x22, 0>) public ResultCode Poll(ServiceCtx context) { int fdsCount = context.RequestData.ReadInt32(); int timeout = context.RequestData.ReadInt32(); (long bufferPosition, long bufferSize) = context.Request.GetBufferType0x21(); if (timeout < -1 || fdsCount < 0 || (fdsCount * 8) > bufferSize) { return(WriteBsdResult(context, -1, LinuxError.EINVAL)); } PollEvent[] events = new PollEvent[fdsCount]; for (int i = 0; i < fdsCount; i++) { int socketFd = context.Memory.ReadInt32(bufferPosition + i * 8); BsdSocket socket = RetrieveSocket(socketFd); if (socket == null) { return(WriteBsdResult(context, -1, LinuxError.EBADF)); } PollEvent.EventTypeMask inputEvents = (PollEvent.EventTypeMask)context.Memory.ReadInt16(bufferPosition + i * 8 + 4); PollEvent.EventTypeMask outputEvents = (PollEvent.EventTypeMask)context.Memory.ReadInt16(bufferPosition + i * 8 + 6); events[i] = new PollEvent(socketFd, socket, inputEvents, outputEvents); } List <Socket> readEvents = new List <Socket>(); List <Socket> writeEvents = new List <Socket>(); List <Socket> errorEvents = new List <Socket>(); foreach (PollEvent Event in events) { bool isValidEvent = false; if ((Event.InputEvents & PollEvent.EventTypeMask.Input) != 0) { readEvents.Add(Event.Socket.Handle); errorEvents.Add(Event.Socket.Handle); isValidEvent = true; } if ((Event.InputEvents & PollEvent.EventTypeMask.UrgentInput) != 0) { readEvents.Add(Event.Socket.Handle); errorEvents.Add(Event.Socket.Handle); isValidEvent = true; } if ((Event.InputEvents & PollEvent.EventTypeMask.Output) != 0) { writeEvents.Add(Event.Socket.Handle); errorEvents.Add(Event.Socket.Handle); isValidEvent = true; } if ((Event.InputEvents & PollEvent.EventTypeMask.Error) != 0) { errorEvents.Add(Event.Socket.Handle); isValidEvent = true; } if (!isValidEvent) { Logger.PrintWarning(LogClass.ServiceBsd, $"Unsupported Poll input event type: {Event.InputEvents}"); return(WriteBsdResult(context, -1, LinuxError.EINVAL)); } } try { System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Select(readEvents, writeEvents, errorEvents, timeout); } catch (SocketException exception) { return(WriteWinSock2Error(context, (WsaError)exception.ErrorCode)); } for (int i = 0; i < fdsCount; i++) { PollEvent Event = events[i]; context.Memory.WriteInt32(bufferPosition + i * 8, Event.SocketFd); context.Memory.WriteInt16(bufferPosition + i * 8 + 4, (short)Event.InputEvents); PollEvent.EventTypeMask outputEvents = 0; Socket socket = Event.Socket.Handle; if (errorEvents.Contains(socket)) { outputEvents |= PollEvent.EventTypeMask.Error; if (!socket.Connected || !socket.IsBound) { outputEvents |= PollEvent.EventTypeMask.Disconnected; } } if (readEvents.Contains(socket)) { if ((Event.InputEvents & PollEvent.EventTypeMask.Input) != 0) { outputEvents |= PollEvent.EventTypeMask.Input; } } if (writeEvents.Contains(socket)) { outputEvents |= PollEvent.EventTypeMask.Output; } context.Memory.WriteInt16(bufferPosition + i * 8 + 6, (short)outputEvents); } return(WriteBsdResult(context, readEvents.Count + writeEvents.Count + errorEvents.Count, LinuxError.SUCCESS)); }
// Poll(u32 nfds, u32 timeout, buffer<unknown, 0x21, 0> fds) -> (i32 ret, u32 bsd_errno, buffer<unknown, 0x22, 0>) public ResultCode Poll(ServiceCtx context) { int fdsCount = context.RequestData.ReadInt32(); int timeout = context.RequestData.ReadInt32(); (ulong bufferPosition, ulong bufferSize) = context.Request.GetBufferType0x21(); if (timeout < -1 || fdsCount < 0 || (ulong)(fdsCount * 8) > bufferSize) { return(WriteBsdResult(context, -1, LinuxError.EINVAL)); } PollEvent[] events = new PollEvent[fdsCount]; for (int i = 0; i < fdsCount; i++) { int socketFd = context.Memory.Read <int>(bufferPosition + (ulong)i * 8); BsdSocket socket = RetrieveSocket(socketFd); if (socket == null) { return(WriteBsdResult(context, -1, LinuxError.EBADF)); } PollEvent.EventTypeMask inputEvents = (PollEvent.EventTypeMask)context.Memory.Read <short>(bufferPosition + (ulong)i * 8 + 4); PollEvent.EventTypeMask outputEvents = (PollEvent.EventTypeMask)context.Memory.Read <short>(bufferPosition + (ulong)i * 8 + 6); events[i] = new PollEvent(socketFd, socket, inputEvents, outputEvents); } List <Socket> readEvents = new List <Socket>(); List <Socket> writeEvents = new List <Socket>(); List <Socket> errorEvents = new List <Socket>(); foreach (PollEvent Event in events) { bool isValidEvent = false; if ((Event.InputEvents & PollEvent.EventTypeMask.Input) != 0) { readEvents.Add(Event.Socket.Handle); errorEvents.Add(Event.Socket.Handle); isValidEvent = true; } if ((Event.InputEvents & PollEvent.EventTypeMask.UrgentInput) != 0) { readEvents.Add(Event.Socket.Handle); errorEvents.Add(Event.Socket.Handle); isValidEvent = true; } if ((Event.InputEvents & PollEvent.EventTypeMask.Output) != 0) { writeEvents.Add(Event.Socket.Handle); errorEvents.Add(Event.Socket.Handle); isValidEvent = true; } if ((Event.InputEvents & PollEvent.EventTypeMask.Error) != 0) { errorEvents.Add(Event.Socket.Handle); isValidEvent = true; } if (!isValidEvent) { Logger.Warning?.Print(LogClass.ServiceBsd, $"Unsupported Poll input event type: {Event.InputEvents}"); return(WriteBsdResult(context, -1, LinuxError.EINVAL)); } } if (fdsCount != 0) { try { System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Select(readEvents, writeEvents, errorEvents, timeout); } catch (SocketException exception) { return(WriteWinSock2Error(context, (WsaError)exception.ErrorCode)); } } else if (timeout == -1) { // FIXME: If we get a timeout of -1 and there is no fds to wait on, this should kill the KProces. (need to check that with re) throw new InvalidOperationException(); } else { // FIXME: We should make the KThread sleep but we can't do much about it yet. Thread.Sleep(timeout); } for (int i = 0; i < fdsCount; i++) { PollEvent Event = events[i]; context.Memory.Write(bufferPosition + (ulong)i * 8, Event.SocketFd); context.Memory.Write(bufferPosition + (ulong)i * 8 + 4, (short)Event.InputEvents); PollEvent.EventTypeMask outputEvents = 0; Socket socket = Event.Socket.Handle; if (errorEvents.Contains(socket)) { outputEvents |= PollEvent.EventTypeMask.Error; if (!socket.Connected || !socket.IsBound) { outputEvents |= PollEvent.EventTypeMask.Disconnected; } } if (readEvents.Contains(socket)) { if ((Event.InputEvents & PollEvent.EventTypeMask.Input) != 0) { outputEvents |= PollEvent.EventTypeMask.Input; } } if (writeEvents.Contains(socket)) { outputEvents |= PollEvent.EventTypeMask.Output; } context.Memory.Write(bufferPosition + (ulong)i * 8 + 6, (short)outputEvents); } return(WriteBsdResult(context, readEvents.Count + writeEvents.Count + errorEvents.Count, LinuxError.SUCCESS)); }