public static void Exec() { FormMain main = new FormMain(); string d = AppHelper.ReturnAllTime(); bool isAcceptedLicense = true; d = "Last Edit at " + d; try { System.IO.File.WriteAllText(Application.StartupPath + "\\lastInfo.txt", d); } catch { } if (!SettingsEditor.GetDonotViewIntro()) { if (new Forms.FrmIntro().ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { isAcceptedLicense = false; } } if (isAcceptedLicense) { MessageBox.Show("this is beta version , project still under Development , \r\n we would like to get text from you \r\n >> [email protected]", "must said"); Application.Run(main); } }
private void LoadSettings(bool SaveDefaults = false) { txbxRootDir.Text = SettingsEditor.GetRootDirectory(); cbViewAppIntro.Checked = !SettingsEditor.GetDonotViewIntro(); //labelRubyPath.Text = SettingsEditor.GetRubyPath(); //labelPhpPath.Text = SettingsEditor.GetPHPPath(); //labelPythonPath.Text = SettingsEditor.GetPythonPath(); //labelRingPath.Text = SettingsEditor.GetRingPath(); if (SaveDefaults) { this.OldRootDir = txbxRootDir.Text; this.OldViewIntro = this.cbViewAppIntro.Checked; } }
public static void Exec() { FormMain main = new FormMain(); bool isAcceptedLicense = true; if (!SettingsEditor.GetDonotViewIntro()) { if (new Forms.FrmIntro().ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { isAcceptedLicense = false; } } if (isAcceptedLicense) { if (!Environment.UserName.Contains("Gersy")) { MessageBox.Show("this is beta version , project still under Development , \r\n we would like to get text from you \r\n >> [email protected]", "must said"); } Application.Run(main); } }
static void Main() { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); FormMain main = new FormMain(); string d = AppHelper.ReturnAllTime(); bool isAcceptedLicense = true; d = "Last Edit at " + d; try { System.IO.File.WriteAllText(Application.StartupPath + "lastInfo.txt", d); } catch { } if (!AppHelper.IsUserAdministrator()) { AppHelper.ViewHowToRunAsAdmin(true); return; } if (!SettingsEditor.GetDonotViewIntro()) { if (new Forms.FrmIntro().ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { isAcceptedLicense = false; } } if (isAcceptedLicense) { Application.Run(main); } }