        /// <summary>Seek to the first line that starts immediately before 'filepos'</summary>
        private static long FindLineStart(IFileSource file, long filepos, long fileend, byte[] row_delim, Encoding encoding, byte[] buf)
            file.Stream.Seek(filepos, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            // Read a block into 'buf'
            bool eof;
            int  read = Buffer(file, buf.Length, fileend, encoding, true, buf, out eof);

            if (read == 0)
                return(0);                       // assume the first character in the file is the start of a line
            // Scan for a line start
            int idx = Misc.FindNextDelim(buf, read - 1, read, row_delim, true);

            if (idx != -1)
                return(file.Stream.Position + idx);                       // found
            if (filepos == read)
                return(0);                             // assume the first character in the file is the start of a line
            throw new NoLinesException(read);
        /// <summary>Populate this line from a buffer</summary>
        public void Read(long addr, byte[] buf, int start, int length, Encoding encoding, byte[] col_delim, List <Highlight> highlights, IEnumerable <Transform> transforms)
            LineStartAddr = addr;

            // Convert the buffer to text
            RowText = encoding.GetString(buf, start, length);
            //RowText = RowText.TrimEnd(new[]{'\r','\n'}); - don't do this, its the logs fault if it has weird newlines at the end of each row

            // Apply any transforms
            foreach (var tx in transforms)
                RowText = tx.Txfm(RowText);


            // Split the line into columns
            if (col_delim.Length == 0)             // Single column
                Column.Add(new Col(RowText, highlights));
            else             // Multiple columns
                int e, s = start;
                    e = Misc.FindNextDelim(buf, s, length, col_delim, false);                     // Returns one passed the delimiter
                    var col_text = encoding.GetString(buf, s, e - s - (e != length?col_delim.Length:0));
                    Column.Add(new Col(col_text, highlights));
                    s = e;
                }while (e != length);
        /// <summary>Scan the file from 'filepos' adding whole lines to 'line_index' until 'length' bytes have been read or 'add_line' returns false</summary>
        /// <param name="file">The file to scan</param>
        /// <param name="filepos">The position in the file to start scanning from</param>
        /// <param name="fileend">The current known length of the file</param>
        /// <param name="backward">The direction to scan</param>
        /// <param name="length">The number of bytes to scan over</param>
        /// <param name="add_line">Callback function called with each detected line</param>
        /// <param name="encoding">The text file encoding</param>
        /// <param name="row_delim">The bytes that identify an end of line</param>
        /// <param name="buf">A buffer to use when buffering file data</param>
        /// <param name="progress">Callback function to report progress and allow the find to abort</param>
        private static void FindLines(IFileSource file, long filepos, long fileend, bool backward, long length, AddLineFunc add_line, Encoding encoding, byte[] row_delim, byte[] buf, ProgressFunc progress)
            long scanned = 0, read_addr = filepos;

            for (;;)
                // Progress update
                if (progress != null && !progress(scanned, length))

                // Seek to the start position
                file.Stream.Seek(read_addr, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                // Buffer the contents of the file in 'buf'.
                long remaining = length - scanned; bool eof;
                int  read = Buffer(file, remaining, fileend, encoding, backward, buf, out eof);
                if (read == 0)

                // Set iterator limits.
                // 'i' is where to start scanning from
                // 'iend' is the end of the range to scan
                // 'ilast' is the start of the last line found
                // 'base_addr' is the file offset from which buf was read
                int  i         = backward ? read - 1 : 0;
                int  iend      = backward ? -1 : read;
                int  lasti     = backward ? read : 0;
                long base_addr = backward ? file.Stream.Position : file.Stream.Position - read;

                // If we're searching backwards and 'i' is at the end of a line,
                // we don't want to count that as the first found line so adjust 'i'.
                // If not however, then 'i' is partway through a line or at the end
                // of a file without a row delimiter at the end and we want to include
                // this (possibly partial) line.
                if (backward && IsRowDelim(buf, read - row_delim.Length, row_delim))
                    i -= row_delim.Length;

                // Scan the buffer for lines
                for (i = Misc.FindNextDelim(buf, i, read, row_delim, backward); i != iend; i = Misc.FindNextDelim(buf, i, read, row_delim, backward))
                    // 'i' points to the start of a line,
                    // 'lasti' points to the start of the last line we found
                    // Get the range in buf containing the line
                    RangeI line = backward
                                                ? new RangeI(i, lasti - row_delim.Length)
                                                : new RangeI(lasti, i - row_delim.Length);

                    // Pass the detected line to the callback
                    if (!add_line(line, base_addr, fileend, buf, encoding))

                    lasti = i;
                    if (backward)
                        i -= row_delim.Length + 1;

                // From 'lasti' to the end (or start in the backwards case) of the buffer represents
                // a (possibly partial) line. If we read a full buffer load last time, then we'll go
                // round again trying to read another buffer load, starting from 'lasti'.
                if (read == buf.Length)
                    // Make sure we're always making progress
                    long scan_increment = backward ? (read - lasti) : lasti;
                    if (scan_increment == 0)                     // No lines detected in this block
                        throw new NoLinesException(read);

                    scanned  += scan_increment;
                    read_addr = filepos + (backward ? -scanned : +scanned);
                // Otherwise, we're read to the end (or start) of the file, or to the limit 'length'.
                // What's left in the buffer may be a partial line.
                    // 'i' points to 'iend',
                    // 'lasti' points to the start of the last line we found
                    // Get the range in buf containing the line
                    RangeI line = backward
                                                ? new RangeI(i + 1, lasti - row_delim.Length)
                                                : new RangeI(lasti, i - (IsRowDelim(buf, i - row_delim.Length, row_delim) ? row_delim.Length : 0));

                    // ReSharper disable RedundantJumpStatement
                    // Pass the detected line to the callback
                    if (!add_line(line, base_addr, fileend, buf, encoding))
                    // ReSharper restore RedundantJumpStatement
