public override void ViewDidLoad()
            // Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.

            var backImage = UIImage.FromBundle("Background");

            this.View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromPatternImage(backImage);

            // Put the image onto the screen
            var cow = new CowImageView();

            cow.Frame = CGRect.FromLTRB(50, 50, 50 + cow.Image.Size.Width, 50 + cow.Image.Size.Height);
            cow.UserInteractionEnabled = true;


            // Grab the observable (what we want "pushed" to us)
            var moveObservable = cow.MovementObservable;

            // Apply any operations
            var moveStream = moveObservable
                             .Select(imd => new { X = imd.ParentCoordinate.X, Y = imd.ParentCoordinate.Y })
                             .Where(l => l.X < this.View.Frame.Width / 2)
                             .Where(l => l.Y < this.View.Frame.Height / 2);

            // Subscribe to the stream - nothing happens until we subscribe
            moveStream.Subscribe(l =>
                                 cow.Frame = CGRect.FromLTRB(
                                     l.X, l.Y,
                                     l.X + cow.Image.Size.Width,
                                     l.Y + cow.Image.Size.Height
        public override void ViewDidLoad()
            base.ViewDidLoad ();
            // Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.

            var backImage = UIImage.FromBundle ("Background");
            this.View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromPatternImage (backImage);

            // Put the image onto the screen
            var cow = new CowImageView();
            cow.Frame = CGRect.FromLTRB (50, 50, 50 + cow.Image.Size.Width, 50 + cow.Image.Size.Height);
            cow.UserInteractionEnabled = true;

            this.View.AddSubview (cow);

            // Grab the observable (what we want "pushed" to us)
            var moveObservable = cow.MovementObservable;

            // Apply any operations
            var moveStream = moveObservable
                .Select (imd => new {X = imd.ParentCoordinate.X, Y = imd.ParentCoordinate.Y})
                .Where (l => l.X < this.View.Frame.Width / 2)
                .Where (l => l.Y < this.View.Frame.Height / 2);

            // Subscribe to the stream - nothing happens until we subscribe
            moveStream.Subscribe (l =>
                cow.Frame = CGRect.FromLTRB (
                l.X, l.Y,
                l.X + cow.Image.Size.Width,
                l.Y + cow.Image.Size.Height