private BsonValue Serialize(Type type, object obj, int depth)
            if (++depth > MAX_DEPTH)
                throw LiteException.DocumentMaxDepth(MAX_DEPTH);

            if (obj == null)

            Func <object, BsonValue> custom;

            // if is already a bson value
            if (obj is BsonValue)
                return(new BsonValue((BsonValue)obj));

            // test string - mapper has some special options
            else if (obj is String)
                var str = this.TrimWhitespace ? (obj as String).Trim() : (String)obj;

                if (this.EmptyStringToNull && str.Length == 0)
                    return(new BsonValue(str));
            // basic Bson data types (cast datatype for better performance optimization)
            else if (obj is Int32)
                return(new BsonValue((Int32)obj));
            else if (obj is Int64)
                return(new BsonValue((Int64)obj));
            else if (obj is Double)
                return(new BsonValue((Double)obj));
            else if (obj is Byte[])
                return(new BsonValue((Byte[])obj));
            else if (obj is ObjectId)
                return(new BsonValue((ObjectId)obj));
            else if (obj is Guid)
                return(new BsonValue((Guid)obj));
            else if (obj is Boolean)
                return(new BsonValue((Boolean)obj));
            else if (obj is DateTime)
                return(new BsonValue((DateTime)obj));
            // basic .net type to convert to bson
            else if (obj is Int16 || obj is UInt16 || obj is Byte)
                return(new BsonValue(Convert.ToInt32(obj)));
            else if (obj is UInt32 || obj is UInt64)
                return(new BsonValue(Convert.ToInt64(obj)));
            else if (obj is Single || obj is Decimal)
                return(new BsonValue(Convert.ToDouble(obj)));
            else if (obj is Char || obj is Enum)
                return(new BsonValue(obj.ToString()));
            // check if is a custom type
            else if (_customSerializer.TryGetValue(type, out custom) || _customSerializer.TryGetValue(obj.GetType(), out custom))
            // for dictionary
            else if (obj is IDictionary)
                var itemType = type.GetGenericArguments()[1];

                return(this.SerializeDictionary(itemType, obj as IDictionary, depth));
            // check if is a list or array
            else if (obj is IEnumerable)
                return(this.SerializeArray(Reflection.GetListItemType(obj), obj as IEnumerable, depth));
            // otherwise serialize as a plain object
                return(this.SerializeObject(type, obj, depth));