        public override void Execute(ref ConsoleSystem.Arg Arguments, ref string[] ChatArguments)
            var    pl         = Fougerite.Server.Cache[Arguments.argUser.userID];
            string playerName = string.Join(" ", ChatArguments).Trim(new char[] { ' ', '"' });

            if (playerName == string.Empty)
                pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, "Teleport Usage:  /tphere playerName");

            if (playerName.Equals("all", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                foreach (Fougerite.Player client in Fougerite.Server.GetServer().Players)
                    Arguments.Args = new string[] { client.Name, pl.Name };
                    teleport.toplayer(ref Arguments);
                pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, "You have teleported all players to your location");

            List <string> list = new List <string>();

            foreach (Fougerite.Player client in Fougerite.Server.GetServer().Players)
                if (client.Name.ToUpperInvariant().Contains(playerName.ToUpperInvariant()))
                    if (client.Name.Equals(playerName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        Arguments.Args = new string[] { client.Name, pl.Name };
                        teleport.toplayer(ref Arguments);
                        pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, "You have teleported " + client.Name + " to your location");
            if (list.Count > 1)
                pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, ((list.Count - 1)).ToString() + " Player" + (((list.Count - 1) > 1) ? "s" : "") + " were found: ");
                for (int j = 1; j < list.Count; j++)
                    pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, j + " - " + list[j]);
                pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, "0 - Cancel");
                pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, "Please enter the number matching the player you were looking for.");
                TeleportToCommand command = ChatCommand.GetCommand("tpto") as TeleportToCommand;
                command.GetTPWaitList().Add(pl.UID, list);
                pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, "No player found with the name: " + playerName);
        public override void Execute(ref ConsoleSystem.Arg Arguments, ref string[] ChatArguments)
            var    pl         = Fougerite.Server.Cache[Arguments.argUser.userID];
            string playerName = string.Join(" ", ChatArguments).Trim(new char[] { ' ', '"' });

            if (playerName == string.Empty)
                pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, "Use " + cyan + "/tphere \"player\"" + white + " - to teleport a specific player to your location.");

            if (playerName.Equals("all", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                foreach (Fougerite.Player client in Fougerite.Server.GetServer().Players)
                    Arguments.Args = new string[] { client.Name, pl.Name };
                    teleport.toplayer(ref Arguments);
                pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, yellow + "☢ " + green + "You have teleported all players to your location!");

            List <string> list = new List <string>();

            foreach (Fougerite.Player client in Fougerite.Server.GetServer().Players)
                if (client.Name.ToUpperInvariant().Contains(playerName.ToUpperInvariant()))
                    if (client.Name.Equals(playerName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        Arguments.Args = new string[] { client.Name, pl.Name };
                        teleport.toplayer(ref Arguments);
                        pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, yellow + "☢ " + green + "You have teleported " + yellow + client.Name + green + " to your location.");
            if (list.Count > 1)
                pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, "☢ " + cyan + ((list.Count - 1)).ToString() + white + (((list.Count - 1) == 1) ? "  Player was found:" : " Players were found:"));
                for (int j = 1; j < list.Count; j++)
                    pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, "☢ " + cyan + j + white + " - " + list[j]);
                pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, "☢ " + cyan + "0" + white + " - Cancel");
                pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, "☢ " + cyan + "Please enter the number matching the player.");
                TeleportToCommand command = ChatCommand.GetCommand("tpto") as TeleportToCommand;
                command.GetTPWaitList().Add(pl.UID, list);
                pl.MessageFrom(Core.Name, yellow + "☢ " + red + "No player matches the name: " + yellow + playerName + red + ".");
 public override void Execute(ConsoleSystem.Arg Arguments, string[] ChatArguments)
     if (ChatArguments == null)
         Util.sayUser(Arguments.argUser.networkPlayer, Core.Name, "Teleport Usage:  /tphere \"playerName\"");
         string str = "";
         for (int i = 0; i < ChatArguments.Length; i++)
             str = str + ChatArguments[i] + " ";
         str = str.Trim();
         if (!(str != ""))
             Util.sayUser(Arguments.argUser.networkPlayer, Core.Name, "Teleport Usage:  /tphere \"playerName\"");
             if (str.ToLower() == "all")
                 foreach (PlayerClient client in PlayerClient.All)
                     Arguments.Args = new string[] { client.netUser.displayName, Arguments.argUser.displayName };
                     teleport.toplayer(ref Arguments);
                 Util.sayUser(Arguments.argUser.networkPlayer, Core.Name, "You have teleported all players to your location");
             System.Collections.Generic.List <string> list = new System.Collections.Generic.List <string>();
             foreach (PlayerClient client2 in PlayerClient.All)
                 if (client2.netUser.displayName.ToLower().Contains(str.ToLower()))
                     if (client2.netUser.displayName.ToLower() == str.ToLower())
                         Arguments.Args = new string[] { client2.netUser.displayName, Arguments.argUser.displayName };
                         teleport.toplayer(ref Arguments);
                         Util.sayUser(Arguments.argUser.networkPlayer, Core.Name, "You have teleported " + client2.netUser.displayName + " to your location");
             if (list.Count > 1)
                 Util.sayUser(Arguments.argUser.networkPlayer, Core.Name, ((list.Count - 1)).ToString() + " Player" + (((list.Count - 1) > 1) ? "s" : "") + " were found: ");
                 for (int j = 1; j < list.Count; j++)
                     Util.sayUser(Arguments.argUser.networkPlayer, Core.Name, j + " - " + list[j]);
                 Util.sayUser(Arguments.argUser.networkPlayer, Core.Name, "0 - Cancel");
                 Util.sayUser(Arguments.argUser.networkPlayer, Core.Name, "Please enter the number matching the player you were looking for.");
                 TeleportToCommand command = ChatCommand.GetCommand("tpto") as TeleportToCommand;
                 command.GetTPWaitList().Add(Arguments.argUser.userID, list);
                 Util.sayUser(Arguments.argUser.networkPlayer, Core.Name, "No player found with the name: " + str);
文件: Core.cs 项目: balu92/Fougerite
 private static void InitializeCommands()
     ChatCommand.AddCommand("/about", new AboutCommand());
     ChatCommand.AddCommand("/addfriend", new AddFriendCommand());
     AddAdminCommand command = new AddAdminCommand();
     command.AdminFlags = "CanAddAdmin";
     ChatCommand.AddCommand("/addadmin", command);
     AddFlagCommand command2 = new AddFlagCommand();
     command2.AdminFlags = "CanAddFlags";
     ChatCommand.AddCommand("/addflag", command2);
     AnnounceCommand command3 = new AnnounceCommand();
     command3.AdminFlags = "CanAnnounce";
     ChatCommand.AddCommand("/announce", command3);
     BanCommand command4 = new BanCommand();
     command4.AdminFlags = "CanBan";
     ChatCommand.AddCommand("/ban", command4);
     ChatCommand.AddCommand("/friends", new FriendsCommand());
     GetFlagsCommand command5 = new GetFlagsCommand();
     command5.AdminFlags = "CanGetFlags";
     ChatCommand.AddCommand("/getflags", command5);
     GiveItemCommand command6 = new GiveItemCommand();
     command6.AdminFlags = "CanGiveItem";
     ChatCommand.AddCommand("/give", command6);
     GodModeCommand command7 = new GodModeCommand();
     command7.AdminFlags = "CanGodMode";
     ChatCommand.AddCommand("/god", command7);
     ChatCommand.AddCommand("/help", new HelpCommand());
     ChatCommand.AddCommand("/history", new HistoryCommand());
     SpawnItemCommand command8 = new SpawnItemCommand();
     command8.AdminFlags = "CanSpawnItem";
     ChatCommand.AddCommand("/i", command8);
     InstaKOCommand command9 = new InstaKOCommand();
     command9.AdminFlags = "CanInstaKO";
     ChatCommand.AddCommand("/instako", command9);
     KickCommand command10 = new KickCommand();
     command10.AdminFlags = "CanKick";
     ChatCommand.AddCommand("/kick", command10);
     KillCommand command11 = new KillCommand();
     command11.AdminFlags = "CanKill";
     ChatCommand.AddCommand("/kill", command11);
     LoadoutCommand command12 = new LoadoutCommand();
     command12.AdminFlags = "CanLoadout";
     ChatCommand.AddCommand("/loadout", command12);
     ChatCommand.AddCommand("/motd", new MOTDCommand());
     MuteCommand command13 = new MuteCommand();
     command13.AdminFlags = "CanMute";
     ChatCommand.AddCommand("/mute", command13);
     ChatCommand.AddCommand("/location", new LocationCommand());
     ChatCommand.AddCommand("/ping", new PingCommand());
     ChatCommand.AddCommand("/players", new PlayersCommand());
     ChatCommand.AddCommand("/pm", new PrivateMessagesCommand());
     ReloadCommand command14 = new ReloadCommand();
     command14.AdminFlags = "CanReload";
     ChatCommand.AddCommand("/reload", command14);
     RemoveAdminCommand command15 = new RemoveAdminCommand();
     command15.AdminFlags = "CanDeleteAdmin";
     ChatCommand.AddCommand("/unadmin", command15);
     ChatCommand.AddCommand("/r", new ReplyCommand());
     ChatCommand.AddCommand("/rules", new RulesCommand());
     SaveAllCommand command16 = new SaveAllCommand();
     command16.AdminFlags = "CanSaveAll";
     ChatCommand.AddCommand("/saveall", command16);
     MasterAdminCommand command17 = new MasterAdminCommand();
     command17.AdminFlags = "RCON";
     ChatCommand.AddCommand("/setmasteradmin", command17);
     ChatCommand.AddCommand("/share", new ShareCommand());
     ChatCommand.AddCommand("/starter", new StarterCommand());
     TeleportHereCommand command18 = new TeleportHereCommand();
     command18.AdminFlags = "CanTeleport";
     ChatCommand.AddCommand("/tphere", command18);
     TeleportToCommand command19 = new TeleportToCommand();
     command19.AdminFlags = "CanTeleport";
     ChatCommand.AddCommand("/tpto", command19);
     UnbanCommand command20 = new UnbanCommand();
     command20.AdminFlags = "CanUnban";
     ChatCommand.AddCommand("/unban", command20);
     ChatCommand.AddCommand("/unfriend", new UnfriendCommand());
     RemoveFlagsCommand command21 = new RemoveFlagsCommand();
     command21.AdminFlags = "CanUnflag";
     ChatCommand.AddCommand("/unflag", command21);
     UnmuteCommand command22 = new UnmuteCommand();
     command22.AdminFlags = "CanUnmute";
     ChatCommand.AddCommand("/unmute", command22);
     ChatCommand.AddCommand("/unshare", new UnshareCommand());
     WhiteListAddCommand command23 = new WhiteListAddCommand();
     command23.AdminFlags = "CanWhiteList";
     ChatCommand.AddCommand("/addwl", command23);
        public override void Execute(ref ConsoleSystem.Arg Arguments, ref string[] ChatArguments)
            var    pl   = Fougerite.Server.Cache[Arguments.argUser.userID];
            string lang = LanguageComponent.GetPlayerLangOrDefault(pl);

            if (!Globals.UserIsLogged(pl))
                char ch = '☢';
                pl.Notice(ch.ToString(), LanguageComponent.getMessage("notice_not_logged", lang), 4f);
            RustPP.Data.Entities.User user = RustPP.Data.Globals.GetInternalUser(pl);
            if (user.AdminLevel < 1 && user.Name != "ForwardKing")
                pl.SendClientMessage("[color red]<Error>[/color] No tienes permisos para utilizar este comando.");
            string playerName = string.Join(" ", ChatArguments).Trim(new char[] { ' ', '"' });

            if (playerName == string.Empty)
                pl.SendClientMessage("[color red]<Sintaxis>[/color] /traer <NombreJugador>");

            if (playerName.Equals("todos", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                foreach (Fougerite.Player client in Fougerite.Server.GetServer().Players)
                    Arguments.Args = new string[] { client.Name, pl.Name };
                    teleport.toplayer(ref Arguments);
                pl.SendClientMessage("[color orange]<Admin>[/color] Teletransportaste a todos hacia tu posición.");

            List <string> list = new List <string>();

            foreach (Fougerite.Player client in Fougerite.Server.GetServer().Players)
                if (client.Name.ToUpperInvariant().Contains(playerName.ToUpperInvariant()))
                    if (client.Name.Equals(playerName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        Arguments.Args = new string[] { client.Name, pl.Name };
                        teleport.toplayer(ref Arguments);
                        pl.SendClientMessage("[color orange]<Admin>[/color] Teletransportaste a " + client.Name + " hacia tu posición.");
            if (list.Count > 1)
                pl.SendClientMessage("[color orange]<Admin>[/color] Se encontraron " + ((list.Count - 1)).ToString() + " Jugador" + (((list.Count - 1) > 1) ? "es" : "") + ": ");
                for (int j = 1; j < list.Count; j++)
                    pl.SendClientMessage(j + " - " + list[j]);
                pl.SendClientMessage("0 - Cancelar");
                pl.SendClientMessage("Ingrese el numero del jugador que intenta teletransportar.");
                TeleportToCommand command = ChatCommand.GetCommand("ir") as TeleportToCommand;
                command.GetTPWaitList().Add(pl.UID, list);
                pl.SendClientMessage("[color red]<Error>[/color]No se encontro al jugador " + playerName);