        /// <summary>
        /// Unpacks the package contents and indexes them.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="indexPath">Path to the index.</param>
        /// <param name="requestHandler">Calling handler for this method.</param>
        /// <returns>Total unpacked content size.</returns>
        public static long Unpack(LocalRequestHandler requestHandler, string indexPath)
            string packageIndexSizeStr = requestHandler.RCRequest.GenericWebResponse.GetResponseHeader("Package-IndexSize");
            string packageContentSizeStr = requestHandler.RCRequest.GenericWebResponse.GetResponseHeader("Package-ContentSize");
            long packageIndexSize = Int64.Parse(packageIndexSizeStr);
            long packageContentSize = Int64.Parse(packageContentSizeStr);
            string packageFileName = requestHandler.PackageFileName;
            string unpackedPackageFileName = packageFileName.Replace(".gzip", "");

            GZipWrapper.GZipDecompress(packageFileName, unpackedPackageFileName, packageIndexSize + packageContentSize);
            FileStream packageFs = new FileStream(unpackedPackageFileName, FileMode.Open);

            // read the package index
            Byte[] packageIndexBuffer = new Byte[packageIndexSize];
            packageFs.Read(packageIndexBuffer, 0, (int)packageIndexSize);

            // split the big package file into pieces
            string[] stringSeparator = new string[] { "\r\n" };
            System.Text.UTF8Encoding enc = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding();
            string package = enc.GetString(packageIndexBuffer);
            string[] packageContentArr = package.Split(stringSeparator, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            Byte[] bufferOverflow = new Byte[1024];
            int bufferOverflowCount = 0;
            int bytesRead = 0;
            long bytesReadOfCurrFile = 0;
            long unpackedBytes = 0;
            Byte[] buffer = new Byte[1024];
            string[] packageEntryArr;
            string currUri = "";
            long currFileSize = 0;
            foreach (string entry in packageContentArr)
                stringSeparator = new string[] { " " };
                packageEntryArr = entry.Split(stringSeparator, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                currUri = packageEntryArr[0];

                    currFileSize = Int64.Parse(packageEntryArr[1]);
                catch (Exception e)
                    requestHandler.LogDebug("problem unpacking: " + entry + " " + e.StackTrace + " " + e.Message);
                    return unpackedBytes;

                if (!Util.IsValidUri(currUri))
                    requestHandler.LogDebug("problem unpacking: " + currUri);
                    return unpackedBytes;
                RCRequest rcRequest = new RCRequest(requestHandler, currUri);

                unpackedBytes += currFileSize;

                //requestHandler.LogDebug("unpacking: " + rcRequest.Uri + " - " + currFileSize + " bytes");

                // make sure the file doesn't already exist for indexing purposes only
                bool existed = false;
                FileInfo ftest = new FileInfo(rcRequest.CacheFileName);
                if (ftest.Exists)
                    existed = true;

                // try to delete the old version
                if (!Util.DeleteFile(rcRequest.CacheFileName))
                    return unpackedBytes;

                // create directory if it doesn't exist
                if (!Util.CreateDirectoryForFile(rcRequest.CacheFileName))
                    return unpackedBytes;

                // create the file if it doesn't exist
                FileStream currFileFS = Util.CreateFile(rcRequest.CacheFileName);
                if (currFileFS == null)
                    return unpackedBytes;

                // check for overflow from previous file, and use it up first
                if (bufferOverflowCount > 0)
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(bufferOverflow, 0, buffer, 0, bufferOverflowCount);
                    bytesRead = bufferOverflowCount;
                    bytesRead = packageFs.Read(buffer, 0, 1024);

                // reset for current file
                bytesReadOfCurrFile = 0;
                while (bytesRead != 0 && bytesReadOfCurrFile < currFileSize)
                    // check if we read too much
                    if (bytesReadOfCurrFile + bytesRead > currFileSize)
                        // bytes left must be less than 1024, fine to convert to Int
                        int bytesLeftOfCurrFile = ((int)(currFileSize - bytesReadOfCurrFile));
                        currFileFS.Write(buffer, 0, bytesLeftOfCurrFile);
                        // done with this file
                        bytesReadOfCurrFile = currFileSize;

                        // handle overflow
                        bufferOverflowCount = bytesRead - bytesLeftOfCurrFile;
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, bytesLeftOfCurrFile, bufferOverflow, 0, bytesRead - bytesLeftOfCurrFile);
                        // append what we read
                        currFileFS.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
                        // update bytesReadOfCurrFile
                        bytesReadOfCurrFile += bytesRead;

                        bytesRead = packageFs.Read(buffer, 0, 1024);

                if (bytesReadOfCurrFile != currFileSize)
                    // ran out of bytes for this file
                    requestHandler.LogDebug("error, unexpected package size: " + rcRequest.CacheFileName +
                        "(" + bytesReadOfCurrFile + " / " + currFileSize + ")");
                    return unpackedBytes * -1;


                // add the file to Lucene
                if (Util.IsParseable(rcRequest))
                    string document = Util.ReadFileAsString(rcRequest.CacheFileName);
                    string title = Util.GetPageTitle(document);
                    string content = Util.GetPageContent(document);

                    //request.LogDebug("indexing: " + rcRequest._uri);
                    if (!existed)
                        IndexWrapper.IndexDocument(indexPath, "Content-Type: text/html", rcRequest.Uri, title, content);
            if (packageFs != null)
            return unpackedBytes;