 public void error(Symbol currentToken, String Exp)
     Console.WriteLine("Error Sintáctico en fila: " + currentToken.left
                       + " y columna " + currentToken.right +
                     ". Se esperaba que viniera " + Exp + " pero en su lugar viene "
                    + currentToken.value);
 public factorCharConstAST(Symbol c)
     charConst = c;
 public methodTipoSinVarDeclAST(Symbol sym, formParsAST form)
     this.ident = sym;
     this.formpars = form;
 public designatorConIdentExprAST(Symbol s,listIdentExprAST l)
     this.listIdentExpr = l;
 public methodVoidSinFormDeclsAST(Symbol sym)
     this.ident = sym;
 public factorBoolAST(Symbol s)
     booleano = s;
 public factorNewSinExprAST(Symbol s)
     this.ident = s;
        /** Method with the actual generated action code. */
    	public  Symbol CUP_parser_do_action(
                                  int                        CUP_parser_act_num,
                                  lr_parser CUP_parser_parser,
                                  Stack            CUP_parser_stack1,
                                  int                        CUP_parser_top)
                                  /* Symbol object for return from actions */
                                  Symbol CUP_parser_result;
                                  mStack CUP_parser_stack= new mStack(CUP_parser_stack1);

                                  /* select the action based on the action number */
                                  switch (CUP_parser_act_num)
                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 106: // empty ::= 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(29/*empty*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 105: // opt_semi ::= SEMI 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(7/*opt_semi*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 104: // opt_semi ::= 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(7/*opt_semi*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 103: // non_terminal ::= NONTERMINAL 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(8/*non_terminal*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 102: // non_terminal ::= NON TERMINAL 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(8/*non_terminal*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 101: // robust_id ::= error 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          lexer.emit_error("Illegal use of reserved word");
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(42/*robust_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 100: // robust_id ::= NONASSOC 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          RESULT = "nonassoc"; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(42/*robust_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 99: // robust_id ::= RIGHT 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          RESULT = "right"; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(42/*robust_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 98: // robust_id ::= LEFT 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          RESULT = "left"; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(42/*robust_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 97: // robust_id ::= PRECEDENCE 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          RESULT = "precedence"; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(42/*robust_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 96: // robust_id ::= START 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          RESULT = "start"; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(42/*robust_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 95: // robust_id ::= WITH 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          RESULT = "with"; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(42/*robust_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 94: // robust_id ::= SCAN 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          RESULT = "scan"; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(42/*robust_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 93: // robust_id ::= INIT 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          RESULT = "init"; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(42/*robust_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 92: // robust_id ::= NONTERMINAL 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          RESULT = "nonterminal"; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(42/*robust_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 91: // robust_id ::= NON 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          RESULT = "non"; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(42/*robust_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 90: // robust_id ::= TERMINAL 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          RESULT = "terminal"; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(42/*robust_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 89: // robust_id ::= PARSER 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          RESULT = "parser"; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(42/*robust_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 88: // robust_id ::= ACTION 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          RESULT = "action"; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(42/*robust_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 87: // robust_id ::= CODE 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          RESULT = "code"; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(42/*robust_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 86: // robust_id ::= ID 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          int the_idleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left;
                                          int the_idright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right;
                                          string the_id = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).value;
                                          RESULT = the_id; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(42/*robust_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 85: // label_id ::= robust_id 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          int the_idleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left;
                                          int the_idright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right;
                                          string the_id = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).value;
                                          RESULT = the_id; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(38/*label_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 84: // symbol_id ::= error 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          lexer.emit_error("Illegal use of reserved word");
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(37/*symbol_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 83: // symbol_id ::= ID 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          int the_idleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left;
                                          int the_idright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right;
                                          string the_id = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).value;
                                          RESULT = the_id; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(37/*symbol_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 82: // nt_id ::= error 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          lexer.emit_error("Illegal use of reserved word");
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(36/*nt_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 81: // nt_id ::= ID 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          int the_idleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left;
                                          int the_idright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right;
                                          string the_id = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).value;
                                          RESULT = the_id; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(36/*nt_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 80: // new_non_term_id ::= ID 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          int non_term_idleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left;
                                          int non_term_idright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right;
                                          string non_term_id = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).value;
                                          /* see if this non terminal has been declared before */
                                          if (symbols[non_term_id] != null)
                                              /* issue a message */
                                              lexer.emit_error( "Symbol \"" + non_term_id + 
                                                  "\" has already been declared");
                                              if (multipart_name.Equals("")) 
                                              /* build the non terminal object */
                                              non_terminal this_nt = 
                                                  new non_terminal(non_term_id, multipart_name);

                                              /* put it in the non_terms table */
                                              non_terms.Add(non_term_id, this_nt);

                                              /* build a production_part and put it in the symbols table */ 
                                              symbols.Add(non_term_id, new symbol_part(this_nt));
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(26/*new_non_term_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 79: // new_term_id ::= ID 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          int term_idleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left;
                                          int term_idright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right;
                                          string term_id = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).value;
                                          /* see if this terminal has been declared before */
                                          if (symbols[term_id] != null)
                                              /* issue a message */
                                              lexer.emit_error("Symbol \"" + term_id + 
                                                  "\" has already been declared");
                                              /* if no type declared, declare one */
                                              if (multipart_name.Equals("")) 
                                              /* build a production_part and put it in the table */ 
                                                  new symbol_part(new terminal(term_id, multipart_name)));
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(25/*new_term_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 78: // type_id ::= type_id LBRACK RBRACK 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          multipart_name = multipart_name+"[]"; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(19/*type_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 77: // type_id ::= multipart_id 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(19/*type_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 76: // import_id ::= multipart_id 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(15/*import_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 75: // import_id ::= multipart_id DOT STAR 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(15/*import_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 74: // multipart_id ::= robust_id 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          int an_idleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left;
                                          int an_idright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right;
                                          string an_id = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).value;
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(13/*multipart_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 73: // multipart_id ::= multipart_id DOT robust_id 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          int another_idleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left;
                                          int another_idright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right;
                                          string another_id = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).value;
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(13/*multipart_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 72: // opt_label ::= empty 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          RESULT = null; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(39/*opt_label*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 71: // opt_label ::= COLON label_id 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          int labidleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left;
                                          int labidright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right;
                                          string labid = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).value;
                                          RESULT = labid; 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(39/*opt_label*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 70: // prod_part ::= CODE_string 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          int code_strleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left;
                                          int code_strright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right;
                                          string code_str = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).value;
                                          /* add a new production part */
                                          add_rhs_part(new action_part(code_str));
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(24/*prod_part*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 69: // prod_part ::= symbol_id opt_label 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          int symidleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left;
                                          int symidright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).right;
                                          string symid = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value;
                                          int labidleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left;
                                          int labidright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right;
                                          string labid = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).value;
                                          /* try to look up the id */
                                          production_part symb = (production_part)symbols[symid];

                                          /* if that fails, symbol is undeclared */
                                          if (symb == null)
                                              if (lexer.error_count == 0)
                                                  lexer.emit_error("Symbol \"" + symid + 
                                                      "\" has not been declared");
                                              /* add a labeled production part */
                                              add_rhs_part(add_lab(symb, labid));
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(24/*prod_part*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 68: // prod_part_list ::= empty 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(23/*prod_part_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 67: // prod_part_list ::= prod_part_list prod_part 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(23/*prod_part_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 66: // rhs ::= prod_part_list 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          if (lhs_nt != null) 
                                              /* build the production */
                                              production p = new production(lhs_nt, rhs_parts, rhs_pos);

                                              /* if we have no start non-terminal declared and this is 
                                             the first production, make its lhs nt the start_nt 
                                             and build a special start production for it. */
                                              if (start_nt == null)
                                                  start_nt = lhs_nt;

                                                  /* build a special start production */
                                                  add_rhs_part(add_lab(new symbol_part(start_nt),"start_val"));
                                                  add_rhs_part(new symbol_part(terminal.EOF));
                                                  add_rhs_part(new action_part("RESULT = start_val;"));
                                                  emit.start_production = 
                                                      new production(non_terminal.START_nt, rhs_parts, rhs_pos);

                                          /* reset the rhs accumulation in any case */
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(28/*rhs*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 65: // rhs ::= prod_part_list PERCENT_PREC term_id 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          int term_nameleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left;
                                          int term_nameright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right;
                                          string term_name = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).value;
                                          symbol sym = null;
                                          if (lhs_nt != null) 
                                              /* Find the precedence symbol */
                                              if (term_name == null) 
                                                  System.Console.Error.WriteLine("No terminal for contextual precedence");
                                                  sym = null;
                                                  sym = ((symbol_part)symbols[term_name]).the_symbol();
                                              /* build the production */
                                              production p;
                                              if ((sym!=null) && (sym.GetType()==typeof(terminal))) 
                                                  p = new production(lhs_nt, rhs_parts, rhs_pos,
                                                  System.Console.Error.WriteLine("Invalid terminal " + term_name + 
                                                      " for contextual precedence assignment");
                                                  p = new production(lhs_nt, rhs_parts, rhs_pos);

                                              /* if we have no start non-terminal declared and this is 
                                             the first production, make its lhs nt the start_nt 
                                             and build a special start production for it. */
                                              if (start_nt == null)
                                                  start_nt = lhs_nt;

                                                  /* build a special start production */
                                                  add_rhs_part(add_lab(new symbol_part(start_nt),"start_val"));
                                                  add_rhs_part(new symbol_part(terminal.EOF));
                                                  add_rhs_part(new action_part("RESULT = start_val;"));
                                                  if ((sym!=null) && (sym.GetType()==typeof(terminal))) 
                                                      emit.start_production = 
                                                          new production(non_terminal.START_nt, rhs_parts, 
                                                          rhs_pos, ((terminal)sym).precedence_num(),
                                                      emit.start_production = 
                                                          new production(non_terminal.START_nt, rhs_parts, rhs_pos);

                                          /* reset the rhs accumulation in any case */
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(28/*rhs*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 64: // rhs_list ::= rhs 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(27/*rhs_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 63: // rhs_list ::= rhs_list BAR rhs 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(27/*rhs_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 62: // production ::= error NT$13 SEMI 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          // propagate RESULT from NT$13
                                          if ( ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value != null )
                                              RESULT = (object) ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(22/*production*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 61: // NT$13 ::= 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          lexer.emit_error("Syntax Error"); 
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(56/*NT$13*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 60: // production ::= nt_id NT$11 COLON_COLON_EQUALS NT$12 rhs_list SEMI 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          // propagate RESULT from NT$11
                                          if ( ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-4)).value != null )
                                              RESULT = (object) ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-4)).value;
                                          // propagate RESULT from NT$12
                                          if ( ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).value != null )
                                              RESULT = (object) ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).value;
                                          int lhs_idleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-5)).left;
                                          int lhs_idright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-5)).right;
                                          string lhs_id = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-5)).value;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(22/*production*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-5)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 59: // NT$12 ::= 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          int lhs_idleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).left;
                                          int lhs_idright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).right;
                                          string lhs_id = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).value;
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(55/*NT$12*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 58: // NT$11 ::= 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          int lhs_idleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left;
                                          int lhs_idright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right;
                                          string lhs_id = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).value;

                                          /* lookup the lhs nt */
                                          lhs_nt = (non_terminal)non_terms[lhs_id];

                                          /* if it wasn't declared, emit a message */
                                          if (lhs_nt == null)
                                              if (lexer.error_count == 0)
                                                  lexer.emit_error("LHS non terminal \"" + lhs_id + 
                                                      "\" has not been declared");

                                          /* reset the rhs accumulation */
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(54/*NT$11*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 57: // production_list ::= production 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(12/*production_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 56: // production_list ::= production_list production 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(12/*production_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 55: // start_spec ::= empty 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(11/*start_spec*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 54: // start_spec ::= START WITH nt_id NT$10 SEMI 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          // propagate RESULT from NT$10
                                          if ( ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value != null )
                                              RESULT = (object) ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value;
                                          int start_nameleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).left;
                                          int start_nameright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).right;
                                          string start_name = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).value;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(11/*start_spec*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-4)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 53: // NT$10 ::= 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          int start_nameleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left;
                                          int start_nameright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right;
                                          string start_name = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).value;
                                          /* verify that the name has been declared as a non terminal */
                                          non_terminal nt = (non_terminal)non_terms[start_name];
                                          if (nt == null)
                                              lexer.emit_error( "Start non terminal \"" + start_name + 
                                                  "\" has not been declared");
                                              /* remember the non-terminal for later */
                                              start_nt = nt;

                                              /* build a special start production */
                                              add_rhs_part(add_lab(new symbol_part(start_nt), "start_val"));
                                              add_rhs_part(new symbol_part(terminal.EOF));
                                              add_rhs_part(new action_part("RESULT = start_val;"));
                                              emit.start_production = 
                                                  new production(non_terminal.START_nt, rhs_parts, rhs_pos);
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(53/*NT$10*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 52: // term_id ::= symbol_id 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          int symleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left;
                                          int symright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right;
                                          string sym = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).value;
                                          /* check that the symbol_id is a terminal */
                                          if (symbols[sym] == null)
                                              /* issue a message */
                                              lexer.emit_error("Terminal \"" + sym + 
                                                  "\" has not been declared");
                                          RESULT = sym;
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(41/*term_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 51: // terminal_id ::= term_id 
                                          string RESULT = null;
                                          int symleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left;
                                          int symright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right;
                                          string sym = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).value;
                                          RESULT = sym;
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(40/*terminal_id*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 50: // terminal_list ::= terminal_id 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(32/*terminal_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 49: // terminal_list ::= terminal_list COMMA terminal_id 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(32/*terminal_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 48: // preced ::= PRECEDENCE NONASSOC NT$9 terminal_list SEMI 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          // propagate RESULT from NT$9
                                          if ( ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).value != null )
                                              RESULT = (object) ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).value;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(31/*preced*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-4)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 47: // NT$9 ::= 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(52/*NT$9*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 46: // preced ::= PRECEDENCE RIGHT NT$8 terminal_list SEMI 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          // propagate RESULT from NT$8
                                          if ( ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).value != null )
                                              RESULT = (object) ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).value;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(31/*preced*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-4)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 45: // NT$8 ::= 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(51/*NT$8*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 44: // preced ::= PRECEDENCE LEFT NT$7 terminal_list SEMI 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          // propagate RESULT from NT$7
                                          if ( ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).value != null )
                                              RESULT = (object) ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).value;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(31/*preced*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-4)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 43: // NT$7 ::= 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(50/*NT$7*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 42: // precedence_l ::= preced 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(33/*precedence_l*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 41: // precedence_l ::= precedence_l preced 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(33/*precedence_l*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 40: // precedence_list ::= empty 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(30/*precedence_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 39: // precedence_list ::= precedence_l 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(30/*precedence_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 38: // non_term_name_list ::= new_non_term_id 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(21/*non_term_name_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 37: // non_term_name_list ::= non_term_name_list COMMA new_non_term_id 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(21/*non_term_name_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 36: // term_name_list ::= new_term_id 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(20/*term_name_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 35: // term_name_list ::= term_name_list COMMA new_term_id 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(20/*term_name_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 34: // declares_non_term ::= non_term_name_list NT$6 SEMI 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          // propagate RESULT from NT$6
                                          if ( ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value != null )
                                              RESULT = (object) ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(35/*declares_non_term*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 33: // NT$6 ::= 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          /* reset the accumulated multipart name */
                                          multipart_name = "";
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(49/*NT$6*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 32: // declares_term ::= term_name_list NT$5 SEMI 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          // propagate RESULT from NT$5
                                          if ( ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value != null )
                                              RESULT = (object) ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(34/*declares_term*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 31: // NT$5 ::= 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          /* reset the accumulated multipart name */
                                          multipart_name = "";
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(48/*NT$5*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 30: // symbol ::= non_terminal error NT$4 SEMI 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          // propagate RESULT from NT$4
                                          if ( ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value != null )
                                              RESULT = (object) ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(18/*symbol*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-3)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 29: // NT$4 ::= 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          /* reset the accumulated multipart name */
                                          multipart_name = "";
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(47/*NT$4*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 28: // symbol ::= TERMINAL error NT$3 SEMI 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          // propagate RESULT from NT$3
                                          if ( ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value != null )
                                              RESULT = (object) ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(18/*symbol*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-3)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 27: // NT$3 ::= 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          /* reset the accumulated multipart name */
                                          multipart_name = "";
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(46/*NT$3*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 26: // symbol ::= non_terminal declares_non_term 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(18/*symbol*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 25: // symbol ::= non_terminal type_id declares_non_term 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(18/*symbol*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 24: // symbol ::= TERMINAL declares_term 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(18/*symbol*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 23: // symbol ::= TERMINAL type_id declares_term 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(18/*symbol*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-2)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 22: // symbol_list ::= symbol 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(10/*symbol_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 21: // symbol_list ::= symbol_list symbol 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(10/*symbol_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 20: // scan_code ::= SCAN WITH CODE_string opt_semi 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          int user_codeleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left;
                                          int user_coderight = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).right;
                                          string user_code = ((string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value);
                                          if (emit.scan_code!=null)
                                              lexer.emit_error("Redundant scan code (skipping)");
                                          else /* save the user code */
                                              emit.scan_code = user_code;
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(17/*scan_code*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-3)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 19: // init_code ::= INIT WITH CODE_string opt_semi 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          int user_codeleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left;
                                          int user_coderight = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).right;
                                          string user_code = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value;
                                          if (emit.init_code!=null)
                                              lexer.emit_error("Redundant init code (skipping)");
                                          else /* save the user code */
                                              emit.init_code = user_code;
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(16/*init_code*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-3)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 18: // parser_code_part ::= PARSER CODE CODE_string opt_semi 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          int user_codeleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left;
                                          int user_coderight = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).right;
                                          string user_code = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value;
                                          if (emit.parser_code!=null)
                                              lexer.emit_error("Redundant parser code (skipping)");
                                          else /* save the user included code string */
                                              emit.parser_code = user_code;
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(9/*parser_code_part*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-3)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 17: // action_code_part ::= ACTION CODE CODE_string opt_semi 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          int user_codeleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left;
                                          int user_coderight = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).right;
                                          string user_code = (string)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value;
                                          if (emit.action_code!=null)
                                              lexer.emit_error("Redundant action code (skipping)");
                                          else /* save the user included code string */
                                              emit.action_code = user_code;
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(4/*action_code_part*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-3)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 16: // code_parts ::= code_parts code_part 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(5/*code_parts*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 15: // code_parts ::= 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(5/*code_parts*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 14: // code_part ::= scan_code 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(6/*code_part*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 13: // code_part ::= init_code 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(6/*code_part*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 12: // code_part ::= parser_code_part 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(6/*code_part*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 11: // code_part ::= action_code_part 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(6/*code_part*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 10: // import_spec ::= IMPORT import_id NT$2 SEMI 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          // propagate RESULT from NT$2
                                          if ( ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value != null )
                                              RESULT = (object) ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(14/*import_spec*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-3)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 9: // NT$2 ::= 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          /* save this import on the imports list */

                                          /* reset the accumulated multipart name */
                                          multipart_name = "";
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(45/*NT$2*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 8: // import_list ::= empty 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(3/*import_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 7: // import_list ::= import_list import_spec 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(3/*import_list*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 6: // package_spec ::= empty 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(2/*package_spec*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 5: // package_spec ::= PACKAGE multipart_id NT$1 SEMI 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          // propagate RESULT from NT$1
                                          if ( ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value != null )
                                              RESULT = (object) ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(2/*package_spec*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-3)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 4: // NT$1 ::= 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          /* save the package name */
                                          emit.package_name = multipart_name;

                                          /* reset the accumulated multipart name */
                                          multipart_name = "";
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(44/*NT$1*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 3: // spec ::= error symbol_list precedence_list start_spec production_list 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(1/*spec*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-4)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 2: // spec ::= NT$0 package_spec import_list code_parts symbol_list precedence_list start_spec production_list 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          // propagate RESULT from NT$0
                                          if ( ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-7)).value != null )
                                              RESULT = (object) ((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-7)).value;

                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(1/*spec*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-7)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 1: // NT$0 ::= 
                                          object RESULT = null;

                                          /* declare "error" as a terminal */
                                          symbols.Add("error", new symbol_part(terminal.error));

                                          /* declare start non terminal */
                                          non_terms.Add("$START", non_terminal.START_nt);
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(43/*NT$0*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*/
                                      case 0: // $START ::= spec EOF 
                                          object RESULT = null;
                                          int start_valleft = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left;
                                          int start_valright = ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).right;
                                          object start_val = (object)((Symbol) CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).value;
                                          RESULT = start_val;
                                          CUP_parser_result = new Symbol(0/*$START*/, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-1)).left, ((Symbol)CUP_parser_stack.elementAt(CUP_parser_top-0)).right, RESULT);
                                          /* ACCEPT */
                                          return CUP_parser_result;

                                          /* . . . . . .*/
                                          throw new System.Exception(
                                              "Invalid action number found in internal parse table");

 public classSinVarDeclAST(Symbol id)
     this.ident = id;
 public programSinDeclAST(Symbol s,declsAST m)
     ident = s;
     methods = m;
 private void acceptIt()
         currentToken = scanner.nextToken();
     catch (Exception e)
     { }
 //Este metodo solo se utiliza cuando se usan palabras reservadas.
 private void accept(int expectedKind, String Err)
         if (currentToken.sym == expectedKind)
             currentToken = scanner.nextToken();
             error(currentToken, Err);
     catch (Exception e)
     { }
 //verificar el token actual y obtener el siguiente token:
 private void accept(int expectedKind)
         if (currentToken.sym == expectedKind)
             currentToken = scanner.nextToken();
             Console.WriteLine("ERROR SINTÁCTICO. Se esperaba " + expectedKind + " pero en su lugar viene: " + currentToken.sym);
     catch (Exception e)
     { }
 public methodTipoConFormDeclsAST(Symbol sym,  declsAST dec, formParsAST form)
     this.ident = sym;
     this.decl = dec;
     this.formpars = form;
 public methodVoidSinVarDeclAST(formParsAST form, Symbol sym)
     this.formpars = form;
     this.ident = sym;
 public designatorSinIdentExprAST(Symbol s)
     this.ident = S;
 public typeConCorchetesAST(Symbol i)
     this.ident = i;
 public unTipoIdentAST(Symbol s, typeAST t)
     ident = s;
     tipo = t;
 public methodTipoSinFormParsAST(Symbol sym, declsAST dec)
     this.ident = sym;
     this.decl = dec;